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PNC Story

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The story and CGs of Project: Neural Cloud as seen in the campaign.

Parts listed as “Stage” are combat stages which still contain story elements.


Main Story[edit]

Part 1: Progressive Diffraction[edit]

Chapter 0: Oasis Defense[edit]


Standard 0-1: Emergency[edit]

Effective commands are critical to combat.


Standard 0-2: Last Stand[edit]

To protect all that lies behind you.


Standard 0-3: Miraculous Escape[edit]

The first light shines upon that lifeless land.


Chapter 1: Artificial Intelligence Sector - Rossum[edit]

Standard 1-1: Explore[edit]

The key to exploring other sectors is to stay low and not attract unwanted attention.


Standard 1-2: Trade[edit]

Provide help in exchange for resources, and win the upper hand through wordplay.


Standard 1-3: Fox[edit]

No matter where you are, merchants will always have exactly what you need at the moment for sale.


Standard 1-4: Clash[edit]

Everyone faces their own difficulties.


Standard 1-5: Method[edit]

It takes one to know one.


Standard 1-6: Argument[edit]

People have a habit of insisting on what they consider right and never backing down.


Standard 1-7: Viewpoint[edit]

People tend to assume those on the receiving end of help to be weak and often ignore their opinions.


Standard 1-8: Backup[edit]

Those who know to prepare for a rainy day rarely get themselves in situations too dire.


Standard 1-9: Sacrifice[edit]

We have never hesitated to sacrifice for the sake of those we care about.


Standard 1-10: Farewell[edit]

We always have too much to say in too little time.


Standard 1-11: Return[edit]

Recognition is a subjective term.


Dark 1-1: Determination[edit]

I will be the herald of the gaudy spring.


Dark 1-2: Proposal[edit]

We all tend to assume we have only one choice.


Dark 1-3: Route[edit]

For we are together in this eternity, guided by the same voice.


Dark 1-4: Fragment[edit]

The road before us is long and winding. Depart now and we shall be arriving.


Dark 1-5: Name[edit]

The Exiles will eventually return home.


Chapter 2: Military Sector - Cyclopes[edit]

Standard 2-1: Shrieking Arrow[edit]

An alarm, sounded by silence.


Standard 2-2: Hunting Grounds[edit]

Bestial instinct, enslaved in the name of rationality.


Standard 2-3: Powderkeg[edit]

The tides of war slowly rise.


Standard 2-4: Utter Destruction[edit]

United we stand.


Standard 2-5: Bullseye[edit]

Aim well and strike true; Identifying the target comes afterwards.


Standard 2-6: Arrow Let Loose[edit]

A persistence seen once a lifetime.


Standard 2-7: Fallacies[edit]

The conflicts of yesteryear, now a serpent coiled around the heart.


Standard 2-8: In Range[edit]

Two enter, one leaves.


Standard 2-9: Sniper's Scope[edit]

With but this one arrow, I snatch you from death's maw.


Stage 2-13: Unrestrained[edit]

The thoughts embedded in the code transcend 0s and 1s.


Standard 2-10: Recalibration[edit]

Who, then, observes behind the scenes?


Standard 2-11: Shattered Arrow[edit]

A cheerless victory.


Dark 2-1: Phantom Pain (Part I)[edit]

Faced with fresh tradegy, the old wounds begin to dully ache.


Dark 2-2: Phantom Pain (Part II)[edit]

I don't see another path, so I said I don't have another choice.


Dark 2-3: Wrong Path[edit]

We haven't changed, we've just steadily drifted apart.


Dark 2-4: Rebirth[edit]

The hardships crossed over by repirth. Can they sharpen the soul?


Dark 2-5: Wavering[edit]

Suffering opened the doors for her heart, but the future remained ever wrapped in fog.


Dark 2-6: Restart[edit]

It's like this. Everything restarts anew.


Chapter 3: Environment and Energy Sector - Helios[edit]

Standard 3-1: MIA[edit]

How could they go missing? They were just there.


Standard 3-2: Incongruence[edit]

Talking across channels sometimes has its uses.


