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Angelia Quotes
Anna Viktorovna Tsoi
Full name Anna Viktorovna Tsoi
Affiliation Bureau of State Security
Voice actor Satou Rina
Artist Unknown
Chibi animation

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Angelia (安洁莉娅, otherwise shortened to Ange or Angie (安洁)) is a former member of Griffin & Kryuger and the Neo-Soviet Union's Bureau of State Security. Using her ties in the private military and covert operations worlds, she opposes all who wants to use Relic Technology. She is the leader of Task Force DEFY, the main backer of Squad 404, and an ally of the Commander and Persica.

Not to be confused with AR AngelicaAngelicaAngelica from the Dream Theatre collaboration event or AngelaAngela from Project Neural Cloud.


Angelia is her pseudonym.[1] Her true name is Anna Viktorovna Tsoi (Анна Викторовна Цой), a Soviet Korean born on 22 August 2032 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Her father Viktor Tsoi was a railway engineer while her mother Svetlana Sin was a secondary school teacher. The family moved to Moscow in 2039 when Viktor was chosen to work for the Soviet Ministry of Transport. The night of 2 March 2045, at the height of political tensions between the United States and the Neo-Soviet Union over the German Civil War, a Minuteman III MIRV missile broke through Moscow’s ABM network and hit near Viktor's workplace, killing him and his wife who was driving to pick him up from work.

Amidst the chaos in Moscow, Anna was handed over to the Internal Troops 36th Brigade, who were organizing the evacuation of the Ministry of Transport personnel, and evacuated to Ordzhonikidze, the capital of the North Ossetia-Alania Republic. The 13-years old Anna became well-liked among the soldiers of the 9th Company, who often snuck her aboard their armored vehicles for rides to distract her from loneliness. After some administrative turmoil, Anna was sent to Beslan a few kilometers away from the 36th Brigade’s garrison to live with the family of Ismaili Ibrahimov, one of her father’s ex-colleague and friend. The Ordzhonikidze region was relatively spared from the ongoing World War Three aside from food and commodities shortages and Anna received a normal education. One day in April 2047, Anna was riding to school in one of the 9th Company's Bumerang APC when she was noticed by the visiting Soviet Minister of the Interior Viktor Zelinsky. An attached photographer took a picture of Zelinsky shaking hands with Anna aboard the APC which would circulate widely after the war. Anna and Zelinsky exchanged letters for a few months after their encounter.

On 1st September 2050, armed Islamist extremists from the Relocation Action Group, who were about to be captured by the Bureau of State Security's Alpha Group and the 36th Brigade, invaded the No. 1 Secondary School of Beslan and took over a thousand teachers, students and parents hostage with a Relic-powered explosive device, demanding the Neo-Soviet government to stop their joint counterterror operations with the countries of Western Europe and release all captured terrorists. The standoff dragged on for 11 hours and an internal dispute emerged among the terrorists as some of them refused to execute children. Moreover, the Relic power source began to melt, jamming local communications and leaving StateSec agents, the 36th, the police, the terrorists, the hostages and the armed civilians deaf and dumb.

The StateSec commanding officer eventually ordered an assault to stop the terrorists from using the bomb. As the terrorists were returning fire from the gymnasium where they held some hostages and the bomb, Anna took action and ran to the bomb to rip out the wires, stopping the countdown. Having lost their biggest bargaining chip, the terrorists turned their fire against the hostages. All 20 terrorists were killed, but so were four soldiers of the 36th and 186 students and their parents, including one of Ibrahimov's sons, while himself and his second son were injured. Anna was unscathed, having been shielded from bullets by the bomb. After the burials, Anna cut her hair off and wrote a letter to Zelinsky. A year later, she graduated from secondary school and entered the C.M. Kirov Command Academy ran by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ordzhonikidze. After this, she continued her studies in Moscow and gradually disappeared from the life of her adoptive parents and friends. She sent her last letter to the Ibrahimovs in November 2059 along with some high-quality daily essentials and rations, and a picture of herself in a military uniform, wearing a Captain (上尉, капита́н[2]) insignias,[3] a rank she still held during the events that would unfold in the following years.[4][5]

In Slow Shock

Due to the unreliable narration of Slow Shock Part 1, the veracity of this information cannot be confirmed at the time.'

Childhood in Beslan

Anna and Martha Meitner in 2047.

To be written

World War Three

To be written

Character Info

Ange is, in fact, an ordinary human being. As an agent, she has been active in various theaters, doing her best to stop war and the power of the Relics from falling into the hands of those with impure intentions. That is because she knows that if the power of the Relics is abused, the world will end up like the ground beneath our feet. The first time I heard Ange's name was when she set off a dirty bomb right next to herself in order to stop a Military plot. She was severely injured during that blast, but she hung in there and continued her mission. Her trail led from Tallinn, to Paldiski Submarine Base, and all the way to Germany. Despite countless run-ins with death, her faith has never once wavered. She has tried to save the world all this while, and now it is time for us to save her. She is not the first hero to fight for freedom, and she will most definitely not be the last. She has given everything she has, and what she has done will never be made public; it will be hidden under the dust of time. However, those who blaze a trail for freedom are not concerned with the thorns in their way. So we have to save her, and right now, only we can save her.
— SMG RO635RO635RO635 recounts Angelia's feats to the members of Operation Aeneas.[6]

Angelia is a woman with pale skin, grey eyes and steel grey hair reaching her upper back, usually worn in a messy ponytail. Her left arm and right leg have been replaced by mechanical prosthetics going at least up to her shoulder and knee. She has two cut scars on her left forehead and right jaw, and a burn scar spreading from her left shoulder to her torso. She also has burn scars on her waist or lower abdomen, but these are not consistent between depictions. She is usually seen in tight-fitting clothes exposing her prosthetics with an overcoat and dog-tags or a business suit, but has also worn loose clothing in gopnik style.

