This is a timeline of all events taking place in the world of Girls' Frontline and related games from a Lore perspective.

Before Girls' Frontline
- First relics site discovered by mankind in Eastern Europe.[1] Tsarist Russia starts experiments 40 years before the rest of the world.[2]
June 30th, 1908
- The Russian relics experiments trigger the Tunguska event.[2]
- American Alsos teams pillage Nazi and Japanese wartime research ahead of USSR Trade Federation units, who are focused on securing the Nazi relics site at Bleicherode.[2]
- Soviet Russia activates its “Starfish” installations.[2]
March 4th, 1953
- Mikhail Tsvigun is born in Chisinau.[3]
- The United States establishes its first research station on relics technology at the Door site and the Big Sieve organization is founded to oversee American relics research.[4]
- The Soviet Union launches the first man-made satellite into orbit, prompting the US to reconsider its research strategy.[4]
- The American ARPA is founded to replace Big Sieve as the primary relics technology research organism of the US.[4]
- The Starfish installation produces its first Morons, put on display during the October Revolution Parade of November.[4][3]
- GAVIRUL is discovered on Beilan Island. The local relics site is sealed shortly after.[5]
- Cuban Moron Crisis: the Soviet Union agrees to withdraw missiles and Morons from Cuba in exchange for the United States withdrawing their nuclear warheads from Europe, hurting US-European relations.[3]
- East Germany establishes the 90Wunsch cell to analyze the electronic signals from the First Relic at Bleicherode.[6]
- American president Lyndon Johnson authorizes experimental use of “accelerant” gas as a weapon during the Vietnam War, expending 3 tons of gas over the remaining seven years of the war.[7]
- Greater understanding of Starfish and the developement of new control systems enable the Soviet to produce an upgraded form of the Moron: the Pike.[3]
May 12, 1973
- The Soviet Union lose a relics site to strange phenomenons during the OKB-10 incident.[7]
- Shanghai's expansion seals the entrance to the Beilan relics site.[5]
- The Soviets control 5 relics sites and the US 4.[4]
- An estimated 150 000 people contracted ELID and about 10 000 became ELID infected, with numbers growing.[8]
- Starting in January, the Soviets use Pikes in combat for the first time in Afghanistan, to devastating effects.[8][3]
- The Relic Arms Limitation Treaty is signed on November 3rd, limiting military research on relics technology.[4][3]
- The Soviet Union and the United States formally end hostilities. The Soviet OGAS project is converted from a Relics weapons command system into a national economy planning and monitoring network.[3] International research start on ELID vaccines to counter the growing number of infection cases, which would prove successful.[8]
- The Soviet Union breaks up and the Russian Federation is established.[3]
- The Relic Arms Limitation Treaty is expanded into the Relic Technology Convention, starting a greater worldwide collaboration on relics technology research.[8][3]
- The United Nations Relic Science Agency is formed. Start of the Black Lily and White Rose project.[9]
- The Black Lily and White Rose project is declared a failure and the UNRSA focuses on finding new relics sites.[5]
- Discovery of the relics site that will serve as the foundation to Hollow City in Antarctica.[10]
Late 2028 or 2029
- The Beilan Island relics site is breached and ELID infections occur in Shanghai. Beilan Island is quarantined but security is gradually dropped as the incident subdues.[11]
January 17th, 2030
March 3rd, 2030
- Start of the Second Korean War.[13]
May 24th, 2030
- The Tokyo Protected Zone and its inhabitants are abandoned by the Japanese government.[13]
December 2030
- The New Boundary is finished, preventing refugees fleeing the Western coast of North America to reach the Eastern coast.[13]
- Sangvis Ferri Manufacturing is established.[12]
- OKB-413 relic site incident: Rebels temporarily manage to activate the relic using a Pike node before being stopped by the army.[14]
- After the Battle of Minsk in March, the Neo-Soviet Union is established after years of internal Bolshevik resurgence and a short civil war.[3]
- On August 22nd, Anna Tsoi is born in Tashkent.[3]
- Hollow City is officially habitable.[10]
- First models of Autonomous Dolls.[1]
