List of Locations
This is a list of locations appearing or mentioned in Girls' Frontline materials. Locations are classified according to the United Nations geoscheme. Known Relic sites are listed separately in the Relic Technology article.
An official political world map after World War Three has yet to be revealed and the state of many areas of the world remains unknown.
Classification of contamination zones[edit]
After the Beilan Island Incident, the United Nations used low-orbit detection satellites to map the intensity of Collapse radiation, defining three contamination levels: contamination-free zones, contamination zones and heavy contamination zones.[1] These were later called Green Zones, Yellow Zones, and Red Zones. Black Zones and White Zones were added later by the URNC.[2]
Black Zone[edit]

The European Collapse Radiation Contamination Zone Restoration and Revitalization Joint Development defines a Black Zone as an area where radiation concentration is over 10,000 Vebryan.[3]
Also called "Ground Zero", Black Zones cover the dozen-kilometers wide craters emitting lethal levels of Collapse radiations. Only ELID infected and mutated plants can survive here, and they are the last areas considered for rehabilitation. Surface soil was vitrified mid-flight and formed sharp crystalline spires, and radioactive collapse storms regularly sweep the wastelands, destroying any living or electronic object.[4] Black Zones are so utterly alien that they are considered to have an entrancing effect on those who look into them. Though it is illegal to enter a Black Zone in virtually every country, mechanical constructs can receive anti-radiation treatments to reduce the effects of radiations, and humans exposed to Black Zone levels of radiations can survive if treated rapidly.[5]
A small Black Zone was created when Task Force DEFY used a Collapse bomb against the KCCO in 2064, spiking to levels high enough to make radiation particles visible to the naked eye.[5]
The “Dead Sea” near Berlin in Germany is a Black Zone centered on a military dumping site used during World War Three. It is where Paradeus built their main base in Germany, Avernus. The Dead Sea was so dangerous that even birds would not fly over it and the structure of Dolls, mechs[6] and buildings deteriorated faster. Visibility was reduced by the heavy radiation fog and it was completely silent due to the absence of life and wind, with the exception of occasional violent gusts moving thick curtains of fog. Pools of radiation particles formed in low terrain while green crystals grew on the black silicificated ground. These crystals would also form on the equipment brought inside the area.[5] Crossing the Dead Sea by foot was made more difficult by the hardening soil as one entered deeper, increasing fatigue.[7] Transmissions from and to the area were also severely impeded.[8] The Dead Sea was considered irrecoverable and the region within it was not included in even the highest-quality maps of the region, making it a perfect hiding spot for Paradeus and its troops immune to radiations.[9]
The Black Zone referred to as "European explosion site" is likely centered on the site of the Northern Lights Incident of 2035. This Black Zone remained unexplored due to its extreme abnormal weather until the Neo-Soviet Union completed the first post-war high-altitude large synthetic aperture satellite.[10]
Red Zone[edit]

The European Collapse Radiation Contamination Zone Restoration and Revitalization Joint Development defines a Red Zone as an area where radiation concentration is between 150 and 10,000 Vebryan.[3]
Contaminated areas bordering Black Zones. Humans shouldn't enter the area without protective equipment, Dolls can enter but might sustain some damage.[11] Red Zones are lethally hazardous to living organisms, where only ELIDs and Epiphylla can thrive. Collapse radiation storms crystallize and silicify the flora and remove surface bodies of water and the topsoil, turning the area into dry deserts or crystalized forests. ELID infected are readily aggressive, and Epiphyllum flowers can create large clusters on low terrain, able to lower radiation around them outside of flowering period, but sharply increasing radiation concentration during flowering. The original buildings are are badly damaged but still standing, and they might show signs of post-contamination usage.[12][1]
Estonia is a known Red Zone in 2064.[13] As shown in a story background of Longitudinal Strain, the same Red Zone extends southwest into Poland down to Częstochowa and Wrocław, spanning the 270km between Poznań and Warsaw. The Dead Sea in Germany use to be a Red Zone.[14] In Angelia's faked memories, the Dead Sea is said to have been located in a group of contaminated islands in the Southwest Pacific in 2051.[15][16] Quarantine Zone K-03 in the Caucasus is a Red Zone in 2092.[17]
Streets of Tallinn in the Red Zone.
Map showing the Central European Red Zone in 2064.
Yellow Zone[edit]

The European Collapse Radiation Contamination Zone Restoration and Revitalization Joint Development defines a Yellow Zone as an area where radiation concentration is between 1 and 150 Vebryan.[3]
The frontier zones next to the Red Zones, next in line for purification. Dolls can move in this area freely but humans still need protective equipment. ELID infected are not an infrequent sight, but bounty hunters, raiders and civilians also inhabit the area. The area has desertified, making dry lands and deadwood forests a common sight, but areas with enough groundwater have turned into marshes, forming oases in low terrain and water-rich areas. Areas with abnormal climates or close to collapse radiation sources experience collapse storms, silicification of the soil and become blooming ground for Epiphyllum flowers. The original buildings are mostly in serviceable condition and abandoned resources can be found in cities and towns, signs of the area being inhabited, but residents need to draw from below 100 meters deep to find drinkable groundwater.[18] It doesn't rain in Yellow Zones, but snow can occur in certain regions and seasons, though this snow is a sickly gray-green and causes Collapse particle concentration to spike.[19][20] Extreme snow episodes are called Collapse snowstorms.[21]
Yellow Zone were considered unsuitable for human habitation at first, but after the 2035 Northern Lights Incident left some 80 millions people stranded along the contaminated coastlines of Central, Eastern and Western Europe, ELID cases were found to be much lower than expected and a standard form of Yellow Zone settlement emerged. Inhabitants typically setup solar panels in the areas where Collapse radiation is high in order to power their habitations in the parts with lower radiation levels. A simple anti-Collapse radiation coating is applied on windows and pipes, and buildings are elevated and connected by sky bridges. Wilderness settlements typically hold less than 100 people, but large settlements have appeared in abandoned cities, covering the streets in anti-radiation installations and solar panels. Settlements near an unpolluted field or lake can reach self-sufficiency by cultivating resilient crops such as potatoes.[1] European Yellow Zones have historically been a source of political unrest and criminality.[22][23]
Some Yellow Zones are known to be expanding, reducing the habitability of nearby regions.[24]
Purification Zone[edit]

The frontier zones between Yellow and Green Zones, in the process of being purified. The Purification Zones net radiation density is between Yellow and Green Zone on average but there are local variations. Vegetation and terrain are still similar to a Yellow Zone, low-hanging bushes are common but trees are more rare due to a lack of water. Part of the process involves destroying buildings that were too damaged with explosives and monitoring the transit of bounty hunters, PMCs and other paramilitaries. Since the livable buildings are occupied by armies, there are no permanent residents in these areas.[25]
Green Zone[edit]

The European Collapse Radiation Contamination Zone Restoration and Revitalization Joint Development defines a Green Zone as an area where radiation concentration is between 0 and 1 Vebryan.[3]
The most recently extended livable areas, without any dangerous levels of collapse radiation.
