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IOP Wiki:How To/GFL/T-Doll

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The main page for Tactical Dolls from Girls' Frontline use Template:PlayableUnit. Consult this page to see parameters details.

Core Page Examples[edit]

  • Simple example of craftable+droppable Doll with exclusive equipment and one costume: P38
  • Complex example of a reward Doll with a Neural Upgrade, multiple costumes, unusual equipment compatibility, equipment set, story and strategy subpages: ST AR-15
  • T-Doll with appearances in other games: Type 95

Main article[edit]


  • Portrait: See #Files
  • Gun Information: General information, details can be added later
  • Type, Rarity, ID number, Game Information: Taken from the in-game profile (ID can also be found in assettexttable.ab>gun.txt)
  • Artist: Found in-game (and in assettexttable>gun), should be displayed with Template:artist name. Can be a list if some costumes are from different artists (see assettexttable>skin for skis with a different artist). When the artist is not indicated in-game, link to Artist:--
  • Voice Actor: Found in-game (and in assettexttable>gun), should be displayed with Template:voice actor name.
  • Released on: Should use Template:doll_server_alias to list the name of the Doll on a server where it differs from the others.
  • Chibi: See #Files


Usually not displayed, the summary parameter can be defined to provide disambiguation links to topics with identical names.

Corresponding characters[edit]

For Dolls that appear in other games (identity confirmed or otherwise), use the PNC (for Project Neural Cloud) or GFL2 (for Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium) parameters with the title of the corresponding article to display a quick link.

How to obtain[edit]

Taken from the in-game profile, and from introduction post on social media or in-game observation if there is a production timer. All methods of obtention should be indicated, even if they were time-limited.

Craftable Dolls need to use the Normal and/or Heavy indicators.

Dolls obtained by beating certain enemies and completing certain maps need to use the Drop indicator. A Doll may have dropped from a certain time-limited event, but be included in a different drop pool in the Campaign. Both past and present drop pools must be indicated, as well as the server where this applies. For examples, see SPP-1 and P22.

All other cases (starting Dolls, career rewards...) should use the Reward indicator.

Exclusive Equipment and Union Skill[edit]

Automatically set based on the parameters of equipment and union skill pages.

Equipment sets[edit]

Taken from in-game profile.


Min/max stats, tiles and tiles passive must be taken from the game.

Equipment compatibilities are automatically set with the Doll type. Unusual equipment compatibilities can be defined.

Ranking radar chart is generated automatically.

Skills rely on information declared in a table using Template:SkillPanel. The table must be set in subpages of the T-Doll's articles (examples: M4A1/skilldata, M4A1/skilldata/mod1). This is also where the skill icon will be defined.

Weapon Background[edit]

Free-form text. References are appreciated.

Character Design[edit]

Free-form text. Can contain a description of the T-Dolls' appearance and point out key design traits. Can also contain remarks from the artist, if a reference can be provided.


Free-form text, but only used when a #Story subpage would be too short.

Character Info[edit]

Transcription of the official character introduction from social media (if it exists).


The gallery parameter should contain only the portraits and full-body illustrations. Costume names should be indicated but any other costume information must be added to Skin Catalogue. Any other file should be listed in the galleryAlt parameter.


Should be presented as a bullet point list. Can include trivia about the real-world weapon that are not part of the core Weapon Background section.


These are the pages accessed with the tab at the top of the main page.


Free-form description of the strengths and use of the T-Doll in the gameplay.


Should only exist if there is enough material to cover (several substantial paragraphs). If not, use #Lore.

Usually organized this way:

  • Section detailing the character's personality, relationships and trivia that wouldn't fit anywhere else
  • Coverage of involvement in the main story
  • Coverage of side stories (seasonal events, collab events, costume stories, Neural Upgrade stories, Griffin Memories)
  • Transcripts of in-game mails sent by this Doll


A simple quote subpage is based on Template:QuotesSubPage. The character parameter is used to find the correct audio files if they have been uploaded and correctly named, see #Audio files.

The text, which is already matched with its parameter, should be taken from game files CharacterVoice and NewCharacterVoice from the assettextes archive file.


Naming conventions[edit]

Some files must respect naming conventions when uploaded because they will be displayed automatically based on their name.

Any character illustration besides the default appearance is designated "costume" and numbered (usually in the order of addition to the game). A T-Doll with a Neural Upgrade and three costumes would have one basic set of files bearing her name, then four sets of files bearing her name with the tag “costume1” through “costume4”.

Where to find files[edit]

Aside from promo images and misc illustrations, all files must be extracted directly from the game. Do not reuse files found elsewhere to ensure they are unmodified and up to date.

Use any of the methods and tools documented by the community to extract the files from the archive files named after the T-Doll. Or ask in our Discord.