Due to the events of her childhood, Angelia wants to destroy as many Relic Technology artifacts as possible.[7] While she cares about her country, she also thinks its people need to refocus their hatred to reconstruction,[8] and that while power is necessary to change the world, uncontrollable power like Relic technology will turn back on its user.[9] She believes that while the world condemns idealists, idealism is a thing to be protected.[10] Due to her ideals and means, she was designated as a person of interest and potential ally by the Promethean Rossartrists.[11]

Angelia is a no-nonsense, brutally effective covert ops commander, but she is not above teasing her subordinates[12] while valuing them deeply, even over her own life.[13][14][15] She tried multiple times to ensure Task Force DEFY would continue to serve under the Commander in the event of her death,[1][16] though AR AK-12AK-12AK-12 and AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 would have self-destructed rather than being led by another commander.[17] Angelia doesn't hesitate to work in the field with her subordinates,[18] which is why she ends up in dangerous situations and gets severely wounded to the point where her body is covered in scars and she has two mechanical limbs. She still cares about her appearance regardless: she was worried of the damages caused by ELID infection[1] and found the design of her mechanical arm to be “clunky”.[19]

As exemplified in her adjutant voice lines, she has no particular hobby and is not interested in socializing because her life revolves around her work. Despite this stoic disposition, she later found she like taking care of children.[20]


While she made many friends in the course of her work, most of them died prematurely.[21] Angelia has been working with Persica for years and they share a vitriolic friendship of sorts.[1] Angelia is close to Doctor Shaw, who calls her by her real surname “Anna”. Ange considered Shaw one of the rare persons even more hard-headed than her[22] and disagreed about her perception of Dolls as inhuman tools.[19] After seeing them operate during the Great Retreat, Ange has a high opinion of the Commander,[23] and would later come to consider them her closest ally,[24] though she was frustrated by their lack of suspicion towards Machlian.[25] The Commander also considered Angelia their most reliable friend[26] and went to great length to assist Angelia and later to save her from Paradeus.

Angelia considers Squad 404 to be her personal black ops team,[27] while SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45 views Angelia as a necessary investor and ally to take revenge on the perpetrators of the Butterfly Incident.[28][20]

Angelia clashed multiple time against Captain Yegor of KCCO during her career and the two shared a bitter hatred.[29][30][31]

The nature of her work often forces Angelia to work with K. Though both find the other a pain to work with due to slightly differing objectives and methods, K was one of the few people Angelia did not believe could be a Paradeus spy.[32][33] While Director Zelinsky does not show it directly, he holds Angelia's skills in high regards and covertly supported her even after she was officially expelled from StateSec.[34]

Story Involvement

Griffin Commander

During her time as a Griffin & Kryuger Commander,[35] which she remembered fondly,[23] Angelia worked with AR Team during the raid of Safe House 3[36][13] but later had their memories of her wiped.[16] As a result, AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 sensed only a vague familiarity when meeting Angelia again[27] while AR M4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD II remembered more about her personality.[37] Angelia was also involved in the Butterfly Incident of 2061[32][38] and collaborated with Persica in investigating the reasons behind the incident, sending her confidential files about the 2057 terrorist child attacks against Griffin bases.[15]

In Slow Shock

Due to the unreliable narration of Slow Shock Part 1, the veracity of this information cannot be confirmed at the time.

To be written

Building the Wolf Pack

The Wolf Pack Project, which eventually led to the formation of Task Force DEFY, was purpose-built to be commanded by Angelia, and the T-Dolls of the project were designed by Angelia's friend Doctor Shaw.[22][39] However, Angelia disagreed with Shaw's inhumane treatment of her creations, especially the prototype AR AN-94AN-94AN-94.[40] After the incident between AN-94 and AR AK-15AK-15AK-15 where 94 provoked 15 in duel, Ange attempted to talk with Shaw about the human side of Dolls and the negative impact of her rejection on AN-94, but Shaw refused any conversation on the topic. While Shaw surmised that her masterpiece AK-15's brute strength was sufficient to handle any mission, Ange put forward that a Doll capable of leadership and tactical flexibility would be able to surpass her. This successfully provoked Shaw into putting serious efforts into building AR AK-12AK-12AK-12 to prove AK-15's superiority. Ange also suggested Shaw listens to an upcoming lecture from Persica about third-generation Dolls.[22] When 12 overcame 15's brute strength with her tactical acumen in a duel, Angelia was proven right.[41] Angelia had not yet lost her arm at the time.[22]

After the Incident Zero of 12 February 2062[22] negatively impacted the reputation of the Wolf Pack Project, Angelia took charge of the modified Wolf Pack, consisting of AK-12 and AN-94 instead of AK-15, and went on many successful operations, repairing the reputational damage caused by Incident Zero. Ange never commanded AK-15 and the last DEFY member MG RPK-16RPK-16RPK-16 until two years later. Angelia lost her left arm around the time of RPK-16's creation, and Shaw installed her new prosthetic.[Note 1] Angelia also mentioned that she was “quitting her job” at that time, which probably referred to her job as a Griffin commander.[19] Based on the date of Shaw's disappearance, these events took place in 2062.

At some point while Angelia was still commanding AR Team but had already lost her arm, she led them during Operation Viper, intervening to salvage a botched counter-terrorist operation.[42] AR Team's performance during the operation was vastly superior to their theoretical best, which prompted Persica to replicate and modify the parameters of Viper during the Maze Cage experiment in order to understand how such a phenomenon occurred. The experiment was interrupted by Angelia, who didn't want her team to be exposed to dangerous simulations. She knocked Persica out so she would finally get some sleep and invited her to eat out after over a day of uninterrupted work.[43]

As the Wolf Pack's commander, Angelia would participate in an early operation against a Paradeus cult town in the Tserkov Special Administrative Region, where she rescued the team of Instructor Я when they fell into the cultists' trap.[44] Ange scolded Я for running her operation too by-the-book and lacking frontline experience, unaware that Я knew of her own flaw but could not fix it due to being forbidden from such participation by the brass. This mission took place after Angelia had lost her left arm.[45]

After the battle between G&K and Sangvis Ferri during Plan Parapluie, Angelia sent Squad 404 recover AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15's body parts as she wanted her skills for Task Force DEFY.[46] Around this time, she also came close to be killed by Agent and Elisa.[47][48]

You want to be stronger, but it isn't really who you are. That's why it's a bit too difficult for you. [...] Making choices entails suffering, because you have to suffer the consequences of the choices you make. But this is the only way to become stronger, and the only way for you to choose your own destiny. Didn't you go through all that training for this very day, AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 of the AR Team? You've changed since then... Keep changing. (Only then can you become our only stopping them from getting what they want...)[49]