Primary Green Zones have not been selected as targets for reconstruction efforts by the government to be made into White Zones and have returned to a natural state with the amount of vegetation depending on water supply.
Non-Primary Green Zones are still seeing purification processes but are already livable, and vegetation and construction has started to flourish again. Most Green Zone residents are workers in the factories of White Zone cities, bounty hunters, PMCs and black market merchants implanted with an ID chip tracking their biological and social data. The demography is often controlled by corresponding White Zone cities. Non-Primary Green Zones are largely made up of factories, farms, and regionally-distributed satellite cities with dense and chaotic urban structure, with twisting narrow alleys. During the day, these satellite cities are mostly empty but at night, after the residents return home form work, the city limits blaze with light.[26][1] Green and White Zones are connected by express rail routes traveling in closed loops on suspended rail bridges.
The European Collapse Radiation Contamination Zone Restoration and Revitalization Joint Development Agreement is responsible for the creation of new Non-Primary Green Zones on the European continent. In theory, when a Non-Primary Green Zone adjoining a White Zone is purified to a sufficient level, the quarantine walls are removed and the Green Zone is gradually integrated into the White Zone through municipal planning and construction. Even in 2089, the number of Green Zones is quite low.[1]
Some Green Zone cities directly bordering Yellow Zones like Belgrade[27] are protected by quarantine walls blocking contaminated winds and ELID infected, interspersed with immense tracks-mounted purification towers emitting neutralizing particles. Green Zone residents are mostly unaware of the hardships of Yellow Zone residents, and Yellow Zone residents only have a vague idea about life in Green Zones[28] because Green Zones cannot be accessed without a special permit.[29][30] In the 2070s, Green Zones surrounding a White Zone are called “Satellite Cities” and designated by the first three letters of their White Zone plus a number (such as ODE-01 for Odesa).[31]
White Zone[edit]

The European Collapse Radiation Contamination Zone Restoration and Revitalization Joint Development defines a White Zone as an area where radiation concentration is at 0 Vebryan.[3]
In 2064, the White Zone of Bremen in Germany was bordered by a refugees camp providing housing and basic necessities, but was essentially a ghetto due to the Volkskammer refusing to integrate refugees in the population. The camp provided no employment or entertainment and shared little of the already limited medical resources available in the White Zone.[32] The White Zone of Frankfurt was limited to an underground complex.[33]
A new concept of White Zone emerged in the Union of Rossartrist Nations Coalition in the 2070s, defined more by their political and social stability than by contamination levels.[1] They became the safest zones possible, cities surrounded by Green Zones. Before World War Three, they were economic, governmental or military zones of activity and have since been cleansed of all sources of collapse radiation contamination and damage caused by radiation has been repaired. Full suites of Collapse radiation warning systems, pollution prevention, and safeguarding countermeasures have been installed.[34] Aside from their quarantine walls and purification towers, White Zones also have efficient police and social services to deal with terrorism and Collapse storms, organize civilian and military defense drills and sometimes hire PMCs for extra protection.[1]
Urban areas are clearly defined to allow these systems to work at their fullest, temperature and humidity are carefully regulated for the comfort of inhabitants and every inch of space on, under and above ground is being used at its fullest to make up for the limited land available, making for fully vertical cities. Recreational facilities are generally found on the roofs of buildings but there are few areas dedicated to vegetation, though some can be found on the edge of the cities[34] where they serve as buffer zones in case of a disaster at the quarantine walls.[1] The most developed White Zones use Collapse Energy technologies developed by Svarog Heavy Industries in their power grid.[35] City traffic relies on dual-purpose elevated roads for cars and light railways. Most light rail stations are found inside buildings, with station names signposted outside the buildings. Car elevators are standard issue for all major buildings. White Zones are inhabited by civilians and hired PMCs. Each White Zone City has a different population level and class structure, creating a variety of governance systems and cultural organizations.[34] A large network of air and rail routes connect the White Zones on the Eurasian continent.[1]
Contamination maps[edit]
An official world map of contamination areas has yet to be revealed. Several fan-made maps have been made based on various sources and interpretations.
The only official extant contamination map yet has appeared in the teaser trailer of Longitudinal Strain, but it is of questionable accuracy. This map shows Africa, Europe and most of Asia, but uses an ambiguous three-colors key with light blue, dark blue and orange. Orange areas in Europe are consistent with European Red zones in the Baltic region and Poland discussed in Girls' Frontline's story (see sections below for details), and it is assumed the blue areas represent an amalgamation of White, Green and Yellow Zones, with specially localized Red and Black zones such as the Black Sea in Germany not being shown. The map is assumed to represent the state of contamination at the time of the events of Longitudinal Strain in 2064.
The following descriptions use contemporary state borders for ease of understanding, but they do not necessarily accurately represent the state of post-World War Three borders.
Orange areas on the trailer map include a wide band on the northeastern Chinese coast extending to the Korean peninsula; an elliptic band running from the Bengal region to the Sea of Okhotsk in the Russian Far East, passing through Nepal and the Gobi Desert in central Asia; and the European belt covering the northern two-thirds of Norway and Sweden, the western half of Finland, the Baltic region, and extending to central Poland.
Notable areas in the ambiguous blue colors include an entirely light blue Africa and Japan; a mostly light blue Middle East with the exception of dark blue on the tip of the Arabian peninsula and the easternmost two-thirds of Iran; a wide area of light blue in central China among a mostly dark blue or orange Asia; and a split between light and dark blue in Europe, with the dark blue regions covering the northeastern quarter of France, Belgium, Netherlands, the Northern half of Germany, Denmark, a spot on the eastern coast of the United Kingdom and a belt running from Dalmatia, on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, to Romania and Belarus, while the Balkans, Italy, Spain and the southern half of Central Europe are in light blue.
After the decolonization of the 20th century, recolonization by European powers occurred in the wake of the Beilan Island Incident as they sought to replace agricultural land lost to contamination.[36] However, with the European powers isolated and weakened by World War Three, and despite the Neo-Soviet Union sending PMCs to try and stabilize conflicts, local warlords waged civil wars that prevented the industrialization of agriculture in the fertile regions.[37] South Africa is a nation known to have survived the war, and was home to the criminal syndicate HG TEC-9TEC-9TEC-9 worked for.[38][39] HatsuchiriHatsuchiri once worked in Madagascar[40] and Python (PNC)Python in West Africa.[41] The extent of geopolitical changes on the continent compared to the present day is unknown.
