Story/Night 8-3 (Part2)/Script
[Combat concluded.]
IWS 2000: Is everyone alright?
Glock 17: Phew... We’re safe...
SSG 69: That damn Baldy! Now I’m covered in mud on top of that gross stuff!
IWS 2000: ...AUG, what did Dreamer mean... when she said I was the first to run last time?
AUG: Mulling so hard over what Dreamer said, huh? Have you forgotten what we need to do?
IWS 2000: ...
You said we can still make it, but what can we do when all communications are down?
AUG: Reactivate the mortar we just disabled and lock onto the Griffin’s helicopter.
IWS 2000: What are you planning, AUG?
AUG: There’s no way for us to warn the airborne Squad Welrod.
Our only choice is to physically prevent the contents of the canister from reaching the Commander and the base.
SSG 69: You must be joking!
Glock 17: Fräulein AUG most definitely isn’t joking. She is dead serious...
And this IS the most effective option...
AUG: I hope you finally realize how dire the situation really is. Your order, please.
IWS 2000: To destroy another squad for this... I can’t give an order like that...!
AUG: What bothers you more, their partial memory loss, or the severe consequences of not doing so?
IWS 2000: Enough!
Welrod entrusted us with their safety, and they must bring the evidence back.
There must be another way!
AUG: The facts are right before you. We have no other choice.
If Welrod were in your position, she would do the same.
IWS 2000: I’m not Welrod. I don’t know what she’d do...
AUG: Now you know why your missions always end in failure.
Glock 17: It’ll be fine as long as we can warn them, right...?!
Is there any way we can neutralize the signal interference caused by Parapluie?
AUG: We don’t have the time to track down which communication outpost the virus originates from.
SSG 69: There must be some way we can warn the Commander. What about an eye-catching signal flare?
AUG: It’ll be too late by the time a drone picks it up.
IWS 2000: Communication outpost...
Something... eye-catching...
AUG: Reactivate the mortar now when the helicopter is still within range.
Haven’t you always wanted to be more reliable?
No one would blame you for choosing this, IWS.
IWS 2000: Nein... That’s it!
AUG: What?
IWS 2000: There IS another way...
No matter what, AUG, I will never open fire on an ally. This is my answer.