List of Characters
A list of all the important characters that currently appear in the story, listed by faction and/or team.
For characters with small roles, see Minor Characters.
Griffin & Kryuger[edit]
Player's faction. A private military company, contracted to contain Sangvis Ferri's rogue AIs.
- Berezovich Kryuger, co-founder and CEO of Griffin & Kryuger.
- Griffin Lyons, a Rossartrist agent in Eastern Europe, founder of WAVE and co-founder of Griffin & Kryuger.
- Helianthus, Kryuger's secretary and second-in-command of Griffin & Kryuger.
- The Commander, the player.
- Kalina, the Commander's assistant.
AR Team[edit]
Team of experimental assault rifle Dolls created by Persica, sent to recover information about Lycoris's research on advanced AI at the beginning of the story. 16LAB later contracts G&K to rescue the team after they are ambushed and targeted by Sangvis Ferri dolls. All of them use a weapon based on the AR-15 platform.
- AR M4A1M4A1M4A1, team leader.
- AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15
- AR M16A1M16A1M16A1, former member, later joins Sangvis Ferri.
- SMG RO635RO635RO635, ex-leader of Squad Palette.
Squad Palette[edit]
RO635's team during Chapter 4N, meant as a temporary task force but still active in Chapter 7 and Polarized Light
- SMG RO635RO635RO635, ex-leader, part AR Team.
- MG AAT-52AAT-52AAT-52
- SMG Sten MkIISten MkIISten MkII, former member of Team Welrod.
- HG Type 92Type 92Type 92
- HG MakarovMakarovMakarov, temporary member.
Squad Negev[edit]
Team of Dolls using Israeli weapons featured in Ch. 6 and 7N
- HG JerichoJerichoJericho, ex-leader.
- MG NegevNegevNegev, team leader.
- AR TAR-21TAR-21TAR-21, radio operator.
- AR GalilGalilGalil
- SMG Micro UziMicro UziMicro Uzi
Squad FN[edit]
Composed of dolls using weapons by FN Herstal. A G&K owned task force, on top of main story interactions, they are also known as a "inter-dimensional" team and are often called in to deal with collaboration events.
- AR FALFALFAL, temporary leader.
- HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN
- RF FN-49FN-49FN-49
- AR F2000F2000F2000
- RF BallistaBallistaBallista
"SCAR" was mentioned as one of Squad FN's Dolls in MG M1918M1918M1918 Neural Upgrade story four years before the addition of both RF SCAR-HSCAR-HSCAR-H and AR SCAR-LSCAR-LSCAR-L.
Squad ATK[edit]
Main characters of the Glory Day collab with DJMAX RESPECT. Often perform in GKTV concerts.
- AR K2K2K2, team leader, band manager.
- HG M950AM950AM950A, lead singer.
- HG ThunderThunderThunder, drummer.
- MG AEK-999AEK-999AEK-999, bassist.
- SMG TMPTMPTMP, keyboardist.
- HG ClearClearClear, guitarist. Joins the team after the events of Glory Day.
Squad Thompson[edit]
Team of Dolls using American weapons, featured in Ch. 2 Midnight and M14's upgrade story.
- SMG ThompsonThompsonThompson, team leader.
- HG M1911M1911M1911
- HG M9M9M9
- SMG MAC-10MAC-10MAC-10
- RF M21M21M21
- RF Super SASSSuper SASSSuper SASS
- RF M14M14M14
Team Makarov[edit]
Team of Dolls using Russian weapons featured in Ch. 3 Midnight and SV-98's upgrade story.
- HG MakarovMakarovMakarov, team leader.
- HG Nagant RevolverNagant RevolverNagant Revolver
- AR AK-47AK-47AK-47
- RF SimonovSimonovSimonov
- RF Mosin-NagantMosin-NagantMosin-Nagant, temporarily absent, did not take part in operation.
- AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14, cameo appearance, did not take part in operation.
Squad Groza[edit]
Team of Dolls using Russian weapons featured in SV-98's upgrade story.
Squad M99[edit]
Team of Dolls using Chinese weapons featured in Ch. 5 Midnight and Type 64's upgrade story.
- RF M99M99M99, team leader.
- AR Type 56-1Type 56-1Type 56-1
- SG Type 97 ShotgunType 97 ShotgunType 97 Shotgun
- HG NZ75NZ75NZ75
- SMG Type 64Type 64Type 64
Rabbit Squad[edit]
New configuration around M99 featured in Type 79's upgrade story.
