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FAL Story Quotes
Gun Information
Full name FN Fusil Automatique Léger (Light Automatic Rifle)
Country of origin Belgium
Manufacturer Fabrique Nationale de Herstal
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor Yoshimura Haruka
Artist 水乌龟
Released on CN (2016-5), TW, KR, EN, JP
Chibi Animation

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How to obtain[edit]

NORMALHEAVY Timer 3:45:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP Not obtainable as a drop.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment[edit]

There is no exclusive equipment for this T-Doll.

Union Skill[edit]

There is no union skill for this T-Doll.

Stats / Data[edit]

66(x1)132(x1) / 660(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
21 57
5 38
6 43
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
48 72
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

HP94 <= 132 <= 138Dmg39 <= 57 <= 69Eva33 <= 38 <= 54Acc35 <= 43 <= 70RoF54 <= 72 <= 97
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

HP57 <= 132 <= 286Dmg15 <= 57 <= 170Eva9 <= 38 <= 128Acc9 <= 43 <= 97RoF22 <= 72 <= 149
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects submachine guns
Increases evasion by 20%
How to edit skills

Weapon Background[edit]

The FN FAL (French: Fusil Automatique Léger, English: Light Automatic Rifle) is a battle rifle designed by Belgian small arms designer Dieudonné Saive and manufactured by FN Herstal. During the Cold War, the FAL was adopted by many countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), with the notable exception of the United States. It is one of the most widely used rifles in history, having been used by more than 90 countries. Because of its prevalence and widespread usage among the militaries of many NATO and first world countries during the Cold War, it received the title "The right arm of the Free World". It is chambered for the 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge (although originally designed for the .280 British intermediate cartridge). The British Commonwealth variant of the FAL was redesigned from FN's metrical FAL into British imperial units and was produced under license as the L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle.

The first prototypes of the FAL were completed in 1946, and were originally chambered for the 8mm Mauser cartridge. In 1950, the United Kingdom presented a redesigned FN rifle and the British EM-2, both in .280 British caliber, to the United States for comparison testing. At this point, the idea of having a single caliber that all NATO member nations would use was gaining traction. After this testing was completed, U.S. Army officials suggested that FN should redesign their rifle to fire the U.S. prototype ".30 Light Rifle" cartridge (the .30 Light Rifle cartridge was in fact later standardized as the 7.62 mm NATO). FN decided to hedge their bets with the U.S., and in 1951 even made a deal that the U.S. could produce FALs royalty-free, given that the UK appeared to be favoring their own EM-2. This decision appeared to be the right way to go, as the British Army decided to adopt the EM-2 and their .280 British cartridge. However, adoption of the EM-2 was cancelled after Winston Churchill won the 1951 election for prime minister, and the British military would eventually adopt a domestically produced variant of the FAL, the L1A1. Back in the US, the FAL chambered for the .30 Light Rifle went up against the redesigned T25 (now known as the T47), and an M1 Garand variant, the T44. Eventually, the T44 won, becoming the M14. However, in the meantime, most other NATO countries were evaluating and selecting the FAL.

The FAL operates by means of a gas-operated action very similar to that of the Russian SVT-40. The gas system is driven by a short-stroke, spring-loaded piston housed above the barrel, and the locking mechanism is what is known as a tilting breechblock. To lock, it drops down into a solid shoulder of metal in the heavy receiver much like the bolts of the Russian SKS carbine and French MAS-49 series of semi-automatic rifles. The gas system is fitted with a gas regulator behind the front sight base, allowing adjustment of the gas system in response to environmental conditions. The piston system can be bypassed completely using the gas plug, to allow for the firing of rifle grenades and manual operation. The FAL's magazine capacity ranges from 5 to 30 rounds, with most magazines holding 20 rounds. In fixed stock versions of the FAL, the recoil spring is housed in the stock. However, in folding-stock versions, it is housed in the receiver cover, necessitating a slightly different receiver cover, recoil spring, and bolt carrier, and a modified lower receiver for the stock.

