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Full name Ullrid
Affiliation Doll Community
Body type SSD-62G
Signature Weapon Pluma Edge
Rarity ██ Elite
Role Vanguard
Specialty Melee Damage / Combo Attack / Stealth
Weapon Type BLD
Imprint Boost Rectrix
Affinities MeleeLight Ammo
Weaknesses Heavy AmmoFreeze Phase
Meta information
Released on CN (乌尔丽德) (2024-5), EN (2024-12)
Voiced by Saito Yuka (JP)
菊花花 (CN)
Moon Yoojeong (KR)
Artist Unknown
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Ullrid is a playable character in the game Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.

How to obtain[edit]

GachaThis Doll can only be obtained in time-limited gacha banners.RewardNot obtained as a reward.


How to edit skills

Neural Helix[edit]

Starting Node Enhancement Node Enhancement Node (Level 20) Evolved Nodes (Level 20) Enhancement Node (Level 25) Enhancement Node (Level 30) Evolved Nodes (Level 30) Enhancement Node (Level 35) Enhancement Node (Level 40) Evolved Nodes (Level 40) Final Node
Gain Cover protection when stability index is greater than 0. Attack +34.0
Defense +22.0
Health +64.0
Crit Rate +10.0%
Fixed Key - Swift Action: When the user possesses Whirlwind, basic attacks and other active skills can be used, but it consumes an additional 2 points of Confectance Index. Attack +42.0
Defense +30.0
Health +88.0
Crit DMG +10.0%
Fixed Key - Appropriate Caution: At the start of the battle, gains 3 points of Confectance Index. Attack +49.0
Defense +40.0
Attack +56.0
Health +115.0
Fixed Key - Oppression: When at full health, damage dealt is increased by 15%. Common Key - Mangle: Crit Rate +5.0%
If the enemy target's HP is not full before the attack, increase damage dealt to them by 7%.
Fixed Key - Predation: Ignores 30% of the target enemy's defense when there are no other enemy units within 3 tiles of the target. Fixed Key - Ideal State: When there are no allied units within 3 tiles of self (excluding summoned units), increase own critical rate by 20%. Fixed Key - Hunter's Acuity: When exploiting phase weakness, gain Attack Up I for 2 turns.

Preferred Gifts[edit]


How to use[edit]

Despite being a BLD Doll, Ullrid's Basic Attack is ranged and only her other skills are melee. Her skills grant her extra actions. Her passive grants her some survivability. Taking Fixed Key - Swift Action is recommended so as to not lock her to only using Blade Whirlwind after gaining Whirlwind. Her passive also makes Blade Whirlwind cost only 2 Confectance Index (3 original cost - 1/2 gained from passive/signature weapon).

Recommended Weapons

Recommended Attachment Set

  • Ballistic Boost (general use)
  • Phase Strike (if you have debuffers)
  • Double Strategy (situational)

Character Background

A doll with great ambitions. She draws friends to her side with her bold nature and strong decisiveness. However, she occasionally longs for a quiet corner to unload her burden and rest.

Bearing bow, arrows and longsword, Ullrid can fight for her ideals at any moment. She walks this path with determination and gathered companions along the way, but can she lead these helping hands to a safe future? When she's so tense her Neural Cloud could break, she turns to the “box”, the one containing another brand-new relaxation gadget. “Relaxing? I'm the best person you could ask. I recommend the Soul Extractor, it's a very effective gadget.”[1]

Lore / Story involvement

Ullrid is featured in the following:

Originally designated II_77090 and used on a Doll hunting ground where she was hunted for sport by humans.[2] After escaping the Doll hunting grounds, she joined the caravan of the bounty hunter Allen. When Allen disappeared, Ullrid led the Dolls to seek freedom from mankind.[3]


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • Is known to enjoy using stress relief products designed for humans despite being a Doll (including a head massager [4], her "treasured rubber pig" [5], and heart-shaped bubble wrap [6]) much to Littara's bemusement.