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Lam Is Love
Lam Is Love

RO Is Love
RO Is Love
RO Is Love

Reject modernity (gun), embrace tradition (sword).

I'm a wiki admin. I do Lore and Franchise stuff. I'm EN pleb.

But there's worse: I'm French.


Lore info roadmap - STATUS 🟢 Active (editing articles)[edit]

Going by release order.

Setup (all info up to CT included)[edit]

  • Note-taking
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 2
    • Chapter 3
    • Chapter 4
    • Chapter 5
    • Chapter 1N
    • Chapter 2N
    • Chapter 3N
    • Operation Cube
    • Chapter 6
    • Chapter 7
    • Chapter 4N
    • Arctic Warfare
    • Chapter 5N
    • Chapter 8
    • Chapter 6N
    • Deep Dive
    • Chapter 9
    • M1911 Neural Upgrade
    • Type 64 Neural Upgrade
    • FN-49 Neural Upgrade
    • IDW Neural Upgrade
    • Chapter 10
    • Singularity
    • M4 Neural Upgrade
    • STAR Neural Upgrade
    • Chapter 7N
    • Mosin Neural Upgrade
    • M1918 Neural Upgrade
    • M1895 Neural Upgrade
    • MP-446 Neural Upgrade
    • Chapter 8N
    • SAA Neural Upgrade
    • G3 Neural Upgrade
    • Bren Neural Upgrade
    • SV-98 Neural Upgrade
    • Continuum Turbulence
    • 45 Neural Upgrade
    • SOP Neural Upgrade

Belgrade arc[edit]

  • Note-taking
    • Chapter 11
    • G36 Neural Upgrade
    • M14 Neural Upgrade
    • LWMMG Neural Upgrade
    • Sten Neural Upgrade
    • Isomer
    • Chapter 9N
    • Uzi Neural Upgrade
    • StG44 Neural Upgrade
    • AS Val Neural Upgrade

Estonia arc[edit]

  • Note-taking
    • Shattered Connection
    • 416 Neural Upgrade
    • UMP9 Neural Upgrade
    • MP5 Neural Upgrade
    • Hanyang Neural Upgrade
    • Chapter 10N
    • Stechkin Neural Upgrade
    • C96 Neural Upgrade
    • NTW-20 Neural Upgrade
    • M38 Neural Upgrade
    • Chapter 12
    • Polarized Light
    • Calico Neural Upgrade
    • KSVK Neural Upgrade
    • GSh-18 Neural Upgrade
    • M500 Neural Upgrade
    • Chapter 13

Germany arc[edit]

  • Note-taking
    • Dual Randomness
    • RO635 Neural Upgrade
    • G11 Neural Upgrade
    • Super SASS Neural Upgrade
    • Type 97S Neural Upgrade
    • PP-19
    • M1897
    • Galil
    • Mirror Stage
    • Type80 Neural Upgrade
    • Type56 Neural Upgrade
    • F1 Neural Upgrade
    • Welrod Neural Upgrade
    • Poincaré Recurrence
    • Makarov Neural Upgrade
    • XM3 Neural Upgrade
    • RMB-93 Neural Upgrade
    • MG4 Neural Upgrade
    • Fixed Point
    • XM8 Neural Upgrade
    • PPSh-41 Neural Upgrade
    • AK-15 Neural Upgrade
    • AN-94 Neural Upgrade
    • G36C Neural Upgrade
    • MP-443 Neural Upgrade
    • Gepard M1 Neural Upgrade
    • Ribeyrolles Neural Upgrade
    • PPK Neural Upgrade
    • MG3 Neural Upgrade
    • Suomi Neural Upgrade
    • OBR Neural Upgrade
    • Longitudinal Strain
    • Type 92 Neural Upgrade
    • Kar98k Neural Upgrade
    • Lee-Enfield Neural Upgrade
    • Type 56-1 Neural Upgrade
    • Slow Shock
    • DP-12 Neural Upgrade
    • K5 Neural Upgrade
    • 100 Shiki Neural Upgrade
    • M1919A4 Neural Upgrade
    • Maze Guess
    • Px4 Neural Upgrade
    • EVO 3 Neural Upgrade
    • EM-2 Neural Upgrade
    • Falcon Neural Upgrade
    • Type 79
    • The Summer Garden of Forking Paths
    • Cartesian Theater
    • Rex Zero 1
    • Zero Charge
    • AK-12

Confidential Files[edit]

Confidential Files 2[edit]

Project Neural Cloud#ARG[edit]

RCCB main story recap + process all lore materials[edit]


Dates GF1[edit]

