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Story/Normal 6-4 (Part1)/Script

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[Griffin Control, Area S08, several minutes later.]

M16A1: Commander, sorry but I have bad news to report.
We have lost contact with M4A1 and SOP-II while they were pursuing AR-15...

Negev: Hey, M16, Commander! Are you there?!
We just discovered SOP-II's whereabouts!

M16A1: Huh? Are their comms back on?

Negev: Not sure. We're only reading SOP-II's signal. No news of M4 yet.
And SOP-II hasn't been responding to our calls either.
In any case, I'm sending you her coordinates!
This area isn't very far from the base, but a large amount of Sangvis units came surging in just now.

M16A1: What? Is Alchemist making a comeback?

Negev: No idea, but it doesn't really look like it...
First of all, the numbers are too great. Commanding this many units is beyond Alchemist's authorization level.
Secondly, their movements...seem kinda chaotic. There doesn't seem to be a clear objective either.

M16A1: If they aren't directed at us, then we don't have to be too worried for now.
Let's report to Helian and ask her to consult the database for any plausible Ringleader suspect.

Negev: That's precisely my plan. But you guys be careful too.
The commander's troops must break through here to get to SOP-II.
Luckily, signal is now back to normal, so the commander can direct our forces into the area.

M16A1: Understood, Negev.
Commander, please move with caution. Off we go to SOP-II's rescue!