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Forward Base

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Girls' Frontline
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"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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Todo List:

  • Give a better summery of system
  • Fetch some screenshots for examples
  • Format page better
  • Tidy up the BM section, using table for example
  • Transmission section needs improvement


The Expedition Facility is a new system which functions similarly to Logistic Support. The facility itself, may be accessed from the home page's left side bar or by clicking on the "Forward Basecamp" in the 3D Base Overview. Unlocks at Commander level 20.

Within this feature, Commanders will be able to send their T-Dolls and Pets out on Expeditions, yielding various items and equipment, in addition to a new set of exchangeable currencies referred to as City, Snowfield, Forest, and Wasteland Gifts coming from their respective terrains, which are used exclusively within the Black Market Shop. The Black Market itself, once again run by Kalina, contains an exchange Shop for Exclusive/Rare Furniture, Enhancement Items, Exclusive Equipment, and Particle Effects for T-Dolls, using the aforementioned Gifts as a currency. Additionally, the Expedition System introduces another set of items called "Exploration/Carrying" rations, which may be used on Expeditions to variably increase rewards and decrease duration timers. Lastly, a notable feature of the Expedition system which separates itself from the Logistics system is the Real Time Relay Terminal, which allows Commanders to watch their Expedition teams live in action on their outings through various terrains.


Upon entering this new room, there are 4 facilities Commanders can interact with:

  • Command Console: This Console is used to designate T-Dolls (up to 5) and Pets (up to 3) and assign them to expeditions of your choice. Carrying items (up to 8) can also be selected in the Control Terminal. (Max Lv.10)
  • Storage Rack: A Storage rack used to store loot and expedition crates. Crates stocked on the left side are mid-exploration rewards (up to 12 slots), which are obtained through random exploration events. Meanwhile, Crates stocked on the right side are for completed expedition rewards (up to 8 slots), which are obtained after every successful Expedition. (Max Lv.6)
  • Black Market: A shady shop manned by our trusty Adjutant Kalina, you can use this shop to exchange your Expedition Gifts for a variety of rewards and items, including exclusive equipment, Furniture pieces, T-Doll effects and even consumable items. (Max Lv.0)
  • Real Time Relay Terminal: A monitor transmitting RTA drone footage of the Expedition crew, as well as a Live Feed logging the Exploration. (Max Lv.0)
Level Time to level up (Hour:Minute) Batteries required Addition (Console) Addition (Storage)
0 3 T-Doll, 1 Pet, 4 Items, Tier 1 Expedition 2 Complete, 3 Mid
Lv. 0-1 0:01 5 5 Items 4 Complete
Lv. 1-2 0:05 50 4 T-Doll 6 Mid
Lv. 2-3 0:30 100 Tier 2 Expedition 6 Complete
Lv. 3-4 1:00 150 2 Pets 9 Mid
Lv. 4-5 2:00 200 6 Items 8 Complete
Lv. 5-6 4:00 250 7 Items 12 Mid
Lv. 6-7 8:00 350 Tier 3 Expedition
Lv. 7-8 12:00 450 5 T-Doll
Lv. 8-9 18:00 600 3 Pets
Lv. 9-10 24:00 800 8 Items


As previously mentioned, the Forward Basecamp allows Commanders to obtain rewards by sending out a combination of T-Dolls and Pets at the cost of time and a couple hundred resources. Tactical Dolls increase Completion Rewards based on Level and assigning certain Pet types gives a higher chance of exploring specific locations: Dogs for the Snowfield, Cats for the City, Birds for the Forest and Other for the Wasteland. "Other" pet types refer to any that are not a part of the aforementioned Cats, Dogs, and Birds.

The Expedition system goes through Weekly cycles of "Advantaged Echelons", in which certain T-Dolls (for a limited time) give an increased boost to rewards for being on the Expedition Team. Similarly, advantaged Pets on the Expedition Team have an increased chance to discover a fourth "Mysterious Destination", which provides better Expedition Rewards. The Advantage Echelon T-Dolls rotate in groups of 10, which consist of 2 Five-Star, 3 Four-Star, 3 Three-Star, and 2 Two-Star T-Dolls (Special Collaboration T-Dolls cannot enter the Advantaged pool). Oppositely, the Pet Advantage pool only consists of 4 Pets, of which some may feature Limited-Time event exclusives.

