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Soviet Union

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The Soviet Union was a federal union of numerous Soviet republics across Eurasia following a Communist ideology, whose political power was centralized in Russia. They were historical opponents of the United States.

In the fictional universe of Sunborn, the "Old Soviet Union"[1] was a pioneer in researching Relic technology. It broke apart in 1991 but was reborn in 2032 as the Neo-Soviet Union,[2][3][4] shortened NSU[5][6] (formally 新苏维埃共和国联盟, shortened 新苏联, Новый Советский Союз), which was left weakened after World War Three like most governmental organizations. The NSU was eventually absorbed into the Union of Rossartrist Nations Coalition in 2064.[7][8][Notes 1]

While the Neo-Soviet flag doesn't appear in Girls' Frontline, it is known to inherit the mainly red color of the Old Union's flag.[9]


The Old Soviet Union consisted of 15 republics located in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern Asia. Its western border in Europe comprised Ukraine, Belarus, Moldavia and the Baltic states. Its southwestern border in the Caucasus was made of Azerbaijan and Armenia. In Central Asia, it reached as far south as Turkmenistan, while the rest of its Asian borders mostly comprised Kazakhstan and Russia.

The exact extent of the borders of the Neo-Soviet Union is unknown because no official world map during or after World War Three has been revealed yet.

It is known that the western border of the NSU goes farther into Europe than that of the Old Soviet Union's: the NSU and the German Democratic Republic share a border in the region between the cities of Poznań and Warsaw, which implies that contemporary Poland has been split between the GDR and NSU.[10] Krakow in contemporary southern Poland, Prague in contemporary Czech Republic, and Lviv in contemporary eastern Ukraine are part of the NSU's Western Military District in 2064.[11] Belgrade, in contemporary Serbia, is not part of the NSU.[12]

Organizations in the Neo-Soviet Union


The KCCO are the Special Forces Command of the Neo-Soviet Army (正规军特种作战司令部, Regular Army Special Operations Command, Новые Вооружённые Силы Советского Союза), often simply called "The Military" (军方) in the game. A clique within KCCO led by logistics General Carter tried to re-spark World War Three in 2064.

Bureau of State Security

The Bureau of State Security (国家安全局[13], Бюро государственной безопасности), also shortened StateSec (安全局[14] or 安全部门[15], BGB), is the secret police of the Neo Soviet Union. It is sometimes called by the name of its predecessor agency in the Old Soviet Union, the Committee of State Security (国家安全委员会, 克格勃, Комитет государственной безопасности, KGB).[16] The Bureau is divided into several directorates (总局), including the First Main Directorate, the Second Main Directorate,[17] the Sixth Directorate in charge of internal security,[16][18] the Seventh Directorate,[19] and the Ninth directorate in charge of diplomatic protection.[18] Within the KGB, the First Main Directorate was in charge of foreign operations, the Second Main Directorate of counter-intelligence, and the Seventh Directorate of surveillance. There also used to be a Sixteenth Directorate dedicated to Relic Technology, but it appears to no longer be active in the Neo-Soviet Union.[20]

The director of the Bureau is Viktor Zelinski,[13] who used to hold the position of Minister of Internal Affairs at the same time.[21] AR M16A1M16A1M16A1, AR HK416HK416HK416, SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45 and SMG UMP40UMP40UMP40 worked for the Bureau at some point in the past. Angelia used to be part of the Bureau before being expelled and working for them in an unofficial capacity only. K also works with the Bureau as a liaised agent of the German Stasi.[22]

The Bureau was involved in the Butterfly Incident and in exposing the KCCO's plans to re-spark World War Three. They later forced the Commander to work for them because they were exposed to classified data, and used them to track down Angelia in Belgrade and investigate the ruins of the Paldiski Submarine Base near Tallinn.

The name of the Bureau is sometimes translated Ministry of National Security (国家安全部, Министерство национальной безопасности, MNB),[23][24] Ministry of State Security (国家安全部)[19] or Federal Security Service[14] (聯邦安全局, Федеральная служба безопасности, FSB) in the game, the equivalent agency of the Russian Federation.



