PNC Story
The story and CGs of Project: Neural Cloud as seen in the campaign.
Parts listed as “Stage” are combat stages which still contain story elements.
Main Story
Part 1: Progressive Diffraction
Chapter 0: Oasis Defense
Chapter 1: Artificial Intelligence Sector - Rossum
Standard 1-1: Explore
Standard 1-2: Trade
Standard 1-3: Fox
Standard 1-6: Argument
Standard 1-7: Viewpoint
Standard 1-8: Backup
Standard 1-9: Sacrifice
Dark 1-4: Fragment
Unused backgrounds.
Beta version.
Chapter 2: Military Sector - Cyclopes
Standard 2-5: Bullseye
Standard 2-7: Fallacies
Dark 2-1: Phantom Pain (Part I)
Dark 2-2: Phantom Pain (Part II)
Dark 2-5: Wavering
Beta versions
Unused CGs.
Chapter 3: Environment and Energy Sector - Helios
Standard 3-4: Upturn
Standard 3-6: Ill Tidings
Standard 3-7: Deletion
Standard 3-8: Perseverance
Standard 3-9: Deep Learning
Standard 3-10: Fireworks
Dark 3-1: Cycle
Dark 3-3: Responsibility
Dark 3-4: Companions
Chapter 4: Computer Sector - Enigma
Standard 4-2: Heavy Downpour
Standard 4-3: Smiling Face
Standard 4-5: A loner
Standard 4-9: Back
Dark 4-1: Nine Thousand Births
Unused backgrounds
Beta version
Chapter 5: Art Sector - Pierides
Standard 5-2: Night Raid
Standard 5-4: Negotiation
Standard 5-5: Cooperation
Standard 5-7: Theater
Standard 5-9: Nightmare
Standard 5-10: Performance
Standard 5-11: Descent
Dark 5-1: See You
Dark 5-2: Favor
Dark 5-3: Icing
Dark 5-5: Disagreement
Chapter 6: Ecology Sector - Copley
Standard 6-2: Decisiveness
Standard 6-7: Pulsate
Standard 6-10: Scene Control
Standard 6-11: Light of the Sky
Standard 6-17: Strategy
Standard 6-22: Impermanence
Standard 6-23: Emptied Seals
Part 2: Static Iteration
Chapter 7: Aberrance's Chain
Main Event
Unused CG
Chapter 8: Inverted Mordent Resonance
Main Event
Unused CG
Chapter 9: Critical Cascade
Stage 19: Hidden Blade
Stage 20: Trump Card
Stage 21: Different Paths
Chapter 10: Perilous Advancement
Stage 1: Major Piece Return
Chapter 11: Entropic Dichotomy
Stage 1: Spirited Light
Part 5: Racing Through Parted Seas
Stage 15: Surging Dawn
Chapter 12: Singularity Immemorial
Chapter 12.5: Irradiant Awakening
Chapter 13: Engrammatic Eclipse
Chapter 14: Photoluminescence
Stage 1: Sunrise Sojourn
Stage 6: Fiery Starshine
Stage 9: Irreverent Gluttony
Stage 13: Sincere Heart
Chapter 15: Gloaming Finale
Stage 7: Clarity Uncertain
Stage 16: Reborn in Flames
Stage 26: Weeping Souls
Stage 33: Bloody Battle
Stage 36: Light and Dark Interlaced
Stage 38: Advance On
Part 1.
Part 2.
Unused background.
Other Story Events
Stories and stages of character events can be replayed from the Doll's listing (accessible even without unlocking the Doll).
