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Revision as of 04:12, 27 April 2022 by Catpuccinno(talk | contribs)(updated stage names and descriptions, added chapters 12, 13 and continuum turbulence; added headings for events)
M4A1's report: We managed to stay safe until the data transfer is complete, but were chased into a blind alley before we could evacuate from the safe house.
M4A1 got in touch with Persica and she dispelled Persica’s sense of guilt for issuing her previous request. It’s nice that she no longer feels burdened.
We’ve fulfilled Persica’s request, but initial analysis reveals great differences between the technologies behind Sangvis and Grifon T-Dolls. How on earth did Sangvis Ferri come to be?
I applied for this mission without consulting the commander, but the commander still decided to accept the challenge even though it was much harder than I expected. All the best!
The commander listened to some of the recordings on the hard disks after the mission and looked a bit grave… Does S.F. still have many aces up their sleeves?
Mission accomplished. We have recovered the important item in Nagant M1895’s hands. Hopefully it’ll prove useful to subsequent operations, otherwise...
We received prior information about the local Ringleader for this operation, and we finally got in touch with M16A1, the last member of the AR Team. All is going well.
As we were heading deeper into enemy territory, we suddenly received an order to search for that elite squad from before. We seem to have lost track of them...
The elusive squad seems to be out of danger and has even left us coordinates denoting the weak spots in the Sangvis base’s defense. That’s how we managed to get it.
SOP-II joined us in the investigation and confirmed the rumors about her… Innocence doesn’t necessarily have to be cute, though she’s still pretty cute as she is.
RO's Report: I am back at Grifon, leading an ad-hoc squad in search for Document 36. After many days of stagnation, we are finally making some headway.
RO's Report: Sangvis Ferri destroyed the city with artillery, and the status of my teammates is unclear. I don't want to lose any more friends. I have to do something...
RO's Report: Mission accomplished. I hope we will have all the fun we can tonight...as I shall be heading over to the AR Team tomorrow to take over from HER.
The wine consumed at a banquet should amount to the blood that was spilled.
Normal 5-1: Drill Attendance
The commander was invited to attend a clandestine meeting to discuss measures of countering Plan "Parapluie", but lost contact with us five minutes ago. What on earth is going on?
Sangvis Ferri caught wind of the location of the base and surrounded it. Thank goodness the commander is safe, and is now entrusted with the counterstrike by Mr. Kryuger.
AR-15 deserted us, but we fought off Sangvis Ferri... Does that make it a victory or a loss? Though compared to the mystery we're faced with, this is actually nothing...
The AR Team had previously encountered a baffling and terrifying airstrike while in pursuit of Destroyer. They had no choice but to make a hasty retreat...
Everyone on the AR Team is in a terrible state, but they all know where their duties lie. The commander and I should probably try to console them a bit later on...
After meeting up with 56-1 and picking up the package that needs to be delivered, the team endures starvation and sets off to assist NZ75, who is responsible for reconnaissance.
When the squad members transported the goods to the human settlements, a violent conflict broke out due to a food shortage, and they come to a shocking realization...
A powerful Sangvis Ringleader has brought a terrible catastrophe, but at the same time, toughened the resolve of the comrades-in-arms. The decisive battle is at hand!
Finding the girl lost in the night is the spell that rewrites your fate.
Normal 6-1: Squad Negev
A few days later, Squad Negev of Grifon was ordered to search for AR-15 in Area S08, but they’ve gone missing there. Their comms modules are also jammed.
The AR Team went in to investigate, and successfully rendezvoused with the squad member dispatched by Negev to send the distress signal. We then launched the rescue mission.
SOP-II took the risk of heading onto the battlfield and created an opening for AR-15 just in time. She also bought time for the rest of our troops to retreat safely.
The battle to eliminate Sangvis forces rages on and everyone is too busy to do anything else. At this moment, we receive an encrypted communications request.
We have no way of knowing the situation inside the detention center. All we can do is to prepare for the final battle. I hope the assistants sent by Persica will be of use to us…
RO has destroyed the Jupiter Cannon, but the Commander needs to break through Dreamer’s blockade and save the AR Team and the members of “Palette” who are in danger.
