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G43 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition Guten Tag!我是G43,从今天起,请欣赏我的优雅作战! グーテンターク!私はワルサーゲヴェーア·ドライウントフィーアツィヒ、今日も優雅な戦いをご覧に入れますわ。Play 안녕하세요! 저는 발터 게베어 43. 오늘도 우아한 싸움을 보여드리겠어요. Guten tag! I am G43, please allow me to display my elegance in battle from this day forward.
Introduction 为了代替98K完成新的使命,我,G43半自动步枪在改进中最终完成。精致的工艺和可靠的性能,令我丝毫不逊色于同期的半自动武器,但是由于现实问题,我并没有获得更多的表现,指挥官,这次的我一定珍惜机会! 98 Kurz를 대체하기 위한 사명을 받은 저, G43 반자동소총은 개량을 거듭하여 최종적으로 완성되었어요. 정밀한 공예와 동시기의 반자동무기에게 조금도 뒤떨어지지 않는, 믿을 수 있는 성능을 가지고 있죠. 하지만 현실적인 문제로 인해, 더 많은 활약을 펼치지는 못했어요. 지휘관님, 이번에는 전 반드시 이 소중한 기회를 살릴 거예요! For finishing the new duty instead of 98K ,me, G43-semi-automatic rifle was complete after improving. Albeit the exquisite crafting and the reliable performance, I can't do as much as I can because of some problem. Therefore, I won't lose chance anymore, my commander.
Secretary 这次的战术准备好了吗? タクティクの準備はできたかしら。Play 작전의 준비는 잘 하고 계신 거죠? Have you prepared the tactics we'll be using?
啊,也没什么事……嘿嘿…… ああ…いえ、何も…うぇ…。Play 아아…아뇨. 별 일 아니에요... 으에… Ah, it's nothing... Hehe...
指挥官……我也不是不准你碰我,但是偷袭是不允许的哦! 指揮官?触ってもいいですが、いきなりは駄目です!Play 지휘관? 만져도 괜찮습니다만, 갑자기는 안 돼요! Commander... I'm won't stop you from touching me, but surprise attacks are forbidden!
Secretary (post OATH)
요새 바쁘신가요? 힘들면 제게 말해주세요, 지휘관님이 쓰러지시기라도 하면 큰일이라구요?
You've been busy lately? Please tell me if you are feeling tired, Commander. If you were unwell, who's going to watch my back?
Danke Schoen!我向来不喜欢遮遮掩掩的人。您这么直接,那肯定跟我合得来!指挥官,从今天开始,我们就永远在一起了!
지휘관! 제가 어떤 모습이 되더라도, 선택해 주신다고 한건가요... 정말 고맙습니다! 계속 곁에 있게 해주세요! 당신의 목소리를 들으며, 앞으로도 계속 성장해 나갈게요!
Thank you! I don't like the equivocate man.I am so glad that you are such frank, commander. We will be together forever from now on!
Greeting 哟,您还好吗? お元気でしたか、Sie?Play 상태 좋으신가요? How are you doing today?
T-Doll Produced 新战友是个怎样的人呢? 新しい戦友はどんな子ですか?Play 새로운 전우는 어떤 아이인가요? I wonder who our new comrade-in-arms will be?
Joining an echelon Jawohl!お任せください!Play Jawohl(알겠습니다.) 맡겨주세요! Understood! Please leave it to me!
Enhancement 多谢!向您表示谢意! Danke!感謝します。Play Danke, 감사합니다! Thank you! You have my gratitude.
Dummy-linking 编制扩大了是吗?太好了!其它还有什么地方更新了吗? 編成拡大ですか、Gut!他に何か新しいことは?Play 편제 확대인가요? Gut!(좋아요!) 다른 일은 없나요? Dummy-linking completed? Gut! What else is new?
Logistics (start) 各位,出发吧。 皆さん、出発しましょ!Play 여러분, 출발합시다! Everyone, it's time to head out!
Logistics (end) 太好了!大家都平安归来了! Gut!皆さん無事に戻りました。Play Gut. 모두 무사히 돌아왔습니다! Great! Everyone has returned safely.
Autobattle 这次的我,也派上用场了呢。一切顺利! 今回の私、お役に立ちましたか?Alles Gute!Play 이번에 나 도움이 됐나요? Alles gute!(최고예요!) Do you think I can be useful this time? All the best!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 希望有好运! 幸運を祈ります!Play 건투를 빕니다! Wish us good luck!
Starting a battle 发现敌军!准备战斗! 敵発見!作戦準備!Play 적군 발견! 작전 준비! Enemy sighted! Commence operation!
Skill activation 准备!开火! 用意、Feuer!Play 준비! Feuer!(발사!) Ready, fire!
不好意思了呢,抵抗也是没有用的哟。 ごめんなさいね、抵抗しても無駄ですよ!Play 미안해요, 저항해도 소용없어요. Sorry, but resistance is futile!
拿出真本事让你们瞧瞧吧,开火! 本気出してみましょうか、Feuer!Play 진심으로 해보죠, Feuer!(발사!) It's time to get serious, fire!
Heavily damaged 这种程度的话…我还没有被打倒哟… この程度では......まだやられませんよ......Play 이 정도로 당하진 않아... Gegenangriff!(반격이야!) It'll take a lot more than this...to bring me down...
Retreat …绝不承认! 認めない……Play Niederlage(지다니!?) 말도 안 돼... I refuse...to admit defeat...
MVP 赢啦!赢了呢! Sieg!勝利ね。Play Sieg!(승리!) 이겼다! Victory! We won!
Restoration 多谢!其它没有什么要修改的了吧? Danke!他に変更はありませんか?Play Danke! 다른 변경점은 없나요? Thank you! Will there be any other changes?
Attack 进攻,进攻! アングリフ、アングリフ!Play Angriff, Angriff!(공격, 공격!)

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Süßes oder Saure~孩子们开心就好~ 子供たちが楽しそうで何よりです。Play 아이들이 즐거워해서 다행이에요. So long as the kids are having fun.
Christmas 圣诞快乐!一直以来发布作战指示,您辛苦了。 Fröhliche Weihnachten!いつも作戦支持お疲れ様です!今日はゆっくり休みましょう!Play Fröhliche Weihnachten(메리 크리스마스)! 항상 작전지시, 수고하십니다. Merry Christmas! Thank you for all of the support you have given! Let's take it nice and easy today!
New Year's Day 指挥官,祝您渡过一个美好的新年。 指揮官、新年のゴッタクを祈ります。


지휘관님, 새해 복 많이 받으세요.
Valentine's day 指挥官,您不讨厌甜巧克力吧? 指揮官、甘いチョコレートは嫌いじゃないよね?


지휘관님? 단 초콜릿은 싫어하지 않죠? Commander, don't you hate sweet chocolate?
Tanabata 七夕?そんなお祭りがあるのですね。楽しいくかしら?


칠석? 그런 축제가 있었군요. 재미있을까요? Tanabata? So that kind of festival does exist. Is it fun?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 防守! ヴェアタイディグッテ!Play Verteidigt! (방어!)
Phrase Play Gut.(좋아요)
Tip Play
Loading Play 지금은 잠시 기다릴 수밖에 없네요.