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Story/Normal 1-1 (Part2)/Script

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[… Drill operation successful. Commencing final wrap-ups.]
[At that moment...]

STEN Mk II: Excuse me...are you Griffin troops?
Oh, thank goodness! Safe at last! Could you take me with you?
Thank you so much, Commander! I'll do my best!

[...We seem to have come across a stranded T-Doll manufactured by Griffin, so we've brought her back along with our troops.]

Kalina: Huh? A stranded T-doll?
Thank goodness you took her in, that poor thing.
Sangvis attacks have intensified all of a sudden in the last few days.
We've lost a few command posts, and lots of T-Dolls were either stranded or left behind...
So if it's possible, please save as many of 'em as you can.
Not just to expand our forces, but also to save HQ some manufacturing orders.
And more importantly, these T-Dolls are all hella cute!
...I know right? I just knew you'd love 'em!
Human or T-Doll, we all have our missions, and are all irreplaceable members of Griffin.
With that in mine, I'm sure you'll rock this job!
Now to give you a better idea of you job, Commander...
Griffin Security Contractors is a private military organization comprised mainly of Tactical Dolls.
It is our duty to accept commissions from financial groups and other organizations and safeguard human settlements.
As of now, the biggest threat to our territories is from rogue T-dolls of Manufactured by Sangvis Ferri.
And your job is to manage and direct T-Doll troops in repelling Sangvis forces in the area.
I'm sure you'll do great. The drill result speaks for itself, right?
Then that settles it! For the sake of everyone at Griffin, please make good use of your talent!
And that is the end of the operation, Commander.
Oh, remember to check your list of [Quests] and accept that T-doll's enlistment!