Standard 3-3: Deja Vu[edit]

Sometimes, revisiting the past might not be a good idea.


Standard 3-4: Upturn[edit]

Reinforcements appearing in times of crisis is always an encouraging sign.


Standard 3-5: Downturn[edit]

We managed to solve the problem… probably


Standard 3-6: Ill Tidings[edit]

Grim reports all too often follow on the heels of good news.


Standard 3-7: Deletion[edit]

There is nothing in this world that will indulge an endless number of attempts.


Standard 3-8: Perseverance[edit]

People often believe so much in themselves that they forget there are others that can help as well.


Standard 3-9: Deep Learning[edit]

Looking back on the path we took, we can see that we already had so much.


Standard 3-10: Fireworks[edit]

No matter how winding the road, those sacred fires will be lit upon the mountain top.


Standard 3-11: Kindling[edit]

That burning flame, what could it mean.


Dark 3-1: Cycle[edit]

In her heart, the only one that cannot be let down is delicious chocolate.


Dark 3-2: Embark[edit]

Procrastination is a terminal illness.


Dark 3-3: Responsibility[edit]

When ideals become heavy responsibilities, can you still smile as easily as when you made the wish?


Dark 3-4: Companions[edit]

We need not be alone any longer. On the next journey, we go together.


Dark 3-5: Angled Light[edit]

The dust has settled; we will return home.


Chapter 4: Computer Sector - Enigma[edit]

Standard 4-1: Ghost Town[edit]

Any day can bring unexpected catastrophe.


Standard 4-2: Heavy Downpour[edit]

The strongest enemy doesn't necessarily only appear at the end.


Standard 4-3: Smiling Face[edit]

Perhaps a hand reaching out at our darkest hour, perhaps a blade laying hidden under a kind smile.


Standard 4-4: Dilemma[edit]

Behind, no retreat is possible. Ahead, the abyss awaits us.


Standard 4-5: A loner[edit]

We each faced the danger head-on, leaving our back to one another.


Standard 4-6: Anchor[edit]

In that dark and endless sea, you are the light that guides me.


Standard 4-7: Trust[edit]

From faith comes courage.


Standard 4-8: Awakening[edit]

Yesterday's lullaby.


Standard 4-9: Back[edit]

I returned to that place of death, carrying the spark of new life.


Standard 4-10: White Hole[edit]

Somewhere, we will connect again, as we did before.


Standard 4-11: Long Dream[edit]

With your lingering warmth, I continue forth into the cold future.


Dark 4-1: Nine Thousand Births[edit]

They taught each other the meaning behind their existence.


Dark 4-2: Forbidden Fruit[edit]

The sweet happiness of growth went sour.


Dark 4-3: Steadfast[edit]

I will protect you, no matter what you have become.


Dark 4-4: Nonexistent Memory[edit]

Secrecy breeds suspicion.


Dark 4-5: Judgment[edit]

No one can lie before God.


Chapter 5: Art Sector - Pierides[edit]

Standard 5-1: Criss-Crossed[edit]

Unconsciously, you glimpse a small corner of the truth.

Slides (Script)

Standard 5-2: Night Raid[edit]

In the dead of night, a grim visitor appears, surrounded by a dreadful air.

Slides (Script)

Standard 5-3: Ambush[edit]

Like a spider, it quietly waits for its prey to enter its web.

Slides (Script)

Standard 5-4: Negotiation[edit]

No one ever wants to have a gun pointed at them, but circumstances can dictate otherwise.

Slides (Script)

Standard 5-5: Cooperation[edit]

Strength is a bargaining chip in discussions about cooperation.

Slides (Script)

Standard 5-6: Advance[edit]

Where the enemy protects, we will penetrate.

Slides (Script)

Standard 5-7: Theater[edit]

The charm of drama lies in its twist, bringing smiles or shrieks.

Slides (Script)

Standard 5-8: Garden[edit]

Flowers cultivated by disaster are alluring and cunning.

Slides (Script)

Standard 5-9: Nightmare[edit]

It could be that all beings with thought have things in their heart that they do not wish to face.

