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G43 Quotes
Gun Information
Full name Gewehr 43
Country of origin Nazi Germany
Manufacturer Berlin-Lübecker Maschinenfabrik, Walther Arms and Wilhelm Gustloff-Werke
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor Yamane Nozomi
Artist 河马 (Original Artist);

星迴 (Rendezvous with a Countess)

Released on CN (2016-5), TW, KR, EN, JP
Chibi Animation

Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

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How to obtain[edit]

NORMALHEAVY Timer 3:10:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP Can be obtained from many battle stages from Chapter 2-5 onward.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment[edit]

Union Skill[edit]

There is no union skill for this T-Doll.

Stats / Data[edit]

40(x1)80(x1) / 400(x5) 15(x1) / 55(x5) 30(x1) / 90(x5)
41 111
4 28
8 58
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
27 40
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

HP73 <= 80 <= 104Dmg95 <= 111 <= 170Eva25 <= 28 <= 44Acc52 <= 58 <= 97RoF27 <= 40 <= 46
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

HP57 <= 80 <= 286Dmg15 <= 111 <= 170Eva9 <= 28 <= 128Acc9 <= 58 <= 97RoF22 <= 40 <= 149
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects handguns
Reduces skill cooldown by 10%
How to edit skills

Weapon Background[edit]

The Gewehr 43 or Karabiner 43 (abbreviated G43, K43, Gew 43, Kar 43) is a 7.92×57mm Mauser caliber semi-automatic rifle developed by Nazi Germany during World War II. The design was based on that of the earlier G41(W), but incorporating an improved short-stroke piston gas system similar to that of the Soviet Tokarev SVT-40, and it incorporated innovative mass-production techniques.[1]


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • During the later stages of the war, some prototypes of the G43 were designed to chamber the 7.92x33mm Kurz cartridge. This modification was meant to reduce recoil when compared to the predecessor while providing larger ammunition capacity and improved short-to-medium range capabilities at the cost of stopping power and effective range. The prototype was found in Leningrad, alongside prototypes of the StG4 and MKB.42(h). These versions of the G43 were the only German battle rifles of the time capable of switching between semi and full-automatic fire. They were given the name Dauerfeuereinrichtung or Automatic-Fire Equipment(G43 DFE for short). [2]
  • G43's uniform appears to be based on the infantryman's M36 uniform, which was produced and issued throughout the duration of WWII despite newer uniforms also eventually being issued later on during that time. Some of the designs may also suggest that her uniform was inspired by the newer M43 uniform.