IWS 2000 Report: We have discovered a nuclear weapon in a S.F. base. Although it is a crude thing, Sangvis Ferri does not seem to be willing to give it up without a fight.
M16A1 has been missing for a week, but RO and SOP2 are still fervently searching for her. However, the Commander has left the base after receiving an urgent assignment...
Things between RO and SOP2 are pretty awkward as they’re still trying to get comfortable around each other. I hope the Commander that’s at the banquet right now will be able to assist them in time...
The Commander complained that the food at the banquet was not as good as he thought it would be, but look at me! I had to eat take-out on base! Meanwhile, it seems like RO just encountered another new Sangvis Ringleader. This overtime is killing me!
RO’s Report: The Commander said that the banquet he’s at right now is a precursor of a large event to come, but the immediate focus is still on the little incidents around us right now...
The military is pushing too quickly and we can’t keep up with the rearguard formation, but M4A1 comes up with another plan. The new M4A1 seems to be much more proactive than before.
Due to miscommunications with military intelligence (I don’t know why), AR Team finds themselves in grave danger. The Commander is on the way with reinforcements. Just hold on!
AR Team is fighting desperately to resist the Sangvis forces while the Commander is trying to break the encirclement from the outside. I hope everything will be alright...
The military forces have finally shown up. Although we still can’t establish comms with them, they should be able to join the fray very soon. We are very close to rescuing AR Team!
While we were searching through the records, a civilian doll in a maid's outfit drew our attention. However, it wasn't just our attention that she attracted...
In order to find Ange's location, we followed the Commander to the train station and prepared to head to Belgrade, in search of the only person who might have a lead on her.
I never thought that several months later, we would end up in a place like this, facing such a situation, and that our final hopes would all rest on...
After AR-15 departs from Grifon, the 404 Squad begins a secret mission: infiltrate the Sangvis Ferri base under the cover of the night to stop the operation of a jammer.
HK416 and G11 regroups with UMP45 and UMP9 after escaping from the traps of Sangvis Ringleader Ouroboros. They then began to search for personnel that knows of the whereabouts of the jammer.
As Ouroboros cut of Hunter’s consciousness, Sangvis forces are unable to continue to track the 404 Squad. At this moment, UMP45 brings in a little aide...
With the battle to the death with Executioner ending in an explosion, the doubting Ouroboros launched a comprehensive encirclement operation. How is the 404 Squad going to get away this time...?
Dozens of days after the mind breaking of M4A1, the AR Team is attacked by a Jupiter Cannon bombardment while coming back from a visit. They must find a way out in this world of ice and snow.
After confirming the current situation of being hungry, cold, and deep in enemy territory, the AR Team continues their search for a comms station in an an attempt to contact Helian...
The AR Team struggles to find a resupply station in this terrible weather. Coincidentally, they receive a new mission: search for an important T-doll survivor.
Sangvis Ringleader Gager discovers the AR Team and places the entire area on lockdown. With the darkness of night quickly approaching, the AR Team begins their final breakthrough...
That night, UMP45 received an assignment from Helian. The task is to head towards the Sangvis Ferri Jupiter Cannon testing grounds to rescue the AR Team that has been MIA until now.
Under the cover of darkness, the members of the 404 Squad regroups together. 45 prepares to investigate a safe house that was used by the AR Team to assess the current situation.
Another Sangvis Ringleader, Architect, discovered the whereabouts of the 404 Squad, exactly as 45 had planned. Operation Breakthrough and Rescue starts now.
The AR Team and 404 Squad have successfully linked up, but the crisis is still far from being resolved. Commander RO has decided to find a safe location to reestablish communications with Grifon first.
We are still very far off from the exfil heliport. 45 suggests we eliminate Sangiv Ferri’s ability to monitor the area first to ensure we can get away safely.
Though the AR Team survived the crisis, Persica has made a final request - to capture a Jupiter cannon. Defend against the Sangvis onslaught while the mission is underway!
According to Helian's broadcast, Griffin forces are in grave danger on the battlefield. UMP45 has decided to help with the retreat - for a price, of course...