AN-94 | Strategy | Story | Quotes | Live2D |
Official character description would mention that AN-94 is an elite T-doll from Defiance squadron. She believes that she is a side product and a reference model of AK-12, she constantly and quietly provides AK-12 with supports and help. She has a doll-like behaviour and can only react with her cold, emotionless expressions and speech, effectively masking over all her detailed thoughts and emotions. But all of her actions still prove that even as a doll incapable of laughter and tears, she is still an unyielding character who moves ever forward.
Duoyuanjun commented on how he envisioned AN-94's character setting while illustrating the character, he would comment that this was inspired by the actual weapon's history.[1]
"94's setting is suppose to appear cold on the outside but very thoughtful deep inside. (94的设定是外表冷漠内心织细)"
"Her cold exterior appearance is what her "Creator" wants, which is also AK-12's ideal combat performance and status. (外表冷漠的原因是因为ak12那个状态是“制作者”理想中的战斗状态)"
"94 was instructed the same but she could not reach that state, while AK-12 did. (而94尽管接受了灌输但并没有能达到,而12达到了)"
This is likely inspired by the fact that Project Abakan intended to produce a newer, more modern, higher performing standard service rifle, as a weapon AN-94 met and/or exceeded all the criteria but was still unable to replace the Soviet gold standard AK-74 and thus in a sense "failed" all the expectations. AK-12 however replace the servicing standard AK-74M in 2018, 94 feels inferior to 12 because 12 managed to do what 94 could not.
Introduced along side AK-12, AN-94 showed her excessive attachment to AK-12 in both her quotations and story interactions, stating that AK-12 is an important being who she sworn to protect/serve. AK-12 however showed very little emotional/physical attachment to AN-94 except on rare occasions. Overall behavior of AN-94 appears to be obedient and hardworking, she would carry out orders from AK-12 and Angelia (Defiance's human Commander) without delays or questions.
Story Involvement[edit]
A core character of the event Singularity, AN-94 played the role of a member of DEFY.
AK-12 and AN-94 made up the DEFY squadron that served Angelia and fought against the SOCOM, later on ST AR-15 and M4A1 also joined DEFY out of their own reasons and interests. Singularity is a series of highly detailed story told by different routes describing a chaotic crossfire conflict between G&K, Sangvis Ferri, SOCOM, DEFY and 404, stories are arranged based on time instead of story routes to maintain the plot integrity. AN-94 demonstrated her personality, her covert operation effectiveness, her electronic warfare capabilities and her fighting skills against both Sangvis Ferri and SOCOM through out the 21 hours and 20 minutes of Singularity.
- 1655 hour
After relaying new orders to AK-12 and AR-15, Angelia turned to AN-94 who just returned from her electronic scouting. AN-94 reported that Parapluie systems were turned up to maximum amplitude by Sangvis Ferri, it's spreading rate are reaching theoretical maximum due to that SOCOM have retreated and with it turned off their counter-counter measures. AN-94 also reports an exposed SOCOM server base that she can infiltrate since it does not have a firewall set up. Angelia quickly picked up this opportunity, she told AN-94 to look up files within that server with the keyword "Ogus".
Five minutes later after removing junk files, AN-94 presented her findings, two particular items of interest. The first one is a military report on Soviet Army's Ogus facility, the second one is a report on a small derelict site named OKB-413 near Minsk. Intrigued by these findings, Angelia focuses on her mobile device screens and mumbles to herself. AN-94 reminds her that Parapluie coverage will be reaching their location soon and they should probably act. Digging through the Intel, Angelia merely told AN-94 to subjugate nearby abandoned SOCOM units and use their processing powers to fight off Parapluie.
Maintaining access to the server while subjugating abandoned units meant AN-94 had to enter an immobile state where her Digi-mind consciousness will have to be broadcasted to Layer 2. "This means no one will be able to protect you if I enter Layer 2.", AN-94 reminds her commanding officer, which Angelia replied that she does not need protections.
Sometimes later when all the subjugated units' processors are about to burn out, Angelia ordered AN-94 to disconnect herself from Layer 2 as she had seen enough, her new objective is escorting Angelia to a comms relay nearby, just to gain communication access outside of S09.