At some point, Angelia infiltrated Sangvis Ferri's Base 0, leaving a beacon to guide Persica toward files of interest for the day she would turn her attention there in her search for Lycoris' legacy. After recovering the file, Persica contacted Angelia and hired Squad 404 through her to recover a drone containing the data extracted at Base 0. She also asked Angelia to help M4A1 as best she could during the joint operation between Griffin & Kryuger and the KCCO against Sangvis Ferri. Assuming the identity of a Captain of the KCCO's 17th Recon Squadron, Angelia helped M4A1 enter Military territory and get back to the Commander. M4A1 admitted to Angelia she had not thought of any plan and was only acting on her will to get revenge on Sangvis Ferri. Angelia told M4A1 that because she was unique as T-Doll and could make her own decisions, she would suffer the consequences of her own action, but would become stronger this way and eventually achieve her objective. She left M4 in a nearby outpost[49] and anonymously gave her position to the Commander.[50] She then headed out into the battlefield with DEFY to tap into KCCO transmissions and try to discover the motives behind the joint operation.[51]

Great Retreat

Don't worry. After today... Both you and I, as well as those commanders from Griffin... All of us will have the target for our revenge.[52]

After the KCCO betrayed Griffin, Angelia sent another anonymous transmission to the Commander, presenting herself as Persica's ally and asking for M4's coordinates.[53] The Commander complied and Angelia sent AR-15 and AR AK-12AK-12AK-12 recover M4A1[54] while herself and AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 breached the KCCO servers in search of intel about OGAS.[55] After AR-15, M4A1 and AK-12 linked up with her and AN-94, Ange revealed to M4 that the case she had inherited from AR M16A1M16A1M16A1 was a portable cannon and lifted the securities that prevented its use.[27] She however refused to give M4 permission to search for the rest of AR Team since she needed her to carry DEFY's own mission of capturing Elisa,[56] as she was planning to exploit Elisa's interest in M4 to lure her out.[47] Angelia contacted Persica and relayed her findings about her boss Havier Witkin being implicated in a mission with OGAS,[56] and they worked out possible ties with the Butterfly Incident and a man named William by collating information.[57] After being joined by Squad 404, she tasked them with infiltrating Sangvis Ferri's servers for more intelligence[58] and negotiated with Agent to arrange an encounter between Elisa and M4 in exchange for sparing the Commander's life.[48]

Despite Angelia uncovering more information about KCCO's goals, StateSec refused to provide her support and DEFY because of the diplomatic risks of making the Neo-Soviet Union's infighting visible to the rest of the world. When pushed by Persica and Angelia to provide more information about OGAS and the Butterfly Incident, Witkin reluctantly accepted to intervene and had an airdrop made for Angelia containing an asset to face the overwhelming numbers of the KCCO:[59] a set of Collapse bombs. Using the bombs would result in a fallout that would be dangerous to herself but not the Dolls. Angelia also warned M4 against going too far on her quest for vengeance and power.[13] Impressed by the protracted defense the Commander had maintained against Sangvis Ferri, she asked them to assist in Elisa's capture by attacking the advancing KCCO forces.[60] As the encounter between M4 and Elisa turned violent, KCCO Captain Yegor revealed he had been monitoring Angelia's transmissions and the KCCO rushed in to capture Elisa.[29] Ange ordered M4 to activate the Collapse bombs, causing damage to the KCCO troops but also exposing Angelia and the Commander to ELID.[61]

Surviving ELID

Angelia last-chance bluff against Yegor.
Angelia last-chance bluff against Yegor.

Separated from her team, with short-range transmissions down because of radiations, trapped in an area with many ELID-infected KCCO soldiers and having effectively betrayed StateSec by using the Collapse bombs against orders, Angelia was contacted by Persica and Havier to find a way of evacuating her. Havier sent newly developed Heavy Ordnance Corps to assist her, but Angelia insisted he sent them to the Commander instead, as she thought they were more deserving to survive the operation. Angelia then tried to fight her way through the approaching ELIDs and was saved by AK-12 and AN-94, who had left the capture of Elisa to M4 and AR-15 to search for Angelia. Angelia ordered them to leave the battlefield without her as their chances to escape both KCCO and ELIDs with the weakened Angelia was slim, but AK-12 rejected the order, thinking it unfit for Angelia's usual headstrong attitude. AK-12 even pointed her weapon at Angelia to kill her on the spot if she truly considered the situation to be without hope.

12's show of dedication convinced Angelia to try and survive and DEFY went north, away from the source of radiations. At a communication outpost, Angelia talked to Persica and the Commander, introducing herself to them for the first time and directing them to Witkin's evacuation point so they could leave the area for their safety before trying to save her, and so they could take over DEFY if she died. The transmission was cut short by Yegor who announced he was coming to finish Angelia,[1] so Angelia transferred the data she found during the battle to the Commander for safekeeping.[37] Using signal flares, the Commander steered DEFY and Angelia toward a Yellow Zone with less radiations to regroup with their own rescue team,[62] but Ange passed out on the way and the teams had to stop to resuscitate her.[63] While seeing AR HK416HK416HK416 and SOPMOD II strengthened Angelia's will,[64] she passed out again when the teams ran away from the KCCO tanks and they had to stop again in another building. Making use of 416 and SOP-II's abilities to disguise their IFF as Sangvis Ferri units, combined with DEFY's camouflage and Ange's weak lifesigns, AK-12 arranged for a distraction to steer the KCCO units away from their position while concealing Angelia's position.[65]

Yegor quickly saw through the ploy and Angelia considered the possibility to surrender, but the Commander made use of a Military doctor captured by 416 and SOP-II's decoy group,[16] disguising her as Angelia to further trick Yegor. Meanwhile, DEFY would prepare IEDs from HOC ammos to rig the building with explosives and force Yegor to leave if he entered. Yegor stretched his troops thin in an effort to cover all possibilities[66] before realizing he had been tricked when the decoy teams abandoned the fake Angelia and went back to the building, now secured by the Dolls and HOCs. Yegor ordered an attack and managed to enter before DEFY could wire the IEDs to the detonator.

