Story/Arctic Warfare/E2-4 (Part2)/Script
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UMP9: What are you looking at, 45?
UMP45: Some…new discovery.
Look, that artillery station there only has a single Jupiter cannon installed.
G11: How come…? Did S.F. go on strike halfway through the construction?
UMP45: Simple. The AR Team accidentally wandered into the Sangvis cannon testing ground. Many cannons aren’t installed in time...
HK416: New idea, 45?
UMP45: I think we can break through those incomplete cannons with what we have.
That’s gonna save us a lot of time and resources.
UMP9: Sure, let’s do it.
But make proper observations beforehand and don’t go charging at full-fledged cannons!
【HINT】 Some cannon nodes are significantly impaired and easier to confront directly. Observe and strategize accordingly.