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Story/Emergency 3-4 (Part2)/Script

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Kalina: Congrats, Commander! We got them back!
Our technicians have also had new breakthroughs with extracting data from the hard drives we acquired before...
Here's the recording, Commander. Listen to it when you have time.
I'm submitting the report to HQ first.
It's a huge victory this time! We gotta celebrate properly!

[Kalin took off.]
[Loading recording data. Start playing...]

[The voice belongs to the Sangvis T-Doll Hunter.]

Hunter: ...That's everything I've learned.
With that, all intelligence collected by Scarecrow, Executioner and me has been uploaded.

??: ...
In other words, the data in Safe House 3 are still on M4A1?
How careless of them. Griffin doesn't seem to realise just how valuable these data are.
They simply have no clue about 'Parapluie' or 'Relique'...

Hunter: Humph. In any case, my job here is done.
I'm going back to my hunt.

??: Hunting again...? How savage.
Why can't any of my subordinates have a little taste?

Hunter: Unlike you, Intruder, I don't fancy awaiting my death sitting on a chair, dressed in a ballgown.

Intruder: And that's why...a chess piece for me to sacrifice is all you'll ever be.
Do you regret serving under my command?

Hunter: Humph... It's not like I had choice.
If dying means getting away from you, then I'm in luck.
Don't worry. I'll keep the data safe.

Intruder: After all, my next objective is to give them all a spectacular finale.

Hunter: (Sighs) You're sick. Just how obsessed are you with finales?
Thank goodness the operation is about to begin. I can finally get away from you.


Intruder: That's all right. I'll be waiting for you.
You'll all be waking up together, everyone.