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Equipment Index

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Craftable Equipment

To see equipment available for crafting, please visit Equipment Production.

Black Market Exclusive Equipment

To see exclusive equipment available for purchase in the Black Market, please visit Forward Base.

16Lab Equipment

16Lab equipment bear no difference with their normal counterpart, except they come max calibrated and unobtainable outside certain circumstances.

Type Equipment Name Effects Doll Class
Accessory 16Lab 6-24X56 - SMG
16Lab Infrared Designator - HG
Ammunition 16Lab Sub-Caliber Armor-Piercing Ammo - RF
16Lab Hollow Point Ammo - HG
16Lab Buckshot - SG
16Lab APCR High-Velocity Ammo - AR
Body 16Lab T4 Exoskeleton - HG
16Lab Armor Plate - SG
16Lab Thermoptic Camouflage Cape - RF

Farmable Exclusive Equipment

Equipment in this category is available for farming on certain maps. Some of them are no longer available due being tied to time-limited event.

Location Equipment Name Effects Doll
Chapter 1-4N National Match-Grade Armor-Piercing Ammo - RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield
Chapter 2-4N Titan Fire Control Chip - MG M1918M1918M1918
Chapter 3-4N .300BLK High-Velocity Ammo - AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15
Chapter 4-4N GSG UX Exoskeleton - SMG MP5MP5MP5
Chapter 5-4N Hayha Memory Chip - RF Mosin-NagantMosin-NagantMosin-Nagant
Chapter 6-4N Custom Exoskeletal Armor - AR M16A1M16A1M16A1
Chapter 7-4N Infinite Ammo Box - MG MG3MG3MG3
Chapter 8-4N FELIN System Sight - AR FAMASFAMASFAMAS
Chapter 9-4N Stechkin Exclusive Stock Skill will also increase all allies damage by 4%. HG StechkinStechkinStechkin
Chapter 10-4N Tactical Earphones - AR TAR-21TAR-21TAR-21

Location Equipment Name Effects Doll
Deep Dive UMP UX Exoskeleton - SMG UMP9UMP9UMP9
Singularity EOT XPS3 - AR HK416HK416HK416
Bounty Feast Osprey45 Silencer [2] Also give allies on the same column deployable shield with same stats and duration.
[3] After being destroyed, units covered by deployable shield will gain 100% evasion and 20% damage reduction.
SMG Agent VectorAgent VectorAgent Vector
ACOG (4x) [2] Immediately deploy 3 sticky grenades which explode upon contact, dealing 50% skill damage.
[3] Explosion will also inflict debuffs to enemies caught in the blast, lowering their accuracy and evasion by 50%, last 5s.
AR Agent 416Agent 416Agent 416

Digimind Upgrade Exclusive Equipment

Equipment in this category is obtainable by upgrading eligible T-Dolls into stage 3 of their digimind upgrade.

Batch Equipment Name Effects Doll
Batch 1/Singularity
February 2018
Light Weight Rail System - AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15
Type 64 Exclusive Suppressor - SMG Type 64Type 64Type 64
Fire Selector - RF FN-49FN-49FN-49
Batch 2
April 2018
re K6-24X56 - RF Mosin-NagantMosin-NagantMosin-Nagant
CT 4X20 - MG M1918M1918M1918
Nagant Revolver Silencer - HG Nagant RevolverNagant RevolverNagant Revolver
MP446C Competition Barrel - HG MP-446MP-446MP-446
Batch 3
July 2018
Colt Revolver Long Barrel - HG Colt RevolverColt RevolverColt Revolver
G3 Improved Barrel Group - AR G3G3G3
Bren L4 Barrel Group - MG BrenBrenBren
Batch 4
November 2018
G36 Hybrid Optics - AR G36G36G36
Sten Exclusive Silencer - SMG Sten MkIISten MkIISten MkII
M2 Bipod - RF M14M14M14
Batch 5/Isomer
May 2019
Additional Process Module - SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45
MPL M21 - SMG Micro UziMicro UziMicro Uzi
Batch 6/Shattered Connexion
August 2019
LED Tactical Flashlight - SMG MP5MP5MP5
Acceleration Coil - RF Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88
Batch 7
December 2019
C96 Oak Gunstock - HG C96C96C96
DO Reflex Optic - SMG Beretta Model 38Beretta Model 38Beretta Model 38
Batch 8
April 2020
WML & Tactical Handguard - HG M950AM950AM950A
MGP Upgrade Kit - SG M500M500M500
Batch 9/Dual Randomness
August 2020
Batch 10
December 2020
PT-3 Buttstock Perform hp check every 6s. If PP-19's HP is the highest in the column, increase own damage by 10%, otherwise increase own evasion by 10%. Each buff lasts for 15 seconds (stackable). SMG PP-19PP-19PP-19
Batch 13
October 2021
Custom T1 Red Dot Sight - AR RibeyrollesRibeyrollesRibeyrolles
Batch 14/Fixed Point
January 2022
- AR AN-94AN-94AN-94

