List of Characters
A list of all the major and minor characters that currently appear in the story, listed by faction and/or team.
Griffin and Kryuger, Private Military Contractor
Player's faction. A private military company, contracted to contain Sangvis Ferri's rogue AIs.
- Berezovich Kryuger, CEO of Griffin and Kryuger.
- Helianthus, Kryuger's secretary/assistant.
- The Commander, the player.
- Kalina, the player's assistant.
Palette Team
Temporary task force assigned under RO635's command during Ch. 4M, consists of dolls from different countries
- SMG RO635RO635RO635, leader. Joins AR team after Palette disbands.
- MG AAT-52AAT-52AAT-52
- SMG Sten MkIISten MkIISten MkII, former member of Team Welrod
- HG Type 92Type 92Type 92
- HG MakarovMakarovMakarov, cameo appearance.
Team Negev
Trio of Israeli dolls that are featured in Ch. 6
- HG JerichoJerichoJericho, former leader.
- MG NegevNegevNegev, leader.
- AR TAR-21TAR-21TAR-21, radio operator.
- AR GalilGalilGalil
- SMG Micro UziMicro UziMicro Uzi, later remodels to SMG Micro UziMicro UziMicro Uzi
FN Squadron
Composed of dolls produced by FN Herstal. A G&K owned task force, on top of main story interactions, they are also known as a "inter-dimensional" team and are often called in to deal with collaboration events.
- AR FALFALFAL, temporary leader.
- HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN
- RF FN-49FN-49FN-49
- AR F2000F2000F2000
- RF BallistaBallistaBallista
- AR SCARSCARSCAR (Briefly mentioned in MG M1918M1918M1918 Digimind Upgrade story.)
- Note: This doll currently does not exist on any server.
Team ATK
Main characters of the Glory Day collab with DJMAX RESPECT. Often perform in GKTV concerts.
- AR K2K2K2, leader, band manager.
- HG M950AM950AM950A, lead singer. Later remodels to HG M950AM950AM950A during Polarized Light
- HG ThunderThunderThunder, drummer.
- MG AEK-999AEK-999AEK-999, bassist.
- SMG TMPTMPTMP, keyboardist.
- HG ClearClearClear, guitarist. Joins the team after the events of Glory Day.
Team Thompson
Team of American-designed dolls, featuring in Ch. 2 Midnight and M14's upgrade story.
- SMG ThompsonThompsonThompson, leader.
- HG M1911M1911M1911
- HG M9M9M9
- SMG MAC-10MAC-10MAC-10
- RF M21M21M21
- RF Super SASSSuper SASSSuper SASS
- RF M14M14M14, later remodels to RF M14M14M14
Team Makarov
Team of Russian dolls that feature in Ch. 3 Midnight and SV-98's upgrade story.
- HG MakarovMakarovMakarov, leader.
- HG Nagant RevolverNagant RevolverNagant Revolver
- AR AK-47AK-47AK-47
- RF SimonovSimonovSimonov
- RF Mosin-NagantMosin-NagantMosin-Nagant, temporarily absent, did not take part in operation.
- AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14, cameo appearance, did not take part in operation.
Team Groza
Team of Russian dolls that feature in SV-98's upgrade story.
- AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14, leader
- AR AK-47AK-47AK-47
- RF SV-98SV-98SV-98, later remodels to RF SV-98SV-98SV-98
Team M99
Team of Chinese dolls that feature in Ch. 5 Midnight and Type 64's upgrade story.
- RF M99M99M99, leader.
- AR Type 56-1Type 56-1Type 56-1
- SG Type 97 ShotgunType 97 ShotgunType 97 Shotgun
- HG NZ75NZ75NZ75
- SMG Type 64Type 64Type 64
Team Welrod
Team of English dolls, appeared during IDW's remodel story, also mentioned during ch. 8 Midnight.
Team BAR
Team led by M1918, appeared during M1918's remodel story.
- MG M1918M1918M1918, leader. Later remodels to MG M1918M1918M1918.
- RF Super SASSSuper SASSSuper SASS
Team IWS
Composed of Austrian T-dolls. A G&K owned task force that featured in Ch. 8 Midnight
- RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000, Captain.
- AR AUGAUGAUG, Lieutenant.
- HG Glock 17Glock 17Glock 17
- RF SSG 69SSG 69SSG 69
Team Kar
Team lead by German T-dolls that featured in Ch.10 Midnight.