- Former UNRA Director Raeder Rossartre shoots himself after publicly releasing his report on the international situation of Collapse Fluid contamination. His thoughts on how best to rebuild mankind inspire the Rossartrist movement.[13] The UNRA splits in two factions supporting either Project Beacon, preserving the social and scientific elite of mankind in Hollow City and rejecting Rossartre's ideal, or Project Prometheus, secretly influencing political decisions and scientific development to prevent mankind's self-destruction and promote post-war reconstruction as supported by Rossartre.[15]
- The Supreme Soviet passes the National Safety, Enforcement and Intelligence Apparatus Reorganization Plan, effectively concentrating power over all state security agencies into the hands of Victor Zelinski.[3]
- Northern Lights Incident: The Scandinavian Peninsula and Central Europe are swept by Collapse Fluid clouds. The flow of refugees from Northern and Eastern Europe to Southern and Western Europe give rise to neocolonialism in North Africa.[6]
- IOP is founded in Ukraine as part of the International Service for Military-Technical Cooperation between the Neo-Soviet Union and Pan-European Alliance.[15][16]
- The first Common Strength Doll model 03H, outfitted with advanced agility and movement precision, is produced by Scheppel Advanced Technology Company.[18]
- Italy takes control of Lybia after the coup d'état of 2037.[6]
- 90wish is founded by Persica and Lycoris to secretly promote the usage of Relics technology in modern research.[6]
- IOP releases the Nymph, the first generation of service dolls.[15]
- The United States successfully invade Canada and crush the anti-American movement in the Bahamas.[6]
- In June, the Bucharest Agreements end the Ukrainian Civil War.[15]
- German Civil War: The German government focus on neocolonalism and repression of protests from Social Democratic East German asking for the reclamation of their contaminated territories turns into a civil war. The conflict soon evolves into a proxy war when the Neo-Soviet Union and the United States intervene.[6]
March 2nd, 2045
- World War Three begins.[12][19]
- Hollow City seals all its entrances and isolates itself from the rest of the world.[10]
- First Reverse Collapse reactor pile.[10]
- Captain Berezovich Kryuger earns distinctions during the Soviet campaign against Europe in Lybia.[20]
- The US armored offensive in Berlin is crushed by Soviet Tactical Dolls.[15]
- 90wish goes public, to internal controversy. IOP contracts with Persicaria and Lycoris.[21]
- The Neo-Soviet Union overruns Italy's southern lines of defense and Rome surrenders.[15]
- IOP fields the ACD-51 Tactical Doll model.[21]
- Earliest end date of World War Three (see here for more info).
- 1st December: Berlin Metropolitan School kidnapping incident. Cheryl meets Daybreak Squad.[22][23]
- Operation Couatl: Daybreak Squad fails to eliminate "Capita" at Avernus.[22]
- 29 June: Later end date of World War Three (see here for more info).
- Disarmament of Germany.[24]
- Retired Ministry of Internal Affairs member Berezovich Kryuger starts Griffin and Kryuger.[25][12][26]
- Persicaria finalizes Etching Theory. Griffin and Kryuger shifts from using human mercenaries to Tactical Dolls. Sangvis Ferri's Elisa mainframe AI is activated.[12]
- Around the end of September, Helianthus joins Griffin & Kryuger as Berezovich Kryuger's adjutant.[27]
- Persicaria founds 16Lab and finalizes the Dummy Network system.[25][12]
- Griffin & Kryuger bases are attacked by cloned child soldiers, Persica preserves their brain scans to be used as the base for AR Team.[28]
- Recruitment begins for Project Neural Cloud.[29] Many Dolls would join in the years after.[30]
- Persicaria and 16Lab finalize the Imprint Technology.[12]
- Project Neural Cloud begins in earnest, and is announced to be a success at its conclusion at the end of the year.[29] In truth, an incident during the project wipes all test subjects and rolls back all related data. The project director disappears.[31] IOP Dolls then adopt the Neural Cloud system.[12]
- Several high-ranking G&K officers are assassinated.[12]
- Formation of AR Team.[12]
- Late during this year, the Butterfly Incident takes place and Sangvis Ferri Dolls rebel against mankind.[12]
- The United Nations are re-established.[10]
Girls' Frontline and Project Neural Cloud
Due to multiple inconsistencies between medias and inside the same media, the following list only accounts for the most plausible information. See the dedicated subsection for a list of ignored time markers.
