May 1st[edit]
Daily Discount Package[edit]

May 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 31st 23:59 GMT+8
Package content:
One purchase available per day
May Monthly Bundle[edit]

May 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 7th 23:59 GMT+8
For a Limited Time, the April Monthly Bundle will be available for purchase in Kalina's shop. This bundle is limited to 1 purchase only.
Package content:
x1000, Strawberry Shortcake x10.
Double Monthly Gems[edit]

May 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 7th 23:59 GMT+8
For a limited time, Monthly gem cards will give double the amount of gems throughout the first week of May!
May 4th[edit]
Special Rescue Event[edit]

May 4th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 12th 23:59 GMT+8
Starting May 4th, a special Rescue event will commence, players will be tasked with hunting down SF bosses from Chapters 1 ~ 6 for a chance of obtaining special T-dolls.
List of T-dolls who require a hero:
- SMG UMP40UMP40UMP40 has a chance of dropping from Scarecrow in Chapter 1-6 and 1-4E.
- SMG KLINKLINKLIN has a chance of dropping from Executioner in chapter 2-6 and 2-4E.
- RF DSR-50DSR-50DSR-50 will probably be hunting Hunter in chapter 3-6 and 3-4E... proceed with caution.
- SMG MP7MP7MP7 has a chance of dropping from Intruder in chapter 4-6 and 4-4E.
- RF TAC-50TAC-50TAC-50 has a chance of dropping from Destroyer in chapter 5-6 and 5-4E.
- SG M1887M1887M1887 has a chance of dropping from Alchemist in chapter 6-6 and 6-4E.
May 9th[edit]
Prairial's Allure Re-Run[edit]

May 9th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 16th 23:59 GMT+8
Starting on May 9th, The Radiant Collection will begin their re-run of the "Prairial's Allure" Procurement pool, costumes from said pool will be temporarily added to the Radiant Collection and have a 50% increased obtain chance along with their respective furniture sets.
The Following costumes will be temporarily added:
- AR HK416HK416HK416 - "Starry Cocoon" (Live2D)
- HG CalicoCalicoCalico - "Concert Diva"
- RF WA2000WA2000WA2000 - "Ballroom Interlude"
- RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield - "Queen in Radiance"
- MG M1918M1918M1918 - "Tender Nocturne"
May 13th[edit]
Honey & 4-Leaf Clover[edit]