Italy reclaimed control of Libya, an Italian colony from 1911 to 1951, after countering a coup d'état in 2037. The Second Algerian War took place in December 2039 and was part of the string of worldwide incidents that destroyed the United Nations (Algeria was a French colony from 1830 to 1962, but French involvement in the Second Algerian War is unconfirmed).[36] During World War Three, the Neo-Soviet Union held Tripoli and fought advancing German forces at Bir al-Ghanam and Sabratha in Libya in the closing months of 2047.[42]
Before the First Antarctic War, the URNC's Eurasian Security Zone extended as far as South Africa. These border regions fell under the Antarctic Union during the war.[43]
The Americas were important exporters of food to Europe after the Beilan Island Incident, but commerce had stopped after World War Three.[37]
North America[edit]
The United States and Canada suffered heavily from the Beilan Island Incident as capsules of Collapse fluid contaminated the entire Western coast, from Anchorage to San Diego, including Yukon and British Columbia. Eventually, most land West of the New Boundary wall, stretching from Winnipeg to Port Arthur, were lost to contamination, with Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Denver and Kansas being cited specifically. New York was the siege of the URNA before they were expelled and relocated to Geneva, in Germany, then to Hollow City. Philadelphia was the home of Raeder Rossartre, and also where he committed suicide.[44]
The United States invaded Canada before crushing an anti-American movement in the Bahamas in the first half of the 2040s, which was part of the string of worldwide incidents that destroyed the United Nations.[36] 42LAB used to be headquartered in Maryland, but moved to Eastern Europe after World War Three.[45] ChelseaChelsea and FlorenceFlorence both worked in Baltimore, also in Maryland, before joining Project Neural Cloud.[46] Both Chelsea and CascadiaCascadia carried disaster relief during the 2057 earthquake of Richmond, Virginia.[47] Cascadia was named after the Cascade Range of Oregon, a heavily contaminated region.[48] After World War Three, near the city of Laredo,[49] Frontline Base 27-99 of the Laredo Military Sector under the Austin Military Command in Texas remained an active warzone.[50] The film Jazzhound where JiangyuJiangyu debuted was shot in Canada.[51]
Latin America and the Caribbean[edit]
Cuba played an important role during the Cold War with the Cuban Moron Crisis, when the US were forced to remove some of their nuclear warheads from Europe in exchange for the Soviet Union recalling the Moron relic weapons deployed on the island.[52] South American independence movements were brutally suppressed by the United States before World War Three[37] and the Latin American Alliance was dissolved in 2038.[36] Left-wing guerillas started to take back control of major cities as the US fell into chaos at the end of World War Three.[53]
Panama is cited as one of the countries hit by Collapse fluid capsules that drifted to American coasts after the Beilan Island Incident.[44] Brazil is also mentioned in 2055[54] and the Blue Mountains of Jamaica in later years.[55]
Before the First Antarctic War, the URNC's Eurasian Security Zone extended as far as southern South America. These border regions fell under the Antarctic Union during the war.[43] Mendo mentions he traveled to South America as part of his survival training.[56]
The Antarctic Union was founded in 2045 in the underground relic known as Hollow City.
Eastern and Southeastern Asia[edit]
China was ground zero for the Beilan Island Incident of 2030. Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi and Nantong were all instantly destroyed by the explosion and the capital of the country was transferred from Beijing to Xi'an due to the Collapse fluid rapidly spreading along the Eastern coast. 1.5 million square kilometers were contaminated in the initial fallout.[44] China was attacked by the United States during World War Three, but they eventually left and their last known action in the country was their retreat from Guangxi.[36] Jiangcheng (江城) is mentioned during the war by the Unnamed test pilot but several cities and districts in Southern China bear this name.[57] After the war, WillowWillow worked in Jinghai City (静海市), presumably in the district of the same name by the Yellow Sea,[58] and Griffin & Kryuger had a headquarter in the fictional city of Dijiang (帝江) in 2062.[59] Classified Briefings#Peace and Happiness make specific reference to the nu'er hong tradition of the Shaoxing region.
In Hong Kong, the tremors of the incident could be felt in skyscrapers, despite being over 1,200km from Shanghai, but it was outside of the initial contamination zone.[44]
The Korean Peninsula was contaminated early due to strong westward winds. While the UNRA established safe zones in South Korea, the United States military prevented any North Korean who could not reach the refuges under the northern mountains from crossing the Demilitarized Zone. US political pressure on the DPRK eventually caused the Second Korean War. The situation in the peninsula after the start of the war is unknown.[44]
In Japan, only regions West of Kanto were immediately affected by the incident, and contamination levels remained manageable in other parts of the country. Because Hokkaido was completely spared, the capital was transferred from Tokyo to Sapporo. Soon after, an internal refugees crisis worsened by US military involvement led to the establishment of a blockade at the Tsugaru Strait, the government abandoning all regions other than Hokkaido, including the Tokyo Protection Zone managed by the URNA. Kawasaki Kazusa was found in Nagoya and her body was taken out of the country through Niigata.[44] Sapporo remains a center of activity after World War Three, and saw the rise of the powerful Cyber Media company.[60]
Vietnam is one of the countries mentioned as having suffered manageable levels of contamination early after the incident.[44]
Western, Central and Southern Asia[edit]
After the Beilan Island Incident, people from South and Western Asia fled en masse to Europe, causing a refugees crisis.[44] The Caspian Sea was a key location for the Neo-Soviets during World War Three due to a highly important prototype of unknown nature being tested there.[61][Note 1] The island of Cyprus was involved in a 2056 terrorist plane incident.[41]
The Soviet Union first deployed its relic-based Pike weapons from Tajikistan to the Khyber Pass in Afghanistan in 1981, mildly contaminating the region with Collapse fluid and causing ELID infections.[52] Afghanistan is one of the countries mentioned as having suffered manageable levels of contamination early after the Beilan Island Incident.[44]
Anna Tsoi was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 2032 before being relocated to Beslan in the Caucasus. Key Relic Technology figure Mikhail Tsvigun studied in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.[52]
Griffin and Kryuger had a branch in Konya, Turkey, in 2062.[59]

After World War Three, parts of Europe has formed the Pan-European Union. A “South Mediterranean No-Fly Zone” was in effect in 2056.[41]
In 2067, for the purpose of the joint decontamination process of Europe between the URNC and the Neo-Soviet Union, Europe was split into Western and Eastern areas along a line crossing Kaliningrad, Warsaw, Budapest, Belgrade and Tirana.[62]
Eastern Europe[edit]
The most visited locations in Girls' Frontline are Griffin & Kryuger's operational areas against Sangvis Ferri. These areas have not received official locations on the world map, but are known to contain many Sangvis Ferri installations. Based on the facts that Sangvis Ferri was a Romanian company,[37] that one of its most important branches was in Ukraine,[63] and one of its center of operation in the vicinity of the Black Sea,[64] the operational areas might be located in either countries or cross over their border.
