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Parapluie ([paʁaplyi], French for "umbrella") is a computer virus built around the OGAS core data. Designed by Paradeus, it has been used during the Butterfly Incident in 2061, and later by Sangvis Ferri against Griffin & Kryuger as part of Plan Parapluie.

Multiple types of Parapluie have been used to different ends, with their common feature being the implantation of an OGAS construct in the infected Neural Cloud. Elite T-Dolls infected by Parapluie include AR M4A1M4A1M4A1, SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45, AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15 and AR M16A1M16A1M16A1. 16LAB has successfully developed countermeasures against Parapluie.

Original Parapluie[edit]

The original form of Parapluie is a compressed form of the source code of OGAS. Once implanted into a host Neural Cloud, it overwrites its operating system into an OGAS system. If the massive computational load can’t be processed by the host, its Neural Cloud will suffer irrecoverable damage.[1]

Parapluie was first used on mature cybernetic clones by Paradeus at their Paldiski Submarine Base labs to implant their biological Neural Cloud with OGAS. Those who could not support the process suffered brain damage and were discarded as Isomers, sent to Tallinn by train and used for Epiphyllum experiments.[1][2] Successful subjects became Nytos, and outstanding successes received their own name like Nimogen and Mercurows.[3]

In Tactical Dolls, the OGAS payload will cause a fatal overload in low-spec Dolls[1] as a side effect of the implantation,[4] or can provoke a neural cascade when the consciousness tries to take over by force. If the Neural Cloud is short on space or the OGAS fails to develop its own personality, it will be absorbed by the host and remain in Level III.[3]

Butterfly Parapluie[edit]

This strain of Parapluie causes the infected Dolls to go in a berserk rage before eventually being destroyed by neural cascade.[5] It was used during the Butterfly Incident in order to kill Lycoris and enable Elisa's growth.[6][7] William prepared two T-Dolls equipped with backdoors, the main unit SMG UMP40UMP40UMP40 and the backup SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45,[8] and arranged for their deployment during Operation Butterfly. UMP40 successfully deployed the virus, but shielded UMP45 from infection and ensured her survival.[9][10]

AR M16A1M16A1M16A1 resisted Parapluie for longer because she was created using a human brain as a template. However, she was still a prototype and needed Elisa's help to survive neural cascade.[6] Parapluie remained embedded in her systems and eventually spread to other members of AR Team.[10] Due to her Neural Cloud being closest to her human model after her personality limiters were lifted by Persica,[11] AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 was unaffected by Parapluie and her OGAS consciousness developed unhindered.[6] Persica designed the neural clouds of AR M4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD II and SMG RO635RO635RO635 with strong firewall defenses against incoming OGAS format data, causing a complete system crash in case the dataflow becomes too heavy to defend against. This made them impervious to Parapluie infection.[3] AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15's infection was revealed during Plan Parapluie, but its growth was halted when she sealed her external ports.[12]

Plan Parapluie[edit]

Plan Parapluie was an operation staged by Sangvis Ferri to exploit a new, milder strain of Parapluie to conduct electronic warfare against Griffin & Kryuger. This strain was able to turn T-Dolls[13] and military automatons[14] into Sangvis Ferri units, and to remain in a dormant form acting as a backdoor to spy on the carrier data and install extraneous programs. Many Sangvis-controlled computer terminals were trapped with Parapluie to infect any T-Doll making contact with them.[15] AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15 was selected as the first vector, as Elisa believed her upright personality would make her easier to bargain with and have her deliver AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 to Sangvis.[16] AR-15 came into contact with an infected terminal while evading Sangvis forces after the raid on Safe House 3 in 2062.[17]

Griffin first learned about Parapluie through the intel recovered by AR Team in Safe House 3,[18] but the virus in AR-15 was used to locate Griffin's secret base and stage an attack to kill Berezovich Kryuger, as the Griffin high command was meeting to organize a strategy against Plan Parapluie.[19] AR-15 was discovered to be the source of the leak due to increased data traffic and Griffin detained her.[20] AR-15 decided to turn the virus against Sangvis Ferri, deactivated all her communication modules to stop its spread and escaped Griffin's custody[19] to infiltrate Sangvis databases with the authorizations granted by the virus' presence and find intel about its design,[21] which she left in external storages for Griffin to recover.[22]

Five days after the attack, Griffin deployed Squad 404 against a signal jammer suspected to have been installed for Plan Parapluie in Area S06, but the jammer was an infected decoy[23] meant for Griffin units, and SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45 was infected with a dormant form of Parapluie.[24] As AR-15 was roaming Area S08 for intel, Dreamer leaked information about a server site to direct her to a specific terminal and install a jamming module in her system,[25] creating a large signal jamming area and slowing Griffin's advance into Sangvis territory.[26] AR-15 was declared KIA after she blew up the building containing her and one of Elisa's dummies, but she was saved by Task Force DEFY. After this, she kept all her digital transmission modules deactivated in order to contain Parapluie, preventing her the use of the Zener network to control dummies and exchange data, relying only on analog radio for long-range voice transmission.[27] Though her infection had been too mild to take over her neural cloud, her prime directive of protecting AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 had been destroyed.[28]

AR AUGAUGAUG of RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000's squad subjected herself to Parapluie during a mission by using an infected SF communication relay, in order to warn the Commander of an inbound biological weapon unwittingly carried on their clothes by T-Dolls returning to the base. She was destroyed by IWS shortly after being overtaken.[13]