Slides (Script)

Standard 5-10: Performance[edit]

The actors become the directors and bring the play to its climax.

Slides (Script)

Standard 5-11: Descent[edit]

When you become a performer in the play, you will long for someone to come save you.

Slides (Script)

Standard 5-12: To Be Continued[edit]

The actors are in place, the story has just begun.

Slides (Script)

Dark 5-1: See You[edit]

People often use the phrase "see you later" when leaving, but machines could never understand the reason why.

Slides (Script)

Dark 5-2: Favor[edit]

Like a star fixed in the night sky, that mysterious gift glimmers and shines.

Slides (Script)

Dark 5-3: Icing[edit]

The price will be claimed when you least expect it. Until then, sleep well.

Slides (Script)

Dark 5-4: Position[edit]

Everyone unconsciously seeks their own place in the world.

Slides (Script)

Dark 5-5: Disagreement[edit]

Before the answer to the riddle was announced, no one knew if their answer was correct.

Slides (Script)

Dark 5-6: Rushed Advance[edit]

Knowledge and answers are not free.

Slides (Script)

Dark 5-7: Judgment[edit]

No one can lie before God.

Slides (Script)

Chapter 6: Ecology Sector - Copley[edit]

Standard 6-1: Danger Zone[edit]

The sudden appearance of a natural disaster.

Slides (Script)

Standard 6-2: Decisiveness[edit]

The clues are often fleeting and opportunities never knock when you're ready.

Slides (Script)

Standard 6-3: Barrier[edit]

It's just like a hedgehog.

Slides (Script)

Standard 6-4: Vigilance[edit]

One mustn't let down their guard around others.

Slides (Script)

Standard 6-5: Calm[edit]

Haste makes waste.

Slides (Script)

Standard 6-6: In Brief[edit]

Don't listen, don't care, don't think, don't know.

Slides (Script)

Standard 6-7: Pulsate[edit]

The master of the misty depths has been dormant for a long time.

Slides (Script)

Standard 6-8: Black Swan[edit]

Gentle filth amid foul screams.

Slides (Script)

Standard 6-9: Child[edit]

Slow, noisy, and copying.

Slides (Script)

Standard 6-10: Scene Control[edit]

The curtain is about to rise once more. To the staff that this doesn't concern, please leave.

Slides (Script)

Standard 6-11: Light of the Sky[edit]

Break free of this cage and see the light once more.

Slides (Script)

Standard 6-12: Tides[edit]

Those crashing waves are far more than simply sea water.

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Standard 6-13: Youth[edit]

Longing, misery, and direction.

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Standard 6-14: Puppet[edit]

Suspended upon strings, one's will usurped.

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Standard 6-15: Countermeasures[edit]

A two-pronged approach.

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Standard 6-16: Entrust[edit]

Please take my place. Finish what I could not.

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Standard 6-17: Strategy[edit]

One move on the board, three in the mind; place the piece with conviction.

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Standard 6-18: Baby Chick[edit]

Communicate, encourage, and guide.

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Standard 6-19: Confluence[edit]

A distant yet intimate relationship.

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Standard 6-20: War without End[edit]

A tacit understanding.

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Standard 6-21: Contingency Plan[edit]

A perfectly executed back up plan.

Slides (Script)

Stage 6-27: Spotlight[edit]

To welcome freedom is to also welcome death.

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Standard 6-22: Impermanence[edit]

Until the play concludes, you can never be sure of what grotesque conclusion the director has planned.

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Standard 6-23: Emptied Seals[edit]

The endless journey is not over yet. The travelers cannot yet let down their guard.

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Standard 6-24: Communications[edit]

It's not known where the signal came from, nor where it's headed.