- RF M99M99M99, team leader.
- SMG Type 79Type 79Type 79
- HG Type 59Type 59Type 59
Skorpion Squad[edit]
Team of Dolls using Czech weapons featured in EVO 3 and Falcon's upgrade stories. Despite being named after Skorpion, she isn't the team leader.
- SMG EVO 3EVO 3EVO 3, team leader.
- SMG SkorpionSkorpionSkorpion
- AR CZ2000CZ2000CZ2000
- RF FalconFalconFalcon
Squad Welrod[edit]
Team of Dolls using British weapons, appeared during IDW's Neural Upgrade story, also mentioned during ch. 8 Midnight.
- HG Welrod MkIIWelrod MkIIWelrod MkII, team leader.
- AR L85A1L85A1L85A1
- MG BrenBrenBren
Squad BAR[edit]
Team led by M1918, appeared during M1918's Neural Upgrade story.
- MG M1918M1918M1918, team leader.
- RF Super SASSSuper SASSSuper SASS
Squad IWS[edit]
Composed of Dolls using Austrian weapons. A G&K owned task force featured in Ch. 8 Midnight
- RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000, captain.
- AR AUGAUGAUG, lieutenant.
- HG Glock 17Glock 17Glock 17
- RF SSG 69SSG 69SSG 69
Squad Kar[edit]
Team of Dolls using German weapons featured in Ch. 10 Midnight.
Griffin's Expendables[edit]
Provisional team of rookie dolls active during the events of Continuum Turbulence. Rescued 9A-91's team, Thompson's team, and MP40's logistics squad while under the leadership of AR HK416HK416HK416.
- HG PythonPythonPython, original team leader.
- AR HK416HK416HK416, takes command of the team as the Commander's adjutant.
- SMG AK-74UAK-74UAK-74U, 416's second-in-command.
- RF Mk 12Mk 12Mk 12
- AR A-91A-91A-91
- AR M4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD II, joins after the attack at Defense Point No. 4.
- SMG RO635RO635RO635, linked to SOP-II and stuck in a Dinergate.
- Taunt Fairy, the "last secret weapon." Used to rescue MP40's team.
Gentiane's T-Dolls[edit]
T-Dolls led by Gentiane in Girls' Frontline: Doll's Song.
- RF FN-49FN-49FN-49
- AR G36G36G36
- HG MP-446MP-446MP-446
- HG C96C96C96
- HG P7P7P7
- MG M1919A4M1919A4M1919A4
- RF M14M14M14
- SMG MAC-10MAC-10MAC-10
- SMG PPSh-41PPSh-41PPSh-41
- SMG SkorpionSkorpionSkorpion
Squad Mondragon[edit]
A temporary team of ragtag dolls who need debugging, tasked to retrieve Ouroboros' spare body and neural cloud backup during Dual Randomness.
- RF MondragonMondragonMondragon
- RF General LiuGeneral LiuGeneral Liu
- SMG AUG ParaAUG ParaAUG Para
- MG PM1910PM1910PM1910
Squad Grizzly[edit]
Team led by Grizzly MkV featured in Operation Starchaser.
- HG Grizzly MkVGrizzly MkVGrizzly MkV, team leader.
- SG M590M590M590
- AR M82M82M82
- RF PzB 39PzB 39PzB 39
- AR AK-AlfaAK-AlfaAK-Alfa
Squad Puzzle[edit]
Dysfunctional team lead by VHS featured in Mirror Stage.
- AR VHSVHSVHS, team leader.
- SMG AUG ParaAUG ParaAUG Para
- RF M200M200M200
- RF General LiuGeneral LiuGeneral Liu
Squad Griffin[edit]
A team of elite dolls lent to the Commander by Griffin Lyons during their mission in Berlin in Mirror Stage.
- SMG VP1915VP1915VP1915, team leader.
- RF Savage 99Savage 99Savage 99
- HG DerringerDerringerDerringer
- HG KolibriKolibriKolibri
- AR FedorovFedorovFedorov
Khaybar is not part of the squad but is also a Doll under the direct command of Griffin Lyons.
FlashDel Squad[edit]
A temporary team of T-Dolls that was led by NTW-20 in Poincare Recurrence.
- RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20, team leader
- HG Grizzly MkVGrizzly MkVGrizzly MkV
- HG SpitfireSpitfireSpitfire
- HG CZ75CZ75CZ75
Task Force Aeneas[edit]
The task force used in Operation Aeneas during the Battle of the Dead Sea.
- Squad Umbrella
- SMG RO635RO635RO635
- Squad Unicorn
- Squad Nitrogen
- Squad Ferrum
- Squad Wolf Pack
Task Force Muromets[edit]
The task force used in Operations Muromets and Kriemild during the Battle of the Dead Sea.
- Assault Team Daybreak
- RF M82A1M82A1M82A1
- HG ContenderContenderContender
- MG M60M60M60
- MG M249 SAWM249 SAWM249 SAW
- Special Assault Team Fe56
- Quick Response Team Taraxacum
- Field Support Teams
- Signals Support Team
- SMG ErmaErmaErma
- SMG JatimaticJatimaticJatimatic
- HG Colt WalkerColt WalkerColt Walker (Maggie)
- Air Support Team
- RF QBU-191QBU-191QBU-191
IOP and 16LAB[edit]
IOP is the manufacturer of most of G&K's T-Dolls. 16LAB is an R&D division of IOP producing combat drones and equipment and providing calibration and enhancement.
- Havier Witkin, founder and CEO of IOP.
- Mihacj, Witkin's partner in the development of modern Tactical Dolls
- Persicaria, head of research and development department, director of 16LAB and former member of 90Wish.
Sangvis Ferri[edit]
An Eastern European company that was partnered with IOP before World War Three, and became its closest competitor during the war. The Butterfly Incident resulted in an AI takeover of the company and the death of all its human employees.
- Lycoris, head of SF's R&D department and former member of 90Wish. Killed during the Butterfly Incident.
- Elisa, AI leader of Sangvis Ferri, created by Lyco in an attempt to make the perfect AI.
- Agent, Model SP47, Elisa's maid and second-in-command of Sangvis Ferri.
- Judge, Model SPSP, Elisa's bodyguard.
- Scarecrow, Model SP65, Executioner's and Hunter's partner.
- Executioner, Model SP88 (old)/SP524 (new), Scarecrow's and Hunter's partner.
- Hunter, Model SP721, Scarecrow's and Executioner's partner.
- Intruder, Model SP914, Scarecrow's, Executioner's and Hunter's partner.
- Destroyer/Gaia/Cerberus, Model SP5NANO, Dreamer's partner.
- Alchemist, Model SP7C.
- Ouroboros, Model SP235.
- Dreamer, Model SPACA, Destroyer's partner.
- Gager, Model SP21, Architect's partner.
- Architect, Model SPzh3000, Gager's partner.
- M16A1 (boss), former member of AR Team and Beak's partner.
- Beak, M16A1's partner.
- Jormungandr, formerly Ouroboros' nemesis who appears in My Devil's Frontline.
Squad 404[edit]
A team of renegade dolls led by UMP45. Occasionally works for G&K. First featured in Operation Cube. Secretly funded by Angelia and used as her "personal black ops team".
- SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45, team leader, actually a Sangvis Ferri's doll design and not an IOP design.
- SMG UMP9UMP9UMP9, UMP45's sister.
- AR HK416HK416HK416
- AR G11G11G11
- Dier, hired technician.
- Sier, Dier's twin sister, hired supporter.
Neo-Soviet Union[edit]
A federal union spanning from Eastern Europe to Siberia and Central Asia. The complexity of its bureaucracy brings internal clashes of ideals.
An elite branch of the Army of the Neo-Soviet Union. Possessing far more resources and manpower than G&K or SF, the Army prefers not to get involved due to political consequences. However, a few of its generals have taken a keen notice of Sangvis Ferri's developments, particularly in Elisa and SF's Parapluie virus.
- Carter Neustald, supreme commander of KCCO.
- Yegor, Carter's bodyguard/right-hand man, second-in-command of KCCO.
Bureau of State Security[edit]
The Neo-Soviet Union's principal security agency, also called StateSec. The Commander is contracted by the bureau after the events of Continuum Turbulence. Supposedly on good terms with the Air Force, and at political odds with KCCO.
- Victor Zelinsky, Director of StateSec. As his chief concern is the safety and stability of Soviet interests, his goal is to bring the Union to advantageous negotiating terms with the Pan-European Alliance while still maintaining peace.