I am [crazy]! That's why I'm capable of anything! They have all left me for dead and this is my last lifeline! I'm not afraid of anything! I'm happy to trade my own life and my T-Dolls in exchange for bringing down so many enemies! ...No matter what you do, I win. So...take your pick. Either we all live...or you're all coming with me![30]

In a last-chance bluff, Angelia ordered the Dolls to retreat to the roof, and sitting in a chair to support her body weakened by ELID, faced Yegor with an empty sidearm and the useless detonator. As Yegor's troops inspected the building and discovered the IEDs, Angelia claimed she had led Yegor into a trap and would not only detonate the IEDs, but also another Collapse bomb hidden deeper in the building. Yegor's forces being unable to confirm the presence of another Collapse bomb because of the local radiations, Angelia put Yegor on the spot by asking him if he was ready to make more of his men shoulder the price of his personal vengeance. Yegor relented and pulled back his troops to let the Dolls and Angelia leave toward the Commander's safe house,[30] but they had already been captured by Paradeus.[14]

Due to receiving Angelia's confidential intel, the Commander was considered a security threat by the Bureau of State Security after they were rescued from Paradeus. With the support of Witkin, Director Zelinski decided to implicate the Commander further into the matter by tasking them with finding Angelia, who had been declared a traitor for using the Collapse bomb against orders and disappearing with confidential intel and DEFY, who were still considered property of StateSec.[67]

Belgrade events

Angelia at the memorial to the victims of World War Three in Belgrade.
This memorial to the fallen of the last war is enough of an answer. A sacrifice is the final defense of one's beliefs. They died for what they believed in. And we, the ones who lived, have no right to assign value to the sacrifices of others.[68]

Angelia was offered to work secretly with the German Stasi under agent K, though she was considered an expendable pawn after being declared a traitor by StateSec.[69] Ange and DEFY traveled to Belgrade, where peace talks between the Pan-European Union and Neo-Soviet Union were soon to be held. Ange visited the local World War Three memorial, where she lamented that the war had solved nothing about humanity's problems, and she scolded AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 who shared no sympathy for their sacrifices. M4 only replied that Angelia was becoming soft,[68] but came to understand the need to respect sacrifices during the battle in Belgrade.[70]

The Commander was independently deployed by StateSec in Belgrade, under the pretense of capturing Angelia there.[71] They also met K, who presented himself as their information broker in the city.[72] In reality, StateSec and K wanted the Commander's forces in Belgrade to act as a third party security force for the peace talks, not wanting to reveal their covert deployment of SateSec troops in a neutral country unless the situation got completely out of control. Since Ange would face danger alone in the city unless Griffin troops cooperated, the Commander was forced to comply.[73] Angelia was also reticent about K putting the Commander in danger, but was powerless to stop him.[23]

While AR-15 and AN-94 searched for Paradeus troops in the city to locate Pike node A-51-241, Ange, M4A1 and AK-12 monitored the presence of an unusual number of ELID infected near the containment walls of the city.[21] Ange deployed M4 and 12 to assist the city guards against traitors aligned with Paradeus,[74] but they couldn't prevent them from using explosives to destroy the wall and allow the infected to spread chaos in the city.[75] With all of K's agents inside the city killed by Paradeus spies, Ange and DEFY were left alone to control the infected, in order for the Pike node recovery and Griffin's own mission to progress without interference.[69] Despite Ange's distrust in the notion of kindness,[21] M4's efforts to save guards despite the risk of revealing themselves allowed her to acquire friendly IFFs[76] and enabled Ange to coordinate with Lieutenant Dragović to defend the city.[77]

The Pike core was eventually recovered from Paradeus and Sangvis Ferri by the Commander, but K called off the original plan to hide it from the world, and instead ordered them to hand it over to StateSec. While Ange was furious to hear this, she wasn't willing to fight the Commander's troops to seize it.[78] She tried to steal the Pike core soon after it changed hands but was captured by the Vympels outside Belgrade and imprisoned. With the attention of all factions shifting to the abandoned Paldiski Submarine Base, she was released to take part in the infiltration and the capture of the base with the Commander and K,[32] her own mission being to capture all Paradeus data in the base while the Commander would prevent the activation of the Starfish installation.[79]

Infiltrating Paldiski Submarine Base

Under Angelia's command, Task Force DEFY engage Yegor in an Ares mech in the depth of the Paldiski Submarine Base.

Ange, K and DEFY gave a wide berth to Tallinn when traveling to the Paldiski Submarine Base, only observing the KCCO armored trains that Griffin would later battle with from over 120km afar,[80] then entered the base by sea.[81] While K, MG RPK-16RPK-16RPK-16 and AR AK-15AK-15AK-15 battled with Sangvis Ferri to access the main gate controls and allow Griffin inside, Angelia, AR AK-12AK-12AK-12 and AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 explored the lower levels of the base,[82] but ended up cut from radio transmission and could not contact the Commander to provide intel as expected.[83][84]

In the undergrounds of the base, Ange, 12 and 94 discovered young Nytos, who crashed the Neural Clouds of the T-Dolls as a preventive attack before Ange befriended them.[20] Ange was then separated from 12 and 94 by automated quarantine measures after the power in the base was cut.[85] Ange sent one of the young Nyto, Anna, through the crawlspace of the base's ceiling to bypass the quarantine doors and get help. Anna kidnapped AR G11G11G11, allowing SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45 to find Ange by following her.[20]

After Squad 404 lifted the quarantine, Ange warned the Commander and K that she had acquired key data about William and the Nyto subjects,[79] including the potential location of William in the German city of Bremen.[9] After backing up the data in both 45 and 12's Neural Clouds,[86] Angelia sent the subjects back to the surface with Squad 404, then was lent command of AR Team from the Commander so she could confront, with them and DEFY, the four Ares mechs who had broken through Griffin's barricade and into the base.[79] Ange had given the less risky mission to Squad 404 to avoid putting UMP45 on the frontline again after she was nearly destroyed during the Great Retreat.[86]

When three of the mechs were forced to battle the Sangvis Ferri ringleaders, Angelia sent AR Team stop Elisa from activating the Starfish, while herself and DEFY rushed after Yegor's mech deeper into the base to stop him from reaching the main control room.[87][88] To ensure Elisa could not activate the Starfish, and that the KCCO mechs and SF troops would be destroyed, Ange asked the Commander to plant explosives on the base's sea valves and flood the base[81][86] after five minutes.[89]

Taking down Yegor

Because Angelia's original battle plan put her at risk, AK-12 submitted her own plan, giving them a 5% chance of success while avoiding to put Angelia in danger. Since the entire team was likely to be destroyed, Angelia promised she would pay for upgraded replacement bodies if SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45 did not empty her bank account after she gave her all her credentials in case she would be killed by Yegor,[15] but 45 did in fact raid the account and used the money to pay for AR G11G11G11's neural upgrade.[90]

With Yegor's mobility reduced in the cramped lower levels of the base, DEFY carried a suicide attack that destroyed his mech's legs as water started to seep into the base. While Angelia was not seen during the battle, she taunted Yegor by acknowledging the results of DEFY's attack on an open radio frequency, leading Yegor to believe that her plan was to force him to come out of the mech and kill him with a rifle shot from a concealed position. Yegor elected to remain in the mech and die from suffocation[31][91] but Ange opened the cockpit and tried to interrogate him about KCCO's plans. While it is not shown, it is suggested she then killed him. Angelia then went back to the base's surface after recovering DEFY's neural cores,[8] and she returned into K's custody.[92]

...To have drowned to death in such hatred and misguided ideals... What a pitiful man. The people of this country are broken and scarred. They don't need more hatred and death. What they need is the opportunity to rebuild their home. For all your self-righteousness, I will never forgive you for your betrayal. The world has no lack of people who rationalize their evildoing in the name of so-called justice. Farewell, Yegor. If we hadn't been enemies... We could have enjoyed a nice cup of tea together.[8]

With the young Nytos now under Griffin's protection, Angelia enlisted Squad 404 as their long-term guards.[93] Because she was now the only one in possession of intel regarding William's whereabouts, Angelia was designated a prime person of interest to be protected and helped by the Promethean Rossartrists.[11]

Investigating Bremen

Angelia overlooks the riots in the Bremen refugee settlement.