- Incident Zero: On 17 February 2062, AR AK-15AK-15AK-15 and the newly rolled-out AR AK-12AK-12AK-12 botch a counter-terrorist hostage situation.[33]
- G&K accept the contract to fight against Sangvis Ferri dolls. The Commander is recruited into G&K.[12]
- Chapter 0 to 4: AR Team breaks into Safe House 3 in Sangvis Ferri territory and disperse to escape enemy troops. The team is eventually assembled again thanks to the Commander.[34]
Ambiguous timeframe (2062 to 2064)
- Chapters 5 and 6 and Operation Cube: Sangvis Ferri troops invade Area S08 and try to take down G&K's high command. The Parapluie virus is discovered in AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15 and she flees to track down Elisa by herself. During G&K's counterattack, G&K enlists Squad 404 to support their operations in the nearby Area S06 under Operation Cube and SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45 becomes covertly infected with Parapluie. The conflict in Area S08 ends when AR-15 destroys Elisa's local dummy in a suicide bombing.
- Chapter 7: The Commander is transferred to Area S05 before they are forced, along with SMG RO635RO635RO635, to defend the T-Dolls gathered for Parapluie screening in the local G&K containment facility against Dreamer. AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 becomes catatonic after encountering Elisa during the attack. AR Team is subsequently sent after Dreamer's base in Area S05.
- Arctic Warfare: AR Team's aircraft crashes in a Sangvis Ferri Jupiter Cannon testing field in Area S03. G&K launches Operation Hypothermia to recover them.
- Chapter 8: G&K launches a covert ops on Sangvis Ferri's Base 0 to recover File No 7 and lose AR M16A1M16A1M16A1 to Sangvis Ferri due to Parapluie. M4A1 emerges from her coma.
- Task Force DEFY is assembled.[35]
- Gilda Ulrich is elected chairwoman of the Pan-European Union's executive committee, replacing chairman Weldon Kurz.[36]
- The Neural Clouds of the Dolls in the Project Neural Cloud backup are released from their Neural Cocoons.[37]
- On 23 September, Persica digitizes the consciousness of a Commander to enter the offsite Project Neural Cloud backup and discover the reasons behind the project's failure in 2060.[31]

- Before 22 May 2064, Lady Gray is killed and replaced by a Nyto double, drastically altering the direction of her research on biotechnology.[38]
- Deep Dive: Squad 404 is deployed by G&K to recover the data drone launched by M16A1 before she was taken over by Parapluie. They catch wind of the chaos unfolding on G&K's side as they finish the operation.
- Chapters 9 & 10, Singularity and Continuum Turbulence:[39] A week after the mission at Base 0,[40] a year after Operation Cube,[41] 20 months after AR Team separated at Safe House 3[42] and about two years after the start of G&K's contract to destroy Sangvis Ferri,[43] G&K and the KCCO lead a joint assault to end the threat of Sangvis Ferri. During the battle, the KCCO fails to force the awakening of Elisa's OGAS consciousness and most of their forces abandon the field, leaving G&K's troops to retreat under fire and arresting Kryuger on various false charges as cover.
- AR Team takes part in the assault but M4A1's neural cloud is attacked by Elisa. Captain Yegor eliminates AR M4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD II and SMG RO635RO635RO635 as KCCO attempts to use M4A1 to awaken Elisa's OGAS. M4A1 is rescued, enhanced and recruited by Task Force DEFY. SOPMOD II's mangled body is later reactivated by M16A1 (Boss) and she recovers RO635's data core before rejoining with the fleeing G&K forces.