May 13rd 00:00 GMT+8 ~ June 2nd 23:59 GMT+8
Feeling lucky? RF R93R93R93 is waiting just for you~ Starting on May 13th, a Point event will open up, complete task from each phase and gather up enough points to obtain the new 5* RF RF R93R93R93! A New set of quests will open every week throughout this Events 3 week duration. Players who were not present during the games 1st anniversary, will be glad to hear that Kalina's "Griffon Uniform" costume will also be up for grabs during this Point Event! so start gathering ASAP!
Accumulating points will reward the following items:
Points Reward 100 x1000,
200 x20,
500 HK416 3rd anniversary player Icon x1
800 x5,
1200 x20,
1800 RF R93R93R93
Kalina's "Griffon Uniform" Costume x12000 x100,
x200, Simulation Energy x10
2400 Challenger Medallion x1
3000 Challenger Medallion x1
Event Missions[edit]
Event missions and point rewards are listed below:
Mission Week 1 | Reward Points |
Accumulate 1 Day Login | 10 |
Accumulate 2 Day Login | 20 |
Accumulate 3 Day Login | 20 |
Accumulate 5 Day Login | 30 |
Accumulate 8 Day Login | 30 |
Accumulate 10 Day Login | 50 |
Accumulate 12 Day Login | 100 |
Receive 10 commendations | 20 |
Receive 30 commendations | 30 |
Receive 50 commendations | 50 |
Receive 100 commendations | 100 |
Accumulate consumption of 10 T-Doll Crafting Contracts | 20 |
Accumulate consumption of 20 T-Doll Crafting Contracts | 30 |
Accumulate consumption of 50 T-Doll Crafting Contracts | 50 |
Accumulate consumption of 100 T-Doll Crafting Contracts | 100 |
Accumulate Crafting of 4 Star T-Doll x 1 | 20 |
Accumulate Crafting of 4 Star T-Doll x 5 | 30 |
Accumulate Crafting of 5 Star T-Doll x 1 | 50 |
Accumulate Crafting of 5 Star T-Doll x 5 | 100 |
Complete and win any battle 10 times (except auto battles) | 20 |
Complete and win any battle 20 times | 30 |
Complete and win any battle 50 times | 50 |
Complete and win any battle 100 times | 100 |
Obtain S rank rating in combat 10 times | 10 |
Obtain S rank rating in combat 30 times | 30 |
Obtain S rank rating in combat 50 times | 50 |
Obtain S rank rating in combat 100 times | 100 |
Mission Week 2 | Reward Points |
Spend 100 procurement tokens | 20 |
Spend 200 procurement tokens | 30 |
Spend 500 procurement tokens | 150 |
Spend 1000 procurement tokens | 200 |
Give away 10 gifts | 10 |
Give away 20 gifts | 20 |
Give away 50 gifts | 30 |
Give away 100 gifts | 50 |
Rescue 10 T-Dolls from battle (except auto battles) | 20 |
Rescue 20 T-Dolls from battle | 30 |
Rescue 50 T-Dolls from battle | 50 |
Rescue 100 T-Dolls from battle | 100 |
Collect 200 batteries | 20 |
Collect 500 batteries | 50 |
Collect 1000 batteries | 100 |
Consume 50 calibration tickets | 20 |
Consume 100 calibration tickets | 30 |
Consume 300 calibration tickets | 50 |
Consume 500 calibration tickets | 100 |
Commence skill training 1 time (T-Doll/Fairy) | 10 |
Commence skill training 3 times | 20 |
Commence skill training 5 times | 50 |
Commence skill training 10 times | 100 |
Mission Week 3 | Reward Points |
Use 10 simulation energies (Including extra simulation energy) | 10 |
Use 30 simulation energies | 30 |
Use 50 simulation energies | 30 |
Repair T-Dolls x10 | 10 |
Repair T-Dolls x20 | 20 |
Repair T-Dolls x30 | 30 |
Use 10 enhancement capsules | 20 |
Use 30 enhancement capsules | 30 |
Use 50 enhancement capsules | 50 |
Give 10 commendations to visited dorms | 20 |
Give 30 commendations to visited dorms | 30 |
Give 50 commendations to visited dorms | 50 |
Secure great success from logistics 3 times | 10 |
Secure great success from logistics 5 times | 20 |
Secure great success from logistics 10 times | 30 |
Complete 100 hours of logistics | 20 |
Complete 200 hours of logistics | 30 |
Complete 300 hours of logistics | 50 |
May 14th[edit]
3rd Anniversary Login Event[edit]

May 14th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 31st 23:59 GMT+8
Starting May 14th, A Login event will begin, players will be tasked with logging in daily for a neat set of rewards, logging in for 7 days consecutively, will grant players the "True Core Mask"! A one-time use exclusive item which can be redeemed for ANY 5-STAR T-DOLL FROM THE PRODUCTION MENU... or player icon for bragging rights (because why not?).
Consecutive Login Rewards:
Days | Reward |
Day 1 | ![]() |
Day 2 | ![]() |
Day 3 | ![]() |
Day 4 | ![]() |
Day 5 | ![]() |
Day 6 | ![]() |
Day 7 | True Core Mask x1 |
The Following T-dolls can be redeemed:
May 16th[edit]
Midsummer Nights Dream Re-run[edit]

May 16th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ June 6th 23:59 GMT+8
Starting on May 9th, The Radiant Collection will begin their re-run of the "Midsummer Nights Dream" Procurement pool, costumes from said pool will be temporarily added to the Radiant Collection and have a 50% increased obtain chance along with their respective furniture sets.
The Following costumes will be temporarily added:
- RF DSR-50DSR-50DSR-50 - "Highest Bidder" (Live2D)
- HG Grizzly MkVGrizzly MkVGrizzly MkV - "Starry Night Prom" (Live2D)
- SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45 - "Flower of Diamond"
- SMG UMP9UMP9UMP9 - "Song of the World"
- SMG EVO 3EVO 3EVO 3 - "White Night Star Whispers"
- SMG IDWIDWIDW - "Cat in the Box"
Anniversary Lucky Package[edit]

