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Story/Normal 6-5 (Part2)/Script

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[Combat over. Squad Negev safe for the time being.]

Negev: Phew... Finally, it's over.
Thanks, Commander. We've troubled you many times already.
But this area is still filled with Sangvis forces. Don't let down your guard, guys.

Galil: Hey... Has any of you seen M16?
She should've collected SOP-II long ago, right? Why isn't she back yet?

TAR-21: She must've got information on M4 or AR-15 and didn't want us to get involved?

Negev: Dammit! All these rule breakers!
Turn on your comms and search for them!

TAR-21: Sorry... I'm not reading any of their signals.
Seriously... It's so dangerous here. She should've moved out the moment she realized comms are being jammed...

Negev: ...
Unless...the jam happens to be what she's after...


ST AR-15: In that case, I'm your first friend.
Argh... This sucks.

M4A1: You are...AR-15?

ST AR-15: Oh? You know me?

M4A1: Your firearm...matches the description of T-Doll AR-15's in my memory module.

ST AR-15: Is that so...

M4A1: You do not...seem very happy?

ST AR-15: I'm not unhappy.
Making friends with you is the first order I was given. Displaying enthusiasm is also part of the order.

M4A1: But...if you are happy, should you not smile?

ST AR-15: ...
Then order me to smile. Give me an order, and I'll do it.

M4A1: You want me to...give you an order?

ST AR-15: Give me an order. Order me to do whatever you want me to do.
This is your prerogative, M4A1. Everything is prepared for your sake.

M4A1: ...


M4A1: This memory?

??: Yes, M4A1 of Griffin.
This is your very first memory.

M4A1: Who are you?! What are you doing?!

??: Looking for the answer to the question just now.
The answer to the question...of who you really are.

M4A1: I am a T-Doll under the employment of Griffin and a member of the AR Team.
Other than that, I do not know how else to answer.

??: Sure enough, the memory in your neural cloud completely mirrors that of AR-15.
But this isn't what I want. So c'mon, tell me the answer.

M4A1: I told you. I do not know...

??: How can you not know the reason you were made?
Tell me! C'mon, tell me!

M4A1: I do not know!
I don't know the freaking answer! You jerk! Freak!
Who the hell are you?! Leave me alone!!

??: Why are you angry?
Why can't you treat me nicely like everyone else?

ST AR-15: ...Because she really doesn't know the answer.
The neural clouds of the AR Team members have all been encrypted by 16Lab. Many files are not accessible even to ourselves.
Looks like the information regarding M4 is one of them. I can't read them even through Parapluie...

??: ...In other words, you've failed to bring me information about M4A1.
You've broken your end of the deal, AR-15 of Griffin...

ST AR-15: I told you right from the start that this most likely won't work...

[Clap! Clap!]

??: ...I despise oath breakers.
Go, Alchemist. The authorization is now yours.
Take M4A1. The rest is dispensable.

Alchemist: You hear that, AR-15?
You have M4A1 with you, right? Then we'll meet very soon...
At long last, I can do you in with my own hands!

ST AR-15: Alchemist...
Don't get ahead of yourself, you won't get what you want so easily.

Alchemist: But you have nowhere else to go, AR-15...
You know that better than anyone else, right? As the first experimental subject of Plan Parapluie, and...
...The source of this signal jam.
Before long, you'll regret not delivering M4A1 to us while you can...