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PNC Story/Standard 1-4/Script

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Remaining Oasis Barrier Uptime - 1:21:48
Rossum Sector, Admin Center

After we leave, Turing begins giving T1641 a checkup.

Turing: [Lower limb examination complete. Damage assessment – minor. Conclusion – will not influence mobility.]
Turing: Explain yourself, T1641.

T1641: …I don't want to leave you.

Turing: Do you understand the situation right now? I'm not telling you to leave me, I'm telling you to take shelter.
Turing: You will have every opportunity to come back and find me once the Sanctifiers leave.

T1641: But then you'll be alone.

Turing: What?

T1641: If T1641 and Hannah aren't around, Turing will have to face the Sanctifiers by herself.
T1641: T1641 does not want Turing to take risks. T1641 wants to help Turing.

Turing: …Listen to me, T1641. I am the Sector Administrator, but you're just an ordinary agent.
Turing: The Sanctifiers can't do anything to me for the time being, but they'll make a move on you right away if they find you.
Turing: Do you understand? You can't do anything for me here besides cause me trouble!

T1641: …I'm sorry.

T1641 lowers her head, at a loss for words. Upon seeing this, Turing realizes that she misspoke. She gets down on one knee so her face is level with T1641's.

Turing: …I should be apologizing to you. I'm sorry. I forgot your logic systems aren't complete.
Turing: Back then, I sacrificed the capabilities of your other modules in order for your emotional systems to surpass the standard.

T1641: I'm sorry, Turing. I'm sorry for not being as good as Hannah.
T1641: I've tried, but my scores will never catch up to hers.
T1641: Hannah can make plans in the Data Center, while all I've done is cause you trouble.

Turing shakes her head and then gently embraces T1641.

Turing: Your worth isn't determined by test scores. You and Hannah are equally important to me.

T1641: …Then what should I do now?

Turing: I'll arrange for other agents to send you to the Data Center. This is a mission, so don't mess around, okay?

T1641: I will complete my missions!

Turing summons an agent to escort T1641 away before returning to her control terminal, where she receives a communication request.

System: >Call received. Address – Data Center.

Turing: Hannah?

???: It's me. Hannah's beside me.
???: Hannah and I discussed several countermeasures, and we want your opinion on them.
???: The Sanctifiers appeared too suddenly, and the Data Center is not a good place to hide.

Turing: We don't need another plan. You and Hannah should prepare to leave. Someone will be there soon to pick you up.
Turing: They can defeat Sanctifiers and they can ensure your safe escape from the Rossum Sector.

???: Defeat Sanctifiers? I thought there were no agents with combat modules in Rossum?

Turing: They're from the outside. One of them is a 42Lab researcher.
Turing: We made a deal, they'll be providing assistance for operands.
Turing: However, the amount they want is massive, so they'll need the Data Center to help process and compress it.

???: Wait a minute, this is a lot to take in at once… And how are you so sure they can be trusted?

Turing: …They saved T1641 of their own accord. One of them is the 42Lab researcher called Persicaria, I've read her file.

???: Wait a minute, Persicaria?!

Turing: You know her?

???: More and more data points… I need some time to parse them.
???: Does that Persicaira you're talking about have pink hair, wear big white lab coat and carry a cup of coffee in her hands at all times?

Another sudden system notification interrupts their conversation.

System: >Received access request for the Administration Center. Verifying visitor ID–
System: >Visitor ID confirmed – Intermediate Sanctifier…

Turing: !!!

???: Turing? Hello? Turing?

Turing: Faith's at the Admin Center, I'll send you the operands invoice they gave me first.
Turing: Antonina… I'll be counting on you for the rest.

Antonina: Wait–

As the line cuts off, it is accompanied by the footsteps of the Intermediate Sanctifier.

???: Have you processed the pass request for the Sanctifiers, Turing?

Turing: …Not yet. I've been handling the daily tasks for the sector. If you hadn't brought it up, I wouldn't even have known that the Sanctifiers had submitted a pass request to me.
Turing: The suddenness of their arrival does not match proper procedure. For a moment I thought there was a virus incursion.

???: You know why we are here. That turn of phrase is pointless and only serves to waste time.
???: Turing, approve request and unlock all access privileges to the sector's interior. The Sanctifiers need to perform a thorough audit of the Rossum Sector.

Turing: There is nothing wrong with the Rossum Sector, and the scheduled diagnostic is not today. You have no right to make that demand of me.

???: Turing, there is no need for us to repeat the same exchange every time we meet. This process can be optimized.
???: That would be more efficient and safer for the sector. We have already detected traces of Irregular Agents. The situation in Rossum is urgent.

Turing: Faith, I'm not trying to complicate the process and neither am I trying to repeat our exchange. It is simply that the Rossum Sector is fine.
Turing: I haven't heard of any Irregular Agents appearing recently, so please leave and take your Lesser Sanctifiers with you. If you do so, I will not look further into the damage they have already done.

Faith: …[Lesser Sanctifiers, report on the incident that just occurred.]

Sanctifier: [The Lesser Sanctifier stationed at LK27 Zone isolated and Irregular Agent among the Residents in the sector. It is Target 1, serial number T1641.]
Sanctifier: [Unable to detain the target due to a conflict during the cleansing process. The target is now at large.]

Faith: Did you hear that? It's T1641. You have been researching the T-series of agents all this time, have you not?
Faith: Turing, unlock all sector access privileges. An Irregular Agent poses a threat to the sector with every moment of its existence.
Faith: Do you truly wish to endanger the sector?

Turing: …Correct. You're right.

Faith: Thank you for your understanding.

Turing: So please show me your authorization, then. A simple pass request will do.
Turing: You know that the core region of a sector is a classified area and even an Intermediate Sanctifier may not enter it directly.
Turing: Just granting you access would not be in keeping with the rules. I need to see a permit from a Greater Sanctifier and verify that the Reverse Tower[1] knows what is going on.

Faith: …This was expected. While I do not know exactly why you are doing so, you have shown a great willingness to shelter these Irregular Agents.

Turing: Enough talk. You're just looking for an excuse to add more charges to the pile.
Turing: Or are you saying you're going to break the rules you've honored all this time and just barge in there?

Faith: Of course not. The most important thing to a Sanctifier is maintaining law and order.
Faith: Still, that's fine. This too was within the scope of my expectations.
Faith: Before arriving at your sector, I submitted a request to the Greater Sanctifiers for permission to upgrade our access privileges.
Faith: You will receive a certificate of authorization from Lord Eosphorous within 1200 seconds. At that point, you will no longer have a reason to stop us.

Turing: I have never once thought of stopping you. I simply hope everyone will adhere to the rules and proper procedure.
Turing: That IS one of the things you're so big on, right? Doing things by the book.
Turing: Now then, proceed to the break room…

Faith: Thank you for your suggestion, but Sanctifiers do not need breaks.
Faith: Since we are not permitted to enter the core region, we will begin by first examining the sector's outskirts.

Turing: …!

Faith: Or are you saying that we need authorization to inspect the sector's periphery?

Turing: …How could that be? Please yourselves, by all means.

  1. The Sanctifiers' headquarters are located at the hub of Magrasea, independent from all other sectors. The Tower is where Greater Sanctifiers receive divine orders and relay them to Intermediate and Lesser Sanctifiers.
    The Reverse Babylon Tower appears as an inverted tower suspended in mid-air.