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Ouroboros Assimilated Quotes
Full name SP24WR "Ouroboros"[1]
Affiliation Sangvis Ferri
Voice actor Ookubo Rumi
Released on CN (衔尾蛇), TW, KR (우로보로스), EN, JP (ウロボロス)
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SP24WR Ouroboros[1] is an elite Combat Doll of Sangvis Ferri.[2] Ruthless, arrogant and overconfident, her only allegiance is to herself.


Ouroboros makes her first appearance in Major Event Operation Cube and again in Operation Cube+


Ouroboros serves as the final boss for the Cube/Cube + Major Story Event, and is fought on stages E1-4 and E2-4. Her boss battle takes place at night, and requires the player to locate her prior to engaging in combat. This is subject to a bit of RNG, to the point where players where utilizing external sources in order to track her down faster.

Ouroboros's base form, encountered in E1-4, isn't too dangerous. But with escorts and distance coming into play, you will want to make sure you can deal enough damage to quickly deal with the mobs and close the distance to prevent taking more damage from Ouroboros herself. Ouroboros's skill will mark the locations of certain T-Dolls with a danger indicator before she drops missiles on them. You need to move your dolls out of the danger zone to avoid taking damage from the missiles. Due to this mechanic, it is highly recommended to bring ARSMG echelons into this fight.

Ouroboros Elite is encountered in E2-4.

Sangvis Tactics - Ouroboros

Open the rear ends of her round floating cannons, then fire four guided missiles at the flagged locations, doing a total of 2x damage to characters on those tiles.

Weaver's Missile Salvo

Lock onto the 4 most distant enemies deal unavoidable damage.

Lore / Story involvement

Ouroboros was created by Elisa after the Butterfly Incident by pitting thousands of AIs against each others in simulated battles. Ouroboros was the only personality to survive in the end.[3] Ouroboros survived the first seven days, when only the few strongest remained and a temporary truce was called. Ouroboros had put on a ferocious front and was considered the stronger of the group, but one of the other AIs, Jormungandr, had noticed that she had actually survived by avoiding battle and was now cowering in fear. On the 27th day, only Ouroboros and Jormundangr remained. Jormungandr left herself open so Ouroboros could kill her with a surprise attack to spite her: by being the only survivor, Ouroboros would be forced to expose her weakness in the real world and face a failure worse than disappearing in the simulation.[4] Ouroboros found the real world to not have been worth the effort she made to survive[5] and when about to be talked down by Agent, she often retreated to the deep recesses of her mind where she kept a simulated version of Jormundangr.[6] In the events of My Devil's Frontline, Ouroboros used SMG Jashin-chanJashin-chanJashin-chan's powers to give form to her memories of Jormungandr and beat her in a true battle to prove her worth.[7]

This origin gave her a perfectionist[8] and ruthless personality dedicated to achieving her own ends,[9] including self-preservation.[6] She displays a mask of calmness, but is in fact quite arrogant. While Ouroboros excels at short-ranged assaults and defense battles due to her intelligence and heavy firepower, she lacks real combat experience and her unstable experimental AI makes her difficult to control, unpredictable and thus dangerous for both her enemies and allies.[2]

For her first mission, Ouroboros was deployed against Squad 404 as they were tasked to destroy a Sangvis radio jammer during Plan Parapluie. Using Hunter Elite as a pawn, recently upgraded after her defeat against AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15, Ouroboros first sent remote mines to try and destroy the team and sent Hunter to ascertain the results,[10] but she was incapacitated and Ouroboros destroyed her Neural Cloud to prevent 404 from tapping it for intel.[3] She then sent Executioner Elite against them, but as they approached the jammer regardless, Ouroboros tried to take them out by blowing up the jammer, reporting to Agent that Executioner had prepared the trap without her consent.[11]

However, Agent was well aware Ouroboros would become reckless in her hurry to prove herself and the jammer was a fake set up for the purpose of infecting 404 with Parapluie. She had given the mission to her with little intel as a test of aptitude, and abandoned her after informing her she had failed. Squad 404 soon tracked down Ouroboros and eliminated her,[12] bringing her neural core back to Griffin.[13]

Ouroboros' Neural Cloud was extracted by Persica, augmented into an Elite version and used in simulated battles against AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 when Persica tried to wake her from the coma caused by Elisa in Area S05. Like Architect, Ouroboros disclosed a wealth of Sangvis Ferri intel to Griffin & Kryuger and 16LAB to survive, making them traitors unlikely to return home again.[14] She was often used to simulate realistic battles against Sangvis Ferri for Griffin's T-Dolls.[15] The two ringleaders were later pitted against SMG RO635RO635RO635 as a distraction while a new body was created for her after she was destroyed by KCCO, but they were easily beaten and contained by RO's experience in electronic warfare.[16]

After the fall of Sangvis Ferri and the Paldiski Submarine Base battle, Persica tasked the Commander with recovering Ouroboros' spare bodies and Neural Cloud backups still stored in one of Sangvis' abandoned bases in Area S06, in order to analyze the massive amount of iterated simulation data that created Ouroboros in the first place. Due to manpower shortage, the mission was carried by the malfunctioning T-Dolls AR VHSVHSVHS, RF General LiuGeneral LiuGeneral Liu, SMG AUG ParaAUG ParaAUG Para and MG PM1910PM1910PM1910 under the lead of RF MondragonMondragonMondragon.[13] During the mission, a backup Neural Cloud was loaded into a spare body[17] as a trap left by Paradeus when they stole the same data, but the team managed to drive her away and bring back the data, leaving the runaway dummy to be recovered by Svarog Heavy Industries.[9]

At some point after Agent was captured by Svarog and integrated into Griffin & Kryuger's assimilation program, she modified Ouroboros' Neural Cloud with assimilation protocols and put her in a weakened body to prevent her from making a fuss. She then informed Ouroboros she would soon be submitted to Griffin's neural calibration exam to determine if she should join assimilated forces in the field or be returned to AI storage indefinitely.[6]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Ouroboros is the only Assimilated unit to have a different ID between the main story and Protocol Assimilation. In the third chapter of Operation Cube Plus, her ID is SP235. In Protocol Assimilation, her ID is SP24WR instead, maybe to denote her unique origin.
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, p.158
  3. 3.0 3.1 Girls' Frontline, Operation Cube, E2
  4. Girls' Frontline, My Devil's Frontline, E4
  5. Girls' Frontline, My Devil's Frontline, E6-1
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Girls' Frontline, My Devil's Frontline, E0
  7. Girls' Frontline, My Devil's Frontline, E7-3
  8. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Operation Snake Eater II
  9. 9.0 9.1 Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Operation Snake Eater V
  10. Girls' Frontline, Operation Cube, E1
  11. Girls' Frontline, Operation Cube, E3
  12. Girls' Frontline, Operation Cube, E4
  13. 13.0 13.1 Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Operation Snake Eater I
  14. Girls' Frontline, Operation Cube+, E4
  15. Girls' Frontline, My Devil's Frontline, E1-3
  16. Girls' Frontline, SMG RO635RO635RO635 Neural Upgrade story 4
  17. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Operation Snake Eater III