Slides (Script)

Dark 6-1: Abyss[edit]

Dark 6-2: Erosion[edit]

Dark 6-3: Ring Cover[edit]

Dark 6-4: Confrontation[edit]

Dark 6-5: Instigation[edit]

Dark 6-6: Awaken[edit]

Part 2: Static Iteration[edit]

Chapter 7: Aberrance's Chain[edit]

Part 1: Blockade[edit]

Part 2: Entente[edit]

Part 3: Indifference[edit]

Part 4: Walking Corpse[edit]

Part 5: Journey of Understanding[edit]

Part 6: Ambition[edit]

Stage 8: Crime and Punishment[edit]

Part 7: Trial[edit]

Part 8: Creation[edit]

Stage 11: Judgment[edit]

Part 9: Sacrifice[edit]

Part 10: Anger[edit]

Stage 13: Disaster[edit]

Part 11: Obligation[edit]

Stage 14: Shattered Mirror[edit]

Part 12: Beacon[edit]

Part 13: Deflection[edit]

Part 14: Policy[edit]

Information Obtained[edit]

Information Fragment I[edit]

Information Fragment II[edit]

Information Fragment III[edit]

Information Fragment IV[edit]

Information Fragment V[edit]

Information Fragment VI[edit]

Information Fragment VII[edit]

Main Event[edit]

Chapter 8: Inverted Mordent Resonance[edit]

Part 1: Reason[edit]

Part 2: Old Friend[edit]

Part 3: Fellow[edit]

Part 4: Opening[edit]

Stage 1: Showdown[edit]

Part 5: Eyecatch[edit]

Part 6: Admiration[edit]

Stage 2: Exploration[edit]

Part 7: Obsession[edit]

Part 8: Paean[edit]

Part 9: Deduction[edit]

Part 10: Seeds[edit]

Part 11: Festival[edit]

Part 12: Nightless[edit]

Stage 3: Understanding[edit]

Part 13: Daybreak[edit]

Part 14: Answer[edit]

Part 15: Cry[edit]

Part 16: Future[edit]

Stage 4: Negative[edit]

Part 17: Venus[edit]

Part 18: Low pressure[edit]

Part 19: "Stage"[edit]

Main Event[edit]

Chapter 9: Critical Cascade[edit]

Stage 1: Battle Lines[edit]

1 (Script) - 2 (Script) - 3 (Script)

Stage 2: Fighting Retreat[edit]

1 (Script) - 2 (Script)

Stage 3: Mutual Support[edit]

1 (Script) - 2 (Script) - 3 (Script)

Stage 4: Falling Back[edit]

1 (Script) - 2 (Script)

Part 1: Deconstruction[edit]

Part 2: Reliance[edit]

Stage 7: Illumination[edit]

Also titled Daybreak in game files.

Slides (Script)

Part 3: One Shot[edit]

Part 4: Bait[edit]

Part 5: Unfamiliar[edit]

Part 6: Watchtower[edit]

Stage 10: Long-Awaited[edit]

Part 7: Demolition[edit]

Part 8: Reinforcements[edit]

Part 9: Argument[edit]

Part 10: Cooperation[edit]

Part 11: Doubt[edit]

Part 12: Protection[edit]

Part 13: Enlightenment[edit]

Stage 16: Resolve[edit]

Part 14: Disassembly[edit]

Part 15: Comrades[edit]

Part 16: Hostage[edit]

Stage 19: Hidden Blade[edit]

Also titled Hidden Edge in game files.

1 (Script) - 2 (Script) - 3 (Script) - 4 (Script)

Stage 20: Trump Card[edit]

Also titled Hole Card in game files.

1 (Script) - 2 (Script) - 3 (Script) - 4 (Script) - 5 (Script)

Stage 21: Different Paths[edit]

Also titled Divergence in game files.

