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Springfield Story Quotes Live2D


Springfield is in charge of the base's Cafe, where she works with RF Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88 and AR G36G36G36[1] (as well as RF DSR-50DSR-50DSR-50, RF G28G28G28, SG V-PM5V-PM5V-PM5, RF Gepard M1Gepard M1Gepard M1 and RF Type 81 CarbineType 81 CarbineType 81 Carbine according to the Base Overview), and is also the head of the Integrated Logistics Department, in charge of the daily life of the base and only rarely taking part in combat.[2] She is good at sewing[3] and poker,[4] but is old-fashioned and has trouble keeping up with trends, once trying to add a staple rural American carrot walnut cake to the Cafe's menu.[5]

Mature and gentle in nature, she is very generous with her companions. But whether in life or on the battlefield, one can never find a weakness in her seemingly defenseless posture.[6] She is considered reliable on a breadth of matters by other Dolls[7][8][9] and HG M1911M1911M1911 describes her as “everyone's greatest rival [for the Commander's affection, but also] best confidante”.[10] Despite her easygoing attitude, Springfield has deep insights into the philosophy of Dolls life and is skilled in imparting them to those who come seek her guidance at the cafe.

Girls' Frontline[edit]

Springfield only makes rare short appearances in the main story, but appears in many side stories.

Main story[edit]

Springfield took part as a team leader in the battle of the Paldiski Submarine Base with all the other T-Dolls under the Commander, but her team was mostly wiped out.[11] She was either one of the few survivors of the battle or among the first T-Dolls to be brought back as she manned the cafe with G36 a few days after the Commander returned to Area S09.[12]

Neural Upgrade stories[edit]

In RF Mosin-NagantMosin-NagantMosin-Nagant's story, Mosin-Nagant talks about her concerns regarding her upgrade with Springfield, and ultimately decides to reject it and transfer into a ceremonial guard job at Griffin HQ. A few weeks later, Mosin comes back to the cafe to talk with Springfield about her insecurities, and Springfield gives her the revised upgrade plan the Commander made for her, which Mosin accepts before joining back. Mosin also asks Springfield her reason for working at the café, but she doesn't answer.

At the end of RF Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88Hanyang Type 88's story, the Commander asks Springfield if she would like to have a neural upgrade, and she replies that she would only do it if she absolutely had to.

During AR GalilGalilGalil's story, Galil visits the other departments of the base as she considers herself too old to keep working with Squad MG NegevNegevNegev in the Frontline Combat Team. Springfield takes her into the Integrated Logistics Department, where Galil tries to bus tables at the cafe and make logistics runs, but is not satisfied with her performance and is eventually asked by Negev to join her squad back after taking a neural upgrade. When Galil hands her resignation to her, Springfield assures her that her colleagues praised her diligence and level-headed decision making, and encourages Galil to “follow her heart” when choosing her future.

In AR G36G36G36's story, Springfield helps smooth things out between the members of G36's team after a difficult mission, tipping the Commander on how to resolve the situation. Springfield is mentioned in MG LWMMGLWMMGLWMMG's story, when LWMMG helps her carry some boxes and close the café on a whim. At the end of RF KSVKKSVKKSVK's story, the Commander, KSVK and SG DP-12DP-12DP-12 celebrate KSVK's upgrade at the cafe and Springfield gives KSVK a free slice of cake. In MG Type 80Type 80Type 80's story, Springfield has to chase after Type 80, who bought lots of pastries to bribe HG Type 59Type 59Type 59 but ran away without paying.

In RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield's story, Springfield notices that her friend Lee seems gloom at the cafe and does not take part in the general rejoicing among the Dolls after the medias announced new revelations claiming the innocence of the Dolls who had caused the Operation Black Forest controversy during World War Three. Lee explains her story, how she caused the incident, and how she ended up changing the life of a boy named Charlie, from whom she recently received a package she doesn't dare open. Hung up on the consequences of her past decisions, Lee is also considering refusing a Neural Upgrade. Springfield gives her friend a push and slices open with a knife the package sitting on the cafe's counter, helping Lee read Charlie's letter and shake off the shackles of her past.

Event stories[edit]

A Snowy Night Capriccio[edit]

With the Commander out to buy presents for all the Dolls on short notice, RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield and MG MG5MG5MG5 try to keep the other Dolls in line as Kalina organizes the Christmas party. Their efforts are overshadowed by the sheer chaos caused by the Dolls and Destroyer's attempt to take control of the base.

Far Side of the Sea[edit]

When Kalina planned an informal seaside vacation by taking a contract to clear any danger from a deserted island, RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield was one of the Dolls selected by the Commander for the trip. She tried to offer muffins to SMG Z-62Z-62Z-62, who got startled and ran away, then discussed Doll-compatible sunscreen with AR Type 95Type 95Type 95. After the Dolls neutralized the abandoned weapon factory on the island, Springfield prepared the huge tuna caught by RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20 for the beach barbecue.