  • 11/05/2016: Operation Cube
  • 28/10/2016: Chapter 6
  • 13/01/2017: Chapter 7
  • 25/01/2017: Arctic Warfare
  • 03/2017: CF1
  • 05/05/2017: Chapter 8
  • 27/07/2017: Deep Dive
  • 21/09/2017: Chapter 9
  • 21/12/2017: Chapter 10 (主线第十一章战役)
  • 21/01/2018: M1911, IDW, Type64, FN49
  • 08/02/2018: Singularity, M4, STAR
  • 04/04/2018: Chapter 7N
  • 12/04/2018: 1918, Viking, Mosin-Nagant, M1898
  • 24/05/2018: Chapter 8N
  • 19/07/2018: SAA, SV98, G3, BrenTen
  • 16/08/2018: Continuum Turbulence, SOP, 45
  • 25/10/2018: Chapter 11
  • 22/11/2018: G36, M14, LWWMMG, Sten
  • 24/01/2019: Isomer
  • 23/03/2019: Chapter 9N
  • 04/2019: CF2
  • 16/05/2019: StG44, ASVal, Uzi
  • 08/08/2019: Shattered Connexion, 416, MP5, UMP9, Type88
  • 07/11/2019: CHapter 10N
  • 05/12/2019: C96, NTW20, M38, Stechkin
  • 19/12/2019: Chapter 12
  • 16/01/2020: Polarized Light
  • 09/04/2020: M500, M950A, KSVK, Gsh-18
  • 07/05/2020: Chapter 13
  • 13/08/2020: Player Guide, Griffin Memories 1+2
  • 20/08/2020: Dual Randomness, G11, RO635, Type97S, SASS
  • 10/12/2020: PP19, M1897, Galil
  • 04/02/2021: Mirror Stage, Type80, Type56, F1, Welrod
  • 13/05/2021: Makarov, XM3, RMB-93, MG4
  • 26/08/2021: Poincaré Recurrence
  • 23/09/2021: PNC
  • 21/10/2021: G36C, MP443, GepardM1, Ribey
  • 20/01/2022: Fixed Point, XM8, PPSh-41, AK-15, AN-94
  • 12/05/2022: Suomi, PPK, OBR, MG3
  • 08/09/2022: Longitudinal Strain, Kar98k, Lee Enfield, Type 56-1, Type 92
  • 08/12/2022: Eclipses&Saros
  • 17/01/2023: Maze Guess [1] [2]
  • 30/03/2023: DP-12, K5, 100Shiki, M1919A4
  • 27/04/2023: Slowshock
  • Zombie CN, KR: 2023/02/11 00:00 -> 03/09 23:59
  • 20/07/2023 2023rougesummer KR
  • 28/09/2023: Reloading
  • 01/02/2024: Px4, EVO 3, EM-2, Falcon
  • 29/02/2024: GITS
  • 18/04/2024: Type 79
  • 24/05/2024: Cantor Dust PV https://weibo.com/5611537367/OfaRAkn2i
  • 18/04/2024: The Summer Garden of Forking Paths
  • 13/06/2024: Cartesian Theater + Rex Zero 1
  • 28/07/2024: Zero Charge
  • 01/08/2024: AK-12
  • 08/08/2024: SPAS-12
  • 2024-08-15: Angular Gyrus
  • 11/10/2024: Zas M21
  • 2024-10-17: Isolation Forest
  • 07/11/2024: CR-21
  • 12/12/2024: Convolutional Kernel + MP41

Dates GF2[edit]


In-game mail to add[edit]

2023/05/14 from Angela

Happy Mother's Day!

To Professor,
Today is Mother's Day, which is not an unfamiliar term to me even if I'm not blessed with human kinship. When I was working in the real world, children who were kept away from their parents used to tell me that I was "like a mother" to them. According to my built-in dictionary, a mother is a caring person who raises children, but what they actually do is far more than that. Every day I took care of the children, told them bedtime stories, and gained their trust. It would have probably taken a thousand emails to put those intimate moments into words, but the simple phrase "like a mother" from a human child really said it all. A real mother must be a cordial person whose love and grace can't really be put into words.
Therefore, I often wonder if I really served as a solace for their privation.
Professor, just be with your mother if you can. Given that a child's yearning for motherly love can be so poignant, it only stands to reason that a mother's devotion to her child is equally passionate, if not more so.

2023/05/19 from Willow

For the Next Half-Year to Come!

It's me, Willow, Oasis' ace reporter! How have you been lately? It has already been half a year now since we came together. Time really flies, doesn't it? Now, it wouldn't be a proper celebration without my reporting, would it? You've travelled[sic] near and far in Magrasea with us Exiles over the past 6 months. According to my investigations, you are loved by agents both in and outside of the Oasis. As a matter of course, a work diary is far from enough to account for your popularity. I shall set up an exclusive interview to get to the bottom of it some day!
But, that aside, happy half-year anniversary! There are so many more stories I'd like to dig into and so many more places I'd like to see you visit. So can you be my guest for the next half-year interview? Well, I'll take that as a yes! I have enclosed a special gift in the attachment to celebrate the occasion and secure the interview for the next half-year. By that time, we shall have had many more interesting stories to tell!

2023/05/17 from Sueyoi

The Half-year Anniversary Celebration

As per our previous agreement, I will soon leave Arcadia for the Oasis. But before that, I've learned quite a bit about you, from De Lacey, of course. According to her, the Oasis was established no more than 6 months ago, but you have achieved so much in such a short span of time. It is truly remarkable even if her words are to be taken with a pinch of salt. As I also gathered from her that your half-year anniversary is drawing near, I'd like to congratulate you on your achievements over the past 6 months.
De Lacey has asked me to enclose her gifts for the half-year anniversary celebration in the attachment together with mine. It is said that more are on the way, so please watch your inbox over the next few days. Also, please make sure to give me the correct coordinates. I'll be there as soon as I can.

2023/05/14 from FX-05

I seem to have forgotten something important

Hola, Commander~! This morning, I found a note on my bedside saying that there is an important mission to attend to today... Good thing I found it in time... hehe!
But speaking of which, when I read through the mission brief carefully, it struck me as very strange mission...
First of all, I must disarm all weapons and dangerous items to avoid alarming the target. Secondly, it is best to take action without the target noticing... You see, it's like protecting someone, while also catching them off guard. How peculiar, don't you think? Oh! And here's the most interesting part—the supplies needed for this operation are "a letter full of love and gratitude" and "a beautiful bouquet of carnations"
...Then what? The note ends here as the paper is completely filled up! The requirements alone are so complicated, no wonder I forgot all about it...
Huh? Wait a minute! Why is there another note at the end of my bed?!
...Haha! Lucky me! The target for the mission is written on it!
Finally, please present this surprise to the "person who has done more for the Commander than anyone else in the world"—the Commander's wonderful mother! Did I really forget such an important thing?! Commander, I'll accompany you to attend this important mission right away!
Also, as a token of appreciation, let me offer an ode to your mother!

