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Story/Night 5-2 (Part1)/Script

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[Half an hour later. On the move.]

Type56-1: Chief...
Say, it’s already midnight. Why don’t we grab a snack?

M99: Are you hungry? I have some chocolate here.

Type56-1: Hmm...
That’s hardly enough. Not to mention... (takes the chocolate)

[Type56-1 snaps the chocolate lightly.]

M99: Hey, what are you doing?! Don’t waste it even if you don’t want it!

Type56-1: This definitely feels like adulterated fat, Chief.
This has to be from 92. She knows you can’t tell the difference, so she’s always giving you the cheap stuff.

M99: Huh? What’s the big deal? It can still be eaten...
You’re always very down-to-earth. Since when have you become so picky...?

Type97S: 56 is a huge foodie. You, on the other hand, could learn a thing or two.
I suggest you tag along the next time 95 and 97 go shopping.

M99: There are more important things to do. I have no time for leisure.
Besides, don't expect so much in the middle of a mission!
Even if there’s to be a proper meal, we have to wait for everyone to show up.

Type97S: Is someone else coming? I thought we were heading directly to our destination?

M99: We need to stop by the recon outpost in the area first to meet up with NZ.
She was sent to scout ahead, but now she's back.

Type56-1: NZ, huh... Do we really need her with us?
That kid is always so difficult. I volunteered to check out the storehouse to avoid her in the first place...

Type97S: Haha, so NZ is nearby!
Don't worry. I'm pretty close with her. She won't mess around with me here.

M99: It’s okay, 56. NZ is very serious on missions.
Also, we can't use the humans’ supplies, so we can’t cook until she reports back about the supply outpost.

Type56-1: What?! Then let's meet up with her quickly! I'm starving!

M99: (Chuckles) Hang in there until then...
Commander, please lead us to the recon outpost over there.