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Story/Normal 7-2 (Part2)/Script

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[...Finished up cleaning the Sangvis command post.]

Kalina: This operation went well too, Commander.
The search didn't yield anything significant. Looks like they really were just passing by.
Oh, and one more thing. Miss Helian sent word for you to give her a call after the operation. She's probably sorted out my request...

...Yeah, what's that about?
You'd better ask her in person.

[Calling Helian after a short break.]

Helian: Congratulations, Commander. HQ will verify your reports and reward you accordingly.
You seem to have grown accustomed to working in Area S05, But don't let your guard down. The war is far from over.
Additionally, I have carried out Miss Kalina's request...
...You'll probably be glad to hear these voices.

[Helian plays an audio recording.]

M16A1: M4, M4!

M4 SOPMOD II: Hey, M4! It's started!

M4A1: ...!

[...M4A1's voice, calm and weary, can be heard in the recording.]

M4A1: Hello, Commander...
It has been a week. I hope you are doing well?
We are very safe here, and very well taken care of.
Our movements are restricted, but...we completely understand the measures HQ has taken...
After all, we are not the only ones who went through that ordeal, nor are we the only ones who...suffered...
Do not worry about us, Commander. And thank you for the concern and protection you offer...
We will actively cooperate with HQ's work and look forward to seeing you again...

[Audio stops.]

Helian: This is the best I can do during such uneasy times.
Is there anything you wish to say to M4, Commander?
...Understood. Send the recording to me later. I'll play it to them when I call them tomorrow night.
In the meantime, please continue to follow HQ's directives and fulfill your duties as commander.

[Call ended.]