- K, agent appearing in Ch.11 as a person of interest, and Isomer as the Commander's supervisor.
- Marlohe, K's personal maid doll and bodyguard.
- Angelia, a former StateSec agent and Griffin commander, officially declared a traitor after Continuum Turbulence but still working with K and Zelisnky in an unofficial capacity.
- Mikhail Tsvigun, nicknamed "Misha", predecessor of Zelinski when StateSec was called the KGB.
- Shaw, Task Force DEFY's creator.
- Dupieux, a Soviet double-agent.
- Instructor Я, a special Doll.
- Sergey, Yulia and Ash, Instructor Я's team during the Tserkov disturbance.
Task Force DEFY[edit]
Angelia's primary team, made of military-spec Dolls designed for clandestine StateSec operations. Shows up at the end of chapter 10 to rescue M4A1.
- Angelia, human leader.
- AR AK-12AK-12AK-12, Angelia's second-in-command, notable for her electronic warfare and hacking capabilities.
- AR AN-94AN-94AN-94
- AR AK-15AK-15AK-15
- MG RPK-16RPK-16RPK-16, later joins Paradeus under the alias Pandora.
- Temporary members
- AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15, recovered and upgraded after the events of Chapter 6 by 404, under the orders of Angelia.
- AR M4A1M4A1M4A1, upgraded during the events of Singularity by AK-12.
A violent technological faction supported by religious fanatics and led by the mysterious Nytos. Introduced in Continuum Turbulence.
- William von Oberstein, leader of Paradeus and former member of 90Wish.
- Nyto Black, infantry leader and interrogator.
- Nyto White, Nyto Black's superior.
- Mercurows, disguised as a civilian doll alongside Nimogen.
- Nimogen, disguised as a civilian doll alongside Mercurows.
- Isomer White, a failed Nyto searching for salvation.
- Anna, a young Nyto who was freed from Paradeus before she could be brainwashed.
- Machlian, a Nyto who tries to escape Paradeus.
- Narciss and Grig, combat Nytos.
- Bramedb and Tareus, infiltration and electronic warfare Nytos.
- Nemhran, Nyto in charge of the Bee Sting intelligence system.
- Koleda, a strange Nyto.
- Morridow (Enemy), a Nyto who assumed the identity of Morridow Voigt.
- Gray (Enemy), a Nyto who assumed the identity of Lady Gray.
- Pandora, the true identity of RPK-16 of Task Force DEFY.
- Martha Meitner, target name “Capita”.
- Sana, one of the first Nytos.
Other groups[edit]
The secret services of the German Democratic Republic.
- Romy Riefenstahl, a loyal Minister of Defense member who recently assumed command of the Stasi
- K, while working with the Soviet StateSec, is revealed to be a liaised agent of the Stasi
- J and Q, senior agents
- Light, a young rising star in the Stasi
- Mona, a Doll who recently entered service of the Stasi
- Sterling, Brigitte, Dagmar and Edith, members of the Stasi's new all-Dolls team.
Pan-European Union[edit]
The group formed from many countries in Western and Central Europe, maintaining diplomatic relationship with the Neo-Soviet Union.
- Gilda Ulrich, an important politician from the Pan-European Union embracing the ideas of Rossartrism, VIP protected during Isomer by G&K
- Morridow Voigt, the suspicious secretary of Gilda Ulrich
- Wolfgang Hopps, the suspicious security officer of Gilda Ulrich
- Lady Gray, a renowned surgeon and proponent of a certain anti-ELID serum
- Shadowless, reporter for the German public TV
- Rudolf von Oberstein, Minister of Industry of Germany and father of Lunasia and William von Oberstein.
- Heinrich Schweinsteiger, Minister of Defense of Germany
- Nele, a recently laid off employee of Galatea Technology Corporation
- Mia and Leni, bodyguard Dolls and Nele's friends
- Fara, a Doll passing by during Poincare Recurrence.
A mysterious group of exceptionally talented hackers, programmers, and researchers relying on Relic Technology.
- Rudolf von Oberstein, current leader
- Persicaria, former member.
- Lycoris, former member.
- William von Oberstein, former member.
Daybreak Squad[edit]
A former US special ops Doll team, disbanded during World War Three.
Organized crime[edit]
- Vory v Zakone, the Soviet organized crime
- Baba Lyuba, the last leader of the Vory v Zakone
- Fox Sisterhood, a group of talented con artists
- Maggie Ponzi, leader of the Fox Sisterhood. A Doll later assumed her identity.
