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Morridow (Enemy)

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Morridow (Enemy)
Full name Morridow (Enemy)
Affiliation Paradeus
Released on CN, TW, KR, EN, JP
Chibi animation

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The true face of Morridow. Cunning, ruthless, capricious, she ensnares her targets and strikes at once like a spider.

Stats / Data

  • Classification: Boss
  • Damage: ?
  • Accuracy: ?
  • Attack range: ?
  • Health: ?
  • Armor: ?
  • Evasion: ?
  • Movement speed: ?


Optional final boss in Mirror Stage. Final boss in Fixed Point. Regular boss in Slow Shock.


Jumps out of the battlefield at the start of the fight and descends periodically to use her skill Isolation, which deals 5 instances of high damage with 1 less damage stack per ally adjacent (non-diagonally) to the target. Summons basic Paradeus units in her base form. In her upgraded form, she summons Nytos variants depending on player team composition: Hammerers for SG, Patrollers for SMG, Supporter for HG and Hawkeye for AR, RF and MG. For this reason a strong HG team is an effective strategy to prevent her from summoning powerful troops.



  • Morridow's name is a mix of Morrigan, an Irish war goddess, and “Shadow”.[1] Bramedb is similarly named after an Irish warrior figure.