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Hannah Profile Quotes
Full name Hannah
Index 1055
Rarity 3
Class Specialist
Affinity Supporter
Affiliation/Company 42LAB
Vocation ?
Birthday 23-June
Voice actor Saho Shirasu
Artist 薯子Imoko (First Blossoms series costume)[1]
Released on CN (汉娜), EN
Arma Inscripta CN

Playable character in Project: Neural Cloud.


This unit is available in Advanced Search some time after its introduction banner, some Targeted Search (banners marked as "Limited") and some Exclusive Search. It may be the rate-up unit in certain Targeted Search banners (marked as "Limited"). It can also be unlocked from its index page by gathering 90 Neural Fragments during events.

Stats / Data[edit]

Initial stats scaling[edit]

Type Rating
Attack Growth B
Hashrate Growth A
HP Growth C
Physical DEF Growth C
Operand DEF Growth C

Stats (for CN server)[edit]

How to use
Max HP Crit Rate
Attack Crit Damage
Hashrate Physical Penetration
Physical Defense Operand Penetration
Operand Defense Dodge Rate
Attack Speed Post-battle HP Regen


Algorithm Slots[edit]

White tiles are unlocked by default. Blue tiles are unlocked by upgrading the Doll. Black tiles cannot be used.

Offense Stability Special

Preferred and Disliked Gifts[edit]

  • Preferred gifts
    • Meal for Two
    • Cartoon Doll
    • Petit Four
  • Disliked gifts
    • Antique Sword
    • Army Knife
    • Practice Shinai

Background info[edit]

A next-gen T1642 AI Researcher, produced by the Rossum Sector itself to serve as its administrator and thus affiliated with 42LAB. Because she was self-generated by Magrasea, she is called an “Intelligent Process” and has no recorded performance and personal data available. She has quickly put the Rossum Sector in order and now maintains the output of its computation power, expanding and making it the most prosperous sector of Magrasea, and has established a partnership with the Oasis.[2]



Main artworks

Alternative artwork

Display spoiler images:

Alternate expressions


  • Like Turing, Hannah is not a Doll like the other playable characters in Project Neural Cloud but a completely virtual mind not meant to exist outside Magrasea.
  • The cube of golden light held by Hannah in her Neural Expansion artworks is the same kind used by Turing.