Bounty Feast[edit]

After word about the Division tournament spread on Grifchan, AR Type 97Type 97Type 97 and SMG MP7MP7MP7 pestered Springfield into joining as their team leader, where she used the nickname “Honey Muffin”. She steered her companions toward a methodical strategy, starting with careful looting and avoiding combat with the other teams.[13] During a tense encounter with SG M870M870M870's team, they were interrupted by a flashbang thrown from afar by Squad 404 to provoke them into fighting, but Springfield ordered her team to run away instead.[14] They later came across SMG VectorVectorVector mourning the loss of SMG PP-90PP-90PP-90 and Springfield ordered her team not to eliminate her out of respect.[3]

During their last resources run before entering the Dark Zone, Squad Springfield ran into AR A-91A-91A-91 in a boss area littered with explosives. Sensing the danger of a shootout, Springfield tried to negotiate with the drunken Doll, who initially relaxed due to Springfield's presence. But MP7's provocations and the arrival of the boss caused A-91 to open fire and the explosives to go out, taking down all of Squad Springfield.[15]


Springfield temporarily takes HG JillJillJill's place as VA-11 Hall A's bartender during the second-to-last cafe sequence, where she reveals the true nature of the event's story.[16]

One Coin Short[edit]

SMG SuomiSuomiSuomi gets drunk on Springfield's Christmas cocktail, then wakes up in a trance and orders more cocktails from Springfield to become gaming friends with AR RFBRFBRFB and SMG TMPTMPTMP. Though the method is rough, Springfield doesn't seem to mind as long as they have fun.[17]

Lycan Sanctuary[edit]

Springfield took the role of the Witch during the game of Lycan Sanctuary.

"I can't sleep yet, I still have work to do..."

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Notebook stories[edit]

Weirder Things (Classic Witch costume)[edit]

After the Commander suggested to organize an event at the base for Halloween, RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield was made the organizer and set up a haunted house in an recently cleared out logistics warehouse. She selected RF WA2000WA2000WA2000 and HG MakarovMakarovMakarov with setting up the house, SMG Type 64Type 64Type 64 with sewing costumes, and even recruited (bribed and kidnapped) AR G11G11G11 to play one of the monsters, thinking she was a new arrival at the base (she eventually had to apologize after G11 got beaten up by SMG MP5MP5MP5 after scaring her).

When the power in the haunted house went out as WA2000 and SMG m45m45m45 tried to turn the animatronics on, Springfield managed to reach the control room in search of WA2000 to apologize about overlooking the state of the electric circuits in the warehouse. She found m45 there, who did not recognize Springfield in the dark and lamented that she should have stayed in the kitchen to cook instead of trying to help. m45 also voiced her admiration for Springfield, seeing her as perfect in every way. Springfield encouraged her to talk about her insecurities and revealed that she too felt the stress of her position, made mistakes and got scolded by WA2000 too. She then gave m45 the Halloween costume she had planned to offer her as a way to socialize.

After the event ended, the Commander explained to Springfield that they had authorized the ambitious haunted house plan to test out the quirks of each Doll and get to know them better by helping them sort each issue out. But Springfield's management ended up making things run too smoothly for them to gather much insight into their troops, so Springfield encouraged them to keep trying to know each Doll better.

"Secrets are only uncovered when the moment calls for it, Commander. Before the time comes though, you'll need to keep working to get to know each of us T-Dolls better."

Santa Claus Hunt (O Holy Night costume)[edit]

During the Christmas party, RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield dressed as Santa to distribute presents to the rest of the employees. However, RF M14M14M14 cluelessly revealed to her the plan by the children Dolls to steal the presents, so Springfield enlisted RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20 to give the troublemakers a lesson. Having sensed trouble from a conversation with HG Colt RevolverColt RevolverColt Revolver and missing champagne bottles in the inventory, the Commander also gathered their own security team consisting of MG MG5MG5MG5 and AR FALFALFAL. When the Commander tried to joke about them being tempted to steal the presents too, they quickly backtracked after Springfield's usual smile got ever so slightly menacing. The three security Dolls swiftly dealt with the troublemakers before they could disrupt Springfield's plans. After she had distributed all the presents, the Commander offered Springfield their own present, since she had not prepared any for herself.

“There was a lot to do... But seeing everyone so happy makes it all worth it.”

Anniversary Party (Queen in Radiance costume)[edit]

After the announcement of Griffin & Kryuger's anniversary banquet, RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield came up with a plan to organize a private party at the base for the more childish and raucous Dolls who wouldn't be invited to the public event. During the banquet, she takes the Commander aside so they can get a rest from the other guests and both express their thanks for each other's work in the past year, and the year to come.