Angelia's next goal was to track down William, hiding in the German city of Bremen according to her interpretation of the intel at Paldiski.[9] This was in fact part of a fake intel operation organized by Paradeus, who worked with their inside man in StateSec “Polar Bear” to mislead Ange to Berlin, but a drunken Polar Bear instead led Angelia to Bremen.[94]

Since their objectives aligned, K provided Angelia German travel passes and fake IDs, arranged for AK-12 and AK-15 to be airdropped into the city to avoid problems with border control due to their appearance, and prepared safe houses and intel while also promising not to involve the Stasi in her investigations. Disguised as a refugee with AN-94 and RPK-16, Angelia entered Bremen after staging a preventive shake-off operation at the city's gates, where they neutralized three agents from a gang unrelated to her mission.

After her arrival, Gilda Ulrich requested to talk with Ange,[95] hoping they could share intel, but Ange was wary of Paradeus spies and did not agree to share intel until her mission in Bremen was finished. Ulrich provided Ange the service of two of her subordinates, her secretary Morridow Voigt and chief of security Wolfgang Hopps. However, Ange trusted neither[9] and as she noticed more and more discrepancies in their behavior, she started planning to reveal both of their true identities.[96]

Ange first investigated Bremen's Flora Institute, the point of origin of crates filled with Epiphyllum flowers infected with Collapse radiation found by the Commander in the Yellow Zones of Area S09.[97] While DEFY infiltrated the institute, Ange, Morridow and Hopps, presenting themselves as PECMAR inspectors, interrogated senior researcher Leone, but were poisoned with hallucinatory mutated pollen at the same time as AN-94 and AK-15 discovered the hidden labs where the radioactive Epihylla were cultivated and armed troops were waiting to attack them.[98][99] However, the troops were untrained Flora cultists armed by Paradeus, who had mounted a fast reaction team after being warned on short notice of Ange's surprise visit, but not of the presence of DEFY. Since they were easily neutralized, DEFY concluded that the trap only served to gauge Ange and DEFY's threat level. In her hallucinations, Angelia re-lived the moment where she was alone in ELID territory after the Collapse bomb explosions, and nearly killed Morridow with her handgun, thinking she was an infected, before DEFY and J's team intervened.[100]

After a mission where Squad 404 and Anna were deployed in an abandoned Zeratul-Worcester Pharmaceutical plant, Anna recovered some memories of the time she was sold by her orphanage to “Uncle Powell”, a child trafficker working for Paradeus.[101] Matching the clue with Leone's call list, Angelia next visited the Berle Orphanage outside Bremen, but found the director dead soon after arriving.[102] After dispatching DEFY to investigate, Ange befriended the director's protégé, who revealed the director had hidden key evidence in her doll while repairing it before her suicide.[103] Using a bluff to lead the culprit to reveal himself, Ange was able to reveal the death as a suicide disguised as a burglary-related murder, in an effort to conceal the suicide letter which revealed that the orphanage was selling children to Powell. The culprit tried to kill Ange but was killed by Hopps instead, inadvertently ruining J's own long-term investigation on the child trafficking network. Deciding J was trustworthy, Ange passed on the account numbers hidden by the director, to be used by J and K in their own investigations on Paradeus.[104]

Bremen refugee settlement riots

Angelia confronts Morridow.

With no other lead available, Angelia decided to track down Powell himself into the dangerous Bremen refugee settlement.[105] After taking down Mobile Einsatkommando traitors affiliated with the GIP extremists trying to stop them from reaching Powell,[106] Ange and DEFY tried to capture Powell in the church serving as the refugee support center, but they were discovered and Powell escaped in the shootout, forcing Angelia, Hopps, J and Morridow to barricade in the church, waiting for Ulrich to dispatch an evacuation helicopter while DEFY tracked down Powell from the rooftops.[107] However, they were soon forced to abandon their position after Powell's own forces started a riot in the settlement, and sent suicide-bombing automatons towards the church.[108]

To escape the pollen being poured in the streets to turn refugees into ELID infected, Ange's group used the rooftops to close in on Powell's position[109] in the Bremen Ratskeller. Using Morridow's knowledge of the building, Ange's group intercepted Powell in the Ratskeller's safe house, but Hopps revealed himself as a double-agent of the GIP. Angelia had long identified Hopps as the mole who was leaking her movements in Bremen, and AK-15 and RPK-16 broke through the walls of the safe house to seize him.[110] Despite dismantling the Flora Institute, seizing Powell and weakening the GIP, K and Angelia believed Paradeus had engineered the events and they had failed to destabilize William in any way.[111]

With Hopps discovered, Ange next moved to reveal Morridow's true identity, having noticed her faked helplessness in dangerous situations, the concealed weapon she carried and her lack of physiological reaction to the pollen. With Morridow still convinced AK-12 and AN-94 had been lost in the riots, Ange secretly ordered AN-94 to monitor K while AK-12 would take control of the plane supposed to take Angelia and Morridow to Ulrich, instead steering it East, towards Magdeburg and the Neo-Soviet Army External Group Force. During the flight, Ange confronted Morridow, who revealed herself as a Paradeus spy and augmented human, who had planned to divert the plan south of Bremen into Paradeus territory, to interrogate Angelia and possibly recruit her. A fight broke out, Morridow's body being impervious to Angelia's handgun, but Angelia having more experience in CQC, letting her damage Morridow's mechanical arms with her combat knife. Emerging from the cabin of the plane, AK-12's AP rounds wounded Morridow in the leg and shoulder. She then forced open the emergency exit and destroyed one of the plane's rotors by throwing one of the seats before jumping down.