Batch Equipment Name Effects Doll
Batch 1/Singularity
February 2018
XM261 ACP - HG M1911M1911M1911
SP-6 Subsonic Rounds - AR AS ValAS ValAS Val
7.92 KURZ - AR StG44StG44StG44
20mm HEI - RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20
7N31 - HG GSh-18GSh-18GSh-18
12GA Flechette Shells - SG M1897M1897M1897
Custom Tracer Rounds - RF Type 56Type 56Type 56
Custom Armor-Piercing Incendiary Rounds - MG Type 80Type 80Type 80
Mk4 SLAP Shots will ricochet and deal 0.1x damage up to 3 times. Hit targets also have their damage reduced by flat 1 point stacking up to 8 times for 6 seconds. MG MG4MG4MG4
9x18mm FTX - HG MakarovMakarovMakarov
SP81 - HG MP-443MP-443MP-443
B32 Armour Piercing Rounds - RF Gepard M1Gepard M1Gepard M1
Batch 14/Fixed Point
January 2022
- SMG PPSh-41PPSh-41PPSh-41

Batch Equipment Name Effects Doll
Inherited Weapon Arsenal - AR M4A1M4A1M4A1
Ability Upgrade Cartridge - SMG IDWIDWIDW
Digital Camouflage Cape - RF SV-98SV-98SV-98
Tactical Headband - AR HK416HK416HK416
Tactical Ahoge - HG StechkinStechkinStechkin
Pet Keychain - SMG RO635RO635RO635
G-Box - AR G11G11G11
Tactical Mobile Shield - SG Type 97 ShotgunType 97 ShotgunType 97 Shotgun
Galil Exclusive Handguard - AR GalilGalilGalil
Special Ops Go Bag Increase self RoF by 30% and reduce damage taken by 30% from enemies attacked by self. HG Welrod MkIIWelrod MkIIWelrod MkII
Survival Specialist - SMG F1F1F1
Wing-Shaped Mechanical Shield - SG RMB-93RMB-93RMB-93
4X Auxiliary Processor - SMG G36CG36CG36C
- AR AK-15AK-15AK-15

Ranking Reward Exclusive Equipment

Equipment in this category is obtainable by participating in ranking maps available during a major event.

Event Equipment Name Effects Doll
Arctic Warfare KSTSP
- AR AK-47AK-47AK-47
AR Type 56-1Type 56-1Type 56-1
Deep Dive PKN03M Night Scope - AR 9A-919A-919A-91
Singularity PM 5-25X56 - RF Kar98kKar98kKar98k
Continuum Turbulence High Performance Tactical Hair Decoration - AR G41G41G41
Isomer MG4 Exclusive MGO - MG MG4MG4MG4
Shattered Connexion No.32 MKI - RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield
Polarized Light Frag-12 HE Rounds - SG AA-12AA-12AA-12
Dual Randomness MK31 Multi-functional Exoskeleton - SMG SuomiSuomiSuomi
Mirror Stage SB 2.5-10x56 - RF WA2000WA2000WA2000
Poincare Recurrence SR3 Special Suppressor - SMG SR-3MPSR-3MPSR-3MP
Fixed Point - HG PythonPythonPython

Monthly Login Bonus Exclusive Equipment

Obtainable after logging in for 21 days. All Monthly Login exclusives have an EQ Passive which enhances the users skill in some way.

Date Equipment Name Effects Doll
January 2021 Arisaka Armor-Piercing Rounds Cut the number of attack to perform surehit, piercing shot from 3 to 2. RF Type 4Type 4Type 4
February 2021 20GA Custom Slugs The next attack will always hit. SG DefenderDefenderDefender
March 2021 High Performance Camouflage Exoskeleton Clear all buffs and hp shield on stunned enemies. SMG Type 64Type 64Type 64
April 2021 Thompson Exoskeleton Increase damage and critical hit rate as the hp decrease, also gain taunt effect when the skill is active. SMG ThompsonThompsonThompson
May 2021 MkV Mobility Skeleton Skill will also increase the RoF of allies standing on her tiles by 8%. HG Grizzly MkVGrizzly MkVGrizzly MkV
June 2021 7N14 Deal 10% additional damage against armoured units that bypass armour and can deal critical damage. RF SVDSVDSVD
July 2021 RBL Grips Give allies +3 rounds upon skill activation. HG JerichoJerichoJericho
August 2021 9A High-Performance Chip During night battle, when the skill is active, increase critical hit rate by 20%. AR 9A-919A-919A-91
September 2021 MkQ Light Exoskeleton Skill will also grant 100 hp shield. SMG Honey BadgerHoney BadgerHoney Badger
October 2021 Old Camouflage Uniform Nullifies self-debuff when assigned as echelon leader. RF MondragonMondragonMondragon
November 2021 PK Exclusive Tripod Fix reload speed to 4s and 4th hit will never miss. MG PKPKPK
December 2021 Synthetic Pistol Grip Additional attack from skill will also stun the target for 3 seconds. SG M37M37M37