2023/05/02 from G11

Evolution of a Perfect Celebration

Dear Commander,

Uh... the thing is, I was dragged by 416 to the anniversary ceremony venue... Apparently, she's trying to prepare an escape route in case she gets forced to drink.
But that's not actually the point. The point is, I believe your anniversary celebration falls short of perfection—the venue doesn't have a place for people to lie down and get some rest...
From what I've heard, the ceremony will continue well past midnight? People will surely get tired after celebrating for so long, so a bed is kind of necessary.
Evena camping bed will do... Just put it somewhere quiet and install some clapboards to block out the noise... Oh yeah, also throw in an A/C and plug in television that plays anime 24/7... That's how anniversary celebrations are usually done elsewhere...
With these little final touches, the celebration will be perfect... No matter what the others say, I, for one, would very much enjoy the service.
Just humor me, please... I'll make it up to you...

2023/05/01 from Antonina

[Pseudosphere Operations] Event About to End

Dear Professor,
It's been a few days. What are your thoughts on the Pseudosphere Operations System? While avoiding actual combat and minimizing danger, this system has provided training as close to real combat as possible for our Dolls. Don't get too excited about this, but judging from the feedback from the Dolls, the training arrangements you've made inside the system have been quite effective so far. Now, when we're caught in challenging situations in the future, everyone will be able to handle it.
That being said, it is a brand-new system. In order to make adjustments and ensure the system's stability, the Tech Department will be taking it offline at 18:29 02/05, and recycle any leftover Expansion Commands. We'll use the test parameters from this period to improve the system as much as we can. When it becomes available again to you, it'll be in a much more complete state.
Before it shuts down, use this time wisely, and get in as much training as you can. Since, you know... who knows when danger will approach.

2023/04/19 from Croque

Arma Inscripta System Activated

Dear Professor,
When you made your way through Burbank, I learned of how Sol and Nascita joined up in a certain kind of play. In fact, I was very much inspired by their combat style. Just as an "actor" is supposed to be cast in the right role, "arms" are to be made in the same way...
I have been experimenting with this idea for quite some time now. However, things have turned out to be more challenging than I imagined... It's simply not possible for me to optimize everyone's Power all at once. It can only be done in a sequential manner.
Fortunately, the joint efforts of the Engineering Department and the armament dev team have finally paid off, readying the first Dolls for the activation of the new system, which will be known as "Arma Inscripta"! I have enclosed the materials I used in my research. Let's try it out!

2023/04/16 from 416

Subject: Re: Itinerary for Today

Dear Commander,
Good morning. I hope you will be all fresh and dressed and ready to depart by the time you read this message. You'd better not be crawling out of bed with sleep still in your eyes... Why? Because we have a lot of important things to do today, obviously.
In 30 minutes, I will be waiting for you outside your door. If you're late, I'll have Gr G11 bash open your door. Then we will go shopping together and try out that new café. I also want to give that bagel shop a go... I've listed all the times and addresses in your schedule, make sure you familiarize yourself with them.
As for the evening, how about we visit that record shop that you mentioned...? What, you don't remember? Sheesh, Commander, you even forget where you want to go without me. In that case, I'll make all the arrangements.
You can't be serious. I've been going on and on, but you still don't know why I'm making all these plans today? You vowed so resolutely just last year that April 16th is to be a day between just you and me, so I–
You were pulling my leg? Commander you Dummkopf! Don't you know O was going to— Nevermind. I'll let you off just this once since you've been working so hard lately!
Payment for my effort is invoiced in the attachment. Also, as a gentle reminder, you still have two minutes to get ready and come out the door. Oh, make that 10 seconds. 10, 9, 8...

2023/03/14 from Willow

Happy White Day!

To the Professor,
The exciting White Day has finally arrived. Special disclosure, Dolls who received chocolates are preparing return gifts to you. Are you excited about them?
There must be a variety of News materials today. I shall faithfully record your every date with my camera and hang the photos on the breaking news column in our magazine... Just kidding! I won't disturb your sweet moments. After all, it is thanks to you that my otherwise messy report has been turned into such an interesting headline. And... It's a surprise for me to receive your chocolate. Is this your way of recognizing my journalistic professionalism? Big thanks!
In return for your support and help, I have prepared a gift... It will not be written in any report and please keep it a secret, Professor.

2023/03/08 from Eos

Welcome to Burbank!

Dear Professor,
Welcome to the Burbank Sector, where the neon lights never go dim. Please enjoy your time in this night city.
As you wait for the show to begin, we have prepared some small gifts for you. The curtains are drawn, the stage is set and the spotlight is on. The show is coming.
| am looking forward to meeting you.
[Inverted Mordent Resonance] Guide - Eos

2023/03/08 from Meryl

Welcome to [Inverted Mordent Resonance]

Dear Professor,
[Inverted Mordent Resonance] is going live in Burbank soon. We invite all the Agents who have made outstanding contributions to our Sector, as well as their friends to attend this celebration. At this event, you can participate in the grand celebration parade, watch the interactive performance [Mysterious Warrior], and try your hand in the fun challenge [Marvelous Mash-Up!]... More exciting programs are waiting for you!
On top of that, we will assign a private guide who will accompany you throughout the celebration and provide various services. You can activate this exclusive service with the guide card from this letter.
Burbank Sector is looking forward to your visit.
Burbank Sector Administrator - Meryl

2023/02/14 from P22

Restaurant Reservation on Feb 14 Confirmed

Dear Commander,
I hear that humans tend to go everywhere in pairs today, so it can be quite frustrating for those who have to spend the day alone... Honestly, why would anyone come up with a festival that takes two people to celebrate together?
After all, the only one who will always be there for you is you yourself... Never mind, knowing oneself can be quite difficult for a lot of humans.
So if you feel lonely on your own, why don't you come and have dinner with us tonight? However, we're still debating whether to have dinner indoors or outdoors and whether the dinner should go with white or red wine.
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day... Hold on, if we have dinner with you, someone will still be the odd one out...