Morridow's kidnapping plan led Ange to believe William was still hiding in Germany. The intel gathered by the Stasi during her mission was intercepted by Dandelion, who used it to locate the coordinates of the mansion appearing in Lunasia's memories.[96] They were unaware that locating the mansion had become Ange's primary objective since Paldiski.[112]

Investigating Berlin

While Angelia's actions at the Flora Institute and Berle orpahanage were easily concealed by Ulrich, but the refugees settlement shootout caused elements of the Stasi to detain Angelia in Berlin only five days after she had entered the country. Stasi agent Light, under K's command, quickly wrapped up the investigations of Morridow's disappearance and was sent to Berlin to assist Angelia,[113] starting by monitoring her movements.[114]

In Berlin, the Stasi detained Angelia and DEFY for two days[115] on charges of causing the Bremen riots and murdering Morridow, a public servant. They waterboarded her to make her reveal the reason of her presence in Germany, which would lead to her revealing what she hard learned at Paldiski,[116] but Griffin Lyons obtained her release[112] before the torture could escalate and Angelia was put under house arrest along with DEFY.[116] RPK-16 checked the neural clouds of DEFY for spywares, then, on RPK and AK-12's insistence, they went to their assigned residence for Angelia to recuperate.[115] Ange would become haunted by the events of her past in Beslan during the following days.[112][117]

After a day of rest, Ange received an invitation to the Athena's Owl bar in Berlin's old town from Griffin Lyons, who had the message left directly in RPK-16's neural cloud. Angelia went to meet him despite the active protests in the streets and the failures of her arm prosthesis due to lack of maintenance.[112] After dispatching DEFY to handle the agents following them,[118] Angelia became trapped in a crowd movement, but the Rossartrists manipulated the crowd until Ange reached Athena's Owl and met Griffin. When Griffin warned that the situation in Germany could lead to a similar disaster as Beslan, demonstrating that he knew Angelia's past well, Angelia assumed a threatening stance but had to stand down as every other person in the bar were Griffin's agents.

Griffin attempted to assure Angelia that they had the same ideals, but she disapproved the methods of the Prometheans, though Griffin noted that they were comrades-in-arms whether she liked it or not since Zelinsky and Mikhail Tsvigun were always supporting her without her knowledge. Griffin then tasked Angelia to work with the Commander to unearth Paradeus's plan to destroy Berlin with weapons of unknown nature. Ange demanded to receive the location of William's manor in exchange but Griffin refused, calling it irrelevant.[119] She was then fetched at the bar's exit by Light, whom J presented as Ange's contact with the Stasi in Berlin. Ange wasn't keen on working with an agent who reminded her of her younger years,[114] and she was especially distrustful of seemingly capable and devoted people after Morridow's treason.[5][120]

Ange then contacted SMG RO635RO635RO635 to invite the Commander to Athena's Owl,[26] where they met in person for the first time to discuss their plan to counter Paradeus. Ange advised the Commander not to trust Machlian during her interrogation, as she was convinced Machlian was the disguised Morridow, while DEFY would go after Leone, who had been placed in a sanatorium in Berlin. Comparing their methods, Ange reluctantly compared herself to Griffin while comparing the Commander to Kryuger.[5] After Leone agreed to meet her, Ange visited the sanatorium as Galatea Corporation leader Miss Gray conducted an interview. Cornering her in the women's bathrooms, Ange asked Gray about her past business to the Flora Institute and how she had Leone brought to Berlin. Gray was unimpressed by the interrogation and even offered to do maintenance on Ange's prosthesis when she grabbed her arm as she tried to leave. Gray then taunted Ange by indirectly mentioning the incident she had suffered at the institute.[121]

When Ange then met with Leone, she had become unwilling to talk with her because of Gray's threats. Ange elected not go after Gray, thinking that as a public figure any incriminating evidence about her would already be known by secret services, but suspicious about how fast Gray had moved to counter her investigations, Ange refused to let Light assist her by fear of having her plans leaked to Paradeus. Despite physical exhaustion, Ange moved on to interrogating Powell, who had been imprisoned in Berlin. Using Light's accesses to meet with Powell privately and beat information out of him, Ange learned that Leone had been producing a mass-destruction compound for Paradeus. Powell also handed over a sample of hallucinogenic drug derived from the compound, enabling Ange to investigate its smuggling network.[122] Ange told Light that Powell did not have useful information and discreetly dispatched DEFY to investigate the smugglers.[123]

Having found the origin of the durgs in a Galatea storehouse, Ange left AN-94 to watch Light and went with the rest of DEFY to investigate.[124] They fought with Nytos, who triggered an explosion to destroy the building upon being overwhelmed. Gray and Galatea's private security hurried to the storehouse to take Ange and the Dolls into custody and hand them to the police, but Light intervened with Stasi warrants to override their authority.[125] Despite this setback, Gray decided not to activate the sleeper agent inside DEFY yet.[126] When Ange, Light and DEFY went back to their residence, Paradeus troops lying in wait attacked them and started a fire in the building. Damaged in the successive battles, AK-12 transferred command authority to RPK-16 and sacrificed herself to allow Ange[120] and Light to escape.[127] Griffin called Ange to blame the incident on her rashness,[117] and later asked the Commander to convinced her to act more cautiously.[128]

The next day, Ange returned to the sanatorium to see Leone and used the Galatea storehouse incident to prove that the Stasi and her could stand up to Paradeus. By offering Leone their protection, Ange convinced her to reveal Paradeus' plan and share a list of locations where they planned to use their bombs. Since Gray was now after her, Ange decided to take the initative.[129] Leaving RPK-16 to protect Leone,[130] Ange went to Gray's clinic to have her prosthesis serviced and attempt to extract more Paradeus intel from her. Gray offered Ange to join Paradeus and stop helping corrupt governments, but Ange retorted that her fight was only for herself and that Paradeus would create much more suffering. Just as Gray revealed herself as a Nyto impersonator working with Morridow, Ange was knocked out by anesthetics and AK-15 and AN-94 intervened, driving Gray away.[131] In the meantime, Paradeus forces attacked the sanatorium and killed Leone despite Ange's promise to keep her safe.[127]


MG RPK-16RPK-16RPK-16's betrayal.
Just doing "all I can" means nothing, RPK. What I need is results... So long as I'm still on my feet, I will never just watch while things unfold. If I were content with being a chess piece and letting these bigwigs push me around... How would I be any different from Yegor?[132]

