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Skin Catalogue

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T-Doll skin (or costume, or cosplay) is a form of customization that can be given to T-Dolls. Main source to obtain skins is through limited procurement pool on Dormitory or buying it directly from Kalina by using or even real currency through Shop. However, many limited events can also provide T-Doll skin for free.

This page lists all skins that are available in the game in categorical view, along with their cost. The lists were made based on progress on CN server, so there might be slight alteration when it comes to foreign servers.

Skin List



How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool RF WA2000WA2000WA2000 (L2D) Haunted Castle 600 or 8
RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield (Animated) Classic Witch 200 or 5
AR G11G11G11 NEET Zombie 200 or 5
SMG VectorVectorVector Kitty Paws 100 or 3
SMG MP5MP5MP5 Nocturnal Familiar 100 or 3
MG M1919A4M1919A4M1919A4 Carmilla 100 or 3
Shop Package HG Mk23Mk23Mk23 Impish Sweetheart 988 (50) or 5
HG MakarovMakarovMakarov Pumpkin Misha 388 (20) or 3
SMG m45m45m45 Candy Express 588 (30) or 3
Event Reward SMG Type 64Type 64Type 64 Witch from Afar Monthly Login bonus or 3

Casual Wear 1

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool MG M1918M1918M1918 Bunny Girl 200 or 5
SMG Micro UziMicro UziMicro Uzi Woken-up Idiot 100 or 3
HG MP-446MP-446MP-446 Boisterous Rogue 100 or 3

Casual Wear 2

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG Grizzly MkVGrizzly MkVGrizzly MkV Weekend Cop 200 or 5
RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield Huntress' Frock 200 or 5
MG M1919A4M1919A4M1919A4 Partying Sweetheart 100 or 3
SMG Type 64Type 64Type 64 Water Gown 100 or 3


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool SMG SuomiSuomiSuomi(L2D) Korvantunturi Pixie 600 or 8
RF WA2000WA2000WA2000(L2D) Date In the Snow 600 or 8
MG MG5MG5MG5 Crimson Guardian 200 or 5
HG Colt RevolverColt RevolverColt Revolver Wish Upon A Star 100 or 3
RF SVDSVDSVD Winter Fairy 100 or 3
RF M21M21M21 Xmas At Home 100 or 3
Shop Package AR FALFALFAL Winter Supply Operation 1488 (50) or 5
RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield O Holy Night 988 (30) or 5
RF M14M14M14 Xmas Parade 1488 (20) or 3
Event Reward RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20 Reindeer Monthly Login bonus or 5


Lunar New Year

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR Type 95Type 95Type 95 Jade Noisette Rose 600 or 8
HG NZ75NZ75NZ75 Golden Coreopsis 200 or 5
RF M99M99M99 Cyclamen 200 or 5
HG Type 59Type 59Type 59 Fairy Primrose 100 or 3
Shop Package AR Type 97Type 97Type 97 Peony Chief 2588 (100) or 5
Event Reward AR Type 56-1Type 56-1Type 56-1 Scarlet Sage Arctic Warfare event crate or 5
HG MP-446MP-446MP-446 Sunflower Arctic Warfare event crate or 3


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG Welrod MkIIWelrod MkIIWelrod MkII English in Love 200 or 5
SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45 Just This Time 100 or 3
SMG UMP9UMP9UMP9 Am I Late? 100 or 3
RF PTRDPTRDPTRD Romantic Mission 100 or 3

White Day

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield(L2D) Lifelong Protector 600 or 8
AR FALFALFAL The Big Day 200 or 5
HG P7P7P7 Pinky Swear 200 or 5
HG TokarevTokarevTokarev A Couple's Journey 100 or 3
SMG PPSh-41PPSh-41PPSh-41 Moment of Vows 100 or 3
Shop Package MG PKPKPK By Your Side 1888 (50) or 5
Event Reward SMG Sten MkIISten MkIISten MkII Reciprocated Love Bingo Event reward or 3