“Being able to stay by your side like this is enough for us T-Dolls, Commander.”

Florentine's Gift[edit]

Reusing her O Holy Night costume, Springfield appears in the costume stories of other Dolls.

Before the Christmas party, Springfield enlisted the help of SG CAWSCAWSCAWS to select and buy the presents of the other Dolls, paying her with two days worth of afternoon tea for two. This creates some commotion as CAWS starts stalking the Dolls to know what kind of present they would like. In RF Gepard M1Gepard M1Gepard M1's story, Gepard is determined to laze about in the cafe during her vacation day, but eventually feels so guilty to see Kalina and Springfield too busy to prepare the Christmas tree that MG LewisLewisLewis and the Commander bought, she ends up preparing it herself in secret.

In HG LWMMGLWMMGLWMMG's story, Springfield puts her to work in laying out presents, then uses her to trick MG Mk48Mk48Mk48 and MG M249 SAWM249 SAWM249 SAW into doing the share of work they originally refused to sign for. Because her companions wanted to help LWMMG without telling her, Springfield loudly announced the task she would bring LWMMG to next, letting Mk48 and M249 finish it quickly before they arrived, though Springfield didn't plan on them roping the Commander into helping. After the last task is complete, Springfield reveals her plan to LWMMG, who asks why she didn't notice that the other tasks were never on her schedule, but Springfield only says that it was “because of a lie” and let LWMMG figure what happened for herself.

No. 4 Symphony[edit]

Springfield appears in HG M1911M1911M1911's story when M1911 comes to the cafe, worried that she won't be able to dance with the Commander at the ball AR Zas M21Zas M21Zas M21 suggested. Springfield is impressed that M1911's childish tantrum convinced the others to organize an event, even though M1911 has more seniority than her, then admits that she could have been one of the Doll to try and get a dance with the Commander at the ball, but that she would be too busy and encouraged M1911 to ask naturally.

Bookshelf of Memories[edit]

Becoming a Star[edit]

When HG P38P38P38, SMG Spectre M4Spectre M4Spectre M4 and HG HK45HK45HK45 needed funds to hire HG Desert EagleDesert EagleDesert Eagle and get lessons in being idols, they temporarily worked extra shifts with Springfield and the Integrated Logistics Department.[18] When they put on their show a week later, Springfield recorded their performance.[19]

Weekend Poker Night[edit]

After coming back from a mission on a Friday evening, RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield enjoys Springfield's black tea as the Cafe's last client for the day. Lee notices Springfield is slightly troubled, and Springfield reveals why the Cafe closes early on Fridays: herself and other rifle T-Dolls have a secret weekly meeting to play poker and relax, but RF Carcano M1891Carcano M1891Carcano M1891 and RF Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38 are out on a mission. Springfield invites Lee as a replacement, challenging her to put her analytic mind and unfazable poise to the test.

RF WA2000WA2000WA2000 arrives first and the three Dolls play a introductory game where two of them are dealt face-down the same card and the third a different card, and they must pinpoint the odd one out while holding out their card for the others to see while not knowing what it is themselves. After an exchange where Lee discovers the aspect of deception of the game, she announces Springfield is the impostor as she seemed the most suspicious, but it was WA2000, who feigned to be flustered to divert Lee's attention.

When RF Mosin-NagantMosin-NagantMosin-Nagant and RF Kar98kKar98kKar98k arrive, the five Dolls start a game of Five-cards stud. Laying low and conserving her chips, Lee pinpoints the other Dolls' playstyle, except for Springfield, unable to understand what strategy she's hiding behind her disarming smile. After WA2000, Kar98k and Mosin-Nagant are eliminated, Springfield and Lee engage in a duel, and eventually Springfield prevails after getting a rare hand. As the Dolls share tea after the game, Lee is enticed into attending the next Weekend Poker Night to face Springfield in a mind game again.

Her Smile[edit]

AR G36G36G36 imitating Springfield's smile.

After Kalina gets sick from overwork, Springfield closes the Cafe to take care of her for a few days. This impulsive decision pushes AR G36G36G36 to scrutinize how Springfield handles her work. G36 is used to Springfield's efficiency in organizing missions when they worked together, so she is shocked to see her allow clients to loiter after they have finished eating and keep decorating the Cafe whimsically. She confronts Springfield about her loose approach of her job, but Springfield doesn't see any problem with her methods as long as clients are happy. To defuse the situation, AR XM8XM8XM8 suggests they switch jobs for a day to better understand each other's work.

While the Cafe receives very few customers because of G36's tyrannical efficiency despite baking trendy snacks (which is one of Springfield's weak points), Springfield, coached by SMG G36CG36CG36C, tries her best to take the heavy workload of G36 in strides (though she refuses to wear the same maid outfit). After stubbornly deciding to take every employee's special request at the cafeteria to give the same service as the Cafe, Springfield ends up exhausted as she finishes the rest of G36's daily tasks, and understands her need for raw efficiency.