Now out of leads to make headway on her case, except for the connection between Gray and Morridow, Ange called the Commander and asked to interrogate Machlian,[133] but they refused to hand her over, as they were about to bring her to an abandoned Paradeus base to synthesize an ELID cure from her blood for Kalina. Ange angrily accused the Commander of ignoring her warning to treat Machlian like a dangerous prisoner and to be acting selfishly, but the Commander dryly retorted that Griffin had given them authority over Machlian.[134] Despite her anger, she immediately regretted using the Commander's concerns for Kalina gainst them. Ignoring RPK's advice to wait until more opportunities appeared, Ange attempted to make contact with Griffin instead of waiting for him to call her and stormed the Athena's Owl with DEFY and Light. In a hidden room, they found the location of William's mansion.[133]

Angelia attempted to contact Mikhail Tsvigun to inform him of the situation, but he did not respond. RPK attempted to convince Angelia to not investigate the place or at least inform StateSec before doing it, but Ange scolded her for trying to dissuade her instead of assisting her like AK-12 did. Before the mission, Light gave Angelia the cufflink engraved with his chosen letter as a senior agent, "U", and asked her to give it back to him when she considered him worthy of it, as a senior agent albeit from a different country. Ange did not want Light to see her as his mentor and said she would give him the cufflinks after the op.[10] At the manor, AN-94 watched the area with Light and his Stasi agents, while Ange, RPK and AK-15 explored the building.[135] RPK sent AK-15 to explore on her own, and Ange discovered the defaced painting of the von Oberstein's family tree.

When Light warned of a Paradeus attack, RPK locked Ange in a room with her and stated that she perceived her nature as a Doll to be flawed, and that she wanted to become more human. Revealing that she did not have the usual Neural Cloud restrictions preventing Dolls to turn against humans, RPK fired at Ange with her pistol, but Ange managed to quickdraw and deflect the bullet with her own handgun. Ange threw a grenade at RPK to put some distance between them, buying enough time for AK-15 to intervene. Ange ordered 15 to recover RPK's neural core before leaving.[136] While fleeing, she was cornered by Strelets, who could not be killed by her handgun. Light arrived and took down the Strelets with an HK512, but his gun and his hand were cut by Gray.[137] Gray then attacked Ange, lacerating and breaking her ribcage until she passed out.

Gray then interrupted the fight between AK-15 and RPK-16 by threatening to kill Ange, but 15 attacked regardless, impaling herself on Gray's scorpion tail to engage in close-quarters and put Gray off-balance until she got an opportunity to grab Ange and flee through a wall, but Gray and RPK recaptured her, killed Light and destroyed AK-15 and AN-94.[138]


After the events of the manor, the official position of the Stasi was that Angelia had betrayed Light and caused the incident before running away. The newly appointed Stasi director, Romy Riefenstahl, forbid K and J to investigate the events,[139] but they provided intel to the Commander so they could search for Angelia in their stead,[140] even though they themselves had been prohibited to search for Ange by Griffin.[141]

RPK used this to her advantage by meeting with J, pretending to have fled the battle at the manor and to know where Ange was being held.[142] She guided J and his team to a plant lent to Paradeus by the Ministry of Defense,[143] but this was a ploy to massacre the agents and blackmail the German government by threatening to publicly announce bloody infighting within the Stasi, so the Ministry of Defense would not turn against Paradeus.[144]

Gray eventually contacted the Commander and offered a prisoner exchange between Angelia and Morridow at the Berlin airport. When Gray showed Angelia on camera to confirm she was still alive, Angelia made a cryptic comparison between paradeus' torture and getting her tatoos and warned the Commander to act cautiously.[145] The Commander gave Morridow back to Paradeus, but Paradeus only lured them with a Nyto disguised as Angelia before attacking.[146] Interpreting Ange's hint, the Commander investigated the Berlin prison and found a concealed underground Paradeus storehouse where Angelia had just been moved from.[147][148] With the help of the assimilated units, the Commander's forces brought down Gray and Grig and exchanged their life against Ange's location. Gray brought them to another contained and made her escape, but it only contained another decoy.[149]

Continuing to go against Griffin's orders, the Commander worked with the Stasi to organize Operation Aeneas in order to investigate Paradeus' HQ, Avernus, and rescue Angelia.[150][151] AR AK-15AK-15AK-15 and AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 also secretly took part in the rescue.[152] Griffin attempted to make the Commander cancel the operation by threatening to leave the Griffin personnel stranded at the border between Germany and the Neo-Soviet Union as they attempted to come reinforce the Commander's forces, but the Commander refused to take further orders from him.[153]

Having been brought to Avernus, Angelia met with William, who attempted to recruit her. William argued that Ange's quest to stop him and Paradeus proved that her sense of justice was skewed in favor of the conniving politicians ruling the world. Ange remarked that he was not on the side of justice either because of the weapons he created and distributed, such as the Iaso's Boxes, and William responded that they were both making concessions in order to make the world better. William argued that only his efforts could upset the statu quo, and that Angelia should join him if she wished to do the same.[154] She was at first held suspended from the ceiling of her cell and tortured by her Nyto guard, but RPK-16 killed her and replaced her with Koleda, who took better care of Angelia like she knew her personally.[155]

During Aeneas, RPK-16 confirmed Angelia's location to M16A1, who passed the intel to SMG RO635RO635RO635. When they were confronted by Bramedb, AR M4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD II forced RO to find Ange alone,[152] and Koleda guided RO to her cell. However, Angelia refused to leave Avernus and instead left a video message for the Commander. The file was partially encrypted with a codeword which the Commander had to decipher from the question “what should we look to in order to save the world?” The Commander correctly guessed that the answer was “the present”, instead of an immutable past or an uncertain future. In the rest of the message, Angelia shared her fear that Griffin was only attempting to control Paradeus instead of destroying them, and explained how she planned to strike from the enemy's inside with the assets she had gathered during Aeneas (most likely Koleda and Persica's “Strongarm” delivered by RO).[156]


Display spoiler images:

Alternate expressions


  • Ange only appears once in side-stories: in AR AN-94AN-94AN-94's Silent Rouge costume story in the Night of Sweetness and Surprise notebook batch, she gives AK-12 and AN-94's some R&R, enabling them to participate in the G&K gala.
  • Angelia's father shares his name with Soviet Korean rock icon Viktor Tsoi. This is consistent with Angelia's character theme of rebellion shown in her appearance, her clashes with Zielinski and K, and her connections with Squad 404 and Task Force DEFY.
  • During the Polarized Light event, her sprite shows her using an AN-94 rifle with EKP-1S-03M optics.
  • According to the Commander, coffee made by Ange is “practically sludge”.[157]