Part 1: R&D
Stage 1: Slice
Stage 2: Livestream
Stage 3: Fans
Stage 4: Chasing Dreams
Stage 5: Performance
Magrasea's Lang Syne
Stage 1: Finding Notes
Part 1: Tuning
Stage 2: Plucking
Stage 3: Tremolo
Stage 4: Vibrato
Stage 5: Glissando
Part 2: Harmony
Quenching Operation
Stage 1: Recollection
Stage 5: Hard Fight
Heartfelt House of Chocolate
Midnight Machinations
Stage 1: Old Glory
Eager Fist, Dawning Fray
Stage 1: Old Glory
Chromatic Spiral
Stage 1: Oath
Stage 5: Initial Diagnosis
Snowy Encounters
Ruintop Song
Stage 1: Deep History
Wishing Starbridge Workshop
Gastronomic Journey
Stage 1: Meal Preparation
Divergent Shadows
Stage 5: Trust
Twilight Requiem
Stage 1: Sunset Soliloquy
Strange Blue
L.A.D Riddle
Stage 5: Expected Effect
Symphonic Reprise
Stage 1: Preparations Complete
Starchaser's Concerto
Joyful Reunion
Stage 1: "Once Upon A Time In Canada"
Springtime Ruckus
In New Year's Broadcast, parts of each chapter are unlocked by gifting a certain amount of Fortune Envelopes to the characters in the event main screen. Troublemakers refer to KuroKuro and FlorenceFlorence , Duty Group to CroqueCroque and SakuyaSakuya , Martial Artists to JiangyuJiangyu and AkiAki , Garden Security to both Martial Artists and Duty Group, Villains and Vigilantes to both Martial Artists and Troublemakers, and finally Garden Explorers to all protagonists. After New Year's Broadcast, three more scenes can be unlocked for each character by gifting them more
Fortune Envelopes.
The Easter Egg scene is unlocked by interacting with the bunny hidden behind the bench on the far left of the event main screen.
Part 1: The Show Begins
Part 2: Improptu Poetry
Troublemakers(Script) - Duty Group(Script) - Martial Artists(Script)
Part 3: Clarifying The Source
Part 4: Unique Heritage
Part 5: Replacements and Reallocations
Part 6: Improvised Prose
Part 7: Strident Whisper
Part 8: Fiery Finale
Part 9: Joyful Epilogue
Divining The Heart
Stage 1: Proposal: Migrator
Cleansing Aria
Stage 1: Sacred Summons
Crisis Rescue
Stage 4: Disaster Simulation
Magrasean Nights
Oneiric Odyssey
Stage 5: The Past
Moonseeking Resurgence
Stage 1: Full Moon
Melodious Macrocosm
Like Springtime Ruckus, chapters in the Idol Express main story are unlocked by gifting a certain amount of the corresponding Lightbanner to the characters in the event main screen. After Idol Express is completed, three more scenes can be unlocked for each character by gifting them more of their Lightbanner
Part 5: Forsaken
Part 9: Echo
Sunset Blush
Stage 1: Maiden
Netherblade Gleam
Stage 1: Lone Blade
Retrocausal Trie Interference
B3 Stage.01 - The Grueling Struggle Against Entropy
B3 Stage.03 - Infinitely Iterated Superimposition Replay
A0 Stage.03 - Reverse-Extrapolated Street Theater
A0 Stage.04 - Retrocausal Trie Interference
R1 (Start)(Script) - R2 ("Fake ENT, protect humain girl")(Script) - R3 ("Delay the Sanctifiers and take the chance to talk to the girl")(Script) - R4 ("Lead the girl toward Riko's convoy")(Script) - R5 ("Stay in the station and pretend you've been infected by the Seed of Entropization in the convoy")(Script) - R6 (Combat Node 1)(Script) - R7 (Combat Node 2)(Script) - W1 ("Beat SANC, cleanse ENT, save Mayuri")(Script) - W2 ("Fool the world. El Psy Congroo.")(Script) - W3 ("Intercept the Sanctifiers")(Script) - W4 ("Let the girl hide in Riko's convoy by herself")(Script) - W5 ("Bring the girl back to the Oasis")(Script) - W6 ("Pose as an Entropized Agent and return to the Oasis by other routes")(Script) - NE (Bad Ending - Curtainfall of Closed Karmic Loop)(Script) - TE (True Ending - Miracle of the Intersecting Boundaries)(Script) - Nodes
Phantasmagoric Sojourn
Emerald Chase
Scars Among Pigeons and Daisies
Auspicious Windfall
Support In Progress
Lost Thorn
Toy Rescue
Steel and Blossoms
Other stories
Returner Stories
When a player is at Cognition Level 3 or above and connects for the first time in over 30 days, they will activate the Returner Event, which grants bonus resources and unique stories.
One-year Anniversary stories
Correpsonds to the half-year anniversary event on the Global server.
Two-years Anniversary stories (Precious Company No.2: Imminent Gala)
Precious Company No.3: Strange Tales of the Demon Realm
Rare Memory (Oath stories)
Beguiling Mystery costume stories
Summertime Rhythm
Summertide Delivery