- 1820 hour
AN-94 received a communication request from AK-12 from an open channel, even though Angelia previously ordered them not to do so, because of the risk of Parapluie contamination, especially with max amplitude Parapluie influence in sector S09 right now. AN-94 estimated that she can maintain the communication open for 10 seconds under these influences, if she switch all of her available processing power to fight off Parapluie, Angelia agreed to this.
Establishing connection, Angelia ordered AK-12 and AR-15 to move to rendezvous location Beta. AK-12 commented casually: "This might not be the best time to say this but ehh... We might have... Gotten into a bit of trouble here.", "Quit messing around! Angie we're being suppressed by Ferri main forces, we need reinforcements immediately!" AR-15 had enough of AK-12's cheeky comments and jumped into the communication. Before AR-15 could report anything else the connection severed as AN-94 have reached her physical processing limits, AN-94 apologized for unable to hold the communication for longer, which Angelia comments that for a T-doll fine toned for combat, she did the best she could.
Angelia relayed the information she got from AK-12 during the limited communication session, Angelia gave AN-94 the order to rescue AK-12. Before depart, AN-94 reported her early scouting reports, they will encounter a lot of enemy units as well as a powered up version of Executioner, with Parapluie turned up to maximum amplitude, even a low ranking Ferri leader Executioner now have unrealistically strong combat performance and large command capability. Regardless AN-94 is willing to carry out Angelia's orders at all cost, soon the two depart to rescue the other members of DEFY.
- 1930 hour
Arriving at her post, AN-94 signaled the rest of the group that she is in position, the group now began breaking the siege and meeting AN-94 half way. AN-94 helped the rest of her squad to defeat Executioner, DEFY squadron soon reunited, broken the siege and reunited with their Commander Angelia. "Great work this time AN-94.", AK-12 praises AN-94 for her solo operation performance. "...No need, this is what needs to be done.", AN-94 replied submissively.
Under Angelia's orders, AK-12 summarized and compared the Intel she gathered inside Central Data Server against what AN-94 gathered, AK-12 comments saying that any further breeches into the data server is now impossible due to how fast Parapluie virus is spreading. AN-94 apologized for being unable to return to the second layer due to the Parapluie influence, to which AK-12 told her not to worry about it, her Digi-mind structure was not made to do this kind of work to start with.
"Well, this is the most we can get out of the safe route, the rest we'll have to leave it up to the professionals.", by the professionals, Angelia meant Taskforce 404, with their specialized electronic warfare capability added during the UAV retrieval task back in sector S15. AK-12's role is to create an information black zone for Angelia to analyses Intel, only then they can decrypt what the SOCOM is really up to.
- 2000 hour
Regrouped, Angelia made some changes to DEFY's team hierarchy, M4A1 took the leading role of the squadron at the request of Angelia. AK-12 did not oppose this idea, she congratulated M4A1 on her promotion, she even reminded AN-94 to greet the new squadron leader properly, "Yes... Welcome, Miss M4A1.".
Angelia gave out the new orders for DEFY, after clarifying SOCOM forces' movement and motive. SOCOM's operation Sector S09 have one purpose only, they wish to capture the Sangvis Ferri head unit, Mastermind. DEFY's objective for the operation will be to stop the capturing of Mastermind and to find out why SOCOM wants her. The first objective for DEFY is to capture an information relay under SOCOM command, after gaining control, AK-12 will access it and read it's contents. After their mission briefing, Angelia will be on a solo reconnaissance mission while DEFY make preparation to rendezvous with 404.
- 0005 hour
On approach to the relay station, DEFY's path is blocked by significantly large amount of military units, SOCOM have began sweeping the Ferri units under the Parapluie coverage. AK-12 returned from her scouting to report the observations, even though their armored units are still staging outside of the area, it is still ill-advised to fight their initial forces with the limited fire power of DEFY squadron. They could however go through a route under Ferri faction region, which will allow them to slip right into the blind spot of the SOCOM, since Ferri is easier to deal with than SOCOM, M4A1 agreed to this proposal.
While fighting against the Ferri and avoiding of SOCOM, AR-15 comments on how passive the Ferri is fighting, as the fight starts they retreats. AN-94 proposed that they might be shrinking their defense perimeter due to the pressure SOCOM is exerting on them, to which AR-15 argued that the military grade fighting forces can easily deal with any pawns Ferri throws at them, M4A1 sensed this might be a trap, she told AK-12 to take point.
"I don't think that is the case, I mean I'm not detecting any sig..."