May 16th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 31st 23:59 GMT+8
Girls Frontline 3 Year Anniversary lucky package available for purchase. This package can only be purchased with real life currency!! Package content as following:
One purchase available per player
Package cost: 198 RMB
Anniversary Costume Voucher can be exchanged for a random costume from the ones listed below, exchange interface is located in the event menu:
- AR GrozaGrozaGroza - "Crassula Volkensii" (Live2D)
- RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20 - "Aristocrat Experience Service" (Live2D)
- AR Howa Type 64Howa Type 64Howa Type 64 - "New Year's Prayer" (Live2D)
- SG S.A.T.8S.A.T.8S.A.T.8 - "Pumpkin Bunches" (Live2D)
- HG Px4 StormPx4 StormPx4 Storm - "Queen of Christmas Morning" (Live2D)
- AR RFBRFBRFB - "New Year's Game Master"
- HG ContenderContenderContender - ""Floral Servitude"
- AR ART556ART556ART556 - "Chimney Sweeping Girl"
- AR MDRMDRMDR - "Spirit Trap"
- MG Type 88Type 88Type 88 - "Ghost Orchid"
Buyable Costumes Re-run[edit]

May 16th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ June 5th 23:59 GMT+8
For a Limited time, starting on May 16, All past buyable costumes will be temporarily added to Kalina's shop for the same price as they were released initially! THAT MEANS ALL BUYABLE COSTUMES!!
Sale Time will begin from May 16th ~ June 5th, so you have plenty of time to pick what you'd like, if you've already purchased the costume previously, dont expect to be able to buy it again.
Contents are as follows:
T-Doll | Costume | Price![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
AR Type 97Type 97Type 97 | "Peony Chief" | x2588 | O | - | O |
AR FALFALFAL | "Winter Supply Operation" | x1488 | - | O | - |
AR FALFALFAL | "FAL's Summer"" | x1699 | - | O | - |
RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20 | "Op. Blazing Sun" | x1388 | - | - | - |
SMG SR-3MPSR-3MPSR-3MP | "Black Rabbit Macchiato" | x2588 | O | - | O |
RF WA2000WA2000WA2000 | "Op. Manta Ray" | x1888 | O | - | - |
AR Type 95Type 95Type 95 | "Summer Cicada" | x2468 | O | - | O |
HG ContenderContenderContender | "Phantom of the Opera" | x1988 | - | - | O |
RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000 | "Seventh Bannisher" | x2588 | O | - | O |
RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000 | "Edelweiss" | x2588 | O | - | O |
SG S.A.T.8S.A.T.8S.A.T.8 | "Plum Blossom Seal" | x1699 | - | O | - |
AR Zas M21Zas M21Zas M21 | "Snegurochka's Bullet Offering" | x2588 | O | - | O |
AR Zas M21Zas M21Zas M21 | "Queen of the White Pieces" | x2580 | O | - | O |
HG Welrod MkIIWelrod MkIIWelrod MkII | "Twilight Menace" | x1999 | O | - | - |
SMG MP7MP7MP7 | "Candy Ammunition" | x2588 | O | - | O |
AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 | "Doll and Diving Watch" | x1999 | O | - | - |
SMG PM-06PM-06PM-06 | "Soaring Magic" | x2588 | O | - | O |
SMG Type 100Type 100Type 100 | "Armed Shine Maiden" | x1888 | - | - | O |
SMG P90P90P90 | "Crimson Turbine" | x2588 | O | - | O |
RF Carcano M1891Carcano M1891Carcano M1891 | "Bell of the Beginning" | x2588 | O | - | O |
MG NegevNegevNegev | "Obsidian Princess" | x2588 | O | - | O |
SMG G36CG36CG36C | "You Who Takes the Step" | x2588 | O | - | O |
RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield | "O Holy Night" ![]() |
x988 | - | - | - |
HG Mk23Mk23Mk23 | "Impish Sweetheart" | x988 | - | O | - |
HG Mk23Mk23Mk23 | "Honey Sweet Flower" | x1299 | - | O | - |
RF Mosin-NagantMosin-NagantMosin-Nagant | "Moonlit Ocean" | x1888 | - | O | O |
MG PKPKPK | "By Your Side" | x1888 | - | O | O |
MG AEK-999AEK-999AEK-999 | "Peerless Yakuza Rider" | x1588 | - | - | O |
HG Colt RevolverColt RevolverColt Revolver | "The Miracle Queen" | x1588 | - | - | O |
AR G36G36G36 | "Pure White Cornflower" | x1888 | - | O | O |
AR G36G36G36 | "Fifty Days with G36" | x1299 | - | - | - |
SG M1014M1014M1014 | "Snow, Moon and Flowers" | x1288 | - | O | - |
RF M14M14M14 | "Xmas Parade" ![]() |
x588 | - | - | - |
SMG SkorpionSkorpionSkorpion | "Crimson Starlet" | x1288 | - | - | O |
HG MakarovMakarovMakarov | "Pumpkin Mishka" ![]() |
x388 | - | - | - |
SMG m45m45m45 | "Candy Express" ![]() |
x588 | - | - | - |
May 20th[edit]
Summer Waltz[edit]