Griffin's Misfits
Provisional team of rookie dolls active during the events of Continuum Turbulence. Rescued 9A-91's team, Thompson's team, and MP40's logistics squad while under the leadership of AR HK416HK416HK416.
- HG PythonPythonPython, original leader.
- AR HK416HK416HK416, takes command of the team as the Commander's adjutant.
- SMG AK-74UAK-74UAK-74U, 416's second-in-command.
- RF Mk 12Mk 12Mk 12
- AR A-91A-91A-91
- AR M4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD II, joins after the attack at Defense Point No. 4.
- SMG RO635RO635RO635, linked to SOP II and stuck in a Dinergate.
- Taunt Fairy, the "last secret weapon." Used to rescue MP40's team.
Gentaine's T-Dolls
T-Dolls that Gentiane leads in the story of the manga.
- RF FN-49FN-49FN-49
- AR G36G36G36
- HG MP-446MP-446MP-446
- HG C96C96C96
- HG P7P7P7
- MG M1919A4M1919A4M1919A4
- RF M14M14M14
- SMG MAC-10MAC-10MAC-10
- SMG PPSh-41PPSh-41PPSh-41
- SMG SkorpionSkorpionSkorpion
Team Grizzly
Team lead by Grizzly MKV that featured in Outer Polaris.
- HG Grizzly MKVGrizzly MKVGrizzly MKV, Leader
- SG M590M590M590
- AR M82M82M82
- {[doll name|PzB39|RF|4}}
- AR AK-AlfaAK-AlfaAK-Alfa
Puzzle Squad
Team lead by VHS that featured in Mirror Stage.
- SMG AUG ParaAUG ParaAUG Para
- RF M200M200M200
- {{doll name|General Liu|RF|5}]
Division of IOP Manufacturing Company that handles R&D. Contracted by G&K for combat drones, equipment, calibration, and enhancement.
- Persica, head of research and development. Former 90Wish member.
Anti-Rain Team
Team of experimental assault-rifle dolls, sent by Persica to recover information about Lycoris's research on advanced AI. 16LAB later contracts G&K to rescue the team after they are ambushed and targeted by Sangvis Ferri dolls. All of them use a weapon based from the AR-15 platform.
- AR M4A1M4A1M4A1, team leader.
- AR M16A1M16A1M16A1
- AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15
- SMG RO635RO635RO635, former leader of Palette Team.
Important Operation Prototype Manufacturing Company, IOP
Parent company of 16LAB and manufacturer of T-Dolls. Contracted for both light and heavy doll construction.
- Harvey Welkin, Executive President and Founder of IOP. First appears in Chapter 9 at the military press conference and banquet.
- Mikhachi, Weitkin's close friend and research partner. Mentioned in extra material.
Sangvis Ferri|Sangvis Ferri Industrial Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
A Eastern European company that was partnered with IOP before WW3, and became its closest competitor during the war. The Butterfly Incident resulted in an AI takeover of the company and the death of all its human employees.
- Lycoris, head of SF's R&D department. His death during a raid on SF was the direct cause of the Butterfly Incident.
- Elisa, AI Commander of SF, created by Lycoris in an attempt to make the perfect AI.
- Agent, Model SP47, Rain's assistant.
- Judge, Model SPSP, Rain's bodyguard, Boss of ch. 9 and ch. 10.
- Dreamer, Model SPACA, Boss of ch. 7 and ch. 8.
- Alchemist, Model SP7C, Boss of ch. 6.
- Destroyer, Model SP5NANO, Dreamer's partner, Boss of ch. 5 and Operation Deep Dive.
- Intruder (also called "Disruptor" in game files), Model SP914, Boss of ch. 4.
- Hunter, Model SP721, Boss of ch. 3.
- Executioner, Model SP88(old)/SP524(new), Boss of ch. 2.
- Scarecrow, Model SP65, Executioner's partner, boss of ch. 1 and ch. 0.
- Ouroboros, Model SP235, Boss of Operation Cube.
- Architect, Model SPzh3000, Boss of Operation Arctic Warfare.
- Gager, Model SP21, Boss of Operation Arctic Warfare.
Special Operations Forces Command (KCCO)
(Russian: командование сил специальных операций; KCCO) An elite branch of the Army of the New Soviet Union. Possessing far more resources and manpower than GK or SF, the Army prefers not to get involved until absolutely needed. However, a few of its generals have taken a keen notice of Sangvis Ferri's developments, particularly in Elisa and SF's Parapluie virus.