A shell landed directly on AK-12's position before she could finish that speech, the entire squadron is scattered from the explosion shockwave.
"...Just in range... That must be the android who was searching for our signal... Checking the actors list before the show isn't a good habit you know.", the Ferri leader contacted via long range communication.
"A...AK...12... AK-12... AK-12...!!" AN-94 began to panic after she realised what have happened, "Calm down, AN-94 take point, cover the spot left opened by AK-12!", M4A1 commanded AN-94 to stay focus as they are dealing with a Ferri ringleader.
"But... AK-12... Shes...!"
"AN-94, START MOVING NOW!", M4A1 issues the command again.
"I'm not dead yet M4A1..." AK-12 walks out of the cloud of debris and ash, with her snow wolf eyes wide open, her bright pink iris revealed. "Don't exert pressure on her in this kind of situation, she can't deal with this.", she spoke in a cold voice.
AN-94 relieved after seeing AK-12 is still alive. AK-12 identified the Ferri ringleader, elite Support Command android model, Intruder. As Intruder states, her task given to her by her superior is to remove threats from this region, but since DEFY is considered to be low threat, she will deal with them instead of her boss, at this point she unmasked the signal and she is ready to remove DEFY from this territory.
AN-94 reports large amount of Ferri units approaching from behind. Intruder set them on planned mode so they can navigate by themselves while disconnected from the network. "Are we surrounded again? Why did I mention 'Again', we got a Ferri leader on our head too!" AR-15 remarks. AK-12 proposed that Intruder can be easily dealt with but they shouldn't stick around, otherwise they will risk drawing the attention of the nearby SOCOM units.
M4A1 orders to retreat from this fight, fight their way out of the siege towards the relay, centering the formation around AK-12 as she is able to break in to the SOCOM encryption. Luckily for them, they noticed echelons of G&K forces are also engaged in the fight against Intruder's units nearby while they are breaking the siege, with the chaos they caused, DEFY successfully escaped and infiltrated the comms relay.
- ???? hour
AK-12 successfully decrypted encryption and connected herself to the SOCOM's network. Half way through her infiltration M4A1 approached and asked whether she can look into G&K unit movements through this relay. AK-12 gave her a negative reply. M4A1 told her to speak truthfully as AN-94 have already told her the full function of this information relay.
The two continues to debate while AR-15 and AN-94 also entered the room. "It won't take long to just get a location information on G&K.", enters AR-15, AN-94 spoke out in defense of AK-12, "We should focus on the task at hand, AK-12 is doing the right thing.", the group argued until M4A1 told them to stand down.
AK-12 gazed at M4A1: "I've already got what I wanted, faster than I expected to be honest." AK-12 said, "I'm slightly interested in G&K's movement myself, I suppose I can have a peep before I disconnect myself...". Before AK-12 could inquire more data the network suddenly destabilized, the relay is now overloaded with electronic currents, all the electronics devices are emitting screeching noises, AN-94 quickly disconnected AK-12 from the terminal.
Quickly recovered herself, she instructed the squadron: "Turn off all radio communication devices, AN-94, severe yourself from all second layer connections, now!", M4A1 inquires about what happened, to which AK-12 replied that the military have encountered some minor big issues, they have activated first tier active defense on their network. She further comments on the strength of the military's electronic warfare capability, due to the attack, she lost her ability to command dummies for a short period of time. But this kind of defenses means that SOCOM have also lost all their connections to their units on the field.
M4A1 told the squadron to rest and recover from the electronic attack, since the entire battlefield is under chaos. Later on the network is recovered, they forwarded the information Angelia requested and received their update orders, 404 squadron's position is compromised before they finished their task, they requested assistance, DEFY's new order is to assist 404 squadron at the Central Data Server, coordinate 20664-5ETK85.
- 0214 hour
Arriving at the location, DEFY observes the situation of the Central Data Server. M4A1 quickly developed an assault plan, the plan soon carried out. With the plans successfully executed, DEFY arrived outside of the room where 404 hid themselves in. The two squadrons are now united, SMG UMP45UMP45UMP45 provided her share of Intel on the battlefield. The Ferri units outside are under the command of Intruder, but Intruder is under the command of Gager, UMP45 mailed her plans to defeat Gager to M4A1. With both parties agreed to the plan, they began preparations.