Vympel, formally Directorate V (Управле́ние В), is a special forces unit formed under the KGB, now under the command of the Bureau of State Security. While one of the most elite forces of the country, their intervention also carries political consequences on the international scene the Neo Soviet government prefers to avoid in certain issues.

Vympel was deployed on stand-by outside Belgrade as a last ditch during the peace talks held by Gilda Ulrich and Ambassador Roshchin, with Griffin & Kryuger acting as the main protection force to avoid the political complications of Soviet special forces being deployed in a neutral country.[25] They then captured Angelia when she tried to steal the Pike node and escape the city.[26]

A Vympel contingent was deployed in the vicinity of the Paldiski Submarine Base when Griffin & Kryuger, the KCCO and Sangvis Ferri waged battle against Paradeus and each others, standing by with demolition teams to seal the base in the aftermath or strike alongside strategic bombers from the 22nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Division in case the Starfish was to be activated.[27][28][29] K invoked his authority as a Stasi top agent to get an air strike and destroy the KCCO forces as they were about to break into the base.[30][31]

Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (內务部, Министерство внутренних дел) is a branch dedicated to maintaining the internal stability of the Neo-Soviet Union. It shares its name with the real-world Russian MVD, successor to the Soviet People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs or NKVD (内务人民委员部). They worked with the Bureau of State Security to counter Carter's plan in 2064.[16]

Berezovich Kryuger worked for this ministry before retiring and founding the Griffin & Kryuger PMC in 2053.[32]

Ministry of Defense

The Ministry of Defense (国防部) was in charge of relations with PMCs after World War Three, including Griffin & Kryuger.[33]

Neo-Soviet Air Force

The Neo-Soviet Air Force Command (Новое командование военно-воздушные силы, New Military Air Force Command) of the Neo-Soviet Army was opposed to Carter's clique during his plan to re-spark World War Three.[16]

Neo-Soviet Regular Army

Between 2055 and 2058,[34] the Doll Instructor Python served with the regular army HQ[35] as a consultant from the Daybreak PMC,[36] and trained both humans and T-Dolls platoons.[37] Python was ordered to train a combined unit at the Krasno training camp,[38] but political machinations from the Southern Regular Army Region (南恒军区) led to the disbandment of the unit. The data from this project was reused by the KCCO.[39]

Neo-Soviet Air Defence Forces

The PVO (ПВО, Противовозду́шная оборо́на, "Anti-Air Defence") was the air defense branch of the Old Soviet Union, and was re-established under the Neo-Soviet Union. The Western Military District's PVO forces were heavily hit during the Fireworks Incident.[11]

Vory v Zakone

The Vory v Zakone (воры в зако́не, “thief-in-law” or “thief-at-law”) is the congregation of professional criminals created in the Old Soviet prisons and gulags. “Vory” is plural while the singular is “Vor”. Its members follow a code of honor which demand they dedicate themselves to a criminal lifestyle and are the leading elements of the post-Soviet Bratva international mafia. The Vory use tattoos for identification, the most well-known of which is the eight-pointed star.

The Vory of the (fictional) administrative region of Sakharov were led by a Pakhan also named Sakharov, nicknamed “Great Financier”.[40] He was eventually replaced as leader of the Sakharov Vory by Baba Lyuba. By 2064, Lyuba was called “the last Vor v Zakone of the Neo-Soviet Union”,[41] and while they claimed that the KCCO would need their support to take over the Neo-Soviet Union, the KCCO murdered the heads of the Sakharovs when they became involved in Operation Eclipse,[42] hinting that the reach of the Vory had decreased after World War Three.


Pioneers of relics technology research

Tsarist Russia was the first nation in history to discover a relics site near Tungus river in 1905. The Tsar Nicholas II himself commanded the research, which took place at the Lomonosov State University in Moscow. This early work gave Russia a 40 years head start in relics technology over the rest of the world, though it did not come without danger. The Tunguska event of 1908 was in fact the first time humans produced catastrophic events while not handling relics properly, as a reactor went haywire and produced an atom-bomb like explosion at the site of the relic.[43] Relics research was slow in the early 20th century, and after the the Russian Revolution and World War I it took a considerable time before the Soviet Union regained interest in the relics at the end of the 1920s, before dipping again during the Great Purge.[44]

