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Story/Normal 8-5 (Part2)/Script

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[...Operation in progress. The sound of drone engines keep buzzing overhead.]

M16A1: That seems to be the last batch. You alright, RO?

[RO combs through her hair roughly with her hand and lets out a sigh.]

RO635: Even though the commander is doing everything possible to protect us...
Judging from the engine noises from outside, the drones are still there...
Our ammunitions are almost depleted. If they go for another round...

M16A1: Just bear with it a little longer. From what I see, only three waves of enemies are coming our way. The Commander has already cleaned off most of them.
SOP-II’s download is almost complete, and we can retreat very soon.

RO635: Is SOP-II... Will her neural condition be fine?
I know we’re not using external equipment for the sake of efficiency, but surely this isn’t healthy for her neural cloud.

M16A1: She’ll be fine. She’ll feel safe as long as she’s with the team.
She may be manic in battle, but off the field, what you see is what you get when it comes to SOP-II.
Her neural cloud is surprisingly innocent, you know.

RO635: I really like her, and she doesn’t hate me either...I think.

M16A1: She likes you, too. She told me that. You’re both very candid, so you’ll definitely get along.

RO635: But I envy her. I just can’t calm down in the face of this...

M16A1: RO, if I tell you now, “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” Will you believe me?

RO635: Even though you often ignore my orders, right now...I do believe you, M16.

M16A1: Haha. You catch on fast.

RO635: Hmm... Thank you, M16...
I’m sorry... What I said...about not treating me as a substitute for M4...
I don’t have much experience on the field. I really can’t give the best orders in every instance...

M16A1: Don’t sweat it. You were pretty cute when you said that...
You actually sounded like M4 when she first started out...

RO635: ...When she first started out?

M16A1: She was kinda ditzy when I first met her. Now...she’s changed a great deal...

RO635: That’s really hard to imagine just looking at the reports.
I hope she wakes up soon. I can’t wait to meet her myself.

M16A1: Haha, don’t expect too much.
She isn’t all that dependable, and will probably cause you lots of trouble.

RO635: No, it’s already a great honor for me to join the AR Team.
It’s my wish to achieve victories worth commemorating and become an elite that protects Griffin.

M16A1: Haha. Are all T-Dolls these days so gung-ho?
But don’t say I didn’t warn you. We can’t save the world.

[RO bows her head and chuckles.]

RO635: It’s fine. I’m prepared to sacrifice myself anytime.

M16A1: ...You’re not included in the ‘we’.

RO635: What?

M16A1: Stop relying on us so much, RO.
You must learn faster. Time is running short...


M16A1: ...!
SOP-II! Are you alright?

M4 SOPMOD II: Oww... I’m fine. Just banged my head.

M16A1: Phew... Looks like the download is complete. Your body probably needs some time to adjust to your freed up RAM.
Alright then, we’re getting outta here once SOP-II finishes her adjustment!

RO635: ...M16, what exactly...do I still lack?

M16A1: Sorry, the Q&A session is over, RO.

RO635: Huh...?

[M16 smacks RO on the back.]

M16A1: We’re T-Dolls, and this is the battlefield. Don’t think too much. Just enjoy the moment.
Someone will tell the rest one day.