School Uniform

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG M950AM950AM950A Ace on Duty 200 or 5
MG MG4MG4MG4 Survival Club Member 200 or 5
AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15 Literary Girl 200 or 5
AR 6P626P626P62 Battle Sailor 100 or 3


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR HK416HK416HK416 Starry Cocoon 600 or 8
HG M950AM950AM950A Concert Diva 200 or 5
RF WA2000WA2000WA2000 Ballroom Interlude 200 or 5
RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield Queen In Radiance 100 or 3
MG M1918M1918M1918 Tender Nocturne 100 or 3
Shop Package RF Mosin-NagantMosin-NagantMosin-Nagant(Animated) Moonlit Ocean 1888 (50) or 5
SMG SR-3MPSR-3MPSR-3MP Black Rabbit Macchiato 2588 (100) or 5
SMG SkorpionSkorpionSkorpion Crimson Starlet 1288 (1) or 3

Children Day

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG Grizzly MkVGrizzly MkVGrizzly MkV Transform! Teddy Bear! 200 or 5
RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield Onion Gunner 200 or 5
MG NegevNegevNegev Little Vagrant 200 or 5
SMG MP40MP40MP40 Thumbellina 100 or 3
Event Reward AR G36G36G36 Petite Waitress Point Event reward or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool SMG SuomiSuomiSuomi(L2D) Midsummer Pixie 600 or 8
HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN Cruise Queen 200 or 5
RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield Stirring Mermaid 200 or 5
RF G28G28G28 Tropical Storm 200 or 5
RF M1 GarandM1 GarandM1 Garand Beach Princess 100 or 3
Shop Package RF WA2000WA2000WA2000 Operation Manta Ray 1888 (100) or 5
RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20 Operation Blazing Sun 1388 (50) or 5
AR Type 95Type 95Type 95 Summer Cicada 2468 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward SG M37M37M37 Summer Parader Point Event reward or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool SMG G36CG36CG36C(L2D) 600 or 8
AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14(Animated) 200 or 5
MG PKPPKPPKP(Animated) 200 or 5
SMG MP5MP5MP5 Sleepless Begonias 200 or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR 9A-919A-919A-91 Bullets Cafe 200 or 5
AR TAR-21TAR-21TAR-21 Night at the Bar 200 or 5
AR G3G3G3 Battlefield Patissier 100 or 3
MG MG3MG3MG3 100 or 3
Event Reward MG M249 SAWM249 SAWM249 SAW Point Event reward or 3


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG Welrod MkIIWelrod MkIIWelrod MkII(L2D) Lord of Darkness 600 or 8
SMG Type 79Type 79Type 79(Animated) 200 or 5
HG P7P7P7 Demonic Gunslinger Nun 200 or 5
HG SpitfireSpitfireSpitfire The Last Alice 200 or 5
RF Super SASSSuper SASSSuper SASS Wolfwalker 100 or 3
Shop Package RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward AR FNCFNCFNC Bingo Event reward or 3

Princes Frontline

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool SMG ThompsonThompsonThompson(L2D) 600 or 8
MG MG5MG5MG5 Wild Hunter 200 or 5
RF PzB 39PzB 39PzB 39 Burst Rider 100 or 3
AR G36G36G36 100 or 3
Shop Package MG AEK-999AEK-999AEK-999(Animated) Peerless Yakuza Rider 1588 (1) or 3
HG ContenderContenderContender 1988 (1) or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR RFBRFBRFB(L2D) 600 or 8
AR G11G11G11(Animated) Most Beautiful Gift of Mine 200 or 5
HG CZ75CZ75CZ75 200 or 5
MG M1918M1918M1918 The Christmas You Wished For 100 or 3
MG AmeliAmeliAmeli 100 or 3
Shop Package AR Zas M21Zas M21Zas M21 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward RF OTs-44OTs-44OTs-44 Little Reindeer in the Forest Point Event reward or 3