In 1943, the Soviets learned of the existence of the First Relic at Urkunde-01 from questioning prisoners of war.[44] Urkunde-01 was a complete relic and the first relics site excavated by the Third Reich by the Organization Todt in Bleicherode, under the Nordhausen-Harz mountains. During the last year of World War Two, the Soviet Trade Federation, a special war spoils committee controlled by the GKO, competed with the American Alsos teams to plunder the war secrets of the Nazi and the Japanese. The Americans seemingly plundered much more materials than the Soviets, but this was because the Soviets were focused on acquiring[relics technology rather than nuclear, rocket and aircraft technology. Their main objective was the First Relic, where the understaffed Alsos teams prioritized the capture of Wernher Von Braun and rocketry equipment and personnel. In their haste, they essentially yielded 10 years worth of relics research to the Red Army's vanguards. The Soviet Trade Federation also recovered Josef Mengele and the results of his human experiments at Auschwitz, which the Soviets later combined with the Kaiser Wilhelm Research Institute medical archives of Berlin and their own Gulag experiments to further gain an advantage in their research.[43]

In 1947, the Truman Doctrine raised the curtain on the Cold War. As the international situation grew tense, the Kremlin increased their investment into nuclear, aerospace and Relic technology. While the Americans developed bombers, aircraft carriers and ballistic missiles with ranges of a few hundreds kilometers, the Soviet Almaz-Antey design bureau developed missiles with ranges over 1000 kilometers thanks to the findings at the OKb-456 relics site, and their anti-missile technology made American progress effectively useless. Mengele's work also allowed the Soviets to understand the danger of Collapse Fluid within Relics before the rest of the world.[44] The US advantage in the field of nuclear weaponry held only until 1949, when the Soviets matched their capabilities thanks to their quick progress.[43]

“Starfish” and "Pike"

In 1950, the Soviets started experiments with the “Starfish” installation at the Tabasar-B Proving Grounds. The installation was 146.63 km² large with five branches radiating from its center in a starfish-like shape and was a replica of the production system which was the purpose of the Bleicherode relic. Though it would take timeto produce results, the Starfish was a matter of great concern for the US because they couldn't know if it was an offensive system, and they kept over two bases' worth of strategic nuclear weapons pointed at the site as soon as they developed the necessary intercontinental ballistic missile capability.[43] The site was very heavily defended, with a regiment worth of aircrafts, a cordon of anti-air turrets and a dense coverage of missiles including SA-2 Guidelines.

In 1957, the Soviets launched the first man-made satellite, prompting the US to reform their relics research structure. In 1958, the Soviet Union discovered the existence of the American relics site D1. On direct instructions from Khrushchev, the KGB formed the 16th Directorate to handle all relics research and excavation, accelerating the rate of discoveries. Mengele's new research institute and his previous research circulated in Gulag camps for further experiments, the largest one being in the Falkland Islands.[45] M.J. Syrzrvia and Professor Romansky of the Lomonosov State University's work permitted the Starfish to yield results in 1961 by poducing the first controllable "Moron" constructs, whose potential as weapons was obvious. However, only 4 to 6 units could be produced per year due the a lack of understanding of the production technology and process.[46] Continuing on the high notes of the Vienna Summit, the construction of the Berlin Wall and the resumption of illegal nuclear tests, Khrushchev took another occasion to frighten the US by making the first public display of relic research results by parading the Morons during the October Revolution Parade in November 1961.[45] The effect was immediate: Kennedy announced they were abandoning the Apollo program to focus on Relics development the day after the parade.

After a meeting with Cuban leader Fidel Castro, the Soviets shipped Morons, anti-air missiles and new fighter models to Cuba, starting the Cuban Moron Crisis. The American government was forced to withdraw their nuclear warheads from Europe in exchange for the Soviets removing the Morons from Cuba, causing North European countries to leave NATO in the following years.[44] Following the success of the Starfish, no real progress was made by the Soviets because of their system of independent research sites, which hampered information sharing. Syrzrvia asked multiple time to the 16th Directorate to centralize information at the Lomonosov State University, but this system was too similar to the American centralization of research in ARPA, so the KGB opposed the method until the 1973 OKb-10 incident.[46] The United States caught up to the Soviet Union during the time Moron's new version, the Pike, were being created, developing efficient systems for their strategic bombers and naval forces. The Kremlin displayed 32 Pikes publicly again during the 1972 October Revolution Parade, which shocked the Americans who didn't expect the Morons to become field-ready so soon. Fearing a Pike deployment in Vietnam, Kennedy recalled US troops and doubled on Relics research effort. But both the Soviet and Americans were baffled by the speed of South Vietnam's defeat due to low morale and failure of their command and control structure. The West and the East realized that high-tech weapons could only be reliably used by high-tech C&C systems. The United States' response was the development of ARPANET, while the Soviet Union developed the OGAS network to use it as a continent-wide Pike command system.[44]