Automatic Exploration is another function located in the Control Terminal that when activated will automatically send your previous team back out after 3 hours, only stopping when manually turned off or when the loot rack has no more space for Expeditions.

Auto Formation will select the most optimal Exploration Echelon from available T-Dolls and Pets. This includes any T-Dolls not currently placed in any Echelon nor is in Combat, Repair, or Training.

Explorations may be sent in up to three different tiers:

Tier Duration Cost
Tier 1 2:00:00 x300 x100
Tier 2 5:00:00 x600 x200
Tier 3 8:00:00 x900 x300

Cancelling an Exploration forfeits any resources and items spent, as well as the completion reward.


Icon Currency Description
City's Gift A type of building block toy produced from a long time ago. It is difficult to imitate due to its high production precision, so it is used as a currency in many war-torn areas and can be exchanged for many useful things.
Snowfield's Gift Locked under the frozen grounds of ice and snow are many relic weapons of past eras. These sorts of historic wooden handguards covered in scars of war are very popular among collectors who have never stepped onto a battlefield in the safe zones.
Forest's Gift Acorns from oak trees that are very rarely seen nowadays. Its price has soared recently due to becoming a collectible. You can often see uncles squatting around the safe zones, showing off their acorn bracelets.
Wasteland's Gift A sample of Collapse fluid collected from a contaminated zone. Other than emitting a faint green light and turning people into zombies, it doesn't seem like there's much use for it. Some suspicious cultist groups are buying these up at very high prices, though.

Exploration Items[edit]

  • Carrying items can be obtained through Expeditions depending on Exploration tier.
  • Up to 8 items can be preset in the Control Terminal for automatic consumption by Exploring Echelons.
Item Image Effect Obtainable Description
Ordinary Meat Bun Exploration timer -10% Tier 1, 2, 3 Can be used to quell hunger. Also helps a tiny bit with exploration speed. It's better than nothing, I guess.
Bundle of Meat Buns Exploration timer -20% Tier 2, 3 A basket of meat buns from a shop. It's decent enough for a simple meal. Helps a little bit with exploration speed.
Trove of Meat Buns Exploration timer -30% Tier 2, 3 text-align:left | Multiple meat buns packed in a luxurious redwood box with a dragon engraving. Plenty enough to go around. Helps a moderate bit with exploration speed.
Commonfolk Standard Mid-exploration reward probability +10% Tier 1, 2, 3 A burger and fries bought separately have an extra chance of winning another burger or fries, but a true aristocrat will not bother with doing this.
Comfort Bucket for One Mid-exploration reward probability +20% Tier 2, 3 Includes everything you need to enjoy a meal alone. You get a variety of food along with a moderate chance of winning a prize. Two birds, one stone.
Full Meal for Two Mid-exploration reward probability +30% Tier 2, 3 Double the calories, double the happiness, but triple the chances of winning a prize. It's always a good thing to have friends to share with.
Strawberry Cheesecake Slice Exploration completion reward amount +10% Tier 1, 2, 3 A small piece of strawberry cheesecake is the best when it comes to satisfying a craving. Also increases you exploration token drops by a tiny amount.
One Week's Cake Selection Exploration completion reward amount +20% Tier 2, 3 Individually packaged cake delivery. These are enough to recharge your need for sweets for a week. Bring these along with you to increase exploration token drops by a small amount. Please be careful not to eat the preservatives.
Sweet Explosives Exploration completion reward amount +30% Tier 2, 3 A five pack of cakes prepared especially for sweets-addicted gourmands. It's a calorie overload if you eat it all at once, but at the same time, it'll increase your exploration token drops by a moderate amount, which would be very cost-effective.
"Baby, B-A-B-Y." Increase the probability of exploring the City Tier 2, 3 Even if you're playing the role of a getaway driver in the city, you're still responsible for going downstairs to buy four cups of coffee. The city always has such an appeal, doesn't it?
Streetside Oden Increase the probability of exploring the Snowfield Tier 2, 3 Just like every dragon-slaying warrior needs to have a hearty meal of meat before his adventure, this box of oden is prepared for the expedition to the frozen plains. Of course, if you don't feel particularly warm after eating it, there's a likelihood that you don't need to go to the frozen plains to cool down.
Wild Honeycomb Increase the probability of exploring the Forest Tier 2, 3 Who would drink honey when you have a chewable honeycomb? Perhaps the bear still might, but a natural honeycomb will remind the bear about everything in a forest, and it will unconsciously wander onto the path back into the forest.
Icy Theater Increase the probability of exploring the Wasteland Tier 2, 3 The fate of an ice cube is to either melt or be placed in a whiskey glass. This bowl of ice cream hopes that you will take it to the desert, give it some love, and let it melt.


