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The Summer Garden of Forking Paths

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Full name The Summer Garden of Forking Paths
Event type Story
Released on CN, EN
Available in campaign menu CN
See Events Music
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2024 first story event.

Event run time[edit]

Title Period (start/end) Server Type Comment
错构之泉 2024-04-18 14:00 - 2024-05-09 02:00 (UTC)

CN Story Event
The Summer Garden of Forking Paths 2024-08-06 14:00 - 2024-08-26 02:00 (UTC)

EN Story Event


Event Shop

T-Doll (CN/KR) T-Doll (EN) T-Doll (JP) Medal Cost Stock
MG M240LM240LM240L x500 1x
SG Type 97 ShotgunType 97 ShotgunType 97 Shotgun x400 1x
AR FedorovFedorovFedorov x400 1x
Server Type Item Cost Stock Recipient
All Doll Costume CZ52 - Crow-Expelling Dark Sorceress x120 1 HG CZ52CZ52CZ52
All Equipment FMG Protective Exoskeleton x60 1 SMG PP-90PP-90PP-90
All Base Background Private Cell x60 1
All Furniture Hidden Sanctuary x40 1
All Furniture Angel Fountain x40 1
All Furniture Trace of Time x40 1
All Furniture Wanted Poster x40 1
All Player Background A Letter from Erma x40 1
All Player Background Up the Stairway to the World x40 1
All Player Background Ascension x40 1
All Player Icon Keeper of the Keys x20 1
All Player Icon A Gaze Frozen in Time x20 1
All Player Icon Metamorphosis x20 1
All Item Token x3 100
All Gift Special Combat Reports×10 x1 50
All Gift Combat Reports×10 x1 50
All Gift Strawberry Custard Cheesecake×3 x1 50

Event Maps

  • E3: The Silent Men (Secret achievement: finish the map by fighting only once)
  • E7: The Lure of the Threshold
  • E11: La Fontaine’s Fables
  • E15: The Renegade or a Confused Spirit (introduces Isomer - Pole Star, Isomer - Chaos and Isomer - Fearsome Blade)
  • E19: The Lighthouse at the End of the World
  • Farming Map: Song of the Dead


"This is classified information!"

This article contains unmarked spoilers. You have been warned.

Avernus lies destroyed, but there is no fanfare after leaving the fog of the Dead Sea, only more doubts and conspiracies. Erma leaves the Elmo in search of hope and returns to the garden where past secrets are buried. Is a foe or a friend waiting for her? Can she bring back hope and save the Commander?

The Summer Garden of Forking Paths is the prologue to Episode 15[1] and is classified as Episode 15.1.[2]

In-game mails

6 August 2024 (from a mysterious sender (Stevens M520))

Is this Griffin?


I found your email address on the official website and decided to send an inquiry.

I don't have any particularly professional questions, just a simple one: Are you a legitimate PMC? Why does your recruitment policy seem so lax? Why would you employ a Doll who can't even defeat military recon canine drones and who frequently suffers from amnesia...?

What kind of work can such a useless Doll perform at your company? She might spill coffee while serving it or get lost on her way back to her dorm. Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of joining. My professional resume is outstanding, and I have already achieved financial freedom. There's absolutely no need for me to join your company.

I am sending this email purely out of curiosity. What kind of Commander would be willing to accept such a problematic Doll? And what kind of team could such a Commander possibly lead?

I will continue to observe you.

Out of fascination with the macabre, of course.

12 August 2024 (from Stevens M520)

I suppose you have finally caught on to everything


Given how events have unfolded, you should have learned my identity by now, so there is no point in hiding it any longer.

Yes, both Erma and I were developed by Dr. Arthur Hume. However, the difference in our capabilities is beyond your imagination.

Please, do not compare me to her. Even the domestic Dolls at my home are more intelligent that she is. In any case, I am not entirely sure how you are faring at the moment. The only information I have received is that you vanished into thin air while being in a very precarious situation.

Erma and I are searching for something that might save you.

I do hope you can hang in there long enough for us to save you, as I find you more and more intriguing.

But don't get the wrong idea. That was not a show of concern.

26 August 2024 (AR-18)

Report on the Special Operation


Although I'm not sure if you will receive this, I am sending this report to you as per Griffin's protocol. After you went missing, Stevens M520 got in touch with us, claiming to have critical information that could save you. Consequently, Erma went to Frankfurt as per her request to investigate.
…I'll skip the details for now. Just know that we have achieved the desired outcome, and that Erma has successfully secured a critical bargaining chip for you. I believe that once you return, everything will start moving in a positive direction.
We are all awaiting your return.



  • The English name of the event references the book The Garden of Forking Paths by Jorge Luis Borges. The “Summer Garden” part is the name of the special Neural Cloud of SMG ErmaErmaErma. The Chinese title can be translated to “The Ever-Changing Brook”.
