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Love Bakery

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Full name Love Bakery
Event type Minor
Released on CN, TW, KR
Available in campaign menu CN[1], EN
See Events Music
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Second White Day event.

Event run time[edit]

Title Period (start/end) Server Type Comment
焙炒爱意 2022-03-10 03:00 - 2022-03-31 03:00 (UTC)

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CN Seasonal Event
사랑의 조리법 2022-03-25 01:00 - 2022-04-15 14:59 (UTC)

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KR Seasonal Event
Love Bakery 2023-03-14 18:00 - 2023-04-04 07:59 (UTC)

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EN Seasonal Event
Love Bakery 2024-03-05 18:00 - 2024-03-19 07:59 (UTC)

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EN Seasonal Event Rerun


New elements and mechanics

This event reuses the Halloween enemies Phantom and Corpse Bride and introduces variants of the Dinergate (“Dessertgate”), Goliath (“Black, “White and “Truffle Chococalorie”), and Dessert Cerberus.

Event Shop

Server Type Item Cost Stock Recipient
All Doll Costume LWMMG: Knight and Protector x150 1 MG LWMMGLWMMGLWMMG
All Equipment P22 Laser Sight x80 1 HG P22P22P22
All Profile Background Nighttime Cocoa Fragrance x50 1
All Icon Language of Flowers x30 1
All Icon Where Eyes Point x30 1
All Icon Chocolate For Her x30 1
All Item Tokens x3 100
All Item Special Combat Reports x2 70
All Gift Combat Reports x2 70
All Gift Strawberry Custard Cheesecake x2 70
Rarity T-Doll (CN/KR) T-Doll (EN) T-Doll (JP) Medal Cost Stock
5-Star T-Dolls HG P22P22P22
MG LewisLewisLewis
HG P22P22P22
MG LewisLewisLewis
TBA x500 (x1500 Total) 1x Per Doll
4-Star T-Dolls AR M82M82M82
MG PM1910PM1910PM1910
TBA x400 1x Per Doll
x5 (x1000 Total)
x5 (x1000 Total)
200x Per
200x Per

Event Maps

  • E1 “Terrible Guest”: A standard mission where the enemies must be eliminated before taking the friendly Commander unit must be taken to the Command Post.
  • E2 “Secret Worker”: An introduction to the chocolate-making mechanics. Collecting ingredients, the Commander makes the Cocoa New World chocolates.
  • E3 “Chocolate Workshop”: The main chocolate-making stage. The Commander must collect five of the ten ingredients from the map then bring them to the Omni-Dessert Machine to prepare the chocolates used in the next stage. Each time a chocolate is produced, enemies appear on the map, and they must all be destroyed to complete the map. House of Mint, Sweet Saber, Kiss of Destiny and Chocolate Duet must be completed to finish the mission, but the fifth recipe, the Classic Memory, is discovered by stepping on the tenth ingredient on the map. Making this recipe will spawn Dessert Cerberus on the map. Submitting any other combination of ingredients will produce a monstrous Chocthulhu.
Icon Name Description Recipe
Cocoa New World A mass-produced run-of-the-mill chocolate. It tastes ordinary, smells ordinary... In a certain sense, being ordinary is a form of happiness. Cacao Beans, White Sugar, Edible Food Coloring, Special Seasoning and a Standard Mold
House of Mint A relatively ordinary kind of chocolate. It looks exquisite, but the taste isn't really the best...However, there are those who value appearance more? Cacao Beans, White Sugar, Strange Flavor Powder, Edible Food Coloring and Standard Mold
Sweet Saber
Sweet Bayonet
If you want to eat this present, you'll need a set of good teeth. But if you want to use it on a mission, then trust me, it's not much better than the one on your belt. Cacao Beans, White Sugar, Coolant, Special Seasoning and Personalized Mold
Kiss of Destiny Mysterious chocolate that's crystal clear and seemingly has some magical ties to the gifter. From its reflected glimmer, you can almost see your destiny. Cacao Beans, White Sugar, Fluorescent Powder, Special Seasoning and Standard Mold
Chocolate Duet Chocolate with totally different flavors mixed together, every bite sends thrills of the unknown resounding in your mouth... Why is it spicy? Cacao Beans, Strange Flavor Powder, Edible Food Coloring, Special Seasoning and Personalized Mold
Classic Memory It kinds of sounds like a cocktail, but is actually mocha... The strange color reminds people of unforgettable memories, let's just hope it doesn't taste the same.

Wiki Note: This is in reference to the official collapse fluid drink sold in 2021, for which Persica was an unfortunate tester.

Cacao Beans, Coffee Beans, Fluorescent Powder, Edible Food Coloring and Coolant
Chocthulhu “Starting from today, we're going to be best friends forever.” WA2000 Any other ingredients combination
  • E4 “White Celebration”: The main meat of the event, where the Commander distributes chocolates to the Dolls featured in the “The Longest Distance” costume banner running at the same time as Love Bakery, and a few extras. Feeding the enemies on the map either Cocoa New World or Chocthulhu from one node away and using elevators to navigate the base, the Commander must reach each ally unit and give her the correct chocolate, selected at the start of the map. The map ends when giving a chocolate to one of the 11 allies. The game recommends to make a detour by the general settings to set Story playback on Repeat and be able to read all the dialogues when repeating the map.
    • MG LewisLewisLewis needs a House of Mint and unlocks the story chapter Innovative Items, rewarding the furniture Master Seamstress
    • RF FalconFalconFalcon needs a House of Mint and unlocks the story chapter Song of Home, rewarding the furniture Old Bird's Lullaby
    • SMG Type 79Type 79Type 79 needs a House of Mint and unlocks the story chapter Superspeedy Delivery Girl, rewarding the furniture Taste of Home
    • AR Type 97Type 97Type 97 needs a House of Mint and unlocks the story chapter Golden Maple Leaf, rewarding the furniture Warmth of Golden Autumn
    • Hunter needs a Sweet Bayonet and unlocks the story chapter Weighty Concern, rewarding the furniture Inflammable Stand Lamp
    • MG LWMMGLWMMGLWMMG needs a Sweet Bayonet and unlocks the story chapter Silent Coordination, rewarding the furniture Strawberry Black Forest
    • HG K5K5K5 needs a Kiss of Destiny and unlocks the story chapter Jeane Dixon, rewarding the furniture Notes of Destiny
    • RF M1 GarandM1 GarandM1 Garand needs a Kiss of Destiny and unlocks the story chapter White Classic, rewarding the furniture Marvellous[sic] Gingerbread House
    • HG P22P22P22 needs a Chocolate Duet and unlocks the story chapter Double Gift, rewarding the furniture Armed Teddy Bear
    • SMG T77T77T77 needs a Chocolate Duet and unlocks the story chapter Knew You My Heart More, rewarding the furniture T77 Instruction Manual
    • Persica needs a Classic Memory and doesn't unlock her own chapter. Dessert Destroyer needs to be distracted to open the way, which can be achieved by dropping a Cocoa New World on an adjacent tile, or luring her away.
  • E5 “Sweet Funpark”: Farming map for Fragrant Cocoa event currency


"This is classified information!"

This article contains unmarked spoilers. You have been warned.

The night before White Day, all the chocolates the Commander had prepared as return gifts for the Dolls have been eaten by Destroyer. With help from MG LWMMGLWMMGLWMMG and Hunter, they scramble to make over 300 new chocolates before the next morning.
