Story/Normal 6-2 (Part2)/Script
[The AR Team arrived at the destination.]
Galil: Hey! Hey, AR Team! I'm over here!
M4A1: Relax, Galil. You are safe now.
Galil: Phew... Thanks a bunch. A few more minutes and Sangvis would've got me.
M16A1: Of all the places you could call for help, you just had to pick an open battlefield full of Sangvis forces...
Galil: Well... Communication with Griffin is jammed where we got ambushed.
I ran for ages before I finally found somewhere with signal. It's not like I was spoiled for choice, you know.
SOPMOD II: Can you explain what exactly happened?
Galil: When we were investigating the base where AR-15 had stayed, Negev noticed a Sangvis Ringleader hiding in ambush.
She gestured for me to slip out and call for help while the enemy was still busy deploying her forces.
I only realized there was a signal jam when I was running out. God knows what's going on over there now...
M16A1: What should we do, M4? We can't fight off a Ringleader in Sangvis territory on our own.
But we probably don't have time to retreat and ask the commander for help, right?
M4A1: ...We split up.
M16, contact the commander and guide the troops in aiding us.
Galil, take me and SOP-II to the base. We will stir up their forces from the rear and draw some fire away from Negev.