Phantom Thief

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG NZ75NZ75NZ75 ThanX! & Go2Hell! 200 or 5
RF M99M99M99 Rabbit Squad 200 or 5
SG Super-ShortySuper-ShortySuper-Shorty 100 or 3
SG RMB-93RMB-93RMB-93 100 or 3
Event Reward HG SPP-1SPP-1SPP-1 Login Event reward or 3

Lunar New Year

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool RF DSR-50DSR-50DSR-50(L2D) 600 or 8
SG M590M590M590(Animated) 200 or 5
RF JS05JS05JS05 Jade Rain Lily 200 or 5
RF Type 81 CarbineType 81 CarbineType 81 Carbine White Camellia 100 or 3
Shop Package AR ART556ART556ART556 1699 (50) or 5
SG S.A.T.8S.A.T.8S.A.T.8 1999 (100) or 5
HG Mk23Mk23Mk23 Honey Sweet Flower 1299 (50) or 3
Event Reward RF Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88 Bingo Event reward or

White Day

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool SMG VectorVectorVector(L2D) Love Is Blind 600 or 8
HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN Smile of Acceptance 200 or 5
SMG MP5MP5MP5 A Small Step 200 or 5
AR Type 56-1Type 56-1Type 56-1 As One, Forever Entwined 200 or 5
RF SV-98SV-98SV-98 100 or 3
Shop Package AR G36G36G36(Animated) 1888 (50 and 1) or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR K2K2K2 200 or 5
HG K5K5K5 100 or 3
AR Type 63Type 63Type 63 Yellow Phoenix 100 or 3


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG Grizzly MkVGrizzly MkVGrizzly MkV(L2D) Starry Night Prom 600 or 8
RF DSR-50DSR-50DSR-50(L2D) 600 or 8
SMG UMP9UMP9UMP9(Animated) Song of the World 200 or 5
SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45(Animated) Diamond Flower 200 or 5
SMG EVO 3EVO 3EVO 3 100 or 3
Shop Package HG Welrod MkIIWelrod MkIIWelrod MkII(Animated) Twilight Menace 1999 (100 and) or 5
AR Zas M21Zas M21Zas M21(Animated) 2580 (100 and 1) or 5
HG Colt RevolverColt RevolverColt Revolver Queen of Miracles 1588 (1) or 3

Children Day

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN(L2D) Fenfen's Adventures 600 or 8
RF Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38(Animated) 200 or 5
SMG C-MSC-MSC-MS 200 or 5
HG ThunderThunderThunder 100 or 3
SMG PP-19PP-19PP-19 Little Frog Princess 100 or 3
Shop Package RF Carcano M1891Carcano M1891Carcano M1891(Animated) 2588 (100 and 1) or 5

Maid Training

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20(L2D) Aristocrat Experience Service 600 or 8
HG M950AM950AM950A(Animated) Housework Training 200 or 5
HG ContenderContenderContender(Animated) 200 or 5
RF G28G28G28 Wiesnbier 100 or 3
RF Gepard M1Gepard M1Gepard M1 100 or 3


  • This batch come with Costume Story and has Notebook entry. See Baywatch for more details.
How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR G41G41G41(L2D) Beach Punk 2062 600 or 8
SG AA-12AA-12AA-12(Animated) Never Rising Sun 200 or 5
AR AK-12AK-12AK-12 200 or 5
SG SPAS-12SPAS-12SPAS-12 100 or 3
HG P38P38P38 High Sorceress Apprentice 100 or 3
Shop Package AR G36G36G36(Animated) 1299 or 3
SMG MP7MP7MP7 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
AR FALFALFAL FAL's Summer 1699 (50) or 5
AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 1999 (100) or 5
Event Reward MG AmeliAmeliAmeli Point Event reward or 3

