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Story/Normal 6-6 (Part2)/Script

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[Three hours after the retreat commenced...]

M16A1: Negev... Negev...!
Our carrier is here! Hurry!
Sangvis is right behind you, and the building is about to blow!
Quick, everyone run! Hurry!


M4A1: Ugh...

M16A1: Finally awake, M4?
Can you walk on your own? Hurry, our carrier is here!

M4A1: M16... it you?

M16A1: Why would it not be me? Isn't it always me?

M4A1: I mean...
Where is AR-15?! Where is she?!

M16A1: She...
She made her choice...

[A horrible, irrepressible gut feeling pierced me again.]

M4A1: No...
No! There must be some mistake!
AR-15... She... She wants to...

M16A1: Hey, M4! What are you doing?!
M4! Where are you going?! Come back here! Stay away from that building!

[I ran off the aircraft and dashed into a scene of chaos.]
[The building collapsing in the midst of a deafening explosion... Friendly T-Dolls scrambling around in panic... Sangvis pursuers being buried in rubble...]
[And I knew what it meant...]

M4A1: ...

[That was a cacophonous funeral...]
[...And a silent farewell.]