2023/01/22 from Souchun

Happy Chinese New Year

Dear Professor,
"The candle flames burn bright, the scent of wine fills the air. The children play and laugh, while the long night stretches on..."
That is a verse from my home. Today is the start of a new year in my country, and also a day when, by tradition, we all gather to have a reunion meal. Although we're in the cloud server now, and there's no way of knowing when we'll be able to reunite with our kin as we fight to survive... I still believe that all the hard work we put in will be worthwhile, just like how a freshly sprouted tea leaf must be honed and refined repeatedly before it can produce a delicious brew. As long as you do your best with that attitude in mind, I'm sure your heart will be more at peace.
Of course, you do need to relax from time to time. So won't you set your work aside and have a reunion dinner with everyone in the Oasis, Professor? I've prepared special dishes from my home and a New Year gift for you too.

2023/01/01 from Antonina

Happy New Year

Dear Professor,
A new year is about to begin. I guess we spent quite a lot of time around each other last year. A human uploading their own mind to the cloud server to save a bunch of Dolls... My past self from a year ago would never have believed a story like that. However, I have to accept that as fact now.
I've taken everything you've done for us into consideration. Regardless of anything else, I trust what I've seen for myself. We might not be the same, but...we're on the same side, at least.
In any case, thank you for all the hard work you've put in for the past year, Professor. This is a gift that everyone prepared for you. Please accept it and lift your spirits so you can struggle to the bitter end with us.

2023/10/31 from Clotho

All Souls Gather When The Dead Rise

Dear Professor,

I once heard that All Hallows' Eve was the end of prosperity and the beginning of the end, the time when the underworld was closest to the realm of the living. But for Dolls, does that mean this is the time when Magrasea is closest to reality? I asked Centaureissi, but she directed me to you. Would you happen to know the answer?

I once walked the desolate cloud and witnessed the withering of all things with my own eyes. I believe that spirits still exist, even in Magrasea, and that I heard them sigh just now. Centaureissi once told me that the living were always so busy that they forgot to remember the dead. Thus, I brought Hel with me to knock on each and every door to remind everyone not to forget the deceased. Despite their initial confusion, I was glad to see that in the end, everyone still took the time to mourn the departed with me. At times, there were those who did not understand the suffering of the deceased, and Hel would then allow these lost and confused soul to lie inside her embrace in order to thoroughly experience that loneliness and solitude. Everyone gave us lots of candy to express their thanks, to the point where I could barely move with them. I poured their gratitude into Hel, until she was full. Does that mean everyone liked me?

at first, I was planning to split half the candy we received with you and spend the night together, but I did not see you in the Ops Room. After encountering Anna and the others along the way, I decided to wait with them for you in the rest area. Enclosed please find the gifts that are yours. Happy Halloween; we shall meet again soon in the rest area.


2023/1/15 from Riko

Forge Eternal Oaths With Your Dolls!

Most Honored VIP Customer Professor,

Riko has picked up on your wish to establish oaths with the Dolls that are dear to your heart! Hehe, brilliant Riko would never pass up this business opportunity and so I've worked day and night to produce this sample of the "Oath Certificate"! In the hopes of fostering deeper cooperation between us, I'll give it to you for free!

Now that you mention it, Riko had to work real hard on this "Oath Certificate". In order to tailor-make it to the preferences of your beloved Doll, your specifications were so exact and complicated that it stumped a lot of Magrasean craftsmen. Even so, that wasn't enough to make the All-Capable Riko compromise on quality! After all, you're my most valuable customer, and so Riko went through all the sectors to find a craftsman skilled enough for this romantic keepsake! This Oath Certificate will bear witness to the eternal bond you share with your beloved Doll. When the Dolls of the Oasis witness this moment of heartfelt sincerity, they will offer up their most sincere well-wishes.

In any case, now that all the groundwork has been laid, Riko will assist with all future Oath ceremonies to the best of my ability, so don't wait! Establish an oath with your beloved Doll right away! Of course, if you have any feedback you'd like to give throughout this process, feel free to let Riko know~ Looking forward to doing business with you again!

The Omnicompetent Travelling Merchant of the Sectors—Riko

2023/11/21 from Willow

Extra! The Oasis’ 1st Anniversary!

Dear Professor,

Breaking News! The anniversary of the Oasis' founding is upon us! What kind of surprises and what exciting events await us... we've got all that and more! Look forward to the hottest news straight from the frontline, courtesy of Willow!

How's that? Pretty good opening, huh? Since time is tight, I decided to make a move first. After all, as a reporter, if you don't bring the freshest scoops, you might as well not bother. Don't look so shocked, I go wherever the news is, after all! Ehehe, I'll handle the news coverage for this year's anniversary, so look forward to it, Professor!

Still, I can't believe it's the Oasis' first anniversary already. It feels like I only just covered the founding of the Oasis, but it's already gotten so big. Owing to your hard work over the year, the Oasis has all kinds of lovely scenes and landscapes now. Thanks for your hard work over the past year, Professor! As a representative of everyone in the Oasis, we're grateful for everything you've done for us! All you have to do now is relax and enjoy the anniversary festivities!

Now then, Willow, your anniversary special reporter-cum-photographer is here! Leave all the anniversary interviews to me! Here are a few small tokens of my appreciation; make sure you give mea heads up if you stumble across any juicy little nuggets of info!

Your Anniversary Special Reporter—Willow

2023/11/22 from Horizon

[Perilous Advancement] Emergency Supplies

Dear Professor,

Is the comms back live? The Oasis is still in the grip of that amaranthine malice, too menacing even for me to depict. Professor, please make every preparation you can before forging ahead. The Oasis will be faithfully waiting for your return as always.

We have to tread carefully in our quest against formidable enemies, since we can hardly withstand any more losses... Professor, please take these emergency supplies for our last stand.

I really can't wait to see the day when a peaceful Oasis is restored to all its splendor.


2023/12/25 by Bren Ten

Urgent! Logistics Warehouse No. 28 requesting support!!!