- Area S02 was under SF control and Sangvis Ferri Base 0, where the Butterfly Incident and AR M16A1M16A1M16A1's betrayal took place, was located there.[65][66] It is located in the vicinity of the Black Sea.[64]
- Area S03 was under SF control and used as testing field for their new Jupiter Cannons.[67]
- Area S05 was briefly under the purview of the Commander to watch over AR Team while they were being screened for Parapluie infection.[68]
- Area S06 was involved in Plan Parapluie. It contained a SF jammer infected by the Parapluie virus that was destroyed by Squad 404.[69] It was one of the last areas to be mostly in control of G&K before the Great Retreat.[70]
- Area S08 fell under SF control and saw major battles during Plan Parapluie.[71] AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15 took refuge in the area away from G&K after the Parapluie virus made her body a radio jammer[72] and conducted her suicide bombing against Elisa after luring her there.[73] The area was lost to SF and the loss hurt G&K's reputation,[68] but it was eventually recaptured, save for some areas used as hunting grounds by Alchemist until her local dummy was destroyed by Team FN.[74]
- Area S09 contained Elisa's core server cluster[75] and was the field of the four-way battle between Griffin & Kryuger, Sangvis Ferri, the KCCO and Paradeus.[76][77][78] It also contained Safe House 3 which was raided by AR Team,[79] and the Commander recovered AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 from Zone T6 “Sugar Cubes”.[80][81] S09 has been the base and main area of operations of the Commander since they joined G&K in 2062.[82] While they had to operate away for several months after the Sangvis Ferri HQ battle, they eventually returned to it after the Paldiski Submarine Base battle.[83]
- In chapter 1 of Girls' Frontline: Doll's Song, the area is said to be somewhere in the Carpathian Mountains.
- Area S10 is only mentioned in Protocol Assimilation. It is a hinterland where Cerberus is found.
- Area S11 was near Area S15 and was used by G&K troops fleeing the Sangvis Headquarters battle.[76][78]
- Area S15 was located in proximity of Area S02 and Squad 404 was deployed there to retrieve a drone shot down by SF after the operation in Sangvis Base 0.[84] The area was mildly contaminated.[85]
For discussions related to the location of Griffin & Kryuger's headquarters, see notes on Griffin and Kryuger's article.
The Soviet Union and Russia heavily influenced the history of Relic Technology. The Russian Empire was the first nation to discover a relics site near the Tungus river in 1905.[86] The Soviet Union then created the first relic-based weapon, the Pikes of Tabasar-B and its OGAS control network, before collapsing in 1991. After the Beilan Island Incident of 2030, the Russian Far East was contaminated by Collapse fluid capsules and evacuated by air, the Trans-Siberian Railway and Baikal-Amur Mainline being inoperable.[44] After a series of Bolshevik attacks culminating in the Battle of Minsk in 2032, the Neo-Soviet Union was established.[52] The Neo-Soviet government promoted the use of the new robotic Dolls during the Siberian Lifeline Program, aiming to restore the Trans-Siberian and nearby industrial facilities in contaminated areas.[37] The Neo-Soviet Union clashed with the United States in Germany in 2044, leading to World War Three in 2045.[36] The war mostly spared the Caucasus, and Anna Tsoi grew up in the region of Beslan and Ordzhonikidze (modern Vladikavkaz),[52] but the region around Lake Baikal was damaged beyond recognition.[87]
In May 2049, Lycoris worked in Izhevsk, most probably at the Udmurt State University or Izhevsk State Technical University.[88][Note 2] Some time between 2055 and 2058, the small town of Krasno and nearby Polden Forest in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast was transformed into a Regular Army training camp[89] and Neo-Soviet air bases existed in Smolensk and Voronezh in 2064.[90] Kemerovo in central Russia was involved in the terrorist Incident Zero in 2062,[91] and Griffin & Kryuger had a headquarter in Vladivostok, in the Far East, during that year.[59] Saint Petersburg is mentioned in 2064[92] and Arthur Hume had a private residence here.[93]
Ukraine was destabilized by a civil war in 2042, splitting the country in two until East Ukraine took Kyiv. This led European countries to push for an agreement to be met at Bucharest in Romania, in 2043, but the European intervention in the Neo-Soviet sphere of influence only served to reopen the wounds of the Cold War and pave the way to World War Three.[37][36] Romania, who became a part of the Neo-Soviet Union,[94] is also the country where Sangvis Ferri was founded,[37] and was involved in a 2056 terrorist plane incident.[41] Romania is the stage of several Classified Briefings: “Sebeş-02B Work Journal”, “Bucharest by the Sea” and “Flower Tosser”. Angelia had a safe house in the small Ukrainian city of Putryntsi in 2064[95] and Lviv is also confirmed to be part of the NSU in 2064.[96] The nearby town of Belsk (or “Belz”) is mentioned.[94] Lviv is also mentioned in 2074[31] and is confirmed to be a White Zone.[97] Many Ukrainian locations are mentioned in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, in 2074: Odesa,[98] Kyiv,[99] Usatove,[100] Kolomyia[101] and Kryvyi Rih.[102][103] Odesa in particular is a White Zone surrounded by 27 Green Zone Satellite Cities.[31] CHE-02 and CHE-09 neighbor the city of Cherkasy,[104] POL-03 and POL-05 are satellites of Poltava,[105][106] and MEL-07 neighbors Melitopol.[107] ZHY-06 is also mentioned[108] and assumed to be in Ukraine but its main city is not mentioned. Assuming the initials correspond to the most populated cities in current times, it would be Zhytomyr. STU-03 is also mentioned,[109] and could correspond to Stupino, near Moscow.