1 (Script) - 2 (Script) - 3 (Script) - 4 (Script) - 5 (Script) - 6 (Script) - 7 (Script) - 8 (Script) - 9 (Script) - 10 (Script) - 11 (Script) - 12 (Script) - 13 (Script)

Stage 22: Dreamlike[edit]

1 (Script) - 2 (Script) - 3 (Script) - 4 (Script)

Part 17: Awakening[edit]

Chapter 10: Perilous Advancement[edit]

Part 1: Queen's Crisis[edit]

Stage 1: Major Piece Return[edit]

Part 2: Minority Bind[edit]

Part 3: Minor Piece Advance[edit]

Stage 3: Defense Line[edit]

Part 4: A Clash Of Wits[edit]

Stage 5: Recommencing the Game[edit]

Part 5: Diversionary Tactics[edit]

Stage 8: Abiding In Silence[edit]

Part 6: Double Attack[edit]

Stage 10: Trading Space[edit]

Part 7: Recovery Counterattack[edit]

Part 8: Sharing The Burden[edit]

Part 9: Extreme Substitution[edit]

Part 10: Daring Proposal[edit]

Stage 15: Overcoming Obstacles[edit]

1 (Script) - 2 (Script)

Part 11: Together In Adversity[edit]

Stage 16: Regenerated Shield[edit]

Part 12: Kingside Trap[edit]

Stage 17: Sealed Game[edit]

Part 13: Many-Layered Binding[edit]

Stage 18: Tactical Withdrawal[edit]

Part 14: Midgame Crisis[edit]

Part 15: Illusionary Snare[edit]

Stage 21: Advancing Breakthrough[edit]

Part 16: An Exchange of Determination[edit]

Stage 23: Prelude to Upheaval[edit]

Part 17: Piercing The Heavens[edit]

Part 18: Drawn To The Kill[edit]

Stage 26: Frontline Lockdown[edit]

Part 19: Open Rendezvous[edit]

Stage 27: Sequential Victory[edit]

Part 20: Unusual Feint[edit]

Stage 28: Resuming Play[edit]

Part 21: Swordlight, Starshine[edit]

Stage 29: Final Flare[edit]

Part 22: Counting Coup[edit]

Chapter 11: Entropic Dichotomy[edit]

Part 1: Echo of Fate[edit]

Stage 1: Spirited Light[edit]

Part 2: Call To Arms[edit]

Part 3: Revelation From The Altar[edit]

Part 4: Swift Trailblaze[edit]

Stage 4: Wilderness' Blockade[edit]

Part 5: Racing Through Parted Seas[edit]

Part 6: Shining Through The Tide[edit]

Stage 6: Taxing Expedition[edit]

1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script)

Part 7: Unbreakable Protection[edit]

Stage 7: A Flash of Thunder[edit]

1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script)

Part 8: Heresy's Birth[edit]

Part 9: Persistent Temptation[edit]

Part 10: Doubt-Dispersing Decree[edit]

Part 11: Trek of Discovery[edit]

Stage 11: Heart-Tempering Flames[edit]

Part 12: Light Resurgent[edit]

Part 13: Lighting The Beacon[edit]

Part 14: Sweet Dream's End[edit]

Part 15: Edge of Catastrophe[edit]

Stage 15: Surging Dawn[edit]

Part 16: Repaid in Hate[edit]

Stage 16: Fierce Deluge[edit]

Part 17: Silver Lining[edit]

Part 18: Wicked Illusions[edit]

Part 19: Metamorphosis[edit]

Part 20: The Third Arrow[edit]

Stage 21: Entwined Desires[edit]

Part 21: Moment of Hunting[edit]

Stage 23: Flagrant Light[edit]

Part 22: Change and Confusion[edit]

Stage 24: Will Made Manifest[edit]

Part 23: Mocking Praise[edit]

Stage 26: One Leaves[edit]

Part 24: Clash of Revelation[edit]

Stage 28: Finality's Mirror[edit]

Part 25: Promise of Farewell[edit]

Part 26: Afterglow of Upheaval[edit]

Stage 30: Unatoned Sins[edit]

Part 27: Echoes of Distant Memory[edit]

Entropic Survivors[edit]

Illustrious Path Sign-In Event[edit]

Chapter 12: Singularity Immemorial[edit]

Part 1: The Nine Heavens Beckon[edit]

Part 2: Whispers From Distant Stars[edit]

Part 3: Girdling The Heavens, Joining The Stars[edit]

Part 4: Gravity's Butterfly[edit]

Part 5: Hair's Breadth[edit]