- The Bureau of State Security tasks DEFY and Angelia to recover Elisa before the KCCO and find proof of their plan to use OGAS to trigger a new World War. Angelia hires Squad 404 to help locate Elisa through the Parapluie jamming.
- M4A1's OGAS promises her to reveal the location of SOPMOD II and M16A1 so she can rescue them, if she encounters Elisa first. Agent nearly kills the Commander before Angelia asks to spare their life in exchange for a new encounter between M4A1 and Elisa. As a last resort against Yegor's forces trying to capture Elisa, Havier Witkin airdrops Angelia a set of Collapse bombs.
- A third faction, Paradeus, makes itself known on the battlefield, attacking remaining G&K forces.
- M4A1 rejects Elisa during their encounter and Angelia orders M4A1 to detonate the Collapse bombs to counter Yegor's inbound forces. M4A1 and ST AR-15 pursue Elisa but she is airlifted from the battlefield by M16A1. M4A1 and ST AR-15 are left stranded in enemy territory and manage to evade the Paradeus forces with the help of M4A1's OGAS.
- While the majority of the G&K forces evacuate the area after repelling a Paradeus assault during the Great Retreat, a contingent of volunteers assist DEFY in evacuating Angelia, but the Commander is captured by Paradeus.
- Nine weeks after the end of the Joint Assault battle,[44] the Commander has recovered from Collapse radiation poisoning and is interrogated by Paradeus. They are soon recovered by Squad 404 and delivered to G&K. Under pressure, they accept to work for the Soviet Bureau of State Security.
- Chapter 11: Five months after the joint assault and three months after their return,[45] the Commander mans a search mission for Angelia in Belgrade and partners with a local informant.
- Isomer: A Neo-Soviet—Pan-European meeting is held in Belgrade ahead of the United Nations vote on Rossartrism in May.[46] The meeting is interrupted by a Paradeus assault, plunging Belgrade into chaos. Angelia, K and G&K successfully evacuate Gilda Ulrich and eliminate Mercurows, while the local Pike node is seized by M16A1, who empties it of data and leave it to be recovered by G&K, who then cedes it to Soviet Statesec.
- Shattered Connexion: Angelia and G&K are deployed to the Paldiski Submarine Base, a Paradeus lab, with the aim of reaching it before KCCO. While crossing Tallinn, which has become a Paradeus "dump site" for unwanted Nytos, M4A1's OGAS consciousness hijacks Nimogen's body and receives the name Dandelion. G&K repels a KCCO assault and steals a KCCO armored train.
- Polarized Light and Chapter 13: The Paldiski Submarine Base incident occurs on 5 June 2064.[47]
- Prior to the arrival of other belligerents, Sangvis Ferri troops invade the Paldiski base for Elisa to use the local Starfish.
- G&K sacrifices most of its troops and K negotiates a Neo-Soviet air strike to prevent the KCCO from entering the base.
- Angelia and Squad 404 evacuate assets from the Paradeus lab inside the base.
- Two Sinner mechs, including one piloted by Yegor, break through the G&K blockade to reach the labs. One is destroyed by M16A1 and M4A1, Yegor's is destroyed by Angelia and Task Force DEFY.
- The Commander and K plant explosives on the base's sea valves to flood the labs and the Starfish. M4A1 confronts M16A1, then Elisa, and merges with her OGAS consciousness to engage a Reverse Collapse and teleport all present to an unknown location to escape the flooding.
- Dual Randomness: Angelia investigates the presence of William and Paradeus in Bremen, Germany. Simultaneously, G&K investigates other leads on Paradeus and encounters several former Sangvis Ferri Ringleaders who are then marked for capture by Svarog Heavy Industries.
- Mirror Stage: On 20 September 2064,[48] the Commander captures Machlian in Bohnsdorf. In the following days, they foil several Paradeus terrorist attacks around Berlin and fall into Morridow's trap to capture Dandelion, while Angelia investigates Lady Gray and is captured by Paradeus at the von Oberstein mansion in Berlin.