- 0315 hour
M4A1 left the facility in attempt to breach the Ferri defense line alone, Gager picked up the signal and went after her. Moments later M4A1's movement slowed down and Gager had her cornered. Little did Gager expect M4A1 wasn't alone, even more to Gager's surprise M4A1 was accompanied by abandoned military mechs.
The combat plan submitted by UMP45 was based on the fact that Sangvis Ferri wishes to capture M4A1 as a T-doll, 45 gambled on M4A1's solo operation will draw out the command unit of the Ferri. With Gager being lead to a site with abandoned military armors, all AK-12 had to do was hack the units remotely. Under the superior firepower, Gager's units were annihilated almost instantly, and herself was personally executed by M4A1.
Defeating the field command unit of Ferri, reunited with 404 and acquired the full intelligence data from the server, Angelia makes plans for the next steps for both DEFY and 404.
- 0600 hour
While the rest of the two tasks force were told to get some rest, AK-12 and Angelia went to inquire additional orders from Angelia's superiors in the information black-zone AK-12 created. AN-94 relayed this information to the tasks force when M4A1 asked the whereabouts of the DEFY's commander.
SOCOM's data server contained excessive information regarding the old Soviet AI system Ogus, however through the communication, Angelia's superior informs her that the evidence and speculations does not and cannot justify any actions from their side. Despite having the air force on their side, they still cannot issue bombing runs to halt SOCOM's efforts, the country is in a chaotic state, any form of internal conflicts may lead to foreign political pressure. Essentially Angelia receives no supports from her superior in this mission. She turns to her own last resort.
- 0800 hour
Angelia briefs the two task force on their individual objectives, she called in an airdrop from her associates, AR-15, M4A1 and 404 are ordered to secure this airdrop while AK-12 and AN-94 stays with their commander.
"Ladies, I understand that all of us here have all kinds of different grudges with the enemies, but if we make it out of here alive, perhaps we can wipe it all away." Angelia gave out an encouraging speech. The dolls were initially speechless, but eventually they all agreed that they are willing to carry out any form of task from Angelia." With a brief encouragement speech, Angelia sent them out on their missions. "As long as the commander orders, I will perform my duty." AN-94 replied obediently.
- 0900 hour
The airdrop is a crucial part of Angelia's last resort against the SOCOM, SOCOM makes use of heavily armored units where her two T-doll squadrons are unable to fight against. Her associates delivered her five small canisters of Collapse fluid, when detonated these will trigger Collapse reactions, release mass amount of energy into the blast zone and create a lasting radiated region where no humans can survive in[2]. When used appropriately, these makeshift bombs will rain destruction on the heavily armored SOCOM units. While fitting these bombs, M4A1 detached from the squadron to perform her own tasks under her own motives.
M4A1's actions were predicted by Angelia, she decided to use M4A1 as a bait to draw out Mastermind. She instructed the two task forces to follow M4A1's footsteps, when Mastermind appears they should capture Mastermind and prevent SOCOM units from doing so.
- 1230 hour
Meeting with Mastermind was successful while the follow up retrieval operations were not, the two task forces were close to capturing Mastermind, however they were forced to retreat away from Mastermind's powerful servant Agent. Before they could continue the fight against Agent, Major Yegor intercepted communications between Angelia's T-doll units and have moved his KCCO armor units on approach to secure Mastermind.
- 1300 hour
Amidst the chaotic battle and radio communications, AK-12 mentions that Mastermind's most powerful servant Agent was defeated as she is no longer emitting her signals. After defeating Agent and securing Mastermind, the next order for KCCO was to remove all witnesses, G&K, DEFY, 404 and Angelia. Pressured by the armored units, Angelia's unit was on full retreat, they were unable to receive help from the G&K Commander as his/her forces are also being pressed back by SOCOM. In attempt to save AR HK416HK416HK416, UMP45 received critical wounds, 404 forced to retreat from the battlefield.

With the worst out turn of events at hand, Angelia turns to her last resort, she told M4A1 to detonate the bombs they planted. M4A1 pressed the detonator a moment later, deafening explosion from a distance followed by earth shaking shockwaves. After recovering from the blast, Angelia asked AK-12 to search for their signal but she was unable to due to all the blast radiation disruption, "Visually observing, everything within 500 metres radius of Collapse fluid placement had been vaporized, no active enemy units remaining."