Metal Band

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR G11G11G11 Dragon Junior 200 or 5
MG MG5MG5MG5 Knight of Pestilence 200 or 5
SG M1887M1887M1887 Law of Exorcism 200 or 5
MG Type 80Type 80Type 80 Metal Butterfly 100 or 3
SG M1897M1897M1897 100 or 3


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool SG S.A.T.8S.A.T.8S.A.T.8(L2D) 600 or 8
AR MDRMDRMDR(Animated) 200 or 5
RF TAC-50TAC-50TAC-50(Animated) Elven Demon Huntress 200 or 5
SMG F1F1F1 Black Magic Academy 100 or 3
MG BrenBrenBren Jack o'Three 100 or 3
Event Reward AR FAMASFAMASFAMAS Bingo Event reward or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool RF JS05JS05JS05 Parting Melody 200 or 5
MG HK21HK21HK21 200 or 5
SG USAS-12USAS-12USAS-12 VRAIN Power 200 or 5
HG HK45HK45HK45 Miracle☆Start 100 or 3
Shop Package SMG PM-06PM-06PM-06 Soaring Magic 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward HG Nagant RevolverNagant RevolverNagant Revolver Point Event reward or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG Px4 StormPx4 StormPx4 Storm(L2D) Queen of Christmas Morning 600 or 8
HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN A Blue Christmas 200 or 5
AR ART556ART556ART556 200 or 5
SG FP-6FP-6FP-6 Satellite of Love 200 or 5
Shop Package SMG P90P90P90(Animated) 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward AR G36G36G36 Limited Shop exchange or 5


New Year

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR Howa Type 64Howa Type 64Howa Type 64(L2D) 600 or 8
RF Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38(Animated) 200 or 5
AR AS ValAS ValAS Val Fireworks of Dreams 100 or 3
MG Type 62Type 62Type 62 New Year's Garden Party 100 or 3
Shop Package RF Carcano M1891Carcano M1891Carcano M1891(Animated) 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
SMG Type 100Type 100Type 100 1888 (1) or 5
SG M1014M1014M1014 1288 (50) or 3

Lunar New Year

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14(L2D) 600 or 8
SMG AK-74UAK-74UAK-74U Lily of the Valley 200 or 5
MG Type 88Type 88Type 88 200 or 5
SMG MP5MP5MP5 Vietnamese Balm 200 or 5
HG CZ52CZ52CZ52 Southern Star 100 or 3
Shop Package RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward HG CZ75CZ75CZ75 Point Event reward or 5

White Day

  • This batch come with Costume Story and has Notebook entry. See Gun & Rose for more details.
How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool SMG SuomiSuomiSuomi(L2D) Mission for Happiness 600 or 8
HG Mk23Mk23Mk23(Animated) Conveyed Feelings 200 or 5
RF T-5000T-5000T-5000 100 or 3
RF Gepard M1Gepard M1Gepard M1 100 or 3
Shop Package SMG G36CG36CG36C(Animated) 2588 (100 and 1) or 5

Darkest Dungeon

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG ContenderContenderContender 200 or 5
SG SPAS-12SPAS-12SPAS-12 200 or 5
HG TokarevTokarevTokarev Griffin Dancer 100 or 3
Shop Package MG NegevNegevNegev Obsidian Princess 2588 (100 and 1) or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR K2K2K2(L2D) 600 or 8
AR AN-94AN-94AN-94(Animated) 200 or 5
RF M99M99M99(Animated) White Rabbit's Summer Party 200 or 5
HG K5K5K5 100 or 3
Shop Package AR AK-12AK-12AK-12(Animated) 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
SMG Type 79Type 79Type 79 1988 (1) or 5
RF G28G28G28 Moonlit Emerald 1588 (1) or 3
HG ThunderThunderThunder 1288 (50) or 3