FAL rifles have also been manufactured in both light and heavy-barrel configurations, with the heavy barrel intended for automatic fire as a section or squad light support weapon. Most heavy barrel FALs are equipped with bipods, although some light barrel models were equipped with bipods, such as the Austrian StG58 and the German G1, and a bipod was later made available as an accessory.

Among other 7.62×51mm NATO battle rifles at the time, the FN FAL had a relatively light recoil due to the gas system being able to be tuned via regulator in fore-end of the rifle, which allowed for excess gas which would simply increase recoil to bleed off. In fully automatic mode, however, the shooter receives considerable abuse from recoil, and the weapon climbs off-target quickly, making automatic fire only of marginal effectiveness. Many military forces using FAL rifles eventually eliminated full-automatic firearms training in the light-barrel FAL.[1]

The FAL has been used by over 90 countries, and some seven million have been produced. Originally made by Fabrique Nationale de Herstal (FN) in Liège, Belgium, it has also been made under license in fifteen countries. As of August 2006, new examples were still being produced by at least four different manufacturers worldwide.

Character Design

Artist Suisai commented on FAL's design on the Artbook <THE ART OF GIRLS'FRONTLINE: UNTIL THE STARS>:

The first draft of her appearance was based on the British L1A1 variant, but the results were not all that good, so she was changed back to 'FAL'. Some ideas were kept from this earlier design, such as the ferret and the kukri knife. Connected to the previous mention about L1A1, looks like originally FAL has got pink hair.[2]
As one of the top three best-selling products from FN, the FAL must surely be the pride of the company. Thus, the impression she gives off is that of an “Elite” and “Noble”, which leads to her being seen as an outstanding soldier and a core member of the Griffin team.
The idea of a T-Doll + T-Pet partnership comes from the movie Cats & Dogs. In the beginning, her T-Pet was going to be a cat, but the animal was deemed too big. Then, I realized that a ferret could work (and would be camouflaged while in snowy areas), and changed it to that. And it has a name: Fel (a similar-sounding name to its master).

The flower on Wedding skin “The Most Important Day”, the flower on her hand is the National flower of Belgium, the Azalea Flower (Same as Five-seveN).

The artist went into deeper detail about the story behind creating the ferret in a Weibo post:[3]

Towards the beginning there was an idea about the character being like a “Fox Hunter”, so the first idea was an Arctic fox. The character logo for this version was also finished. On second review, a fox is too big, so we changed it to a cat. But cats are troublesome (in some ways). Then suddenly, a new idea flashed through my head (Are you New-Type?): cats→mongoose→weasel→ferret. Thus, the first generation ferret was born.
After a bit time I found out that the result felt kinda weird, so the ferret was reworked and became the current 2nd generation ferret, Fel.


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • FAL was nicknamed "The right arm of the free world" because it was widely used by NATO countries and American/European-friendly nations.
  • The British version of FAL, the L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle, removed the automatic fire function. During the Falkland War in 1982, British soldiers preferred to use the original version of the FAL which they looted from their Argentine opponents.
  • A 5.56x45mm version of the FAL, called the FN CAL, was manufactured in the early 70's. The FN CAL was the first FAL derivative which featured a 3-round burst firing mode, however it failed on market because of its complex design and expensive price. The FN CAL was succeeded by the FN FNC, which became a huge success across the world.
  • FAL is the team leader of Team FN, a squad of FN T-Dolls working for Griffin. As of May 2018, Team FN consist of 6 members: FAL, HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN, AR FNCFNCFNC, RF FN-49FN-49FN-49, AR F2000F2000F2000, and RF BallistaBallistaBallista.
    • Though Team FN are extraordinary events specialists and FAL is the leader of the team, FAL herself didn't actually appear in either the Hitoribocchi or Glory Day events. Only Five-seveN made an appearance.
  • FAL has the slowest priming animation for her grenade out of any AR, taking 41 frames for each grenade while others such as AR HK416HK416HK416 take 31 frames. This was most likely done to balance her faster initial CD and her ability to fire multiple grenades.