"They must be in chaos right now... Now is our chan... *cough*", Angelia began coughing up large amount of blood.
"Blood... Angie?!" M4A1 rushed back to her side.
"Don't worry about me, just some radiation..." Angelia continues to cough up blood due to organ failures caused by the radiation, "What are you looking at me for, hurry up and move!!"
"Then what about you?" -AK-12
"What about me? Go after Mastermind, finish your mission!", Angelia issued her final order to M4A1, "M4, take DEFY... You must... You must capture Mastermind."
Under the command of M4A1, DEFY moves to intercept Mastermind.
- 1320 hour
Searching for traces of Mastermind, "The SOCOM units aren't moving, they too close to the blast?" M4A1 said. AK-12 suggested that the soldiers abandoned their equipment and retreated, this is now a good chance.
When asked whether she can trace the signals of Mastermind, AK-12 mentions the radiation disruption is too strong, but this should be the case for SOCOM too. AN-94 notifies the team, "Movement at 4 o'clock! Approaching the station!", "That must be them, let's go.". DEFY squadron rushed towards the continental train, where Mastermind is captured and about to be shipped out.
The train escorts have now noticed the squad and began interception, under the final command of M4A1, the rest of Defiance went to attack SOCOM head on while M4A1 boarded the train to capture Mastermind.
Investigations in Germany[edit]
During Dual Randomness Task Force DEFY participates in a chain of investigations, following a Paradeus trail, leading the team to Flora botanical institute in Bremen.[3] At the institute AN-94 paired with AK-15 find Epiphyllum in vast quantities. After confronting Leone, AN-94 contacts Angelia and informs her that a large number of armed personnel are lying ambush under the research facility, after that Leone activates pollen traps which leaves Angelia, Morridow and Hopps lying on the ground, hallucinating.[4] In the meantime AN-94 and AK-15 engage armed personnel in a gunfight and defeat them with ease.[5] Some time later, they receive information that a certain orphanage has connection with Epiphyllum flowers, and proceed there to investigate. However, when they arrive at the place, they find the housemother being dead.[6] Bodyguard Andre suggests that the killing was done by a refugee and asks AN-94 to check a place where refugees may arrive in the mountains, near the orphanage. And finds a hidden manhole there, after exploring it and reporting to Angelia, the previously mentioned bodyguard, who is in fact, an impostor, slits AN-94's throat, causing minor damage and pushes her into the manhole. AN-94 reports to Angelia that there are a lot of skeletons bearing orphanage uniforms, mostly children. [7] Some time later, Angelia assembles everyone in the main haul of the orphanage to report that, the investigation is over, and the housemother simply killed herself in order to expose the truth, whereas the person who pushed her into making this decision destroyed the scene afterwards to undermine what she was trying to achieve. [8] After that the team gets information about a mysterious man, named Powell who is responsible for child refugee trafficking for Paradeus, they arrive to one of the refugee settlements and begin the operation to capture this man. [9] After infiltrating the refugee settlement AN-94 detects the target and proceeds to intercept.[10] Powell proceeds to the church, and hides on the second floor, while Angelia and her team get stuck on the first floor. AN-94 contacts Angelia to inform her that there was an explosion outside and the refugees are getting noisy, and someone has activated the wall-mounted turrets on the city walls which are now firing indiscriminately. In the meantime, the police anti-riot automatons are advancing towards the church, and Angelia orders AN-94 and AK-12 to hold them off while they chase after the target. 12 runs out of ammo when one of automatons gets destroyed by 94 at the entrance and blows up, crumbling the church on both of them. [11] After accomplishing her investigation and realizing that her enemy is one step ahead of her, Angelia asks Morridow a couple of questions, suspecting her in being a Paradeus mole. Which was correct and the fight between them ensues, Morridow being a member of Paradeus has sharp reflexes which enable her to pin Angelia down, the latter disengages the joints on her mechanical arm and as soon she breaks free, she calls for AK-12 who was hiding aboard the plane with them. 12 opens fire on Morridow and the cornered Nyto jumps off the freighter. Scene after the event's credits reveal that Angelia placed AN-94 to spy on K just in case he was the mole, planted by Paradeus.[12]