I hope I'll still be alive by the time you read this message...
Ugh... I wasn't even doing anything risky or out of line. I was just diligently working my surveillance shift when I stumbled across a conspiracy!
Late at night, when everyone was asleep, a handful of Dolls gathered clandestinely, muttering about "putting on disguises", "one by one", "finishing them off in their sleep"...
I was breaking out in a cold sweat watching them in the surveillance room. I immediately pulled up all the CCTV cameras around them, and my god! They'd prepared a whole arsenal of tools for the crime they're about to commit, including big white beards and red uniforms for their disguises...
They've even prepared a burlap sack filled with weapons! They said every Doll would receive a different "present" - that's right, you heard that right - they called their weapons "presents"!
At that point, I decided I had to do something to put a stop to this plot! So I followed them in secret, then when they weren't paying attention, I grabbed the sack of weapons and ran for it! You have no idea how heavy the sack was - I dare not imagine what's inside...
I somehow made it into Warehouse No. 28 and locked myself in, but they've already tracked me down and are now banging on the door in a frenzy! They're even trying to trick me into opening the door, saying that they're "Santa Clauses”. Puh-lease! Everyone knows Santa Claus is supposed to have a reindeer sleigh!
In any case, Commander, I've done everything I can! I desperately need your support!!!

Bren Ten

2024/02/14 by Suomi

The Important Festival on Feb 14th

Dear Commander,
I hope you are well. I just returned to the base from a mission. I know this is at rather short notice, but I wonder if it's not too late to book you for the day on February 14th?
To tell you the truth, February 14th has always been a very important day to me. It is a day that should be spent with someone you cherish. However, this day was somehow always ruined before for various reasons, either because I was suddenly deployed, or you happened to be away, or... I couldn't muster the courage to disturb you.
But this time, you're at the base, I just completed my mission, and my roommates have been cheering me on... Looks like I have no more reason to get cold feet, so... please spend Friendship Day with me! I'll prepare some records from my private collection, delicious food, and fun games! I'll make sure you have a great time!
...Huh? Valentine's Day... Wait, so February 14th is Valentine's Day here at the Griffin base?! N-no, I didn't mean... No, I do mean... Hold on, I-I'm confusing myself...
...You'd love to spend February 14th with me? That's wonderfull! I'll start making the preparations right away! And please just forget how I mixed up Friendship Day and Valentine's Day...

2024/02/09 by Jiangyu

Out With The Old, In With The New!

Dear Professor,

It's time for New Year's Eve, Professor! Today's an important day when we bid farewell to the past year and usher in the new one, so allow me to be the first to give you my best wishes for the new year~ Happy New Year, here's to more adventures and happiness, and may good fortune come your way! How's that? I learned all kinds of auspicious sayings from Big Sis, so I'm sure it'll be fine~

Big Sis seems to be really happy in the Oasis, and that's all thanks to you, Professor. You helped bring us back together and gave Big Sis a hand with organizing a show during the garden party; I honestly don't know how to show my appreciation for all that. So I asked the people in the Oasis for suggestions, and in the end, I prepared a whole bunch of gifts for you based on what they like; I hope you like them, too!

Oh yeah, if you've got the time, why not join the party with us? The events and the fireworks in the park are loads of fun and I even contributed to some of them! Granted, there were a few hiccups along the way... But it all turned out okay in the end, so it's fine. You think so, too, right, Professor? Also, Big Sis will be putting on a special show during the garden party and I saved the best seat for you. I'm sure she'd be really happy if you could come!

Anyway, just rest and relax on New Year's Eve! After all, you've been working so hard all year; it's high time you kicked back and had a good time with all of us! Happy New Year!

- Jiangyu

GF2 website lore[edit]

Griffin & Kryuger (格里芬)

The "Griffin & Kryuger Private Military Company and Security Consultant Company", often simply referred to as "Griffin" or "G&K", is a PMC established after World War III. In close cooperation with the Important Operations Prototype Manufacturing Company (IOP), Griffin possessed a large number of Tactical Dolls, and, at one point, became an organization influential enough to affect political situations and the course of history. (“格里芬与克鲁格军事承包与安全顾问服务公司”的简称,也通常被直接称呼为“格里芬”,是在第三次世界大战后成立的P.M.C.。其与I.O.P深度合作,拥有大量战术人形,一度成为能够一定程度上影响到政治局势与历史进程的大型组织。)

The establishment of the URNC and the stabilization of global affairs led to the compelled disbandment and reorganization of the once-powerful Griffin. Some of its personnel were transferred to the Non-Military Forces Administration, while the former Griffin Commander left for personal reasons and became a bounty hunter. (但随着罗联成立、世界局势趋于稳定,影响力过大的格里芬被勒令拆解重组。部分人员进入非军事力量管理局,而曾就职于格里芬的指挥官则因个人原因而离开,转职为赏金猎人。)

After the reorganization, Griffin's organizational size was strictly limited, resulting in a large number of Tactical Dolls either being reassigned to work in the White Zones, Green Zones, or to forge their own paths. Currently, Griffin is managed by Helianthus. (拆解重组后的格里芬,其组织规模受到严格限制,这导致大量战术人形或接受安置前往白绿区供职,或自寻出路。目前,格里芬的最高管理为赫丽安图丝。)

Private Military Contractor (私人安全承包商)

After World War III, the remaining nations and organizations focused their resources on protecting major cities and industrial bases to reduce fiscal expenses and managerial stress. Security responsibilities of smaller cities and remote areas were outsourced to PMCs through a bidding process. (第三次世界大战后,现存的国家和组织为了减少财政开支和管理压力,只集中保护一些大型城市和工业基地。而对于其他小型城市和偏远地区,则采取竞标的方式,交由私人安全承包商P.M.C.负责。)

