The lore of the Girls' Frontline series (少前系列,[1] also sometimes “Girls' Frontline Universe”, 少前宇宙[2][3]) is based on MICA Team's first professional release, titled Codename: Bakery Girl, which took place 30 years after Girls' Frontline (the events of Codename: Bakery Girl have since been superseded by its remake, Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery). After the release of Girls' Frontline and its related games, the Artbooks and their Confidential Files became the main sources of extended lore. As the story of Girls' Frontline unfolded, the lore became more relevant and the extended sources may now be considered mild spoilers.
The artbooks and other sources besides the games are not officially translated in English but translated by fans. Readers should use their own judgement on the accuracy and choices of these translations (caution should also be used with the games' official translation when interpreting finer details). The manga and anime adaptations are not considered canon by community consensus.
- For an overview of Girls' Frontline main storyline, see Story.
- See also Worldview, Notebook and Griffin Memories.
- For an overview of Project Neural Cloud's main storyline, see PNC Story.
- See also PNC Worldview, Horizon Record and PNC Loading Screens.
- For an overview of Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium main storyline, see GFL2 Story.
- For a level-by-level summary of Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery's story, see Category:Reverse Collapse Chapters.
- See also Secret Documents.
- For a list of characters in the world of Girls' Frontline, see List of Characters.
- For an overview of important dates, see Timeline.
- For an overview of all locations, see List of Locations.
The fictional world diverges from the real world starting 1905, with the first discovery of Relic Technology. This is a summary of this extended story.
Early relics research[edit]
The world of Girls' Frontline takes place in an alternate history, where the Russian Empire accidentally stumbled upon an ancient alien relics site located deep in the Siberian taiga in the early 20th century. Although the alien technology found at the site was far beyond human comprehension at the time, the Russians managed to keep the existence of the ruin a secret and began to extract some of the alien artifacts. This inadvertently caused the reactor within the alien construct to destabilize, and ultimately led to the explosion known as the Tunguska event. Not long afterwards, the Bolshevik Revolution would topple the Empire, leaving the remaining alien constructs within the hands of Soviet Russia.
World War II would happen a few decades later, with the Allies triumphant against the Axis in both the Western and Pacific Theaters. Having emerged as the two reigning superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union eagerly took their war reparations. Much of the Axis's manufacturing and natural resources would end up in the hands of the US, but the Soviet Union secretly took control of all the alien technology that Germany possessed–including the alien research facility Urkunde 01. Cold War soon breaks out between the United States and the Soviet Union, with the latter quickly gaining the upper hand in both nuclear arms technology as well as alien research. By 1950, the Soviets had begun the first concentrated effort to research and synthesize alien tech with Project Starfish. The United States finally discovers the existence of precursor ruins five years later, beginning their own research at a ruin named D-1.
Cold War[edit]
As research into alien technology ramps up, the first alien corpse is found in the Beilan Island ruins, located in the North China Sea near Shanghai. Named GAVIRUL, experiments and research into its biology would however not occur immediately. As the West and the East are competing in an arms race of strange nature, people working with relics sites begin to succumb to the effects of an otherworldly disease. Called Eurosky Low-Emission Infectious Disease (ELID), the mutations are found to be caused by interaction between Collapse Fluid and human biology, and international cooperation soon arises to stop the spread. With more peaceful intents, GAVIRUL is pulled out of storage to try and replicate its DNA to activate the relics, to no avail.
First Beilan Island Incident[edit]
In 2030, an incident occurs at the forgotten Beilan Island containment site as a group of seven middle school students break into the ruins, and are attacked almost immediately by mutant ELID sufferers. A militia strike team is sent in to rescue the group, but the squad is quickly overwhelmed and forced to use explosives to ensure that the mutants don't break containment. The explosion provokes a cave-in on the relics site underground, resulting in a massive explosion releasing a huge volume of collapse fluid, who then follows the wind to contaminate a large portion of Earth's land.
As human population decreases at apocalyptic speeds and outdoors work become dangerous, interests ramp up in robotics to replace humans in manual labor. Various high-tech companies scramble to produce more and more sophisticated models, gradually transforming the skeletal-frames robots into full-fledged Tactical Dolls androids fit for military standards.