Displayed on the Real Time Relay Terminal is a Live transmission from a drone (similar to a fairy's) of the Exploration Team's outing. Inside the Monitor the current Exploration progress is displayed as a bar along the bottom of the screen, going left to right, sectioned into portions of the Expedition duration. The top right corner displays an RTA symbol that glows as long as it is the live coverage, with the exact time spent in exploration shown directly to its left. Directly below the RTA symbol is a drag down button that shows the live feed logs. White plain text will display each transition, while the green will only occur when an "event" transpires. Highlighters, along the progress bar on the bottom of the screen will appear as "echoes" and replay footage from earlier in the Exploration.

Exploration Logs

Black Market Shop[edit]

The Black Market is an exchange shop that uses the newly introduced Gifts to trade in for Furniture, Items, Equipment, and Effects.


  • Consists of Black Market exclusives as well as rare seasonal furniture from past events; all furniture cost

Dorm Furniture Sets:

Grey Custom Order

  • Dance Arcade Machine
  • Boxing Arcade Machine
  • Moon Rubbing Series
  • IIDW
  • Singing Weapon


  • Christmas Bean Bag Chair
  • Easter Bunny
  • Bunny Microphone
  • Bunny Ear Speakers
  • Easter Egg Ornament: Careful, May Detonate!
  • Blueberry Nights Wine Table
  • The Decameron Deer Head


  • Items have an exchange limit that resets Monthly.
Item (Limit) Amount per Piece Cost per Piece Total Amount Total Cost
Battery (100) x10 x25 x1000 x2500
Enhancement Capsule (120) x1 x30 x120 x3600
Combat Report (180) x20 x30 x 3600 x5400
Universal Parts (120) x10 x25 x1200 x3000
Core (100) x1 x50 x100 x5000
Special Combat Report (30) x20 x30 x600 x900
Fire Control Component (2) x1 x1200 x2 x2400

Exclusive Equipment[edit]

Cost Equipment Name Effects Doll
4000 ZFG42 - MG FG42FG42FG42
4000 SIG-510 Fire Selector - AR SIG-510SIG-510SIG-510
4000 BM59 Heavy Barrel - RF BM59BM59BM59
4000 OSS Suppressor - SMG M3M3M3
4000 PPK Suppressor - HG PPKPPKPPK
7000 Advanced Individual Optic - AR Type 95Type 95Type 95
AR Type 97Type 97Type 97
5000 MAX10 Upper Receiver - SMG MAC-10MAC-10MAC-10
5000 M9 BC2 Grips - HG M9M9M9
5000 ART2 - RF M21M21M21
5000 Tactical Grip - HG MakarovMakarovMakarov
5000 Tactical Guard Rail - HG SerdyukovSerdyukovSerdyukov
4000 Tactical Folding Stock - SMG Spectre M4Spectre M4Spectre M4
5000 SPP - RF OTs-44OTs-44OTs-44
5000 SCW Buttstock - SMG SCWSCWSCW
4000 Triangular Bayonet - AR Type 63Type 63Type 63
5000 Experimental Curved Barrel - SMG PPSh-41PPSh-41PPSh-41
5000 Custom-Made Metal Stock - MG M1919A4M1919A4M1919A4
4000 Customized Optical Scope - AR F2000F2000F2000
5000 ZEVT Trigger Group Assembly - HG Glock 17Glock 17Glock 17
4000 EKP-8-18 - MG DP28DP28DP28
6000 ILWLP - HG Mk23Mk23Mk23
5000 K-Type Short Barrel - HG P38P38P38