Mikhail Tsvigun, a key figure in Relic Technology, was born in Chișinău, Moldova.[52] Chișinău was also involved in a violent battle between the Neo-Soviet Union and NATO during World War Three.[110] Tsvigun's protégé, Victor Zelinsky, was born in Poland at Poznan. He graduated from the Warsaw University and first demonstrated his mastery of covert political operations in Brest, Belarus, before moving to the Lubyanka Building in Moscow and becoming Minister of the Interior.[52] 42LAB's labs in Austria produced scientific Dolls such as FresnelFresnel .[111] In the 2050s, the region of Gorsk in central Poland saw battles between government and rebel forces.[112] Warsaw, the contemporary capital city of Poland, was considered part of the Neo-Soviet Union in 2064,[113] along with Krakow.[96] Warsaw was destroyed in 2088 during the Warszawa Incident.[114] Prague, the contemporary capital of the Czech Republic, is also part of the NSU.[96] Ullrid's Doll Community started in the ruins of Otrokovice and later moved to Zlín, cities in eastern Czech Republic that were destroyed during World War Three and bordered a Red Zone.[115]
Operation Bakery during the First Antarctic War took place in the Northern Caucasus, in the Karachay Region, near Teberda.[116] It was once a rich mining region, but it was progressively abandoned after the emergence of a large contamination zone, its people evacuated by the URNC and the Global Rescue Foundation, and had less than 20,000 inhabitants by 2092.[117] The main city in the area was Mineral Water City in Stavropol Krai, a famous mineral spa and ecological resort at the junction of the Kuma River and the railroad line connecting Rostov-on-Don with Baku, along with a large airport. The population reached over 80,000 before the contamination zone appeared, leading to its abandonment,[118] save as a transit point for the evacuation of refugees.[119][120] Other locations mentioned include Quarantine Zone K-03,[121] Cherkessk,[119] Larne City[122][123] (or “Rane”),[120] Zeuk Town,[124][125] Damania Town,[124] Montonovka Town,[126] Zatra Village,[127] Lake Belo,[128][129] Lake Wanaka,[120] Mount Kushtau[130] (in reality over 1,500km from Karachay), Tuka Mountains[125] (or “Tuca”)[131] and “Krasnoyarsk Mountains”[132][133] (the city of Krasnoyarsk is located nearly 40,000km away from Karachay). Other locations mentioned in troops deployment documents include the cities of Grozny, Beslan, Argun, Khasavyurt, Nalchik and Tabriz, and the region of Dagestan.[134][135]
Larne City in 2092.
Abandoned village in Northern Caucasus.
Epiphyllum field in Quarantine Zone K-03.
Northern Europe[edit]
During the Cold War, the Soviet Union built the Paldiski Submarine Base in Estonia as a launch base for the Baltic Fleet, acting as deterrent against Scandinavian countries, weapons stockpile for the Northern Army Group against Germany and Finland, and Air Force launch pad against Helsinki. But the base was also designated as OKB-167 due to hosting Pike Unit 13, using the Pike node A-51-241 as a Pike control terminal.[136] In the real world, Paldiski was a closed city due to its strategic importance until 1994, when the last Russian warship left.
In 2035, military research into Collapse Technology in Scandinavia led to the Northern Lights Incident, heavily contaminating the entire peninsula. Carried by the winds and currents, Collapse fluid created a radiation belt stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic Sea, contaminating the Baltic countries and most of Central Europe, including most of Germany.[37] Paldiski and Tallinn, the capital of Estonia on its northern coast, were classified as a Red Zones.[137] The Svalbard Global Seed Vault was still active in 2041.[37] A conflict known as the Nordic campaigns took place during World War Three.[63] After World War Three, more fighting occurred in Karelia, the historically-disputed region at the border between Finland and Russia.[138] LamLam 's company dealt in silicon with Iceland after the war.[139]
At some point, William installed Paradeus operations on the northern coast of Estonia, producing Nytos in Paldiski and cultivating Epiphyllum in Tallinn to research Collapse radiation. Paldiski became the site of a major battle between Paradeus, the KCCO, Sangvis Ferri and Griffin & Kryuger in 2064, when the base was flooded and the Neo-Soviet Air Force bombed part of the area.[140] In 2069, the Intercontinental Railway had a line running between Ukraine and Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania.[103]
Western and Southern Europe[edit]
The territory of Germany was a centerpiece of various important events in the history of Relic Technology. The Nazi regime excavated the Urkunde-01 relic under the Nordhausen-Harz mountains, which was later plundered by the Soviet Union to create their primary Pike installations at the Tabasar-B Proving Grounds in 1950.[141] During the Cold War, the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) set up the 90WISH research group to study the remains of Urkunde-01, gathering data that would prove critical to the emergence of OGAS decades later.
East and West Germany were reunified in 1985 to form the Federal Republic of Germany.[36] After the Northern Lights Incident of 2035, ten German states were heavily contaminated: Thuringia, Saxony, Brandenberg, Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the East, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, Bremen and Hamburg in the North, North Rhine-Westphalia in the West and parts of the Black Forest in the South, causing the German population to flee to Southern Germany.[37] Political tensions surrounding the reconstruction of the country degenerated into a civil war, the sparks of which reignited old bilateral tensions, and eventually led to World War Three.[36] Captain Yegor fought in the Black Forest during the war.[142] After World War Three, the reborn German Democratic Republic (East Germany) is an important world power.[143] It is notable that in 2064, German borders included the city of Poznań, indicating an eastern expansion of Germany of at least 150km into Poland compared to contemporary borders.[113] From the end of the war to 2055, Western Europe faced a period of political instability fueled by ultranationalist groups.[23]
Belgrade was formerly the capital city of Serbia, but lost its status due to its close proximity to a contamination zone[144] and imposed strict rationing on some food products and immigration quotas.[145] Being neutral territory on the political map of Europe, it was selected for peace talks between the Neo-Soviet Union and the Pan-European Union.[146] It is implied that Belgrade lies within the entity known as the Yugoslavian Federation in the 2060s.[147] Sarajevo is mentioned in the early 2060s.[53]
After the contamination of Europe caused by the Northern Lights Incident of 2035, the European Union used Neo-Soviet skeletal frame Dolls to reestablish transportation lines and support resettlement of livable Yellow Zones on the continent. A lottery system was implemented to admit some Yellow Zone residents into Green Zones. Yellow Zones were mostly spared by the devastation of World War Three, as combat concentrated on important logistics and communication hubs and armies made an effort to limit exposure of their dwindling forces to ELID. Social order was preserved due to continuous support of governments to their Yellow Zone settlements, so they wouldn't be recruited by enemy nations.