In this context, numerous PMCs emerged, including powerful entities like G&K, which at one point were capable of influencing political situations and the course of history. (在此种形势下,林林总总的各类P.M.C.诞生,甚至出现过诸如“G.&K.”这种拥有强大力量、能够一定程度上影响到政治局势与历史进程的大型组织。)

However, with the integration of the Neo-Soviet Union into the URNC and the subsequent stabilization of global affairs, these organizations have gradually declined. Many smaller PMCs disbanded, while larger ones like G&K were dismantled and reorganized. Many former PMC members took on new roles as bounty hunters and ventured into the contamination zones. (在新苏联并入罗联,世界局势趋于平稳后,这些组织逐渐式微——大量小型P.M.C.直接解散,大型P.M.C.格里芬解体重组,不少原P.M.C.成员转职为赏金猎人,进入污染区。)

Today, PMCs generally operate on a smaller scale, primarily engaged in civilian tasks such as escort and security services, and are directly overseen by the Non-Military Forces Administration, which is affiliated with the URNC. (如今,P.M.C.多以小体量存在,受雇从事护送、安保等民间工作,并受到罗联设立的管理机关——非军事力量管理局的直接监管。)

B.R.I.E.F. (赏金猎人权益拓展及推进协会)

This profit-oriented organization coordinates bounty hunters operating in the contamination zones and manages the allocation of resources on a large scale. Its full name is the "Bounty Hunter Rights Expansion Federation", and its current president is Easley. (以盈利为目的,统筹在污染区活动的赏金猎人、进行宏观资源调配的赏金猎人服务机构。全称为“赏金猎人权益拓展及推进协会”,现任会长为伊斯雷。)

Following the establishment of the URNC, a large number of bounty hunters have emerged, primarily due to the mass disbandment or reorganization of PMCs. Against this backdrop, B.R.I.E.F. has gradually expanded and has now become the de facto highest governing body for bounty hunters. However, B.R.I.E.F. does not directly manage bounty hunters; rather, they share a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship. (罗联成立后,以P.M.C.大批量解散或重组、个人小型团队为主的赏金猎人大量出现为背景,B.R.I.E.F.逐渐发展壮大,现已成为赏金猎人名义上的最高管理机构,但其并不直接管理赏金猎人,二者属于互惠互利的共生关系。)

Bounty Hunters registered with B.R.I.E.F. can accept commissions through its platform, while B.R.I.E.F. charges service fees to maintain its operations. (在B.R.I.E.F.进行注册的赏金猎人,可通过其平台接取委托,而B.R.I.E.F.则收取服务费用来维持运转。)

Due to its relatively formal commission review process, secure commission platform, and abundant sources of commissions, B.R.I.E.F. continues to be widely accepted and welcomed by the vast majority of bounty hunters, despite the fees it charges. (由于B.R.I.E.F.设有相对正规的委托审核机制、安全的委托平台以及丰富的委托来源,即使收取费用,也依然受到绝大多数赏金猎人的欢迎。)

URNC (罗联)

The "Union of Rossartrist Nations Coalition", more commonly abbreviated as the URNC. (“罗克萨特主义合众国联盟”的简称。)

Before World War III, Raeder Albert Rossartre introduced the concept of the Dark Age and the World Government in the "Beilan Island Incident Investigation Report". This ideology later evolved into Rossartrism, which over the following decades, gradually became the mainstream value system recognized by most countries worldwide. (第三次世界大战前,雷德尔·阿尔伯特·罗克萨特在《北兰岛事件调查报告》中提出关于黑暗时代论和世界政府的思想,这一思想后续衍生和发展为罗克萨特主义。在之后的数十年中,罗克萨特主义逐渐成为世界上多数国家所认同的主流价值观。)

In 2064, the URNC was established. Currently, the URNC has become a immense political entity that controls over half of the world's territories. However, its practical control diminishes from the White Zones to the Black Zones. In the Black Zone, Red Zone and most of the Yellow Zones, the URNC holds only nominal authority. (2064年,罗联成立。目前,罗联已经成为了控制当前世界过半区域的超大型政治体。但实际上,其掌控力从白区向黑区逐步减弱,对于黑区、红区以及大部分黄区,罗联都只有名义上的控制权。)

To address this situation, the URNC began implementing a series of policies, the most significant of which is the Purification Project. The flagship of this initiative is the "European Collapse Radiation Contamination Zone Restoration and Revitalization Joint Development Agreement", signed with the Neo-Soviet Union in 2067. This Agreement aims to manage Collapse radiation pollution, expand habitable areas for humanity, and accelerate the rebuilding of civilization to ensure its survival. (为了应对这种局面,罗联开始推行一系列政策,其中最重要的一项,就是净化工程。而净化工程的代表,就是与新苏联于2067年签订的《欧洲坍塌辐射污染区恢复及振兴联合开拓协议》。该协议旨在治理坍塌辐射污染、扩大人类可生活面积,以期加快文明重建、保证文明存续。)

As these initiatives continue to be implemented, the URNC's standing and credibility among the public are steadily rising. (基于各项举措的施行,罗联在民众心中的地位与可信度正在逐步攀升。)

Varjager (瓦良格帮)

An outlaw organization active in the contamination zones, surviving by raiding transport convoys and plundering goods. (活跃在污染区,以洗劫运输车、掠夺财物为生的强盗组织。)

Initially, they were just a group of ruthless bandits acting independently. However, under the leadership of their current leader, they quickly shown signs of becoming more organized, with successful cooperation relationships established between different groups, though the overall structure remains loose. (最初只是一群各自为营的凶残匪徒,在经历过现任头领的整顿后,在很短的时间内初现组织化,各个分队之间成功建立起了合作关系,但结构依旧松散。)

Varjagers often operate in groups, known for their brutal and aggressive approach, leaving chaos and destruction in their wake. Varjagers pose a significant threat to residents, underground brokers, bounty hunters, and other groups in the contamination zones, making them one of the core unstable factors in these areas. (瓦良格帮往往成群结队地出现,行事风格粗鲁强悍,所到之处一片狼藉,是污染区居民、暗商、赏金猎人等群体的心腹大患,也是污染区的核心不稳定因素之一。)