Children Day

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR HK416HK416HK416(L2D) 600 or 8
SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45(Animated) Lop-Eared Rabbit Agent 200 or 5
SMG UMP9UMP9UMP9(Animated) Shiba Inu Escort 200 or 5
RF OTs-44OTs-44OTs-44 100 or 3
Shop Package AR K11K11K11 2588 (100 and 1) or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool RF R93R93R93(L2D) 600 or 8
SMG C-MSC-MSC-MS(Animated) 200 or 5
MG Type 88Type 88Type 88(Animated) 200 or 5
RF Type 4Type 4Type 4 100 or 3
SMG Z-62Z-62Z-62 Swimming Question 100 or 3
Shop Package MG LewisLewisLewis(Animated) 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward HG SerdyukovSerdyukovSerdyukov "Black Crow Lifeguard Far Side of the Sea shop exchange


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR ADSADSADS(Animated) Water-Coloured Youth 200 or 5
SG S.A.T.8S.A.T.8S.A.T.8(Animated) 200 or 5
AR OTs-12OTs-12OTs-12 Blossoming Flowers 100 or 3
MG M249 SAWM249 SAWM249 SAW 100 or 3
Event Reward AR G36G36G36 Point Event reward or 5

School Uniform

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG PA-15PA-15PA-15(L2D) 600 or 8
SMG SR-3MPSR-3MPSR-3MP(Animated) Special Attack Squad Leader Bunny 200 or 5
AR Type 97Type 97Type 97(Animated) The "Late to School" Performance 200 or 5
SG M590M590M590 100 or 3
SG M500M500M500 100 or 3
Shop Package AR Type 95Type 95Type 95(Animated) Pure White Graduation 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
HG Mk23Mk23Mk23 The Cats Song Announcement 1588 (1) or 3
SMG TMPTMPTMP 999 (50) or 3


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool SMG G36CG36CG36C(L2D) 600 or 8
RF QBU-88QBU-88QBU-88(L2D) 600 or 8
SG M870M870M870 Pumpkin Fortification 200 or 5
RF PSG-1PSG-1PSG-1 Phantom Assaulter 200 or 5
MG MG3MG3MG3 100 or 3
AR Model LModel LModel L Instant Midnight Execution 100 or 3
Shop Package SG Type 97 ShotgunType 97 ShotgunType 97 Shotgun 2180 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward RF KSVKKSVKKSVK Freaky Pandemic shop exchange

Race Queen

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool SG Saiga-12Saiga-12Saiga-12(L2D) 600 or 8
HG P22P22P22(Animated) Soaring Dash 200 or 5
MG UKM-2000UKM-2000UKM-2000 200 or 5
MG M2HBM2HBM2HB Blazing Tarmac 100 or 3
HG PPKPPKPPK Mach Tempest 100 or 3


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool MG LewisLewisLewis(L2D) 600 or 8
SG CAWSCAWSCAWS(Animated) 120 Winter Gifts 200 or 5
SMG Type 100Type 100Type 100 200 or 5
RF Gepard M1Gepard M1Gepard M1 100 or 3
Shop Package MG HK21HK21HK21 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward SMG Honey BadgerHoney BadgerHoney Badger Christmas Princess and Stony Pet A Snowy Nights Capriccio shop exchange


New Year

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool SMG SR-3MPSR-3MPSR-3MP(L2D) Shrine Maidens Super Lucky Draw 600 or 8
AR 9A-919A-919A-91 200 or 5
MG MG3MG3MG3 200 or 5
RF M1A1M1A1M1A1 100 or 3
RF FalconFalconFalcon 100 or 3
Shop Package AR G11G11G11(Animated) Lucky Mouse's Sleepy New Year 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
RF Type 4Type 4Type 4 1288 (50) or 5

Lunar New Year

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG PA-15PA-15PA-15(L2D) 600 or 8
SG DP-12DP-12DP-12(L2D) 600 or 8
AR T91T91T91 200 or 5
AR EM-2EM-2EM-2 100 or 3
MG MG34MG34MG34 100 or 3
Shop Package SMG JS 9JS 9JS 9 Kerria's Intimacy 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
MG MG36MG36MG36 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward HG SPP-1SPP-1SPP-1 Point Event reward