On 12 May 1973, contact was lost with the OKb-10 relics site under the arctic polar cap. North Fleet Marines were deployed to investigate, and clashed with an unidentified enemy, briefly controlling the situation before being wiped out by biological degradation, reducing their life expectancy inside the relic to 20 minutes despite their Class III anti-biochemical equipment which should have shielded them from any biological or chemically-active environment for over an hour.[46] The loss of many 16th Directorate agents incidentally led to the recruitment of Mikhail Tsvigun, who would become a cornerstone of the Soviets' Relics policies.[44]

Between 1950 and 1980, 5 relics sites were found on Soviet soil: OKb-37 in Ukraine, OKb-88 at Kapustin Yar on the shores of the River Volga, OKb-11 at Iturup Island, OKb-456 at Siberia’s Yamsk-1 and the infamous OKb-10 under the Arctic polar ice cap. These last two were estimated to be over 100 square kilometers in area.[45] In 1981, as the Soviet Union was bogged down in Afghanistan, it deployed a relic technology weapon in live combat for the first time by using Pikes to utterly destroy CIA training camps and fortified villages sheltering mujahideen leaders. However, the rate of ELID infection was growing rapidly worldwide with the intensity of relics research, and by 1981 the growth rate was deemed a threat to mankind's survival both by the West and the East.[47]

With mediation from the Vatican and World Health Organization, the Relic Arms Limitation Treaty was signed on 3 November 1981. The US and Soviets agreed to stop relics research effort for the time being, to dismantle currently deployed relics weapons, and to work toward a vaccine for ELID, with research starting in 1983.[47] The Falkland Islands gulag experimental installations passed under the United Nations Medical Research Institute as part of the Treaty.[45] The Treaty would later be expanded into the Relic Technology Convention, paving the way to international collaboration on relics technology and the GAVIRUL Reproduction Projects.[47] On 1 July 1983, Yuri Andropov and Ronald Reagan announced the ratification of the Geneva Bulletin, officially ending the Cold War.

On 19 August 1991, the Soviet government underwent drastic changes and in December 1991, the Russian Federation was founded while Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan went independent. Starting 1993, interest for Relics Technology picked up again worldwide but the Russian Federation approached the 1999-2001 Relic Bubble with restraint while the West and Japan went all in. This was the work of Mikhail Tsvigun, who had imparted his knowledge of the risks and rewards of Relics to those occupying key administrative roles before standing down as Director of the 16th Directorate. Tsvigun's influence was such than on 10 August 1999, newly appointed Prime Minister Vladimir Putin personally asked for Tsvigun to discuss questions related to Relics.[44] The Russian Federation was also world leader in the field of autonomous robotics in the first decade of the 21st century, owing to the work of the Soviet Union in the fields of cybernetics, but other parts of the world quickly caught up to it.[48]

Soviet Renaissance

By 2030, Bolshevik groups had appeared within the Russian Federation and worked secretly to bring back the Soviet Union, infiltrating their troops as deep as the Federal Security Service, the Navy and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among the deep agents were Mikhail Tsvigun, now General, and his protégé Viktor Zelinski.[49] Tsvigun didn't cooperate much with the federal government to help them handle the situation of the Beilan Island Incident, but gave much more information to the Neo-Soviet Communist movement. Spreading information through the Internet, the Bolsheviks helped local institutions take care of disaster relief themselves, ridiculing the Ministry of Emergency Situations.[44] The Bolsheviks discreetly supported the provincial government during the evacuation of the Russian Far East, which enabled them to seize Raeder Rossartre and subject Delta III on 3 July 2030 as they fled from the Japan contaminated area. Rossartre had met Tsvigun in 2023 and trusted him as one of the last Soviet gatekeepers of Relic Technology, so he contacted him to organize his escape. At the Bolshevik HQ in Moscow 5 days later, the Bolsheviks seized Delta III and Rossartre told Tsvigun about his experience in irradiated China, Korea and Japan while his notes were duplicated. He was then sent back on a night flight to the London branch of the UNRA while experiments were conducted on Delta III, though they proved inconclusive.[49]