ELID (生骸)

Animals that have undergone severe mutations due to excessive exposure to Collapse radiation, leading to Eurosky Low-Emission Infectious Disease (E.L.I.D.), are collectively referred to as ELIDs. Depending on the source of their transformation, ELIDs exhibit varying behavioral patterns, but generally share traits of aggression and a propensity for violence. As a result, ELIDs have become a primary source of instability in the contamination zones, causing the deaths of countless underground brokers and bounty hunters. (因承受过量坍塌辐射而罹患E.L.I.D.,进而产生重度病变的动物统称。生骸根据其转化源头,拥有不同的行为习惯,但整体具有趋向于狂暴、富有攻击性的特征。因此,生骸成为了污染区的核心不稳定因素之一,无数暗商与赏金猎人因其丧命。)

As the global situation gradually stabilizes, research on ELIDs continues. Current data indicates the existence of a highly dangerous type of ELID, which often exhibits multiple biological traits. Due to insufficient information, the origin and cause of these ELIDs remain unclear. To distinguish them from regular ELIDs, scholars have collectively named them "Boojum". (随着世界局势的逐步稳定,针对生骸的研究也在不断进行,根据当前资料表明,存在一类拥有极高危险性的生骸,其往往呈现出多种生物特征。因情报不足,这类生骸的成因与起源尚不明确。为区分它们与一般生骸,有关学者将其统称为“伯介姆”。)

S.F. / Sangvis Ferri (铁血工造)

The "Sangvis Ferri Industrial Manufacturing Company", also known simply as "Sangvis Ferri", is a veteran arms manufacturer established after the Beilan Island Incident. The company once supplied a significant amount of equipment to the Neo-Soviet Union military. (“铁血工业制造公司”的简称,也可简称为“铁血”,是在北兰岛事件后成立的老牌军火制造商,曾为新苏联军方提供了大量装备。)

With the advent of Doll technology, Sangvis Ferri sought to compete in the emerging Doll market against the leading manufacturer, IOP. To achieve this, Sangvis Ferri hired former 90WISH scientist Lycoris and supported his creation of the artificial intelligence "Elisa". However, following the Butterfly Incident, Lycoris was killed, and the Sangvis Ferri Dolls were no longer under human control. Instead, they became an autonomous force under the leadership of the "Mastermind" Elisa, continuously sparking violent conflicts. (随着自律人形技术的出现,为与人形制造业的龙头企业I.O.P竞争新兴自律人形市场,铁血聘请了前90wish科学家莱柯瑞斯,并支持其制造出了人工智能“伊莱莎”。后因蝴蝶事件,莱柯身亡,铁血人形不再受人类控制,转而在“主脑”伊莱莎的领导下成为自治势力,不断引发流血冲突。)

In the ensuing years, the Commander from the then-large PMC, Griffin, had countless confrontations with Sangvis Ferri. (之后数年间,当时还在大型P.M.C. 格里芬就职的指挥官,与其有过无数次交锋。)

Now, the Sangvis Ferri rebellion has been completely quelled, and the Sangvis Ferri Industrial Manufacturing Company has been dismantled. All of its technology patents have automatically entered the public domain, and its physical assets have been redistributed. Currently, there are no longer any technologies, products, or factories nominally associated with Sangvis Ferri on the market. The name "Sangvis Ferri" is gradually fading into obscurity. (如今,铁血叛乱彻底平定,铁血工业制造公司解体,其所有的产品技术专利自动进入公有领域,实体资产也进行了重新分配。目前,市面上已经不存在任何名义上属于铁血的技术、产品或是工厂。而“铁血工造”这个名字,也逐渐被淡忘。)

Underground Broker (暗商)

Underground brokers are transporters who operate between the contamination zones and the security zones, trading and exchanging goods through unregulated and unofficial channels. With the rise of bounty hunters, the number of these brokers surged, leading people to distinguish them from ordinary merchants by referring to them as "underground brokers". (往来于污染区与安全区,以不受监管的非正规渠道买卖交换物资的运输业者。在赏金猎人兴起后,这类从业者数量激增,为了区别他们与一般商人,民众开始将其称为“暗商”。)

There is significant variation among individual brokers, with some of the more renowned ones being referred to as "Surrogates" within the underground broker community. (暗商个体间差异极大,部分声名斐然的暗商被称为暗商中的“代行人”。)

As the backbone of the contamination zones' economic system, these brokers favor bartering. However, to facilitate easier exchange of goods, the Surrogates have collaborated with hunters to create a currency known as "Collapse pieces", made from Collapse crystals, which circulate to some extent within the contamination zones. (作为污染区经济体系的枢纽,暗商们崇尚以物易物,但为了方便物资交换,代行人们与狩猎者们合作,以所获坍塌结晶制造了一定程度上流通于污染区中的货币“坍塌晶条”。)

Additionally, to facilitate cross-regional trade, the Surrogates established a relatively stable underground broker network, a precious communication resource in the contamination zones. Shortly thereafter, the secret online trading platform "Underground Quarter" was born, based on this broker network. (此外,为了方便跨区域交易,代行人们还搭建了相对稳定的暗商网络,这在污染区中是非常珍贵的通信资源。之后不久,基于暗商网络的隐秘线上交易平台“暗行”也应运而生。)

The goods and services sold by underground brokers are incredibly diverse, and their networks are intricate and widespread, with their presence even reaching places like the Red Zones. (暗商们售卖的商品与服务千奇百怪,人脉关系错综复杂,甚至在红区这种地方,也能见到他们的身影。)

Girard Group (吉拉尔集团)

