The MP-443, also known as the PYa (Pistolet Yarygina, or 'Yarygin's Pistol') or the Grach ('Rook', Russian: Грач), is the official Russian military designation of a 9x19mm semi-automatic handgun produced by Izhevsk Mechanical Plant (now part of Kalashnikov Concern).[1]
When the Russian Federation was formed out of the smoldering ruins of the Soviet Union, the standard service sidearm of the Russian armed forces was still the venerable Makarov pistol introduced in the early 1950s. In 1993, military trials for a replacement sidearm were initiated, and Russian firearms designer Vladimir Alexandrovich Yarygin would submit his handgun prototype to these trials for testing.
The MP-443 is a double-action, short-recoil, semi-automatic pistol that functions very similarly to most modern handguns. It utilizes a simplified Colt–Browning tilting-barrel lock design, a design which is also found in handgun offerings from SIG Sauer and Glock. The way this locking system manifests in the Grach is by having the breech end of the barrel be rectangular in shape, rather than rounded, and made to fit into matching locking grooves within the slide near the ejection port. The slide stop lever can be mounted on either side of the weapon to accommodate both left- and right-handed users. Likewise, the manual safety is ambidextrous, with safety catches on both sides of the weapon, where it is manipulated by the thumb. It is mounted on the frame, below the rear slide grooves, and directly behind the slide stop lever. The hammer is partially concealed at the sides to prevent catching on clothes and equipment. The magazine release catch is located in the base of the trigger guard on the left side, where it can be manipulated with the thumb (right-handed users) or index or middle finger (left-handed users). The front sight is formed as a fixed part of the slide and is non-adjustable. The back sight is drift adjustable for windage (dovetail type), but this requires a tool. Both feature white contrast elements to ease aiming in low-light conditions. The standard magazine capacity is 17 rounds, fed from a double-column, two position feed magazine. Magazines with an 18-round capacity began being produced after 2004.
The Grach is chambered for the 9×19mm 7N21 cartridge, the Russian loading of the ubiquitous 9mm NATO pistol cartridge. The 7N21 features a semi-armour-piercing bullet with a tempered steel core. The weapon can also use standard 9×19mm Parabellum/9mm Luger/9×19mm NATO cartridges, including civilian loads such as hollowpoints for law enforcement (only full metal jacket bullets are permitted for use in military weapons).
In 2003, testing was concluded, and the MP-443 was officially adopted as a standard sidearm for all branches of Russian military and law enforcement. Initial production and procurement of the Grach would be slow. By 2008, it had only been supplied in small numbers to select special forces units, presumably those in the North Caucasus. Production would be increased starting in 2011, with officers of the Western Military District receiving their new pistols in 2012. Large-scale deliveries of PYa pistols to the Russian Armed Forces would begin shortly afterwards. Today, the MP-443 shares a spot in Russian military service alongside other Soviet/Russian handguns such as the Makarov PM, GSh-18, and SPS. Owing to financial issues and the availability of the PM pistol, the Makarov remains the primary police service pistol in Russia.
Character Design
In-game, Grach appears to be around 150-155cm in height, when using her weapon's size for comparison. Grach appears not only taller, but also overall more girly than her sister HG MP-446MP-446MP-446, due to her pink hair and her short skirt. She can commonly be seen carrying gemstones with her, even to the battlefield, and she carves these gemstones into what appears to be a prism shape to resemble stars (or Saint Quartz for any FGO players).
Character Background
Official character description: She only does things in her own way, and pays no attention to the opinions of others. She is quite covetous towards things she has an interest in. She enjoys collecting all kinds of rocks and carving them into stars, and she hopes that others will find out the value of these "stones". As a "pirate"-like older sister, she mostly leaves her younger (HG MP-446MP-446MP-446) to her own devices, and will not care even if her sister gets into trouble.
Main artwork
Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.
Profile image
Full artwork
Full damaged artwork
Neural Upgrade profile image
Neural Upgrade full artwork
Neural Upgrade full damaged artwork
"Shepherd of the Lost" full artwork
"Shepherd of the Lost" full damaged artwork
"Golden Bloom" full artwork
"Golden Bloom" full damaged artwork
"Earthly Desires" full artwork
"Earthly Desires" full damaged artwork
Alternative artwork
Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.
Official character sheet of MP-443
MP-443 artwork produced by Yukuri, in celebration of her receiving a CV.[2]
"Night in the Galaxy" Login wallpaper illustrated by 黒井ススム
The Russian nickname given to the MP-443, 'Grach' ('Rook'), is derived not from the chess piece, but rather from the name of a species of bird known as the rook (Corvus frugilegus). The rook is member of the crow family of birds, and is a common sight in much of western Russia.
Initially, MP-443 was intended to be the February 2018 login reward Doll on the CN servers. However, this ended up being changed to HG CZ52CZ52CZ52 at the last minute.
MP-443's introduction to the game would be delayed until her eventual release as June 2018's login reward.
One of MP-443's voice lines (currently unused in-game, but included in the game files) has her saying "yukkuri shite ne!" (roughly translating as "take it easy!"). This is possibly a reference to her artist Yóukùlí (derived from the Japanese "yukkuri", using Mandarin pronunciation), as well as potentially being in reference to the catchphrase of the yukkuri critters from the Touhou series of fanworks.