After the war ended and the Neo-Soviet Union increased its influence on the European continent, unrest emerged in many coastal Yellow Zones of Central and Western Europe, where anti-Soviet sentiment was prevalent. Former NATO conscripts returned to their homes, bringing with them bad rumors about the Neo-Soviets and the Pan-European Union, and increasing isolationist sentiment. As both the white and black markets became flooded with the military equipment left behind after the sudden collapse of NATO, these anxious populations armed themselves against a possible Soviet retaliation.[22] The Balkans were a stronghold of Rossartrism in the early 2060s, despite opposition by both conservative groups of the Yugoslavian Federation and Yellow Zone inhabitants. Those millions of refugees called Rossartrists hypocrites for not opening the frontiers of Western Europe or of the Yugoslavian Federation, and retaliated by raiding Yugoslavian convoys passing through the area. Some groups armed themselves by stealing military-grade Dolls and autonomous weaponry.[147]
The UNRA had an office in London before the organization disbanded,[44] East Anglia appeared untouched by contamination or the war in 2051,[148] Griffin and Kryuger had a headquarter in Glasgow in 2062[59] and the BBC television could be received in Berlin in 2064.[149] British troops took part in the Battle of Chișinău under NATO during WWIII.[110] Athens in Greece and the region of Andalusia in Spain are mentioned in a 2056 terrorist plane incident,[41] RiseRise worked in Amsterdam before 2058 [150] and Dublin is mentioned in the same year.[151] France remained a prime touristic destination after the war[152] and the Paris-Moscow railway was an important connection.[149] TASA and the Werewolf Commando Team fought in France some time before operation Bakery.[153]
As ELID infections rose sharply with research into Relic Technology in the 1980s, the Vatican and World Health Organization acted as mediators between the Soviet Union and United States to meet and discuss the Relic Arms Limitation Treaty.[154] During World War Three, Rome fell to the Neo-Soviet Union in 2050 during Operation Tradewind, when a composite force of autonomous robotic units broke through the difficult mountainous terrain of Southern Italy. Tradewind was a landmark event for Doll technology and autonomous warfare.[37]
The event that led to the re-opening of Hollow City in 2075 is called “Adelaide Tanker Incident”, possibly referring to the Australian city.[155] The Australian capital of Canberra was the site of the disappearance of Helena and Philip Martin in 2086,[156] after the recovery mission of the Antarctic Union failed due to large-scale unrest in the region.[157]
The island country of Palau appears in ImhotepImhotep 's work history in the 2050s.[158] Hatsuchiri once worked in Tanzania.[40] A news agency called “Wellington Post” appears on WillowWillow 's second Neural Expansion artwork, which could refer to the capital city of New Zealand.
Angelia was deployed in a Red Zone located in a group of contaminated islands in the Southwest Pacific in 2051. In her memories, the area is designated as the Dead Sea and is the hiding place of Avernus, but the accuracy of this information is dubious.[15][16][14]
Non physical locations[edit]
“Cyberspace”[159][160][161] is the name used for the virtual space T-Dolls enter when they project their consciousness out of their body during hacking. It is a spatial representation of a computer network and various other virtual objects like defense programs, and other T-Dolls also receive a representation.[Note 3] Magrasea is a superserver built by 42LAB that hosts multiple complex cyberspaces, where Project Neural Cloud takes place.
Cyberspace in Girls' Frontline's story.
Cyberspace map in Girls' Frontline.[Note 3]
Red variant.[Note 3]
Training variant.[Note 3]
Example of cyberspace level in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.
Cyberspace story background in Exilium.
Cyberspace in Girls' Frontline: Doll's Song.
Relic spaces[edit]
Relic Technology enables access to non-physical realms that transcend space and time.
Xīàn (希岸) is a central Relic space with properties of collective consciousness. It has been translated as Zion and Nirvana.[Note 4] The Holy Grail Project theorized the nature of Xīàn as a collective unconscious and a mean to reconstruct consciousness outside of the human body,[162] and conceived it as an influence of the Relics civilization on humanity.[163] Xīàn is also called "the garden", as it holds some form of connection to the location in the VCI of the Three Goddesses project subjects.[120] It is also said to be the place of origin of all OGAS consciousnesses, which can access it by interfacing with relic-based terminals such as a Starfish as long as they are "complete". All OGAS consciousnesses seek to return to Xīàn, but according to the consciousnesses already inhabiting it, they have been abandoned and can't find respite there.[164][165] The subjects of the Three Goddesses project could learn information from the past and future by accessing Xīàn.[166][120]
From the attempt of the Holy Grail Project to reproduce Xīàn emerged two other kinds of esoteric spaces: the Lake of Cognition (识底深湖) and the Virtual Cognition Images (虚识图景). The Lake of Cognition contained the memories, emotions and personalities of the subjects from the Holy Grail Project and later Hela Project.[167] The Virtual Cognition Images are the interconnected minds of the Nytos, which are comparable to Neural Clouds. Their VCIs contain defined places such as the Inverted Forest[168] and a replica of the abandoned von Oberstein manor in Berlin.[169][170][171] Later subjects of the Three Goddesses project also had VCIs (called “Lusica Garden” in one instance[132] and "the place where the goddesses' memories converge"[120]), which also contained a manor and garden, though it is unconfirmed if it is related to the location from the Nytos' VCI, and it is unknown if their VCIs were connected to the Lake of Cognition.
Before the Holy Grail Project, Arthur Hume created a virtual garden that could be accessed by the Dolls he created, called the Summer Garden.[172] The Summer Garden contained three fountains: one was the repository of SMG ErmaErmaErma's memories, one labelled Nadia led to the Lake of Cognition, and one was labelled Lunasia but was dried up.[167][173] The connection between the Summer Garden and the Lake of Consciousness was due to their shared origins in “GRCh38”, the template of the human brain witnessed by Hume in a relic. The fundamental nature of GRCh38 was that of an energy field, anything created from its template could have its content flow back into the Lake of Consciousness.[174][Note 5]
The Lunasia fountain may be connected to another Relic space called Tarot Paradise (塔罗天堂, also in one instance called Inferno, 炼狱)[175], a point of convergence for different world lines. It was claimed that the only common element between all world lines is Lunasia herself.[176] In 2064, Tarot Paradise was under the influence of Laplace's Demon, an entity of unknown nature who took over the role of guardian of this space. Judging that the original guardian failed in its duties, Laplace's Demon remade the space into the Tarot Paradise, a fantastical space where she held a battle royale killing game between entities (mostly T-Dolls) pulled from multiple world lines in order to find suitable vessels to revive Lunasia. Lunasia herself didn't condone the killing game.[177] Using the Starfish at the Paldiski Submarine Base, AR M4A1M4A1M4A1, M16A1 and Elisa reached Tarot Paradise from the prime world line,[178] while the rest of AR Team reached it from a separate world line.[179][180] From Tarot Paradise, the incomplete Lunasia allowed M4A1 to influence causality.[177] After Laplace's Demon was destroyed, Lunasia apparently reached completion by merging with M4A1, but she awakened in the Lake of Cognition and not Tarot Paradise,[181] while M16A1 returned into the physical world.[182]
The Inverted Forest.
