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Story/Normal 6-3 (Part2)/Script

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[Griffin troops successfully occupied the Sangvis command post.]

Negev: Calling M16! M16, are you there?
Sangvis has retreated. We're safe now!

M16A1: Huh? Negev, is that you? Is the signal back to normal?

Negev: Yeah, Tavor noticed it just now. No idea why.

M16A1: What about M4 and the others? Have you met up with them?

Negev: Huh...? They were here just now. M4 and SOP-II...

Galil: Negev, bad news!
M4 and SOP-II just ran off!
And I'm not reading their signals! It must be the jam again!

TAR-21: I'm sorry. It was my fault.
I noticed a figure hovering in the distance when the battle was over.
I didn't think and just pointed it out to SOP-II, but I did tell her not to do anything reckless.
In the end, they still slipped off in pursuit.

M16A1: TAR-21, was the figure you saw...

TAR-21: Yes...
It was none other than AR-15...

[Meanwhile, M4A1 and SOPMOD II...]

M4A1: Found anything, SOP-II?

SOPMOD II: Not yet. I definitely saw her...
Dammit! It should be around here!

M4A1: Our signal is still being jammed. We must not go too far. Retreat when things do not look right.

SOPMOD II: Why is she hiding from us...

??: Because you...keep causing me trouble.

[M4A1 turns around at the sound and finds M4 SOPMOD II lying on the ground, unconscious...]

M4A1: SOP-II! Wake up! Answer me!

ST AR-15: M16 has mentioned this ambush technique so many times, but you're still so unprepared.
What will you do without me?

M4A1: Why, AR-15...?
What on earth...are you doing...?

[AR-15 raises her weapon at M4A1...]

ST AR-15: I'm putting on...a touching scene of reunion.