  1. In AR AK-15AK-15AK-15's fourth neural Upgrade story, it is said that Shaw created and installed Angelia's prosthetic arm. In Maze Guess - Bayesian Decision Theory, the prosthetic is said to be from Persica instead.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, ELID-Infected
  2. Miswritten “капитбн” in the illustration of Fixed Point E1-1.
  3. The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 4, File Number “Soviet-N2-K
  4. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Shoulders of a Griffin III
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Balls and Vase
  6. Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E4-1
  7. Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Confidential Information 3
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-3E
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, The Curtain Rises II
  10. 10.0 10.1 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Schrödinger’s Cat
  11. 11.0 11.1 Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Light Show
  12. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Stroke Dead-Center I
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Last Resort III
  14. 14.0 14.1 Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, White Doll
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-5
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Bad News
  17. Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Final Order
  18. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Stroke Dead-Center IV
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Girls' Frontline, AR AK-15AK-15AK-15 Neural Upgrade Story 4
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Sintering
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Beyond the Border I
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 Girls' Frontline, AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 Neural Upgrade Story 3
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Faith of Blood II
  24. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Balls and Vase
  25. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Atropos’ Shears III
  26. 26.0 26.1 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Shoulders of a Griffin III
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Compression Initiates IV
  28. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Mixing
  29. 29.0 29.1 Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Last Resort IV
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Stumbling Block
  31. 31.0 31.1 Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Light Cone Frame of Reference I
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Confidential Information III
  33. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Sweet Dreams Box – End
  34. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Wrestling Snakes II
  35. Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Final Flight
  36. Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-6
  37. 37.0 37.1 Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Signal Flare
  38. Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-2
  39. Girls' Frontline, AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 Neural Upgrade Story 4
  40. Girls' Frontline, AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 Neural Upgrade Story 2
  41. Girls' Frontline, AR AK-15AK-15AK-15 Neural Upgrade Story 3
  42. Girls' Frontline, Maze Guess - Analytic Inference
  43. Girls' Frontline, Maze Guess - Bayesian Decision Theory
  44. Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 5-α5 Moonlight Sonata
  45. Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 5-α7 Winter
  46. Girls' Frontline, AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15 Neural Upgrade Story 3
  47. 47.0 47.1 Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Queens Gambit III
  48. 48.0 48.1 Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Minor Pieces Draw IV
  49. 49.0 49.1 Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-1
  50. Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-2
  51. Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-3
  52. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Promotion IV
  53. Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-4E
  54. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Starting Point
  55. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Stroke Dead-Center I
  56. 56.0 56.1 Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Chapter 2 Splinter Point
  57. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Queens Gambit II
  58. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Promotion I
  59. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Last Resort I
  60. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Last Resort II
  61. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Last Resort V
  62. Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Yellow Zone
  63. Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Mark
  64. Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, New Hope
  65. Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Vile Rats
  66. Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, IED
  67. Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Hurricane Rescue
  68. 68.0 68.1 Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Souvenir
  69. 69.0 69.1 Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Faith of Blood I
  70. Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Under the Wall II
  71. Girls' Frontline, Episode 11-1E
  72. Girls' Frontline, Episode 11-4E
  73. Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Illusory Peace I
  74. Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Beyond the Border II
  75. Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Beyond the Border IV
  76. Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Beyond the Border III
  77. Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Under the Wall I
  78. Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Above the Hubbub VI
  79. 79.0 79.1 79.2 Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Annealing II
  80. Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Confidential Information V
  81. 81.0 81.1 Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Silvering I
  82. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Diffraction Grating
  83. Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Confidential Information XIV
  84. Girls' Frontline, Episode 12-6
  85. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Enantiomer Overload II
  86. 86.0 86.1 86.2 Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-1
  87. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Virtual Image Reforging
  88. Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-3
  89. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Unfathomable Singularity
  90. Girls' Frontline, AR G11G11G11 Neural Upgrade Story 1
  91. Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-6
  92. Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-4E
  93. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Ghost Sisters I
  94. Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E1-1
  95. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, The Curtain Rises I
  96. 96.0 96.1 Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Bridge of Eternity
  97. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Hay Fever – Beginning
  98. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Clown
  99. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Gathering Frost Wolves
  100. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Hay Fever – End
  101. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Ghost Sisters VI
  102. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Sweet Dreams Box – Beginning
  103. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Rag Doll
  104. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Sweet Dreams Box – End
  105. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Delta Attack – Beginning
  106. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Spiderweb
  107. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, House of Cards
  108. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Delta Attack – End
  109. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Infernal Enlightenment I
  110. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Infernal Enlightenment IV
  111. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Infernal Enlightenment V
  112. 112.0 112.1 112.2 112.3 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Torricelli’s Trumpet I
  113. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Absent
  114. 114.0 114.1 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Athena's Owl
  115. 115.0 115.1 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, An Arrow in Flight II
  116. 116.0 116.1 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, An Arrow in Flight I
  117. 117.0 117.1 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, The Prisoner’s Dilemma III
  118. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Torricelli’s Trumpet II
  119. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Torricelli’s Trumpet III
  120. 120.0 120.1 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, The Prisoner’s Dilemma I
  121. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Cretan Liar
  122. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Heraclitus’ River I
  123. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Heraclitus’ River II
  124. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, The Grain of Millet I
  125. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, The Grain of Millet III
  126. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Night Festival
  127. 127.0 127.1 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Achilles and the Tortoise III
  128. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Atropos’ Shears I
  129. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Cratylus’ River III
  130. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Achilles and the Tortoise I
  131. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Cratylus’ River I
  132. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Zeno’s Circle of Knowledge
  133. 133.0 133.1 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Zeno’s Circle of Knowledge
  134. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Atropos’ Shears III
  135. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Pandora’s Box I
  136. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Pandora’s Box III
  137. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Brain in a Vat III
  138. Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Möbius Strip
  139. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Decreasing Entropy II
  140. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Decreasing Entropy XIV
  141. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Rekindling Starlight XV
  142. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Falling Star beta
  143. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Falling Star epsilon
  144. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Falling Star iota
  145. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Falling Star mu
  146. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Darkest Decline 110
  147. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Endgame Chaos deca
  148. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Endgame Chaos Giga
  149. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Endgame Chaos kilo
  150. Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E1-4
  151. Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E1-8
  152. 152.0 152.1 Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E4-11
  153. Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E3-7
  154. Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E1-8
  155. Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E3-3
  156. Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E4-13
  157. Girls' Frontline, Love Bakery, E4, Persica dialogue