Once the effects of the Beilan Island Incident under control, the federal government tried to quash the Bolsheviks, but it had lost the support of the people and anti-Bolsheviks plots were neatly identified and countered by Tsvigun and Zelinski's network. Eventually, most of the military and the administration openly supported the Bolsheviks and the Second Revolution began. The civil war was concluded swiftly with the Battle of Minsk of March 2032, marking the end of the Russian Federation and the rise of the Neo-Soviet Union. The 2034 National Safety, Enforcement and Intelligence Apparatus Reorganization Plan further concentrated the power over internal security into the hands of Zelinski.[44] The resurrection of the Soviet Union was perceived as a good sign by the Rossartrists, who considered that the Russian people had displayed efficiency and a spirit of self-sacrifice without abandoning their dignity in their darkest times, making them good candidates as sole survivors of the war to come. Through the old guard of the military, the Soviets had also reacted quickly to the threat of the opposing White Army using Relic weapons, proving their caution toward this technology. This convinced the Project Prometheus council to focus on their Siberian Lifeline project as an effort to secure the Heartland of the World-Island, which was spearheaded by Tsvigun.[48]

Road to war

After the 2035 Northern Lights Incident massively irradiated Northern and Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union shared their secret work on the ALR-51C(T) autonomous robot frame with the European Union through the International Service for Military-Technical Cooperation to promote land rehabilitation. The Cooperation established the entity soon to become I.O.P., enabling the teams of Havier Witkin to present the superior ALR-52P frame as soon as November 2036. Breakthroughs in the field of legged robots led the Neo-Soviet Union to abandon their screw-driven vehicles and invest in non-Dolls, rough-terrain heavy platforms. In 2037, Kirov Robotics’ two-legged 10-ton platform, Chelyabinsk Mechanics’ two-legged 15-ton platform, Lower Tajir Locomotive Works’ 4-legged 20-ton platform and Omsk Transport Machinery Plant’s six-legged 35-ton platform all passed muster. As World War Three approached, the Neo-Soviet Union, like the rest of the world, relinquished Dolls research to invest fully in heavy weapon platforms. The Soviet Ministry of Defense conducted the Dnepr-44 Exercise in April 2044 as endurance trials of two-legged and multi-legged robots, concluding that while they lacked experience in high-intensity combat, their ability to swiftly traverse mountainous terrain was strategically desirable. Plans to upgrade all legged robots in the military in the following year were cut short by the start of World War Three.[48]

In 2042, Ukraine, the largest non-contaminated country in Eastern Europe, faced a severe economic crisis which led to the Ukraine Civil War. The United Nations failed to mediate and when the Eastern Ukrainians conquered Kiev in 2043,[50] the European Union hurriedly and heavy-handedly protected the stability of a key region to their reconstruction with the Bucharest Agreement, splitting Ukraine in two.[48] Future events would show that the Neo-Soviet Union did not take lightly to this European intrusion into its sphere of influence.

In November 2044, in response to the German government in Frankfurt refusing to prioritize reconstructing North and East Germany after the Northern Lights Incident, the German Social Democratic party, with support from regional units of the Bundespolizei and Bundeswehr, organized an uprising and started the German Civil War. As early as the second day of the uprising, the Social Democrats asked Moscow through the Soviet Embassy in Berlin to send troops to intervene and support East Germany. Because the Frankfurt government had broken the cornerstone of unified Germany the Americans and Soviets had agreed on in 1983, Soviet intervention had a legal basis. This also gave the Soviets an occasion to strike back at Brussels for their involvement into the Ukraine Civil War. The Soviet Baltic Fleet planned a landing at Rostock while Soviet paratroopers planned to drop directly into Berlin. On 1 December 2044, Soviet airborne troops circled around the EU surveillance radars in Poland and successfully landed at Schönefeld Airport, which allowed them to provide tanks and other heavy weapons to the East Germans. Six days later, the EU rapid-response forces entered Berlin without resistance but soon found the barricades prepared by the Soviet Army on Straße des 17 Juni. The internal German situation had enabled the Soviets to enter the EU sphere of influence, and so the US soon entered Europe too. Germany became the site of a protracted international power struggle that soon evolved into World War Three.[50]