Naming Convention
  • <Dollname>_S.png (base)
  • <Dollname>_costume<Number>_S.png (costumes)

There must be one portrait per illustration. The base portrait appears in the infobox and in the main gallery. Portraits for Neural Upgrade should also appear in the main gallery. Portraits for other costumes will be displayed when hovering over the link to the Doll's page when Template:doll name is set to display a costume.

For Dolls with Neural Upgrades, the rarity color shown on the portrait background should be the base rarity for costumes, but the max rarity for the Neural Upgrade illustration.

Portraits are found in the character's illustration archive file, or the character's costume archive file. We use an ImageMagick script to crop the files to specifications, ask for this tool on our Discord server.

Full-body illustrations[edit]

Naming Convention
  • <Dollname>.png (base)
  • <Dollname>_D.png (base, damaged)
  • <Dollname>_costume<Number>.png (costume)
  • <Dollname>_costume<Number>_D.png (costume, damaged)

There is one basic and one damaged full-body illustration per Doll and costume. They are stored in the character's illustration archive file (or the character's costume archive file) and should all be displayed in the main gallery. The base illustration will also appear on the page's background.

There can be variants of these full-body illustrations that must be displayed in the alt gallery:

  • Censored versions (may be denoted with he in the game files). These may be available only on certain servers.
  • Story-only versions, especially versions without weapon and with different facial expressions.

Skill icons[edit]

Naming Convention
  • Icon_Skill_<Original filename>.png

These are defined in the skills subpages. The original file name should be kept as certain skill icons are reused for other Dolls.

These icons are compiled in the spritesui archive file.

Chibi animation files[edit]

Naming Convention
  • Base fileset
    • <Dollname>_chibi_spritemap.png (base spritemap)
    • <Dollname>_chibi_skel.skel (base skeleton data)
    • <Dollname>_chibi_atlas.txt (base atlas data)
  • Dorm fileset
    • <Dollname>_chibi_dorm_spritemap.png (dorm spritemap)
    • <Dollname>_chibi_dorm_skel.skel (dorm skeleton data)
    • <Dollname>_chibi_dorm_atlas.txt (dorm atlas data)
  • Costume fileset
    • <Dollname>_costume<Number>_chibi_spritemap.png (costume spritemap)
    • <Dollname>_costume<Number>_chibi_skel.skel (costume skeleton data)
    • <Dollname>_costume<Number>_chibi_atlas.txt (costume atlas data)
  • Costume+Dorm fileset
    • <Dollname>_costume<Number>_chibi_dorm_spritemap.png (dorm costume spritemap)
    • <Dollname>_costume<Number>_chibi_dorm_skel.skel (dorm costume skeleton data)
    • <Dollname>_costume<Number>_chibi_dorm_atlas.txt (dorm costume atlas data)

Each chibi uses three files: a spritemap (image with each chibi segment), a skeleton file (animation data) and an atlas (links spritemap and skeleton).

All chibi files are kept in a dedicated character archive file (or character costume archive file). The skel and atlas needs to be renamed, including their format to work with IOPWiki's PixiJS implementation.

Some Dolls have different chibi files when they appear in combat and when they appear in the dorms. If you find multiple spritemaps, skels or atlases in an archive, the files with an uppercase “R” suffix are the dorm versions. These should be uploaded with the _dorm tag and there doesn't need to be a full set of dorm files, the chibi display will automatically mix and match the files as needed.

For costumes, you must create a parameter costume<Number> that matches the files you uploaded and give it the name of the costume before it can appear in the chibi costume selector.

Rarely, some chibis like Hanyang Type 88's White Comet, Bearer of Wishes use more than one spritemap. These are not supported.

Other artworks[edit]

These should be displayed in the alt gallery:

  • Promotional images: includes the introductory profile and occasional seasonal artworks shared on Weibo. A link to the post should be provided on the file's page.
  • Login backgrounds where the Doll appears: can be either taken from the game or from Weibo, depending on which one has better quality. If taken from Weibo, a link to the post should be provided on the file's page.
  • Concept artworks from the Doll's artist (source url mandatory on the image's page).

Audio files[edit]

Naming Convention
  • Unchanged from original file

When the voice pack has been downloaded in game, voice files are downloaded in acb archive format. There are well-known tools available to extract the tracks into conventional audio files.

The files should be converted to the ogg format before upload and uploaded with their original file name. If the Doll's file name is different from her article name, Template:QuotesSubPage can be configured to look for the file name instead. See ZiP .22/Quotes for a configuration example.

Video files[edit]

Naming Convention
  • <Dollname>_Skill_CutIn.mp4

The cut-in animations for Assimilated Units are stored as usm files. There are well-known tools available to extract this format into conventional video files.

Skill cut-ins should be converted to mp4 and displayed in the gallery of the Assimilated Unit subpage. See Executioner/Assimilated for an example.

What about Live2D?[edit]

Updating the Live2D web viewer on the wiki to restore compatibility with newer file types will require substantial work from an experienced developer and this project has not been started.