White Day

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG M950AM950AM950A(L2D) The Warbler and the Rose 600 or 8
RF Kar98kKar98kKar98k(L2D) 600 or 8
AR Zas M21Zas M21Zas M21(Animated) 200 or 5
HG MakarovMakarovMakarov A Certain Unscientific Sunflower 100 or 3
SG RMB-93RMB-93RMB-93 100 or 3
Shop Package HG Grizzly MkVGrizzly MkVGrizzly MkV Rainy Starry Night 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
HG StechkinStechkinStechkin 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward AR FNCFNCFNC The Photo Studio Mystery shop exchange

Pajama Party

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG PA-15PA-15PA-15 200 or 5
HG P30P30P30 200 or 5
AR A-91A-91A-91 200 or 5
SG NS2000NS2000NS2000 100 or 3
Shop Package SG AA-12AA-12AA-12 Smokeless Lollipop 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
Event Reward SMG PP-19-01PP-19-01PP-19-01 Point Event reward or 3


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14(L2D) 600 or 8
SG Saiga-12Saiga-12Saiga-12(L2D) 600 or 8
RF QBU-88QBU-88QBU-88 200 or 5
RF Zas M76Zas M76Zas M76 100 or 3
HG M1911M1911M1911 100 or 3
Shop Package RF M200M200M200 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
SMG RO635RO635RO635(Animated) 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
AR M4A1M4A1M4A1(Animated) 1888 (50 and 1) or 5
AR M4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD II(Animated) 1888 (50 and 1) or 5
AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15(Animated) Dreamscape Prisoner 1888 (50 and 1) or 5
AR M16A1M16A1M16A1(Animated) 1888 (50 and 1) or 5

Children Day

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR AK-AlfaAK-AlfaAK-Alfa(L2D) 600 or 8
HG HP-35HP-35HP-35(Animated) 200 or 5
RF T-5000T-5000T-5000 200 or 5
SMG EVO 3EVO 3EVO 3 100 or 3
Shop Package SMG X95X95X95 ( and ) or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool MG ZB-26ZB-26ZB-26(L2D) Cape of Fluttering Dreams 600 or 8
SMG JS 9JS 9JS 9(Animated) Orca's Journey 200 or 5
SMG PP-19PP-19PP-19 Freezing Summer 200 or 5
AR Ak 5Ak 5Ak 5 Southern Wind 200 or 5
RF FN-49FN-49FN-49 Umbrella Daydream 100 or 3
Shop Package RF SL8SL8SL8(Animated) Wave Crest 2588 (100 and 1)
SMG KAC-PDWKAC-PDWKAC-PDW Adoring Sweetheart 1888 (50 and 1)
Event Reward HG Astra RevolverAstra RevolverAstra Revolver Astra's Swimming Pool Float Far Side of the Sea shop reward


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20(L2D) Black Iron Heart 600 or 8
AR AUGAUGAUG(Animated) 200 or 5
MG Mk48Mk48Mk48(Animated) 100 or 5
RF Mosin-NagantMosin-NagantMosin-Nagant White Steel Edge 100 or 3
SG M1897M1897M1897 100 or 3

Edo Era

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool RF R93R93R93(L2D) 600 or 8
SMG Type 100Type 100Type 100(Animated) 200 or 5
MG MG5MG5MG5(Animated) Dark Tea Stalks 100 or 3
SG DP-12DP-12DP-12(Animated) 100 or 3
RF wz.29wz.29wz.29 100 or 3
Shop Package RF TabukTabukTabuk(Animated) ( and ) or 5
MG MG36MG36MG36(Animated) ( and ) or 5
Event Reward SMG IDWIDWIDW Point Event reward or