- Poincare Recurrence: At the end of September or in November 2064,[49] the Commander and the Stasi attempt to find Angelia and intercept a cargo of Iaso's Boxes leaving Berlin. Rebel special forces troops in the Neo-Soviet Union cause the Fireworks Incident at the Western border and destroy Griffin & Kryuger's HQ, but fail to kill Griffin's leadership.
- Fixed Point: Griffin & Kryuger and the Stasi launch Operation Aeneas in the Berlin Dead Sea Black Zone to investigate the Paradeus base Avernus and rescue Angelia.
- Eclipses & Saros: The Commander and the Stasi each secure one of the two surviving members of Daybreak Squad in preparation for Operation Muromets.
- The Union of Rossartrism Nations Coalition is formed.[10]
This is a list of time markers appearing in various stories that have been ignored to preserve the consistency of the preceding timeline.
- Girls' Frontline (It should be noted that in-game dates and time markers of Girls' Frontline do not match with the real-world time on which chapters have been added to the game. As in: a chapter added to the game a month after the previous one does not take place a month later in the story.)
- Chapter 0-1: AR Team is assembled a month after separating at Safe House 3.
- Chapter 2-5: M4A1 was on the run during at least 70 days after separating with AR Team at Safe House 3.
- Operation Cube 1: Operation Cube starts five days after AR-15's disappearance.
- Chapter 7-1: Five days after the end of the battle in Area S08, the Commander is transferred to Area S05.
- Chapter 7-1E: A month after the assault on Area S05, AR Team is sent after Dreamer's base.
- Arctic Warfare 1-1: Arctic Warfare occurs 40 days after Dreamer's assault on Area S05.
- Arctic Warfare 2-3: Arctic Warfare occurs 6 months after Operation Cube.
- Chapter 8-1: AR Team's infiltration of SF Site 0 occurs two months after Arctic Warfare.
- Singularity Queens Gambit III: Angelia was nearly killed by Sangvis Ferri during the Safe House 3 events a year prior. Poincare *Recurrence - Reversing Entropy VIIA later fixes these events to 2062.
- Isomer Illusory Peace I: Isomer occurs two years after the 10 years celebration of the end of World War Three (“前两年格外盛大的第三次世界大战结束10周年纪念活动。”). The war ended in 2050 or 2051.
- Dual Randomness Departure Time III: Dual Randomness occurs nearly 20 years after the end of World War Three. This is a translation error, the original script states “more than 10 years”.
- The Dedicated Tactical Memory equipment, available during the Christmas 2017 event running 21 December 2017 to 11 January 2018 on CN, mentions 2063 in its description. Because Story Chapter 10 was added with the same update on 21 December 2017, one could infer that Chapter 10 takes place in 2063. However, this is inconsistent with chapter 10 taking place during the same timeframe as Singularity, which is stated to be taking place two years after 2062.
- Because of inconsistencies and overall dubious canonicity of the source, dates appearing on the Notebook mementos are not used as reference to infer the dates of other events:
- The Prairial’s Allure banner for the Anniversary Party costumes story ran from 20 May to 1st June 2017 on CN, between the releases of Chapter 8 and Deep Dive, and mentions both 2063 and 2017 on the title banner.
- The Princes’ Frontline banner for the Fatal Performance costumes story ran from 28 November to 7 December 2017 on CN, between the releases of Chapter 9 and Chapter 10. It mentions 24 March 2063 on Thompson's ticket (the date is erroneously rendered 34 March 2063 on PKP's restaurant bill).
- The Sweet Imprints banner for the Honey Sweet Moment costumes story ran from 10 to 22 March 2018 on CN, between the releases of Singularity and Continuum Turbulence, and mentions 11 March 2063 on SV-98's invitation.
- The Soiree Sonata banner for the Symphony No. 4 costumes story ran from 14 May to 11 June 2020 on CN, between the releases of Chapter 13 and Dual Randomness. It mentions 2064 on KSVK's size chart and 20XX on M200's photo.