At the end of the day, Springfield and G36 both apologize for underestimating each other's work. G36 helps Springfield by baking trendy snacks to add to her menu, while Springfield helps G36 become more welcoming to others, starting with lessons in smiling.

Mail - Thanksgiving 2021 (November 25 2021)[edit]

Have you seen my turkey?

Morning, Commander!

Happy Thanksgiving! Don't forget your prayer even if you're busy at work.

Pray to whom? Hmm, I suppose it doesn't matter as long as you have faith in them. That aside, I've prepared a grand thanksgiving feast at the café tonight as per tradition.

Please come early to deliver a speech - What was I looking for just now, you say?

Haha, busted!

So...have you seen my turkey?


Email - Mid-Autumn Festival 2023[edit]

Blooming Flowers on a Full Moon

Good morning, Commander.
I'm sorry, but I won't be able to prepare breakfast for you today as I'll be busy preparing for tonight. Surely you remember what day it is today, right? Before joining Griffin, I didn't even know about this festival, but I really enjoy the poetic charm of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Both the tradition of appreciating the moon and the custom of spending time with family, It brings me... great joy.
And considering everything we've been through recently, these moments are all the more precious. I will prepare a big dinner, so please come to the courtyard outside the café with the others tonight. We can admire the moon and spend a wonderful night together.
I have attempted to make some mooncakes with reduced sugar content, because you always complain about the excessive sweetness of store-bought pastries.
I hope you'll like them.

Yours, Springfield

Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium[edit]

Main story[edit]

Side stories[edit]

In the Firelight

First Anniversary Letter[edit]

Gift from 2065

Dear Commander, it's been a while. I hope you're well. I tried writing to you before, but I couldn't find the words... Perhaps my emotions are too heavy to be carried by in a simple letter. All journeys must unfortunately come to an end, but I must speak for all of us and convey our common feelings to you. From our first meeting in Area S09 to Frankfurt, we all had the chance to work with you, and walk a wonderful and unforgettable journey. Thank you for making us a part of Griffin. Thank you for leading us in battle. Thank you for giving meaning to our lives.

On this day of 2065, our journey must come to an end. If we could, we would stay by your side forever. When we heard what choice you made, we felt overwhelmed and alone, we didn't want to let go... Griffin was crushed under our emotions. None of us wanted to be separated from you, none of us wanted to leave Griffin, and we all hoped to see you step out of the command room to greet us as always. But we also understand your responsibilities, towards fallen comrades and towards a better future. Miss Helian suggested that we write letters for you, but we didn't dare include any farewell in them. If we did that, then we would truly have parted ways with you...

And so, we have decided not to say goodbye to you. Our journey continues. One day in the future, we will definitely walk together again. All our thoughts, all our wishes and all we want to tell you right now, we seal in this package and cast toward the future along the river of time. Please keep it until we meet again. I hope we can go an a new journey, just like we did at Griffin.

We are the shining beacon in a brave new world.

Other medias[edit]

Springfield is a recurring character in Girls' Frontline: Trigger Happy alongside RF WA2000WA2000WA2000.


  1. Girls' Frontline, AR G36G36G36 Neural Upgrade story 4
  2. Girls' Frontline, AR GalilGalilGalil Neural Upgrade story 2
  3. 3.0 3.1 Girls' Frontline, Bounty Feast, Side Chapter: Squad Springfield, part 2
  4. Girls' Frontline, Bookshelf of Memories, Weekend Poker Night
  5. Girls' Frontline, Bookshelf of Memories - Her Smile, Iced Coffee
  6. The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, 66
  7. Girls' Frontline, HG MakarovMakarovMakarov Pumpkin Mishka costume story
  8. Girls' Frontline, RF G28G28G28 Moonlit Emerald costume story
  9. Girls' Frontline, MG MG5MG5MG5 Crimson Guardian costume story
  10. Girls' Frontline, HG M1911M1911M1911 Breaker of the Sky costume story
  11. Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, Polishing
  12. Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Foreshadowed Voyage
  13. Girls' Frontline, Bounty Feast, Side Chapter: Squad Springfield, part 1
  14. Girls' Frontline, Bounty Feast, Chapter 2: 0:07 New York Public Library
  15. Girls' Frontline, Bounty Feast, Side Chapter: Squad Springfield, part 3
  16. Girls' Frontline, Valhalla, Interlude VII
  17. Girls' Frontline, One Coin Short, Heavy Metal & Tender Wood
  18. Girls' Frontline, Bookshelf of Memories - Becoming a Star, Flutter of a Fledgling's Wings
  19. Girls' Frontline, Bookshelf of Memories - Becoming a Star, A Witch's Night