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Documentation icon Template documentation[create]

For information beyond template parameters, refer to IOP Wiki:How To/GFL2/T-Doll.

To change skills, refer to Template:SkillPanel

All values are case-sensitive:

|role=Vanguard, Sentinel, Bulwark or Support
|specialty=Intended use, indicated under the name in the refitting room profile
|rarity="standard" or "elite"
|affiliation=Refer to Character Archive menu
|body=Model (example: SSD-62)
|weapontype=HG, SMG, AR, RF, MG, SG or Blade
|favweapon=Model name of signature weapon (listed as “Imprint ID in Character Archive”)
|phaseaffinity=burn, corrosion, electric, freeze or hydro. Indicate the Phase applied by skills.
|wepweakness=light, medium, heavy, shotgun or melee. Use View Details in the enhancement menu to see weaknesses.
|phaseweakness=burn, corrosion, electric or hydro.

Use only if needed:
|wepaffinity=Indexed on weapontype by default, only define if somehow different

|imprint=Name of the weapon(s) with an Imprint Boost. Leave empty if there's no weapon with an Imprint Boost for this Doll. Link will be created automatically.
|personality=resourceful, friendly, eloquent, creative or courage (read [[Public Area#Dispatch Room]])

|voiceactorjp={{voice actor name|}}
|voiceactorcn={{voice actor name|}}
|voiceactorkr={{voice actor name|}}
|artist={{artist name|}} - Must always have a source of the info

|summary=Remove if nothing special to say in the intro.

|GFL=Name if exists in the first game
|PNC=Name if exists in Neural Cloud
|RCCB=Name if exists in Reverse Collapse

|gacha=standard, limited, or leave empty if never in gacha
|reward=Specify conditions (level reward, starter unit...) or leave empty

Neural Helix:
|Node1desc=Description of first node
|Node2desc=Stats enhanced and enhancement value (repeated for all other Enhancement Nodes)
|Node4name1=Name of the Fixed Key (repeated for all other Fixed Keys)
|Node4desc1=Description of the Fixed Key (repeated for all other Fixed Keys)
|Node11name=Name of the Common Key on the final node
|Node11desc=Stats enhanced, enhancement value and description of the Common Key

|bestgifts=List of gifts with pink icon for this Doll. Specify name of the gifts and their rarity using [[Template:Color]].
|favorgifts=Gifts with green icon
|basicgifts=Gifts with yellow icon

|howto=Gameplay strategies. If too long, make a subpage.

|design=For official artist comments.

|weaponinfo=If it's a GFL1 character, link to the GFL1 page (example for Groza: {{Main|OTs-14#Weapon Background}}). Reuse GFL1 format for new weapons.
|characterinfo=Official introduction
|lore=Extra story info. If too long, make a subpage.

|costumes=List names and method of acquisition