May 20th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ June 6th 23:59 GMT+8
Starting on May 20th, The "Summer Waltz" Procurement pool will be live! Rolling this pool will yield white tickets at which at the end of this procurement pool, will be converted to procurement coins at a 1:1 ratio.
The Following costumes will be obtainable:
- RF K2K2K2 - "Before the Dawn" (Live2D)
- AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 - "Solemn Rouge"
- AR MDRMDRMDR - "Cocktail Party Observer"
- RF M99M99M99 - "White Rabbit's Summer Party"
- HG K5K5K5 - "Waltz of Fate"
3rd Anniversary Costume Bundles[edit]

May 20th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ June 5th 23:59 GMT+8
Starting on May 20th, Several anniversary costumes will be temporarily added to Kalina's shop.
The following costumes are:
- AR AK-12AK-12AK-12 - "Silent Cyan"
- SMG Type 79Type 79Type 79 - "Fox Steps in a Starry Evening"
- HG ThunderThunderThunder - "Dream of the Black Swan"
- RF G28G28G28 - "Moonlit Emerald"
- Sale Duration: May 20th ~ June 5th 23:59.
3rd Anniversary Lootcrates[edit]

May 20th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 26th 23:59 GMT+8
Starting May 20th, players will be obtain 10 special anniversary lootcrates upon daily login's, these special lootcrates have 5 previously obtainable event costumes which are also up for grabs, and one will be guaranteed to be given to you upon opening 70 CRATES! So dont miss a day!
The lootcrates can contain the following:
- SG M37M37M37 - "Summer Parader"
- AR G36G36G36 - "Petit Waitress"
- RF OTs-44OTs-44OTs-44 - "Little Reindeer in the Forest"
- AR FNCFNCFNC - "Steal the Precious Candy"
- MG M249 SAWM249 SAWM249 SAW - "Arctic Fox"
- Resources
- Calibration Tickets
- Batteries
- Skill Training Data
Various Rate Up's![edit]

Various rate ups will begin starting on the 20th of May! Rate ups as follows:
Combat XP rate Up[edit]
Throughout the duration of this rate up, all combat experience obtained from sorties and auto-battles will be increased by 50%
- Duration: May 20th 00:00 ~ May 26th 23:59
Construction Rate Up's[edit]
Throughout the duration of this rate up, all 4* and 5* T-dolls from the BASIC Production menu will have their obtain rates doubled!
- Duration: May 20th 00:00 ~ May 21st 23:59
Heavy Production Rate Up's[edit]
Throughout the duration of this rate up, all Shotgun class T-dolls will have their obtain rates doubled in HEAVY Production menu.
- Duration: May 24th 00:00 ~ May 25th 23:59
Equipment rate Up's[edit]
Throughout the duration of this rate up, all 4* and 5* equipment's will have their obtain rates doubled in the BASIC equipment production menu.
- Duration: May 22nd 00:00 ~ May 23rd 23:59
Fairy Rate Up's[edit]
Throughout the duration of this rate up, all fairies will have their obtain rates doubled in the HEAVY Equipment production menu.
- Duration: 26th May 00:00 ~ 27th May 23:59
Centrum Data Rate Up's[edit]
Throughout the week, various rate ups will happen for specific Centrum data fragments for your HOC units in the analysis menu.