The Virtual Cognition Image garden.
Xīàn in Girls' Frontline.
Xīàn in Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.
Tarot Paradise.
Appearance common to Erma's fountain and Tarot Paradise.
Vague and out-of-canon locations[edit]

- EvelynEvelyn 's Profile indicates she worked in Red Velvet City's Riot Squad. There is no existing place by this name but based on Evelyn's characterization it is likely intended to be in the United States, possibly near California's border with Mexico since a postcard from Tijuana is involved in her player birthday quote.
- MagnhildaMagnhilda was activated in a Spanish-speaking[183] small country called San Carlos.[184]
- RF Type 81 CarbineType 81 CarbineType 81 Carbine's Year of Memories Notebook memento is for a Moscow-Beijing trip, but because the canon status of mementos is debatable, another source will need to mention Beijing for its current status to be ascertained.
- In early marketing materials, FlorenceFlorence was said to work in Paris Saint-Pierre Hospital in France, but this was changed to Baltimore's Johns Hopkins Hospital in the final game. The damaged Eiffel Tower appears in the 2022 trailer for Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.
- Early marketing materials for YannyYanny mentioned that the ONASSIS shipping company operated in Ecuador, but neither the company or the country are mentioned in his in-game profile.
- Codename: Bakery Girl is said to take place in the Karachay Region of the Caucasus, near the fictional “Jebel City” (捷別爾, the name is close to the real city of Teberda, which is written 捷別蘭達)[185] and Tyrnyauz.[186] It is also said to have suffered from the fallout of the Chernobyl incident in Ukraine,[187] though the Caucasus region was not affected by the fallout in the real world.
- Girl of the Bakehouse takes place in an unnamed small city of Northern Europe.
- The introduction movie of Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery shows world maps with coastlines radically different from current Earth, conflicting with every other representation. The fictional maps shown at different times in the opening movie are also not consistent. Meanwhile, real-world locations are mentioned in the game and a real-world map of the Black Sea is seen when starting a level.
- Earth is represented from space in the event lobby of Singularity Immemorial in Project Neural Cloud, but the texture used is an unmodified stock picture.
Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery world maps.
Earth bitmap from Singularity Immemorial in Project Neural Cloud.
- ↑ RF Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88's Neural Upgrade story might have been intended as a discreet reference to the Caspian Sea prototype since both stories mention a prototype being tested, the Chinese region of Guangxi (through the city of Jiangcheng) and the timeframe in months roughly coincides, but there is a two-years difference between the stories, which might have occurred because one story was reworked independently.
- ↑ Though IOP Wiki does not consider this source canon, Izhevsk is also mentioned in RF MakarovMakarovMakarov's Mystery of the Bewitching Figure notebook memento, as the Makarov pistols were manufactured there.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 The blue and red backgrounds of cyberspace maps in Girls' Frontline contain obscure referential text and programming code:
- In a city that should not exist. / Where individual liberty is nothing but a daydream. / Only hope remains.
- A condensed version of the introduction from Valhalla.
- if _name_ == "__BlackJack__":print("Retreat!")
- May be a reference to the manga Black Jack by Osamu Tezuka, and its fearsome main character.
- namespace
- string MICA = "The best Team"
- void InDream(){ while (otaku){salary++}}
- C code (nominally) meaning "While in their dreams, otakus get infinite raises".
- if(root == null){LoggerHelper.Error("None GYC survival!")
- Obscure Python code, returns an error signaling that all "GYC" have died when the "root" is empty.
- Kexue can translate the "science".
- Code ^= 0x80000;
- Performs a bitwise XOR operation on "Code".
- foreach (KeyValuePair<int, MapWay> pair in firMapWay){pair.Value.hail(false);}
- Obscure C# code, negates a "hail" property for a list of values.
- for(int i=0; i< MaSir.hir;++i){MapPoint tmp = captain[6+i];}
- Obscure C code, increases a value "tmp" linearly from a list called "captain".
- long lCode = GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) / SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, lCode);
- Useless code from the standard Windows library setting the size of a window to its own size.
- opera = getattr(mica.yuzhong,"command_%s" % list[0])
- Obscure Python code fetching a certain value from within Yuzhong, director of Sunborn.
- In a city that should not exist. / Where individual liberty is nothing but a daydream. / Only hope remains.
- ↑ In the original Simplified Chinese scripts, Xīàn (希岸 or 希岸空间), translated literally, means “the shore of hope”, or in its long form “space of the shore of hope”. The name has been translated in two ways in other languages:
- The first way is a phonetic interpretation resulting in “Zion”, a hill in Jerusalem which is also used as a synonym for the Land of Israel from the Hebrew Bible. In both Standard and Traditional Chinese, Zion is transcripted into 錫安 (xīān), which is one tone away from 希岸. This translation is used consistently in Girls' Frontline in Traditional Chinese (錫安), in Korean (시온) and in Japanese (シオン). The Traditional Chinese version of Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery also uses 希岸空間 (“space of the shore of hope”), and the Korean version 희망의 언덕 공간 (“space of the hill of hope”). In English, Girls' Frontline originally used Zion but switched to the second translation as of Slow Shock.
- The second way is a semantic interpretation equating “shore of hope” with the Buddhist concept of Pāramitā, which can be literally translated as “the other shore” (away from the unwanted cycle of reincarnation). Pāramitā is related to the better-known concept of Nirvāna, which has been interpreted as a state but also as a place of beatitude. The Japanese version of Reverse Collapse uses ヒガン (higan), the katakana form of 彼岸 (higan, “the other shore”), as well as ヒガンスペース (higan supēsu, “space of the other shore”). The English translation of Reverse Collapse uses Nirvana and Nirvana Domain, and the English translation of Girls' Frontline switched from Zion to Nirvana starting with Slow Shock.
- ↑ The background file used for certain scenes in Tarot Paradise in Cartesian Theater is titled 202406 GRCh38. It also closely resembles the background used for scenes in Xīàn in Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Transcript of Zone Definitions
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Reverse Collapse Worldview#Contamination Zone
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Battlefield Echoes, Development Agreement Archived Files
- ↑ Weibo - Ground Zero
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E3-7
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E1-8
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E3-9
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E3-6
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E2-3
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Classified Briefings#Comprehensive Black Zone Survey Report
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Signal Flare
- ↑ Weibo - Contaminated Zone
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Confidential Information III
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Girls' Frontline, Eclipses & Saros, E7
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, E1-2B
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, E1-4B
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 2, Act 6
- ↑ Weibo - Frontier Zone
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, SL-2-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Sojourners of the Glass Island UA-1-5
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Dusty Journal#Shadow in the Snow 4
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Global Affairs and Impacts on Religion
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Investigation into the Origin of Religions
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, SMG Type 100Type 100Type 100 Neural Upgrade story 4
- ↑ Weibo - W/E_Year_Serial Number
- ↑ Weibo - Extension Zone
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 11-2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 11-1E
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Departure Time II
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 35-R3
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, SL-5-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Spiderweb
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Zero Charge, E2
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 Weibo - Safety Zone
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, ShaleShale , Profile 1
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.8 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 3
- ↑ 37.00 37.01 37.02 37.03 37.04 37.05 37.06 37.07 37.08 37.09 37.10 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, Part. 2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20 Neural Upgrade story
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20 The Aristocrat Experience costume notebook memento.