Stage 9: Hail Mary[edit]

1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script)

Part 6: Scorched Earth[edit]

Part 7: Enduring the Entropy[edit]

Stage 12: Consuming Darkness[edit]

1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script)

Part 8: Titan's Lament[edit]

Stage 15: Witch of Saturn[edit]

Part 9: Bizarre Trek[edit]

Part 10: Receding Refraction[edit]

Stage 18: Binary Conjunction[edit]

Part 11: Celestial Extirpation[edit]

Part 12: Entropic Consumption[edit]

Part 13: Thermodynamic Apocalypse[edit]

Part 14: Dark Course[edit]

Stage 26: None Shall Pass[edit]

Part 15: Dust to Dust[edit]

Stage 30: Last Glimpse of Space[edit]

Part 16: Wedge of Mass[edit]

Stage 32: Primordial Reconstruction[edit]

1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script)

Part 17: Shining Singularity[edit]

Clotho - Emerald Musings[edit]

Chapter 12.5: Irradiant Awakening[edit]

Part 1: Cosmic Evolution[edit]

Part 2: Image of the Celestial Spheres[edit]

Part 3: Through The Stardust[edit]

Part 4: The Center Cannot Hold[edit]

Part 5: Half Moon Eclipse[edit]

Part 6: Gravitic Resistance[edit]

Part 7: Absorbing Recollections[edit]

Part 8: Cometary Afterglow[edit]

Part 9: Edge of Daybreak[edit]

Part 10: Extrasolar Planet[edit]

Part 11: Looking Back[edit]

Part 12: Planetary Reconfiguration[edit]

Chapter 13: Engrammatic Eclipse[edit]

Part 1: Meet The Violet, Know Its Thorns[edit]

Part 2: Matters of the Past[edit]

Part 3: First Steps Into Mystery[edit]

Part 4: Crisis Encroaches[edit]

Part 5: Piecing Recollections[edit]

Stage 1: Desolate Starfire[edit]

1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script)

Part 6: Gazing Upon Distant Stars[edit]

Part 7: Cleansing Dawn[edit]

Part 8: Reflections On One's Path[edit]

Part 9: Fragrance By Your Side[edit]

Part 10: Skyward Signal[edit]

Stage 2: Wintry Impasse[edit]

Part 11: Motes In Darkness[edit]

Part 12: Off By A Hair[edit]

Stage 3: Warring Dragon, Bygone Fish[edit]

Part 13: Massed Doubles[edit]

Stage 4: Paradoxical Void[edit]

Part 14: Lightless Daybreak[edit]

Part 15: Displaced Synchrony[edit]

Part 16: Twin Stars Twinkling[edit]

Part 17: Unknown Error[edit]


















De Lacey[edit]















Darkstar Hubble[edit]

















Persicaria - Shining Edge[edit]






















Chapter 14: Photoluminescence[edit]

Chapter 15: Gloaming Finale[edit]

Other Story Events[edit]

Stories and stages of character events can be replayed from the Doll's listing (accessible even without unlocking the Doll).


Part 1: R&D[edit]

Sometimes, a product made with reference to market research data ends up being far different from what is expected.


Stage 1: Slice[edit]

What's the secret of a pretty, popular young female livestreamer's success? Perhaps the answer is – it's her popularity.


Stage 2: Livestream[edit]

Before starting a stream, it is crucial that you carefully read the relevant terms of service. Please cherish your stream, miss Streamer.

1 (Script) - 2 (Script) - 3 (Script) - 4 (Script) - 5 (Script) - 6 (Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Fans[edit]

There is little that fans love more than meeting their idols and rubbing shoulders with them.

1 (Script) - 2 (Script) - 3 (Script) - 4 (Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Chasing Dreams[edit]

What we all seek is the possibility that we may someday shine.

1 (Script) - 2 (Script) - 3 (Script) - 4 (Script) - 5 (Script) - Nodes

Stage 5: Performance[edit]

I'll give my best performance for you, who likes me best.

