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Lost in Thoughts

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Full name Lost in Thoughts
Event type Minor
Released on CN, TW, KR, EN
Available in campaign menu CN
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Summer 2023 story event.

Event run time[edit]

Title Period (start/end) Server Type Comment
思域迷航 2023-07-20 14:00 - 2023-08-10 02:00 (UTC)

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CN Seasonal Event
사고영역 항해 2023-07-21 06:00 - 2023-08-11 06:00 (UTC)

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KR Seasonal Event
思域迷航 2024-07-04 14:00 - 2024-07-18 02:00 (UTC)

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CN Seasonal Event Rerun
Lost in Thoughts 2024-09-24 18:00 - 2024-10-15 07:59 (UTC)

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EN Seasonal Event


This event's gimmicks is the Blending mechanics. Units begin each map with, or find on the map, a certain number of Doll Lubricating Oil and Liquefied Interference Spray. Nodes with a Battlefield Mixer enable to mix these into various items:

  • 1 Doll Lubricating Oil yields Doll Propulsion Oil, used to jump to any unoccupied node within a 1-node distance and grant a small performance boost for 1 battle.
  • 1 Liquefied Interference Spray yields Liquefied Weakening Spray, paralyzing and slightly weakening an enemy 1 node away for 1 turn.
  • 2 Doll Lubricating Oils yield High-Performance Propulsion Oil, used to jump to an unoccupied node within a 3-node distance and grant a significant performance boost for 1 battle.
  • 2 Liquefied Interference Sprays yield High-Performance Weakening Spray, paralyzing and significantly weakening an enemy up to 2 nodes away for 1 turn.
  • Mixing both kinds of items will yield an Unstable Compound, which will jump the echelon to an enemy within 2 nodes, weakening the enemy and buffing the echelon.

New fairies

Event Shop

T-Doll (CN/KR) T-Doll (EN) T-Doll (JP) Medal Cost Stock
AR APC556APC556APC556 AR APC556APC556APC556 x500 1x
RF MondragonMondragonMondragon RF MondragonMondragonMondragon x500 1x
SMG VP1915VP1915VP1915 SMG VP1915VP1915VP1915 x400 1x
HG KolibriKolibriKolibri HG KolibriKolibriKolibri x400 1x
Server Type Item Cost Stock Recipient
All Equipment Costume - Shark-Riding Beauty x180 1 SMG Type 64Type 64Type 64
All Equipment C96 Exoskeleton x80 1 HG C96C96C96
All Furniture "All of the Above" Blender x60 1
All Item Token x3 100
All Item Equipment Contractx2 x3 5
All Item T-Doll Contract x3 10
All Gift Corex2 x1 20
All Gift Memory Fragmentx4 x1 50
All Gift Combat Reportx10 x1 50
All Gift Special Combat Reportx10 x1 50
All Gift Strawberry Custard Cheesecakex3 x1 50
All Gift Calibration Ticketx6 x1 50


"This is classified information!"

This article contains unmarked spoilers. You have been warned.

Persica runs the AR Team through a simulation to test their teamwork. In the first ending, M16 picks up AR-15 who went to sulk in a bar after the team didn't get a perfect score. In the second ending, M4 becomes inspired to think outside the box after SOP-II tries to use another weapon than her imprinted one. In the good ending, M16 catches Persica designing the appearance of the next AR Team member. She then announces that she signed up for a certain mission on Persica's behalf.


  • Most maps in this event have their nodes and paths arranged to represent various polyhedrons.