A world in anguish

Anti-ballistic missiles technology spared the world from complete nuclear devastation by the initial nuclear attacks from all belligerents, but conventional combat had been rendered brutally effective by the rise of autonomous main battle tanks and robotic assault platforms, which quickly depleted the resources of all armies. As reserve forces had to be called in, the Soviet Ministry of Defense reluctantly considered the use of Dolls on the battlefield. Within the first two years of the war, IOP and Sangvis Ferri Manufacturing provided the Soviet armies with over 10,000 transport Dolls, and combat Dolls quickly became a serious consideration after the US made landfall in Western Europe in 2047, causing a battle of attrition that would send manpower losses skyrocketing. In May 2047, as the Americans entered Germany, the Soviet Wartime Defense Council finally put an order for militarized Dolls. Sangvis Ferri developed its Vespid and Jaeger specialized models from the Ripper platform, while IOP had to start from scratch with the customizable CSD model. In the beginning of June 2047, both companies finished their design proposals and began production, but field testing plans were dropped when the US military broke through the Berlin defense lines in August 2047 and military Dolls were deployed to stop their armored units.

The armed Dolls proved very effective as shattering the US military's advance, and while their design faults meant that only a few remained of the 8000 units sent into the fray, the Ministry of Defense changed its mind on armed Dolls:[48] new batches were used during the campaign in Lybia as soon as the last months of 2047.[51] During Operation Tradewind in Italy in 2050, the new generation of Sangvis Ferri and IOP dolls showed astonishing performance, accompanying multi-legged robots in breaking through the mountain defense lines of Southern Italy and swiftly forcing Rome to capitulate.

When World War Three came to a sudden end, some considered that the Soviets and the Pan-European Union were the victors,[52] though all nations were left in a debilitating state of anguish.[7] In the stagnating world economy, Western POWs slowly began cleaning up the battlefields and rebuilding under the supervision of the Warsaw Pact, with a special focus on providing Europe with much-needed food. As protests erupted starting in the spring of 2051, more and more weakened nations began to rely on PMCs for law enforcement in the main agricultural areas of Ukraine and recolonized Africa. Most of these PMCs were founded by retired veterans from Eastern Europe, conducting operations under the charter of the Soviet International Military Cooperation Bureau. As Dolls started to become a common sight among PMCs troops, conventional long-duration batteries could no longer satisfy the requirements for both civilian and law enforcement uses. In 2052, the Soviet National Research Center announced they had created a contained plasma slow release and discharge power cell, a safe power source expanding Dolls operational time from 20 hours to 150 hours.[48]

In 2055 and 2058, the NSU collaborated with the Pan-European Alliance to crush the cults, terrorist organizations and black markets hiding in the Central European Yellow Zone, successfully eliminating elements dangerous to post-war reconstruction until the emergence of Paradeus in 2060.[53] Rossartrist propaganda was strictly regulated in the NSU, but was secretly influential through key political actors.[33]

Girls' Frontline

In the dire situation after World War Three, the ideology of Rossartrism gained popularity in nations all over the world, and the Soviet Union eventually joined the Union of Rossartrism Nations Coalition, which was created in 2064.[7][Notes 1]

In 2064, the Neo-Soviet Council of Mutual Assistance in Europe (a part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) was working with the Pan-European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Reconstruction as part of the ongoing cooperation between the Neo-Soviet Union and the Pan-European Union.[2] This stance of collaboration was officially supported by the Supreme Soviet and internally by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Zelinski's Bureau for State Security and the Air Force, but there was some internal dissent, particularly from the KCCO Special Forces. General Carter saw such cooperation as continuing the traitorous fraternization with the enemies of the Soviet Union started with the end of World War Three. Using the knowledge of OGAS he had gained during a counter-terrorist operation at OKb-413 in 2032,[54] Carter tried to reactivate the Pike systems, which would constitute a violation of the Relic Arms Limitation Treaty and possibly restart World War Three.[1] While the internal security agencies worked to counter Carter's plan, they tried to do it in a way that would not expose the infighting to the West in order to protect the ongoing negotiations.[54]