The Girard Group is a large industrial conglomerate based in Odesa Oblast, primarily engaged in machinery production and manufacturing, with strong capabilities in research and development. The group operates multiple industrial production lines, with a product range that spans from consumer goods to military equipment, covering a wide array of markets. (地处奥德卅州的大型工业集团,主营业务为机械生产制造,研发、制造实力强悍。该集团下设多条工业生产线,产品范围从日用到军工,覆盖面极广。)

As a native enterprise of Odesa, Girard's products hold a significant market share within the Oblast. In recent years, the Girard Group has been attempting to expand its influence, aiming to extend its reach from Odesa to surrounding areas, with Odesa as the central hub. (作为奥德卅州的本土企业,吉拉尔生产的产品在奥德卅州有着极高的市场占有率。近年来,吉拉尔集团还在尝试以奥德卅州为中心,辐射周边多个区域。)

In addition to its regular business operations, the Girard Group has established several charitable foundations. Its current chairman, Rurik Girard, has also entered the political arena, serving as a member of the Parliament of Odesa Oblast to advocate for Odesa's interests. (除常规经营外,吉拉尔集团还设立了多项慈善基金,其现任董事长留里克·吉拉尔更是步入政坛,作为奥德卅州州政府议员参与政治活动,为奥德卅州争取利益。)

Over the years of continuous development, the Girard Group has forged close ties with the Odesa Government, making significant contributions to the advancement of the Purification Project. (在持续发展的数年中,吉拉尔集团与奥德卅州州政府建立了紧密的联系,在净化工程的推进上,该集团做出了相当突出的贡献。)

Thanks to its outstanding achievements and image-building efforts, the Girard Group has earned widespread public support in Odesa Oblast, earning a well-deserved reputation as a national enterprise in the hearts of the residents. (凭借优秀的实绩与形象塑造,吉拉尔集团在奥德卅州获得了广泛的民望,成为了居民们心中当之无愧的民族企业。)

Elmo (艾莫号.)

The Commander's vehicle for operations. (指挥官拥有的陆地行动单元。)

Originally a Griffin asset, the Commander took it upon leaving Griffin to use as a vehicle in the contamination zones. (原本是格里芬的资产,指挥官在离开格里芬时将其开走,作为自己在污染区中行动的载具。)

Elmo has a massive carrying capacity and a complex structure, featuring various functional spaces such as an ops room, engine room, refitting room, depot, storage compartment, and additionally, recreational spaces like a dormitory to enhance the well-being of the Elmo's crew. (艾莫号载量巨大,结构复杂,设有指挥室、引擎室、整备室、格纳库、仓库等一系列功能空间,另外还有诸如休息室一类能够为艾莫号成员提高幸福感的休闲空间。)

Great Wall Railway (长城列车.)

Formally known as the "Self-Propelled Multifunctional Decontamination and Purification Railway Vehicle System", it originates from military intercontinental armored trains. It is one of the primary facilities used in the implementation of the Purification Project. (全称为“自走式多功能除染净化铁道车辆系统”,脱胎于军用洲际装甲列车,因此也被称作“长城列车”,是推行净化工程所应用的主要设施之一。)

When fully expanded, the Great Wall Railway stands approximately 40 meters tall and functions as a mobile barrier wall with a track system for mobility. To decontaminate isolated areas, the Great Wall Railway must work together with mobile purification towers as it lacks the ability to purify Collapse radiation on its own. (完全状态的长城列车高度约40米,是一种可利用轨道进行移动的隔离墙。由于长城列车本身并不具有净化坍塌辐射的功能,在实际应用时,需要配合移动式净化塔,两者共同机动完成所隔离区域的净化工作。)

Collapse Crystal (坍塌结晶.)

When Collapse particles release Collapse radiation, the materials they contact get assimilated and then deposit into silicon-like crystals. (坍塌粒子在释放坍塌辐射时,其接触物被坍塌辐射同化,进而沉积生长出的硅状结晶。)

In the absence of external forces, Collapse crystals typically appear as clusters resembling crystals. After removing Collapse radiation using purification technology, these silicon-like materials are no longer affected by Collapse radiation and exhibit complete resistance to it.(在不受外力影响的情况下,坍塌结晶大多表现为类水晶的晶簇状。在使用净化技术除去坍塌辐射后,这种类水晶的硅状物将不再被坍塌辐射影响,表现出对坍塌辐射的完全抗性。)

Utilizing products made from these Collapse crystals, humans can survive under high concentrations of Collapse radiation. (借助这类具备完全抗性的坍塌结晶制造品,人类能够在高浓度坍塌辐射条件下生存。)

Collapse Epiphyllum (坍塌昙花.)

Transformed from certain vine and herbaceous plants after they are infected with E.L.I.D., though the transformation probability is relatively low. (部分藤本和草本植物在感染E.L.I.D.后,较低概率转化而成的植物统称。)

Collapse Epiphyllums mostly grow in low-lying areas, forming extensive, continuous, and uniform plant clusters. When Collapse Epiphyllums are not in their flowering period, the radiation levels in their growing areas are significantly lower than the surroundings; but during their flowering period, the radiation levels increase sharply. (坍塌昙花大多生长在地势较低的区域中,表现为广阔连续且风格趋同的植物集群。非花期时,其所在区域辐射浓度明显低于周边,花期时,此区域辐射浓度会急剧升高。)

Although their species may differ, all such plants in the same area have the same flowering period, which is very brief. Because of their shared short flowering period, these plants are referred to as "Collapse Epiphyllums". (虽品种不同,但同一区域的所有植物花期相同,且花期持续时间非常短暂。因其相同的、短暂的花期,此类植物被通称为“坍塌昙花”。)

Collapse Epiphyllums are typically found in areas with higher concentrations of Collapse radiation. Some institutions are presently engaged in the artificial cultivation of Collapse Epiphyllums. (坍塌昙花往往分布于坍塌辐射浓度较高的区域,目前也存在部分机构正在尝试人工培育坍塌昙花。)