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 Project Neural Cloud, Hatsuchiri quotes
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 Project Neural Cloud, Python profile
- ↑ The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 5
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Summary of the Antarctic War Situation
- ↑ 44.00 44.01 44.02 44.03 44.04 44.05 44.06 44.07 44.08 44.09 44.10 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 1
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - 42Lab
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Chelsea and Florence's Doll Profiles
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Crisis Rescue Stage 1
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, CascadiaCascadia Profile 2
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Twilight Requiem - Stage 4-5
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Twilight Requiem - Stage 1-2
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Joyful Reunion - Stage 3-3
- ↑ 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.4 52.5 52.6 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, Part. 4
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Experimental Unit "Aurora" Mission Overview
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Groove - Doll Profile 2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Dusty Memories, Heart of the Dishes
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 4, Deviation (preparation phase dialogue)
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, RF Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88 Neural Upgrade story 2
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Gastronomic Journey Stage 3-1
- ↑ 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 Girls' Frontline, Official early promotional wallpaper
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Cyber Media
- ↑ The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 3.
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Classified Briefings - European Collapse Radiation Contamination Zone Restoration and Revitalization Joint Development Agreement
- ↑ 63.0 63.1 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, The First Generation of Tactical Dolls
- ↑ 64.0 64.1 Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Lamp Starter
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 8-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 8-4E
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Arctic Warfare, E1-1
- ↑ 68.0 68.1 Girls' Frontline, Episode 7-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Operation Cube, E1-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Operation Cube+, E1-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 6-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 6-3E
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 6-4E
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 6-4N
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 9-5
- ↑ 76.0 76.1 Girls' Frontline, Deep Dive, Imaginary Maze
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-6
- ↑ 78.0 78.1 Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-4E
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-6
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 2-6
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 first anniversary dialogue
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 1-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Departure Time I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Deep Dive, E1-3
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Deep Dive, E2-1
- ↑ Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Marlohe's CONTRIBUTION15 quote
- ↑ The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 3
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Quenching Operation Stage 3
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, E17
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, AR AK-15AK-15AK-15 Neural Upgrade Story 2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E1-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 3-γ3
- ↑ 94.0 94.1 Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Classified Briefings, Record of the Environmental Analysis in the Sebeș Area
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-1
- ↑ 96.0 96.1 96.2 Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Darkest Decline 1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Classified Briefings - F379 Extra Info
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, 3-4
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, 4-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, SL-4-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Battlefield Echoes - The Final Command
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, SL-4-4
- ↑ 103.0 103.1 Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Battlefield Echoes - The Watcher
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Rhapsody Quartet MA-1-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Dusty Journal - Twinkle Reborn 1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Classified Briefings - The Sky Within the Squares
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Dusty Journal#Rock and Roll Tomato
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Dusty Memories
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Dusty Journal#Incomplete Heart
- ↑ 110.0 110.1 Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Classified Briefings - Bucharest by the Sea
- ↑ Fresnel reveal post
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Simo - Doll Profile 2
- ↑ 113.0 113.1 Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, E6
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Warszawa Incident Investigation Records
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, If I Still Had a Choice
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Reverse Collapse Worldview#Operation Bakery
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Reverse Collapse Worldview#Inner Caucasus Region
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Reverse Collapse Worldview#Mineral Water City
- ↑ 119.0 119.1 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 2, Act 1
- ↑ 120.0 120.1 120.2 120.3 120.4 120.5 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 5, Act 1
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 2, Act 6
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 4, Rapid Advance
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 4, Treacherous Road
- ↑ 124.0 124.1 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 4, Eviction Notice
- ↑ 125.0 125.1 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 4, Forward Pressure
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 5, Finale
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 4, Lure the Enemy
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 4, Midnight Stratagem
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 4, Negotiation
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 4, Snow Mountain Interception
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 4, Mutual Destruction
- ↑ 132.0 132.1 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 3, Act 5
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 4, Blood Horror
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Inner Caucasus Theater Unit Deployment – Zones A & B
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Inner Caucasus Theater Unit Deployment – Zone C
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Confidential Information X
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Tracing the Source
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Simo - Doll Profile 3
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Divining The Heart Stage 2-4
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light
- ↑ Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Light Cone Frame of Reference I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Tempering I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Beyond the Border I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 11-2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Illusory Peace I
- ↑ 147.0 147.1 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Speculation on the Decline of Religions
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield Neural Upgrade story
- ↑ 149.0 149.1 Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, E35
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Rise - Doll Profile 1
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Fern - Doll Profile 5
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Gastronomic Journey Stage 2-1
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Chapter 3, Act 2
- ↑ Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 9
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Radiation Sickness Treatment Report
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Reverse Collapse Worldview#Philip
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Reverse Collapse Worldview#Helena
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Imhotep - Doll Profile
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Deep Dive, E1-3
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Subsurface Homecoming I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, SMG UMP9UMP9UMP9 Neural Upgrade Story 2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, Operation Level
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, Projection Experiment Area
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-4
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-2E
- ↑ Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Reverse Collapse Worldview#Nirvana Domain
- ↑ 167.0 167.1 Girls' Frontline, The Summer Garden of Forking Paths, E14
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Fractured Cognition IV
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Subsurface Homecoming I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Pandora’s Box I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, SSE04-3
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 3-γ1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, The Summer Garden of Forking Paths, E20
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, The Summer Garden of Forking Paths, E17
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Cartesian Theater, E18
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Cartesian Theater, E15
- ↑ 177.0 177.1 Girls' Frontline, Cartesian Theater, E21
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Cartesian Theater, E1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Cartesian Theater, E10
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Cartesian Theater, E14
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Cartesian Theater, E22
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Cartesian Theater, E23
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Eager Fist, Dawning Fray - Part 2
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Eager Fist, Dawning Fray - Stage 3-3
- ↑ Codename: Bakery Girl, Prologue
- ↑ Codename: Bakery Girl, Chapter 3
- ↑ Codename: Bakery Girl, Chapter 6
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