Date Equipment Name Effects Doll
January 2022 HG CZ75CZ75CZ75

Event Reward & Shop Exchange Special Equipment

Equipment in this category is tied to time-limited event and is unlikely to be available again.

Event Equipment Name Effects Doll
Glory Days
Glory Light Damage and accuracy buff from skill +10%. HG ClearClearClear
Glory Days
Black Cat RoF and accuracy debuff from skill +3%. HG FailFailFail
Va-11 Hall-A
Adelhyde 1 - HG JillJillJill
Flanergide -
Karmotrine 1 -
70th Chinese National Day Login Event
Advanced Individual Optic - AR Type 95Type 95Type 95
AR Type 97Type 97Type 97
A Snowy Night Capriccio
RFB Forward Rail Guard - AR RFBRFBRFB
Type 100 Folding Stock - SMG Type 100Type 100Type 100
The Photo Studio Mystery
Dream Theatre
Antique Kaleidoscope - SMG HenriettaHenriettaHenrietta
Optical Glasses In Charging mode, grant 8 hp shield to allies in front row for 5s, stacking up to 3 times. MG ClaesClaesClaes
Celestial Meteor In Charging mode, increase all allies damage by 5% for 5s, stacking up to 3 times.
Wristwatch In Charging mode, grant self +1 additional ammo.
Butterfly In A Cocoon
Wooden Grips - HG NZ75NZ75NZ75
The Waves Wrangler
Hydraulic Buttstock - RF TAC-50TAC-50TAC-50
My Devil's Frontline
Grimoire Vol. 2 - MG YurineYurineYurine
Magic Bell - SG MinosMinosMinos
One Coin Away
Impuls IIA∕C HG Px4 StormPx4 StormPx4 Storm

Event Equipment Name Effects Doll
Va-11 Hall-A
Adelhyde 2 - HG JillJillJill
Bronson Ext -
Karmotrine 2 -
Va-11 Hall-A
MIRD5-Class Ammo - SMG DorothyDorothyDorothy
Unheard Legends of Azure Seas
S&B762 - SMG Type 79Type 79Type 79
Bounty Feast
.45 Hollow Point (Incendiary) [2] Also give allies on the same column deployable shield with same stats and duration.
[3] After being destroyed, units covered by deployable shield will gain 100% evasion and 20% damage reduction.
SMG Agent VectorAgent VectorAgent Vector
5.56mm HV rounds (Explosive) [2] Immediately deploy 3 sticky grenades which explode upon contact, dealing 50% skill damage.
[3] Explosion will also inflict debuffs to enemies caught in the blast, lowering their accuracy and evasion by 50%, last 5s.
AR Agent 416Agent 416Agent 416

Event Equipment Name Effects Doll
Operation Gingerbread
Dedicated Tactical Memory - MG AmeliAmeliAmeli
Easter Egg Frag Delay
Blue Thickened Cape - RF PTRDPTRDPTRD
Va-11 Hall-A
Pwd Delta - HG JillJillJill
Karmotrine 3 -
Va-11 Hall-A
Mechanical Arm - SG DanaDanaDana
White Knight Armor - HG SeiSeiSei
Artificial Hands - MG AlmaAlmaAlma
Prosthetic Eye - RF StellaStellaStella
Dream Theatre
Playing Cards - RF RicoRicoRico
Childrens' Storybook - AR AngelicaAngelicaAngelica
Bounty Feast
Vector's Go Bag [2] Also give allies on the same column deployable shield with same stats and duration.
[3] After being destroyed, units covered by deployable shield will gain 100% evasion and 20% damage reduction.
SMG Agent VectorAgent VectorAgent Vector
416's Go Bag [2] Immediately deploy 3 sticky grenades which explode upon contact, dealing 50% skill damage.
[3] Explosion will also inflict debuffs to enemies caught in the blast, lowering their accuracy and evasion by 50%, last 5s.
AR Agent 416Agent 416Agent 416
My Devil's Frontline
Miraculous Curry Ladle - SMG Jashin-chanJashin-chanJashin-chan
Paper Bag Helmet - AR MedusaMedusaMedusa
Sweet Dream Donuts - RF PekoraPekoraPekora