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Hannah Profile Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Morning Play Good morning, Professor. Will we be working together again today? Don't worry, you can leave it to me.
Afternoon Play "Afternoon tea"? The Rossum Sector doesn't have a concept like that, and if we're too free... Well, I'll try it since you're recommending it. Mm, this is sweet!
Evening Play As the administrator of the Rossum Sector, how could I knock off work early for such a reason? You say I won't grow taller if I burn the midnight oil? W-well, agents are born with their body types; it has nothing to do with this!
Night Play ...Quitting time? Not yet, I'm not sleepy... Zzz...
Main Interface Voice Play I'm a Sector Administrator now, so I need to pull myself together no matter how hard things get! Urgh, coffee? That black, bitter drink? That's a little...
Play Although I can't quite put my finger on it, the Dolls of the Oasis feel very different from Resident Agents. Perhaps this could be useful in our research. I should tell Turing about this...
Play Did Turing cause you any problems? I'm sorry. I need to take responsibility too...
Play Are you asleep, Professor? I guess I'll finish up the rest by myself...
Play It feels like this process still has some room for improvement... If you have the time, why don't we design a new plan for it together?
Interactive Voice Play ...Could you do that again, please?
Play These are neural dampers, not ordinary ears!
Play Um... It feels kind of weird...
Relationship Dialogues Play Now that you mention it, there are some specialized questions related to AI research that I haven't asked you yet, Professor. Aren't you an expert in the field? Here's a 572-page thesis; if you could just help me look it over... Hm? You don't have time? Alright then, I'm not a kid either and I can do this research by myself. Um, why are you sweating so heavily?
Play I've learned a lot from the Oasis, as well as a brand new perspective I could never have gotten from Turing or my work diaries in the Rossum Sector. As I thought, you can't advance the development of practical and cost-efficient AI by hiding in your room; you need real-world experience too. "The real world"... Sounds pretty distant to me. If the Oasis hadn't lost contact with the real world, could we have avoided the tragedies of the past?
Play If I get the chance, I'd love to invite you to the Rossum Sector as a guest. Although we're still facing the Entropic threat, we can rebuild from them as many times as needed, so long as Turing and I are there and those agents combine their efforts. Someday, I want to fulfil my duties as an administrator... and make Rossum as wonderful as the Oasis.
Play Frankly speaking, I often feel quite uneasy. After Turing... After that incident, I've forced myself to get it together and devoted myself to the work of running the Sector. I kept telling myself that I need to safeguard everything that Turing sacrificed herself to protect. But what can I do? All the other agents are actually senior to me, and there are many things and procedures which I don't understand. Everyone's counting on me, but who can I count on? So you're saying I can count on everyone too? That's... quite an unexpected answer. Indeed, it should have occurred to me after seeing the way the Exiles live. Well done, Professor.
Play I often wonder if I'm living up to Turing's sacrifice. I'm nothing more than an agent she created, an entity that Magrasea did not allow to exist. I took over Turing's mission and ran the Rossum Sector, desperately trying to rebuild everything, all because I want to prove that I'm not wasting her contributions. But now, I'm starting to understand... She didn't want me to be bound by the past. I want to overcome the past and move forward with Turing as she is now. Although I can't clearly map our future course, I believe that I have the courage to face it... Are you willing to join us, Professor?
Moods Play
Play Hm?
Accept Play
Agree Play
Appreciate Play
Feeling Play
Oath Play An oath!? ...Is it really okay to pick me? Even though I'm not a Doll and I can't go back to the real world? So we can come up with a way ourselves? That really does sound like an answer you'd give... Yes, with my processing power and your guidance we can do anything, Professor. In that case, I can only say yes to you. But you have to promise me something too, okay? From now on, regardless of what kind of problems that come up, we're going to face them together. It's a deal.
Obtain Play I am the administrator of the Rossum Sector, Hannah, here to visit. For the sake of our shared prosperity with the Oasis, I'll be imposing on you for a while, Professor.

Neural Cloud


Neural Cloud

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Potential Breakthrough Play I've gained more useful knowledge!
Neural Expansion Play If only I could have gotten this strength sooner...
Max Neural Expansion
Play Thank you for everything you've done for me, Professor. Now, it's time for me to repay you.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Join Team Play Please leave it to me.
Battle Start Play This is our chance to strike back.
Ultimate Skill Play This time, I'll definitely...!
MVP1 Play You had this coming.
MVP2 Play All according to my calculations.


This is impossible...


I'm just manning a shift? Don't you have more important work for me...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Christmas Play To agents, humans are our gods, and humans have gods of their own... If there was a god of agents on the cloud server, then the Christmas we ought to celebrate is... Oh no, my neural cloud systems are showing signs of overheating, I need a candy cane to cool down...
Halloween Play Although understanding human thought patterns helps Turing and I in our work, wasting all those operands on a costume parade is hard to understand... Hm? There's a snack party afterwards? In that case... Trick or treat!
New Year Play We Resident Agents don't really think too much about the concept of time. To us, every day is much the same as the one before. However, in the Oasis, I can sense how different each day is. Thank you for teaching me to look forward to the "new year", Professor.
Tanabata Play "Since you're certain you can meet every year, why do you feel such sorrow?" â€\148 Most ordinary agents would react this way after hearing that story. However, I think I can understand it. Probabilities alone won't comfort you if there's something you truly don't wish to lose... I wouldn't have understood that concept without you, Professor.
Valentine Play So this the legendary festival where people give chocolate to each other... If, if I give you a piece, will you give me a gift in return? Don't get me wrong, this is just to promote this highly-efficient way of replenishing operands to everyone in the Rossum Sector, and not because it's a personal interest of mine... So what's your answer?
Player's Birthday Play Today was the day you were "created" right, Professor? If not for Turing's 1642nd act of perseverance, I would not exist. And as for you, Professor, it was due to a one-in-a-hundred-million coincidence that led to you being born, right? And the odds of us meeting each other are billions to one; an astonishingly small amount. From that point of view, I think I can understand why humans celebrate this day. In that case, happy birthday, Professor.