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool RF General LiuGeneral LiuGeneral Liu(L2D) 600 or 8
MG KordKordKord(Animated) 200 or 5
SMG CF05CF05CF05 100 or 3
AR M82M82M82 100 or 3
RF M21M21M21 Gatekeeper of Mystic Domain 100 or 3
Shop Package AR Type 97Type 97Type 97 Gretel the Witch 2588 (100 and 1) or
Event Reward HG TokarevTokarevTokarev Sweet Dreams Thief Butterfly In the Cocoon shop exchange


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool SMG G36CG36CG36C(L2D) 600 or 8
RF SL8SL8SL8 Red Moon Stalker 200 or 5
SMG SAFSAFSAF(Animated) 200 or 5
SG Super-ShortySuper-ShortySuper-Shorty 100 or 3
HG TEC-9TEC-9TEC-9 100 or 3
Shop Package AR VHSVHSVHS 2588 (100 and 1) or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR R5R5R5(L2D) 600 or 8
AR Steyr ACRSteyr ACRSteyr ACR 200 or 5
RF VSK-94VSK-94VSK-94 200 or 5
RF Type 4Type 4Type 4(Animated) 200 or 5
HG Nagant RevolverNagant RevolverNagant Revolver 100 or 3
Shop Package HG HS2000HS2000HS2000 2588 (100 and 1) or 5
HG K5K5K5 1888 (50 and 1) or 5
MG PM1910PM1910PM1910 1288 (50) or 5
Event Reward RF Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88 Bingo Event reward or


New Year

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool  Saiga-12Saiga-12Saiga-125(L2D) 600 or 8
SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45(Animated) Lonely Traveller of Eternity 200 or 5
HG M950AM950AM950A Elegant Tea Doesn't Lose to Snow 200 or 5
SMG EVO 3EVO 3EVO 3 100 or 3
Shop Package SMG ShipkaShipkaShipka ( and ) 5
MG UKM-2000UKM-2000UKM-2000 ( and ) 5

Lunar New Year

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool MG LewisLewisLewis(L2D) 600 or 8
RF QBU-88QBU-88QBU-88(Animated) 200 or 5
SG DefenderDefenderDefender 200 or 5
HG Type 92Type 92Type 92 100 or 3
Shop Package SMG AUG ParaAUG ParaAUG Para ( and ) 5
RF SVDSVDSVD Camellia's Vigil ( and ) 3
Event Reward RF Type 56Type 56Type 56 Point Event reward or

White Day

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14(L2D) 600 or 8
MG ZB-26ZB-26ZB-26(L2D) The 1000th Paper Crane 600 or 8
AR XM8XM8XM8 200 or 5
SG M37M37M37 A Long Vacation With Ithaca 200 or 5
RF Type 81 CarbineType 81 CarbineType 81 Carbine Peony Companion 100 or 3
SMG Type 64Type 64Type 64 Canary's Melody 100 or 3
Shop Package HG WebleyWebleyWebley ( and ) or 5
AR Type 95Type 95Type 95(Animated) Prairie Gentian and Her Season ( and ) or 5


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG PA-15PA-15PA-15(L2D) 600 or 8
SG Type 97 ShotgunType 97 ShotgunType 97 Shotgun(L2D) 600 or 8
HG C-93C-93C-93 200 or 5
AR FX-05FX-05FX-05 200 or 3
AR CZ-805CZ-805CZ-805 200 or 3
SMG PPSh-41PPSh-41PPSh-41 Far Side of A Balloon 100 or 3
Shop Package RF M82A1M82A1M82A1 ( and ) or
RF VSK-94VSK-94VSK-94 ( and ) or


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool AR Howa Type 64Howa Type 64Howa Type 64(L2D) 600 or 8
SMG ThompsonThompsonThompson 200 or 5
SMG P90P90P90 200 or 5
AR EM-2EM-2EM-2 200 or 3
AR MagalMagalMagal 100 or 3
Shop Package RF MondragonMondragonMondragon ( and ) or 5