- Catherine Ponzi, Maggie's adopted sister.
Characters from Magrasea in Project Neural Cloud.
The Exiles[edit]
A faction of Dolls who are left stranded into the Magrasea backup.
- The Professor, a 42Lab researcher who led Project Neural Cloud before disappearing.
- Persicaria, the Doll double of Persica.
- Croque, Antonina and Sol, the main Exiles characters.
Resident Agents[edit]
The normal residents of Magrasea.
- Turing, the Director of Sector Rossum.
- Hannah, one of the evolved Agents created by Turing.
- Olivia and Tasha, the twin Directors of Sector Cyclopes.
- Firewood, the Director of Sector Helios.
- Neumann, the Director of Sector Enigma.
- ENIAC, the Enigma quantum computer.
- Meryl, the Director of Sector Burbank.
- Odile and Odette, former sister Directors of Sector Pierides.
- Taranum, former Director of Sector Copley.
- Elaugh, the Director of Sector Ascension.
The security Agents of Magrasea, who carry out their mission with religious zeal.
- Lord Eosphorous, leader of the moderate faction of Sanctifiers.
- Lord Hesperus, leader of the radical faction of Sanctifiers.
- Faith, Intermediate Sanctifier who patrolled the Rossum Sector.
- Lady Raven, Greater Sanctifier in charge of the Cyclopes Sector.
- Lady Eucharist, Greater Sanctifier formerly in charge of the Helios Sector.
- Lady Angelus, Greater Sanctifier dispatched to destroy the Enigma Black Hole.
- Reverence, an Intermediate Sanctifier who operated in Sector Burbank.
- Wisdom, an Intermediate Sanctifier who met a cruel fate in Sector Pierides.
- Love, another Intermediate Sanctifier
Corrupted Agents who have become vessels for the Entropy virus.
- Malkira, the current Arbiter reigning over the Entropics.
- Black Swan, the High Order Entropic born from the infection of Sector Pierides.
- Demiurge, the High Order Entropic born from the infection of Sector Copley.
- Ptolemaea, a High Order Entropic from Sector Tartarus.
- The Professor, main character (?) from Project Neural Cloud.
- Riko, a Trader Agent and Kalina's equivalent in Project Neural Cloud.
- Ranko, Riko's student.
- Professor Irida, a mysterious figure from Persicaria's past.
- Baalia, bullying target in EXP Collection.
Characters from the Antarctic Wars[edit]
Characters from the Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery game, which is a remake of the original and de-canonized Codename: Bakery Girl.
- Jefuty, a mysterious girl
- Mendo Martin, a soldier from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Antarctic Union
- Carl Mindefeld, Mendo's team leader
- Jevon Sterling, leader of TASA Squad Razor
- Atena Bryan, Squad Razor's multi-talented lieutenant
- Lige, Jefuty's sister
- Oleg, captain of the Werewolves Commandos of the URNC
- Sugar, vice-captain of the Werewolves Commandos
- Colonel Beria of the URNC
- Kirill, Beria's lieutenant
- Professors Philip and Helena Martin, Mendo's parents
- William, a scientist pulling the strings
- Lusica, a mysterious entity
- Betty, Abigail, Valmet and Ruby, former Griffin & Kryuger T-Dolls now working for the Global Rescue Foundation
- Colonel Kämpfe Campbell of the Antarctic Union
- Anderson, one of Mendo's comrades
Other characters[edit]
Characters who are unaffiliated, affiliated to minor groups or whose affiliations are obscure.
- Mr. Rossartre, former director of the United Nations Relics Agency whose dying message gave rise to the world ideology of Rossartrism
- Lunasia, an important girl.
- Dandelion, a gestalt mind born from AR M4A1M4A1M4A1, whether she is truly loyal to M4 and Griffin is anybody's guess.
- Kawasaki Kazusa, the first known ELID immunosome.
- Leone, a bioengineer of the Flora Institute appearing in Dual Randomness.
- Arthur Hume, a more-than-human scientist who laid out the core technology of Tactical Dolls. SMG ErmaErmaErma, AR AR-18AR-18AR-18, SG Stevens M520Stevens M520Stevens M520 and SG Stevens M620Stevens M620Stevens M620 are his legacy.
- M4 SOPMOD II Jr., a gag character.
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