Carter partnered with William, a researcher with ties to 90WISH and knowledge of the inner workings of OGAS. William believed that a certain Key was necessary to reactivate OGAS remotely,[55] which would be born from Sangvis Ferri's rogue AI leader Elisa after connecting with AR M4A1M4A1M4A1.[56] Carter crafted an opportunity to complete and capture Elisa by organizing a joint assault on Sangvis Ferri's main base with the PMC Griffin & Kryuger, to which M4A1 was contracted by 16LAB.[57] Carter's plan failed due to continued resistance from a certain G&K Commander and the work of StateSec agent Angelia, who used a Collapse bomb to prevent the capture of Elisa[58] and provide Zelinski an excuse to start removing the dissenters from their positions.[59]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The relationship between the Neo-Soviet Union and the URNC is not clear. The Neo-Soviet Union is referred to as a specific entity in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium. Secret Documents#Inner Caucasus Theater Unit Deployment – Zones A & B states “the former Neo-Soviet Union and other member states of the URNC”. Secret Documents#Speculation on the Decline of Religions states “neither the Neo-Soviet government […] nor the later URNC government […]”.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Lamp Starter
  2. 2.0 2.1 Girls' Frontline, Episode 11-6
  3. Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Illusory Peace I & Faith of Blood II
  4. Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Purification Zone
  5. Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Falling Star nu
  6. Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E2-1
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, part. 4
  8. Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Inner Caucasus Theater Unit Deployment – Zones A & B
  9. Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 1
  10. Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, E6
  11. 11.0 11.1 Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, Darkest Decline 1
  12. Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Illusory Peace I
  13. 13.0 13.1 Girls' Frontline, Continuum Turbulence, Hurricane Rescue
  14. 14.0 14.1 Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Last Resort V
  15. Project Neural Cloud, Clukay's voice lines
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Last Resort I
  17. Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E2-1
  18. 18.0 18.1 Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Illusory Peace I
  19. 19.0 19.1 Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 5-α5
  20. Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Confidential Information V
  21. The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 4, File Number “Soviet-N2-Z” ; In Singularity Last Resort I, Zelinski refers to the Minister as someone else than himself, implying that he did not occupy the position of Minister of Internal Affairs in 2064.
  22. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Tempering I
  23. Girls' Frontline, Episode 4-2
  24. Girls' Frontline, Deep Dive, 2-3, Audio File 6
  25. Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Confidential Information I
  26. Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Confidential Information III
  27. Girls' Frontline, Shattered Connexion, Confidential Information XIV
  28. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Lamp Starter
  29. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Departure Time III
  30. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Tempering I
  31. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Polishing
  32. The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, The Second Generation of Tactical Dolls
  33. 33.0 33.1 Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Speculation on the Decline of Religions
  34. Project Neural Cloud, Quenching Operation, Stage 1 Nodes
  35. Project Neural Cloud, Quenching Operation, Stage 2-4
  36. Project Neural Cloud, Python - Doll Profile 2
  37. Project Neural Cloud, Quenching Operation, Stage 2-1
  38. Project Neural Cloud, Quenching Operation, Stage 2-2
  39. Project Neural Cloud, Quenching Operation, Part 2
  40. Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 35-W4
  41. Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 5
  42. Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 24
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 2
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 44.6 44.7 44.8 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 4
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 5
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 3
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 9
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 48.5 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 2
  49. 49.0 49.1 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 1
  50. 50.0 50.1 The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 3
  51. The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.2, Confidential Files, part. 5
  52. Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Global Affairs and Impacts on Religion
  53. Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, Secret Documents#Investigation into the Origin of Religions
  54. 54.0 54.1 Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Last Resort I
  55. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Minor Pieces Draw II
  56. Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-6
  57. Girls' Frontline, Episode 10-3
  58. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Last Resort V
  59. Girls' Frontline, Singularity, Endgame