- Project Neural Cloud
- In Divergent Shadows Stage 2-4, Clukay (HK416) reminisces about the events of Continuum Turbulence (in the Chinese script, dialogues are copied word-for-word between the games) while in her pre-Neural Upgrade appearance, implying the story occurred between the Great Retreat and the events in Tallinn, during the timeframe of Chapter 11 and Isomer in Girls' Frontline. However, this story is also set before Project Neural Cloud's main story, which begins on 23 September 2063 according to Chapter 0-1. This contradicts other sources stating that Continuum Turbulence occurs in early 2064. This story is not accounted for in the previous section because Divergent Shadows Parts 1 and 2 establish its own loose canonicity.
- Girls' Frontline: Doll's Song provides several dates for matching in-game events, but its canon status is disputed.
- In chapter 25, the events of the game's Chapter 6E are dated 8 May 2062.
- In chapter 29, the events of the game's Chapter 8 are dated October 2062.
After Girls' Frontline
- Countries leave the Coalition and join Hollow City in the Antarctic Union, ending the period of collaboration known as the Ten-Years Honeymoon.[50]
- Three more specimens bearing the genes of GAVIRUL are created during the Three Goddesses project.[51]
- The Three Goddesses project falls through due to the growing unrest between the Coalition and the Union. Each faction retains one specimen, the third disappears.[51]
July 2089
- Union citizens are killed by Coalition police officers, sparking widespread civil strife and interventions from the Coalition military.[50]
September 2089
- The First Antarctic War begins when the Union launches operation Snake Killer in Coalition territory.[50]
18th to 20th December, 2092
- Codename: Bakery Girl: the story of operation Bakery. The Union locates the lost specimen Jefuty in the Caucasus but fails to recover her.[52][53]
July 11th, 2094
- Operation Kindle. Subjects Jefuty and Noel are lost, along with a large number of troops. The First Antarctic War ends two months later.[54]
- Second Antarctic War.[54]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Glossary
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 2
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 4
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 5
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, part. 2
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 3
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 3
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 9
- ↑ The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, part. 1
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, part. 4
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, part. 3
- ↑ 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Timeline
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Chapter 3, Last Resort I
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 2
- ↑ The first Confidential Files indicates that IOP was officially founded in 2046 after three years of planning. This is retconned in the second Confidential Files.
- ↑ The Timeline in The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1 indicates that by 2038, Autonomous Dolls technology reached maturity, though still needing better computation to handle complex orders. This is not coherent with the timeline expressed in the Confidential Files.
- ↑ The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, The Era of Production-Model Skeletal-Frame Robots
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - World War Three
- ↑ The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 5
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, The First Generation of Tactical Dolls
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Girls' Frontline, Eclipses & Saros, E9
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Eclipses & Saros, E10B
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Decreasing Entropy XIV
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, The Second Generation of Tactical Dolls
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Griffin
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Endgame Chaos milli
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 13-5
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Project Neural Cloud
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud Recruitment Message, also Croque, Chelsea and others introduction reveal description.
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 Project Neural Cloud, 0-1
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, ARG materials, vitalsigns.jpg
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 Neural Upgrade story 2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Reversing Entropy VIIA, at the end of September 2064, it has been about two years since the Commander met AR Team for the first time.
- ↑ The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, p. 230
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Illusory Peace IV
- ↑ Project Neural Cloud, Magrasea's Lang Syne Nodes
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Reversing Entropy VB
- ↑ During the release of Continuum Turbulence, Yuzhong stated on Weibo: “It's 2064, they are still digging in Antarctica... Nobody expected a world power would emerge there”. This is in reference to the Antarctic Union.
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 9-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Deep Dive, 2-2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-6
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Chapter 2-D, Minor Pieces Draw IV (“这两年以来”)
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Ground Zero
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Episode 11-1E (“【有序紊流】事件3个月后”; “5个月前”)
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Illusory Peace I (“截止五月,[...]”)
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E1-1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Lurking ; The description of the Iaso's Box in Clothos’ Thread II also reads “Production Date: XX640921”.
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Falling Star beta
- ↑ 50.0 50.1 50.2 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, part. 5
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, part 6
- ↑ Codename: Bakery Girl
- ↑ The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, part 7
- ↑ 54.0 54.1 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, part 8
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