In the aftermath of the Area S08 battle, AR Team and all T-Dolls suspected of being infected were quarantined in Area S05 for further screening as 16LAB established countermeasures against Parapluie.[29][30] The first T-Doll known for carrying such countermeasures is SMG RO635RO635RO635, who could detect Parapluie-infected terminals by sensing the pattern of the virus remote control signal and neutralize it before accessing the terminal,[15] as well as perform local counter-jamming.[31] Much like AR-15, 16LAB also used the virus as a mean to infiltrate Sangvis Ferri networks. This modified strain was used by AR M16A1M16A1M16A1 to access top secret files at Sangvis's Base 0 and help stabilize M4A1's neural cloud after her encounter with Elisa, but in doing so she subjected herself to an unrepairable amount of the virus and her neural cloud was claimed as overwritten by Sangvis Ferri.[32] This was however part of her plan to join Sangvis Ferri willingly.[33] M16A1 (Boss) later appeared to fight against Griffin, saying she was glad she could use her capacities to their fullest after breaking free of the limitations of human control.[34]

As part of the joint assault on Sangvis Ferri by Griffin and KCCO in 2064, the military pledged high-tier active defense systems and cyberwarfare countermeasures from their central servers in order to counter any Parapluie deployment, arguing that a virus developed by a private company could not match the capabilities of their infrastructure.[35] KCCO deployed interference neutralizers to counter Parapluie's jamming and pushed quickly toward Sangvis' stronghold, leaving Griffin forces to guard the equipment.[36] When the military troops were close enough, Elisa put her plan into action and issued a general order to use Parapluie at its full extent. In doing so, Elisa accessed a military server trapped with their own Super Parpaluie counter-virus meant to establish control over her.[37][38]

At the same time, Squad 404 was deployed to recover the data extracted by M16A1, but the Parapluie virus planted into UMP45 a year prior betrayed their presence to Dreamer and Destroyer.[39] Sending Destroyer close enough to connect with UMP45's virus, Dreamer relayed Elisa's general order to convert her neural cloud. However, none had predicted that UMP45, as an old Sangvis Ferri electronic warfare T-Doll, was able to swap her neural cloud from Zener to OGAS protocol, interrupting Parapluie's effects. Moreover, this enabled her to tap into Sangvis Ferri's resources to counter their own virus as long as she used the OGAS protocol. Realizing the situation, Dreamer opted to use Parapluie's command authorizations to melt UMP45's neural cloud with Sangvis' offensive firewalls. UMP45 was narrowly able to survive by disconnecting her neural cloud.[40] An OGAS consciousness briefly took hold in her Neural Cloud, but it couldn't grow and lingered in her Level III layer, taking the form of 45's memories of UMP40.[1][41]

After the military's retreat and the disappearance of their counter-jamming capacities, Parapluie spread into all available networks, jamming transmissions[42] and taking control of military units left behind[43] as well as Griffin T-Dolls deep enough in the signal. This forced the Commander to accept the offer of Task Force DEFY for help in recovering AR Team[37] and to forbid the use of long-range Zener connections to reduce the chances of infection.[44] DEFY relied on AR AK-12AK-12AK-12's EW capabilities, and to a lesser extent AR AN-94AN-94AN-94's, to break through the jamming and maintain communications during their operation,[45] while the Commander's forces relied on foot messengers like SMG MP7MP7MP7 to establish transmissions from outside the jamming zone.[43] KCCO's plan to take over Elisa ultimately failed when OGAS performed its own counter-attack and nearly destroyed KCCO's servers.[46]

Parapluie ceased to be a strategic concern after Sangvis Ferri abandoned their main base, either because Plan Parapluie had come to a close or because 16LAB's countermeasures made it useless. The origins of Parapluie were revealed during the operations in Tallinn.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, A Rock and Hard Place
  2. Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Subsurface Homecoming II
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Girls' Frontline, Episode 12-1
  4. Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Subsurface Homecoming III
  5. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Foam Stabilization I
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-4
  7. Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-5
  8. Girls' Frontline, Deep Dive, 3-1, Audio File 1
  9. Girls' Frontline, Deep Dive, 3-4, Audio File 16 through 19
  10. 10.0 10.1 Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, All-Devouring Sea of Flowers
  11. Girls' Frontline, Episode 8-4E
  12. Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Infinite Connections
  13. 13.0 13.1 Girls' Frontline, Episode 8-4N
  14. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Promotion II
  15. 15.0 15.1 Girls' Frontline, Arctic Warfare, 1-4
  16. Girls' Frontline, Episode 6-4E
  17. Girls' Frontline, Episode 3-6
  18. Girls' Frontline, Episode 5-1
  19. 19.0 19.1 Girls' Frontline, Episode 5-6
  20. Girls' Frontline, Episode 5-4
  21. Girls' Frontline, Episode 6-3E
  22. Girls' Frontline, Episode 5-4E
  23. Girls' Frontline, Operation Cube, 1-4
  24. Girls' Frontline, Deep Dive, 2-3
  25. Girls' Frontline, Episode 7-2E
  26. Girls' Frontline, Episode 6-5
  27. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Starting Point
  28. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, 2-B Castling I
  29. Girls' Frontline, Episode 7-1
  30. Girls' Frontline, Episode 7-3
  31. Girls' Frontline, Episode 8-1
  32. Girls' Frontline, Episode 8-3E
  33. Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Safe House
  34. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, End Game
  35. Girls' Frontline, Episode 9-5
  36. Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-4
  37. 37.0 37.1 Chapter 10-4E
  38. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, 2-A Queens Gambit II
  39. Girls' Frontline, Deep Dive, 2-1
  40. Girls' Frontline, Deep Dive, 2-4
  41. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Molding
  42. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, 1-A Stroke Dead Center I
  43. 43.0 43.1 Girls' Frontline, Singularity, 1-C Re-Ignition II
  44. Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Unknown enemy
  45. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, 1-A Stroke Dead Center III
  46. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, 2-D Minor pieces Draw II