  • Animation Particles Commanders may equip onto their T-Dolls by going to a T-Doll profile and selecting the Special effects section.
  • Unique to the Effects exchange Shop, Commanders are allowed two payment options; all costing 1500 of their respective currencies.
Preview Effect Price Description
Candy Pocket The original purpose of the tactical bag was to allow everyone to bring more disposable equipment for their missions, but everyone just uses it to store their favorite treats.
Extra Parts The Commander asked everyone to carry some spare parts for the occasional need, but this would increase their load, so the T-Dolls devised a method to solve their problem.
Worrywart The more things you know, the more worries you'll have. However, anxiety is a useless thing, and the only thing we can do is our best.
Lovestruck Cake, chocolate, or a love letter... What did you receive today? Or did you receive them all? You can't let the others find out if you're really receiving them!
Overthinking Too many things on your mind will make you unable to concentrate. Therefore, its a good strategy to distract yourself before you start thinking too much. Helian's suggestion is to take on more missions, and Kalina's suggestion is to go shopping with her as much as possible.
Spit Bubble Who puts on a spit bubble accessory when interacting with other Dolls, anyway? Some NEETs might do it to scare off people trying to pull them into their social circles.
Princess Syndrome Nobody knows when this disease started spreading, but if its patients could see the bubble on top of their heads, who knows if they would stop being so creepy?
Gold-Digging Dreams You mean gold-diggers don't dream of gold ore? Well, gold ore falling from the sky is nothing more than a sweet dream, after all.
Purple Blues I don't know why, but as I sway to this melancholic tune, I find the past scattered in time in a purple haze...
Golden Lullaby So long as you enter Dreamland humming this lullaby, no matter how nightmarish your dream, you'll surely become a peerless Gold Saint.
Green Hymn Every time I catch this familiar green tune, I can't help but think that someone capable of making such holy music must love eating cherries a lot.
Cherry Blossom Breeze Flowers blossoming in spring, new clothes, the ground covered in soft grass... Although one can only dream of such things these days, the sense of peace they bring can carry over to reality.
Stormy Cloud Be tolerant. Put yourself in other people's shoes. Try to understand other... But right now I don't want to think about anything. I just want to vent my feelings without a care in the world.
Oncoming Storm Even if we know we're in the wrong, it can still be hurtful when we get told off. Living with negative emotions and learning to correct our mistakes are a part of growing up, but...ugh...I can't bear it anymore...



Exploration References:

  • Currency
  • Transmissions
    • The Statue of Liberty ruins might be a reference to the final scene from the 1995 movie Judge Dredd.[1]
    • The Blue Telephone Booth is a reference to the TARDIS from the TV series Doctor Who.
    • The Golden Poop is actually not poop. It is a reference to the Asahi Beer Hall in Sumida, Tokyo, Japan.
    • The Outdated Rocket is a reference to the Red Rocket company from the Fallout series. The furniture piece itself might be the dilapidated gas station from the Glowing Sea.
    • The Police Car is a reference to the fictional law enforcement agency, the Raccoon Police Department (or RPD), in the Resident Evil series.
    • The Magical Motorcycle is simply a Monowheel (or Monocycle). The furniture piece itself might be a reference to the one from Men in Black 3.
    • The Subway Entrance Ruins is a reference to the Metro series. It is based on the Botanical Garden's metro entrance from before the series' main story takes place.[2]
    • The Portal Ruins and the Companion Cube are both references to the Portal series. The former is based on the second game's main menu, while the latter is just the Weighted Companion Cube

Item References:

  • The IIDW furniture item is a reference to an arcade game, Beatmania IIDX. The furniture is based off the 27th version of the game, using the "Lightning Model" cabinet.
  • Similarly, the Dance Arcade Machine is another reference to an arcade game, Dance Dance Revolution. The furniture design does not mimic the physical cabinet in real life with the exception of the layout of the dance pad.