- General Carter
- Yegor, Carter's bodyguard/right-hand man.
Federal Security Service
(Russian: Федеральная служба безопасности Российской Федерации; FSB) The New Soviet Union's principal security agency. Griffin and Kryuger are contracted under the agency after the events of Continuum Turbulence. Successor to the Committee for State Security (Комите́т Госуда́рственной Безопа́сности; KGB). Supposedly on good terms with the Russian Air Force, and at political odds with the Army.
- Zielinski, Bureau Chief of the Federal Security Service. As his chief concern is the safety and stability of Russian interests, his goal is to bring Russia to advantageous negotiating terms with the rest of the Pan-European Alliance while still maintaining peace.
- K, an FSB agent. Appears in Ch.11 as a person of interest, and Isomer as the Commander's supervisor.
- Malorhe, K's personal maid doll.
- Angelia, a former FSB agent and Grifon commander, officially stated as having "gone rogue" following the events of Singularity. Shown to still be working and negotiating with Zielinski during Isomer, albeit as more of an independent entity than a working agent.
- Misha, a KGB agent and former chief of the KGB until he was succeeded by Zielinski at the same time as the formation of the Federal Security Service. Briefly mentioned in Singularity.
No affiliation/Unknown
Team 404
A team of "renegade" dolls led by UMP45. Occasionally does contracts for G&K. Features in Operation Cube, Arctic Warfare, Operation Deep Dive, Operation Singularity (cameo appearance), and Operation Continuum Turbulence. Secretly funded by Angelia and used as her "personal black ops team".
- SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45, leader of 404. Implied to be of SF design in Deep Dive and Singularity.
- SMG UMP9UMP9UMP9, UMP45's sister.
- AR HK416HK416HK416
- AR G11G11G11
- Dier, 404's hired technician.
- Sier, Dier's twin sister, also hired by 404.
Task Force DEFY
Angelia's primary team. Shows up at the end of chapter 10 to rescue M4A1.
- Angelia, human leader. Originally the human commander of AR team, she narrowly avoided death at the hands of Agent and split up with them during Chapter 0, after which AR Team's memory of her was erased. She later joined the FSB as an agent, only to be branded as a traitor after the events of Singularity. Despite this, she still keeps contact with Zelinski and follows her orders as a FSB operative.
- AR AN-94AN-94AN-94, military-spec doll. Implied to be a doll designed for clandestine operations for the FSB.
- AR AK-12AK-12AK-12, military-spec doll. Implied to be a doll designed for clandestine operations for the FSB. Notable for her electronic warfare and hacking capabilities.
- AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15, recovered and remodeled after the events of Chapter 6 by 404, under the orders of Angelia.
- AR M4A1M4A1M4A1, remodeled during the events of Operation Singularity by AK12.
A mysterious group of exceptionally talented hackers, programmers, and researchers. Disbanded after Persica and Lycoris published the group's research on AI to the outside world, though not before multiple assassination attempts forced both researchers into hiding.
- Persica, former member.
- Lycoris, former member.
- William, former member. Holds a grudge against Lyco and Persica. Survives the events of Girls' Frontline and makes a reappearance in Bakery Girl.
A group of religious fanatics who revere ELID as a holy disease and ELID sufferers as "incorruptible." Their infantry are implied to be infected humans locked in warsuits that preserve their health, at the cost of their freedom. These infantry are led by a mysterious group of sisters that call themselves Nyto. They feature in Continuum Turbulence, Ch. 11, and Isomer. They appear to have some connection with 90wish.
- "Father", implied to be the creator of the Nytos. Referenced during Isomer, implied to be William.
- Nyto Black, appears in Continuum Turbulence as an infantry leader and interrogator.
- Nyto White, appears in Continuum Turbulence as Black Nyto's superior. Fights alongside Black Nyto.
- Nyto Silver, named "Mercurows" appears in Isomer disguised as a civilian doll alongside Nimogen.
- Nyto Gold, named "Nimogen." Appears in Isomer disguised as a civilian doll alongside Mercurows.
Other characters in no particular group. Often only side characters mentioned in a side story.
- Reina, appears in SMG UMP9UMP9UMP9's MOD3 story.
- Unnamed test pilot, appears in RF Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88's MOD3 story.
- Ashe, appears in RF KSVKKSVKKSVK's MOD3 story.