World War III[edit]
As livable land and resources become scarce and political finger pointing sours international relations, a new global conflict starts in 2045. Armies quickly realize the atmospheric collapse cloud makes strategic long-range missile strikes unreliable and quickly shift to bombardments by plane, then to violent ground combat. The war further reduces livable areas as nuclear devastation joins collapse fluid contamination.
In safe areas, military industries thrive. The pre-war innovators have consolidated their technological advancements under IOP Corporation, led by genius and cunning entrepreneur Havier Witkin. By securing the help of top-rank scientists Persicaria and Lycoris, IOP manages to bring their advanced CSD series dolls to the military market, toppling the military favorite Sangvis Ferri Manufacturing and their robust but ultimately simplistic Jaeger model.
In 2050, former superpowers and great nations have been reduced to mere shells of their power and there is no other option left than uneasy peace. The seeds of a new global ideology called Rossartrism grow in this new world order.
With the tremendous progress in dolls technology and countries in dire need of workforce, the dolls market is bigger than ever, especially for civilian industries. IOP expand their civilian dolls products with emotional simulation, and add greater modularity with concepts such as the Imprint Technology and Fire Control Core, creating a market for civilian-specs dolls with combat capabilities cheaper than military dolls. A major buyer in this market is the PMC Griffin and Kryuger, who staff their entire combat force with armed civilian dolls. Led by former soldier Berezovich Kryuger, G&K quickly partners with IOP to help them make dolls more and more efficient.
However, Lycoris leaves IOP to join Sangvis Ferri when Witkin refuses to fund his self-learning AI research. IOP replies to this defection by creating 16LAB, Persicaria's own R&D company. While 16LAB brings Second Generation T-Dolls to market, selling cheap and modular dolls with standardized Neural Cloud and Dummy Network systems, Sangvis Ferri develops high-tech dolls weaponry and an effective AI-driven top-down orders management system, bringing expensive but deadly products to the market.
Butterfly Incident[edit]
As the rivalry between IOP and Sangvis Ferri was reaching its all-time high, SF was utterly destroyed by a military operation on their main site, killing Lyco and turning their central AI against mankind. Overnight, all Sangvis T-Dolls started killing humans in the region, and G&K was hired to contain the menace with their own T-Doll troops. As SF's self-learning Mastermind leverages SF's production capacities to try and expand her dominion, Persica sends her own experimental T-Doll AR Team into Sangvis territory to seize Lyco's research and personal notes to try and understand the reasons behind the incident.
As Griffin and Kryuger faces problem ramping up its mobilization against Sangvis troops, the PMC recruits new Tactical Commanders to give orders to the frontline dolls. The story of Girls' Frontline begins in 2062, as a rookie commander must help AR Team's leader AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 retrieve her comrades after being separated in the field. The story then unfolds over the next two years as the Commander, their allies, and their enemies, unearth layers of conspiracy related to the Relics.
In Project Neural Cloud, in 2063, the protagonist enters a backup of the Magrasea superserver to investigates the downfall of Project Neural Cloud. They unite past versions of Dolls from the real world, some of which later joined Griffin & Kryuger.
At the end of Girls' Frontline's story, many countries unify under the Union of Rossartrist Nations Coalition (URNC). In Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, in 2074, the Commander from Girls' Frontline has become a bounty hunter after Griffin & Kryuger was gutted by a URNC-mandated restructuring. They become involved with Relics anomalies again and team up the old and new companions.
Antarctic Wars[edit]
Hollow City, an advanced isolationist state built under Antarctica to shield humanity's best from World War Three, opens itself to the rest of the world in 2075. Such are their technological marvels that many countries leave the URNC to form the Antarctic Union, but the two new superpowers remained on good terms for some time, until sociopolitical tensions finally caused the First Antarctic War in 2089.
Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery (and its original version Codename: Bakery Girl) takes place in 2092, as an elite team of Antarctic Union soldiers go deep into URNC territory to secure the subjects of the Three Goddesses project, and their ability to awaken Relics.
- ↑ Weibo [1], [2], [3]
- ↑ Gamecores 2021 interview
- ↑ 4th Anni Announcements