1 (Script) - 2 (Script) - 3 (Script) - 4 (Script) - 5 (Script) - Nodes

Part 2: The Curtain Rises[edit]

Existing to do battle alongside you, living to laugh and rejoice with you.


Magrasea's Lang Syne[edit]

Stage 1: Finding Notes[edit]

The strings are broken, and no further notes follow. A lonely song travels the wind.


Part 1: Tuning[edit]

Before the old year has even passed, new guests have arrived at the door.

Slides(Script) - Nodes

Stage 2: Plucking[edit]

The cherries and plums are in full bloom, as both guests and host prepare for the feast.

Slides(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Tremolo[edit]

Gently gather old dreams, for harsh sounds are the bane of moods.

Slides(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Vibrato[edit]

One can easily know the emotions in a song, but the thoughts of its player are a different matter.

Slides(Script) - Nodes

Stage 5: Glissando[edit]

Playing an instrument is like cooking; nimble fingers make for excellent dishes.

Slides(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Harmony[edit]

A joyful song delights the heart, while the zither's string posts hide one's feelings.


Part 3: Lingering Melody[edit]

The first day of spring is upon us, even though the night of New Year's Eve has not yet ended.


Quenching Operation[edit]

Part 1: Hope[edit]

Stage 1: Recollection[edit]

Stage 2: Boot Camp[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - 6(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Back and Forth[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Retaliation[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 5: Hard Fight[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - 6(Script) - 7(Script) - 8(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Teachers and Students[edit]

Heartfelt House of Chocolate[edit]

Cocoa Prelude[edit]




















Sweetness To Be Continued[edit]

Midnight Machinations[edit]

Stage 1: Old Glory[edit]

Part 1: Unfurling[edit]

Stage 2: Dependent Arising[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Entrustment[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Twist[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Stage 5: Joint Effort[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: To Be Continued[edit]

Eager Fist, Dawning Fray[edit]

Stage 1: Old Glory[edit]

Part 1: Arena[edit]

Stage 2: Rekindle[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Flash[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Ten-Count[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 5: Final Battle[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Tomorrow's Star[edit]

Chromatic Spiral[edit]

Stage 1: Oath[edit]

Part 1: Strange Tidings[edit]

Stage 2: Kindness[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - 6(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Clarity[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Quick Wit[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 5: Initial Diagnosis[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - 6(Script) - 7(Script) - 8(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Debriefing[edit]

Snowy Encounters[edit]

Stage 1: Storybook[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script)

Stage 2: Little Pilot[edit]



Stage 3: Gao![edit]



Stage 4: The Two Princesses and the Robot General[edit]



Stage 5: She's a Dragon[edit]



Stage 6: Sleeping Beauty[edit]



Stage 7: The End[edit]



Ruintop Song[edit]

Stage 1: Deep History[edit]

Part 1: Upon The Ruins[edit]

Stage 2: Explanation[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Sensing Change[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Correction[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - Nodes

Stage 5: Comprehensive Mirror[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Chronicle[edit]

Wishing Starbridge Workshop[edit]

Great Summer Battle[edit]














Far From The Madding Crowd[edit]

Gastronomic Journey[edit]

Stage 1: Meal Preparation[edit]

Part 1: Sampler[edit]

Stage 2: Search[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Culinary Arts[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: New Taste[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 5: Cocktail Party[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Bottoms Up[edit]

Divergent Shadows[edit]

Part 1: Recurrence[edit]

Stage 1: Wipe-Off[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 2: Rescue[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Standoff[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Suspicion[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 5: Trust[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - 6(Script) - 7(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Return[edit]

Twilight Requiem[edit]

Part 1: Midnight Echo[edit]

Stage 1: Sunset Soliloquy[edit]

Stage 2: Prologue at Dusk[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Grave Moon Sigh[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Starry Interlude[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Stage 5: Lost Knowledge[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Dawn Epilogue[edit]

Strange Blue[edit]

Part 1: Setting Sail[edit]

Part 2: Mysterious Map[edit]

Part 3: Churning Waves[edit]

Part 4: Deep-Sea Cavern[edit]

Part 5: Battling The Sea[edit]