After being released from interrogation room during the events of Mirror Stage, Angelia is reunited with Task Force DEFY and is placed under the curfew rules and is told not to leave Germany by a female official. After exiting out of an apartment she notices RPK-16 and AN-94 sitting on stairs bellow her and AK-12, 16 performs diagnostics on other members of Task Force DEFY with a laptop.[13] Some time later, Angelia and Task Force DEFY launch an operation to discover where the Epiphyllum made by Flora Institute is being transferred to, discovering a Paradeus plant, owned by a Galatea corporation, more precisely Gray. During the assault Nyto White blows up the plant causing the team to suffer some injuries.[14][15] The first to arrive at scene of explosions are Gray and her security force, questioning Angelia and her team about what happened with the Idunn serum samples, stored in the plant. This interrogation is interrupted by Light who shows up right in time and says that Stasi will take the investigation from here.[16] Angelia and her team go to her accommodation in Berlin, being followed by Light who offers them protection from following Paradeus attack. During the fighting in the apartment , AK-12 who is missing some parts after the previous assault transfers her command privileges to RPK-16 before staying in the apartment complex with Light to buy some time for Angelia and RPK-16 to retreat.[17] AK-15 drags Angelia on her shoulder away from the building with the help of suppressive fire from AN-94 and RPK-16.[18]
After discovering the location of William's mansion, Angelia and her team decide to arrange an operation and look for clues there, in a temporary hideout, 3 hours before the start of the operation RPK-16 asks Angelia to cancel the operation to which the latter responds negatively. At 15:28, Berlin time near William's mansion, remaining members of Task Force DEFY have a brief conversation, during which RPK-16 answers AN-94 that AK-12's largest mistake in her life was to transfer her command capabilities to her. After that, 16 asks Angelia one last time to cancel the operation, to which the latter gives the same response as before.[19]
After infiltrating the building, RPK-16 proposes the split up into teams of her with Angelia and AK-15 with AN-94 to search the mansion.[20] Using this moment, RPK-16 attempts to subdue Angelia by firing on her.[21]
“ | I was just trying to explain my motive. After all, you have a right to know. — RPK-16[22]
” |
AK-15 comes crashing through a wall and a fight between her and RPK-16 ensues during which Gray intervenes and chops off AK-15's hand with her robotic tail. 94 manages to lie down suppressive fire on Gray while she was distracted by Light detonating a grenade vest equipped on himself. 94 tries to get closer to Angelia who is practically within her reach, before crashing due to a backdoor planted earlier into her Neural Cloud by RPK-16.[23]
“ | A hole card is only a hole card if you keep it secret until the last moment. — RPK-16[24]
” |
After being rendered out of action during the mansion operation, AK-15 and AN-94 cores were transferred to The Commander during Light's funeral by chief of Stasi Romy Riefenstahl in a carrying case.
Operation Aeneas[edit]
During one of Angelia's implanted memories while she was lying on operation table in Avernus, she recollects the moment when she and Task Force DEFY launched an operation to discover what lies in William's mansion, but this time with AK-12 with them. Angelia and her team proceed into the building as usual, but then encounter Gray, during a fight, AK-15 gets a hold of Gray's mechanical arms, while 12 plants a grenade where Gray's tail connects to a blade, destroying it. 15 seizes this opportunity and rips off one of her opponents claws and tosses it to 12, who implants it into the broken off blade. Victory seems to be at hand, but then Grig appears and takes Gray away from Task Force DEFY. Some time later after exploring, the mansion comes under attack by Stasi agents with Light in command, their priority target is to eliminate Angelia because she contacted a double agent Q. A fight ensues between Task Force DEFY and Stasi agents, lasting 6 seconds flat, ending in Light's demise from a bullet fired by Q.[25] These events never actually happened since they were a fake memory.[26]
After reaching the staircase leading up the tower, AN-94 and AK-15 encounter M4 SOPMOD II, who was damaged during the previous fight. AN-94 hacks into her neural cloud and restores her senses, therefore allowing her to reunite with RO635.[27]
Operation Muromets[edit]
In sse06 "Secret Corridor" a POV from a security camera can be seen, displaying Morridow taking orders from William before sauntering off. The next moment the camera is shot down but still recording, revealing the fact that AN-94 and AK-15 were successful in capturing William.[28]
“ | Let's go then. I've long wanted to meet that Commander of yours. — William[29]
” |
Neural Upgrade Story[edit]
File 1[edit]
The best Soviet T-Dolls IOP has to offer: AK-47, SKS and OTs-12 participate in a training exercise posing as hostiles against AN-94 in which the latter neutralizes her opponents with ease. Some time later Sasha Jarvis, a Vice-Chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, PIC and Liaison of the Wolf Pack Project arrives to Doctor Shaw's office to congratulate her on another successful test pass of her prototype T-Doll, to which Doctor Shaw replies that it took her a long time to hangle those garbage ex-civilian dolls from IOP and she has ways to go. AN-94 returns from training and asks Mr.Jarvis and Dr.Shaw when will she go on active duty to which Doctor Shaw replies that she is not ready yet and tells her to go. In the corridor, assistant AI Nadia asks AN-94 why she sounds miffed, AN-94 brifly explains the situation to her, stating that she is better that those ex-civilian Griffin T-dolls and after getting a couple rounds of reassuring words from Nadia she heads to the training ground.