Children Day

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool MG RPK-203RPK-203RPK-203(L2D) 600 or 8
AR Steyr ACRSteyr ACRSteyr ACR 200 or 5
SMG CF05CF05CF05 100 or 3
AR M82M82M82 100 or 3
Shop Package RF wz.29wz.29wz.29 999 (50)
AR Ak 5Ak 5Ak 5 Rainbow-Calling Flower Fairy 1888 (50 and 1) or
SMG LusaLusaLusa 2588 (10 and 1) or


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Event Reward SG V-PM5V-PM5V-PM5 Soaring Starfish The Wave Wrangler shop exchange


  • Skins in this category don't get added into Black Card shop, with a few exception.
  • They also don't usually get a rerun, with a few being exception under a certain condition.
  • Several of skins listed below only available on CN server, with no promise whether they will be available on foreign servers or not.

Special & Promotional

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Ranking Reward AR AK-47AK-47AK-47 Arctic Warfare ranking
Collection Reward HG GSh-18GSh-18GSh-18 Buying all volume of 4koma on Springfield Cafe
Artbook Code Redeem RF SV-98SV-98SV-98 Official Artbook Vol. 1
SG SPAS-12SPAS-12SPAS-12 Official Artbook Vol. 2
Merchandise Code Redeem SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45 Winter Journey Jacket Bonus Code
AR AK-12AK-12AK-12 Jacket Bonus Code
IRL Collaboration MG M1895 CBM1895 CBM1895 CB KFC Collaboration
RF QBU-88QBU-88QBU-88 Lawson Collaboration



How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Shop Package SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45 Hopeful Fireworks Magician 1280
SMG UMP9UMP9UMP9 Wish-Giving Fireworks 1280
SMG UMP40UMP40UMP40 1280
AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15 Top Hat Drifting to the Flowers 1280
AR M16A1M16A1M16A1 1280
SMG RO635RO635RO635 1280
AR HK416HK416HK416 1280
AR G11G11G11 Courage-Seeking Rex Bunny 1280
Event Reward AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 Bingo Event reward or 3


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool RF General LiuGeneral LiuGeneral Liu(L2D) 600
AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 100
AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15 Breeze on a Spring Day 100
SMG RO635RO635RO635 200
SMG AUG ParaAUG ParaAUG Para 200
Shop Package RF SL8SL8SL8 Improvised Rhapsody 2588 (100 and 1)
RF M200M200M200 2588 (100 and 1)
AR G36G36G36 1888 (50 and 1)
Event Reward AR M16A1M16A1M16A1 Bingo Event reward or 3

Guilty Gear x BlazBlue

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Shop Package HG NoelNoelNoel Real money purchase
SG ElpheltElpheltElphelt Real money purchase
SG ElpheltElpheltElphelt Real money purchase


How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Shop Package HG KianaKianaKiana 1288
RF BronyaBronyaBronya 1288
Event Reward SG SeeleSeeleSeele Hitoribocchi shop exchange

DJMax Respect

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Shop Package HG ClearClearClear 1588 (50)
RF FailFailFail 1588 (50)

Va-11 Ha11-A

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Limited Procurement Pool HG JillJillJill 200
HG SeiSeiSei 100
RF StellaStellaStella 200
MG AlmaAlmaAlma 200
SG DanaDanaDana 100
Shop Package SMG DorothyDorothyDorothy 2588 (100 and 1)

Gunslinger Girl

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Shop Package HG HenriettaHenriettaHenrietta 1288
RF RicoRicoRico 1288
AR AngelicaAngelicaAngelica 1288
MG ClaesClaesClaes 1288
SG TrielaTrielaTriela 1288

The Division

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details
Shop Package SMG VectorVectorVector Hellfire Real money purchase
SMG Agent VectorAgent VectorAgent Vector Real money purchase
AR HK416HK416HK416 Real money purchase
AR Agent 416Agent 416Agent 416 Real money purchase

Jashin-chan Dropkick

How to Obtain Doll Name Skin Name Details