Part 6: Triumphant Return[edit]











L.A.D Riddle[edit]

Part 1: Probability Analysis[edit]

Stage 1: Cognitive Discrepancy[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Stage 2: Attributive Theory[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: False Dichotomy[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Logical Stereotype[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Deductive Reasoning[edit]

Stage 5: Expected Effect[edit]

Stage 1: "Hardboiled"[edit]

Stage 2: "The Rebel"[edit]

Stage 3: "Accessory"[edit]

Symphonic Reprise[edit]

Part 1: Prelude of Honor[edit]

Stage 1: Preparations Complete[edit]

Stage 2: Evanescent Theater[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Lyrical Intermission[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Escalating Narration[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 5: Heartfelt Psalm[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: New Song Rising[edit]

Stage 1: Restless Nocturne[edit]

Stage 3: Awakening Endsong[edit]

Starchaser's Concerto[edit]

Part 1: First Star[edit]

Part 2: Shatter[edit]

Part 3: Purity[edit]

Part 4: Truth[edit]

Part 5: Intentions[edit]

Part 6: Christmas Eve[edit]









Joyful Reunion[edit]

Part 1: "Enter the Jiangyu"[edit]

Stage 1: "Once Upon A Time In Canada"[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Stage 2: "Adventures In Kung Fu Practice"[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: "The Grandmistress"[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: "Fist of Glory"[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: "Peerless Sisters"[edit]

Stage 1: "Girl Cop"[edit]

Stage 2: "Calculating Commoner"[edit]

Stage 3: "A World Without Lies"[edit]

Springtime Ruckus[edit]

In New Year's Broadcast, parts of each chapter are unlocked by gifting a certain amount of Fortune Envelopes to the characters in the event main screen. Troublemakers refer to KuroKuro and FlorenceFlorence , Duty Group to CroqueCroque and SakuyaSakuya , Martial Artists to JiangyuJiangyu and AkiAki , Garden Security to both Martial Artists and Duty Group, Villains and Vigilantes to both Martial Artists and Troublemakers, and finally Garden Explorers to all protagonists. After New Year's Broadcast, three more scenes can be unlocked for each character by gifting them more Fortune Envelopes.

The Easter Egg scene is unlocked by interacting with the bunny hidden behind the bench on the far left of the event main screen.

Divining The Heart[edit]

Part 1: Theme: Diviner[edit]

Stage 1: Proposal: Migrator[edit]

Stage 2: Rehearsal: Rationalist[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Recording: Skeptic[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Editing: Savior[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Post-Production: Star-Plucker[edit]

Cleansing Aria[edit]

Stage 1: Sacred Summons[edit]

Part 1: A Star Is Born[edit]

Stage 2: Arduous Interception[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Road of Perdition[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Bloody Martyrdom[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Rebirth From Sin[edit]

Stage 2: Punishing Proverbs[edit]

Stage 3: Saint-Shot Severance[edit]

Crisis Rescue[edit]

Part 1: Oasis In Danger[edit]

Stage 1: Rescue Operation[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 2: Saturated Search[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Responder's Spirit[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Joyful Reunion[edit]

Stage 4: Disaster Simulation[edit]

Magrasean Nights[edit]

Part 1: Strange Sword Saga[edit]





Part 2: Long Night's End[edit]

Oneiric Odyssey[edit]

Part 1: Forgotten[edit]

Stage 1: Mysterious Journey[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 2: Interwoven[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Long Dream[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Nursery Rhyme[edit]

Stage 5: The Past[edit]

Moonseeking Resurgence[edit]

Part 1: Warmth[edit]

Stage 1: Full Moon[edit]

Stage 2: Echo[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 3: Soaring[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - Nodes

Stage 4: Struggle[edit]


1(Script) - 2(Script) - 3(Script) - 4(Script) - 5(Script) - Nodes

Part 2: Surge[edit]

Melodious Macrocosm[edit]

Like Springtime Ruckus, chapters in the Idol Express main story are unlocked by gifting a certain amount of the corresponding Lightbanner