File 2[edit]
In the training grounds, AN-94 is approached by AK-47, the latter informs her that another member of the Wolf Pack has been deployed on a mission and succsessfully accomplished it single-handedly. After questioning Nadia if she knows anything about the operation, AN-94 receives an answer that the information considerung it is classified. Bewildered, AN-94 steps out of the training ground and heads towards Doctor Shaw's office and encounters Angelia and AK-15 there. Without wasting time, AN-94 asks Doctor Shaw why isn't she being deployed on missions, while AK-15 was sent on one, right after coming out of the factory. After receiving an unsatisfactory answer, that she is a prototype not meant for actual combat, but rather for gathering data, AN-94 leaves the office in silence.
File 3[edit]
Not able to cope with the fact of being a prototype, AN-94 approaches AK-15 and calls her out on a duel in the training grounds. After that she wakes up in the repair tank, not understanding fully what happened she recalls the memory of fighting AK-15 and being defeated. After realizing this fact, she screams at the top of her lungs, forcing Doctor Shaw to ask Nadia to shut her down. In the office, Angelia tells Doctor Shaw that she made a mistake by not allowing AN-94 to participate in missions.
“ | My only mistake was making her too human. — Dr.Shaw[30]
” |
She then asks half-jokingly Nadia if she is human, to which her AI assistant replies that she is an AI, therefore, not human. A couple days later in a StateSec lab, AN-94 drags her battered body and sits down in front of a one-way mirror and notices AK-12 "Snow Wolf" being assembled in an assembly tank. She then asks Nadia what was the point of her creation if Wolf Pack was supposed to have only two members, being AK-12 and AK-15. Nadia, not knowing what to answer simply observes as 94 curls up into a ball on the ground and almost bursts into tears.
“ | If I'm not needed... If I have no value, then what is my purpose? — AN-94[31]
” |
File 4[edit]
In the training grounds AN-94 gives advice on combat to SKS and OTs-12, when AK-12 appears and tells her that she and AK-15 can't work together at all, and asks if AN-94 would be her combat partner. After that, the neural log shows what happened during Paldiski Submarine Base Incident. Under the command of Angelia Task Force DEFY prepares to engage Yegor's Ares "Sinner" mech in battle. The neural log changes to the present time of AK-15 MOD 3 and AN-94 MOD 3 having a conversation. 94 remembers how 12 dragged her out the abyss and proved that she is needed. The Commander summons them and this time, in this operation, she will be standing at the forefront, in the lead.
“ | I will no longer ask myself, "What would AK-15 or AK-12 would do?". Instead, I'll ask, "What can AN-94 do at the time like this?". — AN-94[32]
” |
- ↑ Artist weibo post regarding character design inspiration
- ↑ Derelict_Technology#Technological_Fields
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Gathering Frost Wolves
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Clown
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Gathering Frost Wolves
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Sweet Dreams Box - Beginning
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Air Raid Shelter
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Sweet Dreams Box - End
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Delta Attack - Beginning
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Spiderweb
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Delta Attack - End
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Dual Randomness, Bridge Of Eternity
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E1-3A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E2-6A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E2-8A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E2-8A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E2-9A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E2-11A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Pandora's Box I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Pandora's Box I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Pandora's Box III
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E4-4A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E4-8A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E4-8A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, AUT The Wave
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, E2-8
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, E3-11 F11
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, SSE06 Secret Corridor
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, E3-35
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Neural Upgrade story 3
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 Neural Upgrade story 3
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 Neural Upgrade story 4