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Lorenz Butterfly

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style=border: 2px solid white;width:255px;
Full name Lorenz Butterfly
Event type Collaboration
Released on CN
Available in campaign menu No
See Events Music
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"I can't sleep yet, I still have work to do..."

This article still needs to be completed. You can help us by contributing.

"This is classified information!"

This article contains unmarked spoilers. You have been warned.

Arena Breakout collab event. Arena Breakout had its own Girls' Frontline collab event later the same month.

Event run time[edit]

Title Period (start/end) Server Type Comment
蝴蝶星云 2024-11-06 17:00 - 2024-11-28 03:00 (UTC)

CN Collaboration Event


New T-Dolls

New Equipment

Event Shop

Server Type Item Cost Stock Recipient
CN T-Doll SMG HecateHecateHecate 200 File:Item .png 1
CN Equipment Medkit 80 File:Item .png 1 HG EvitaEvitaEvita
CN Equipment Alloyed Carabiner 80 File:Item .png 1 SMG HecateHecateHecate
CN Base Background 80 File:Item .png 1
CN Furniture 60 File:Item .png 1
CN Furniture 60 File:Item .png 1
CN Furniture 60 File:Item .png 1
CN Furniture 60 File:Item .png 1
CN ID Background 50 File:Item .png 1
CN ID Background 50 File:Item .png 1
CN Icon 30 File:Item .png 1
CN Icon 30 File:Item .png 1
CN Icon 30 File:Item .png 1
CN Icon 30 File:Item .png 1
CN Icon 30 File:Item .png 1
CN Item 2 File:Item .png 50
CN Item 2 File:Item .png 50
Rarity T-Doll (CN/KR) T-Doll (EN) T-Doll (JP) Medal Cost Stock
T-Doll AR FARA 83FARA 83FARA 83 x400 1x Per Doll
T-Doll AR CZ2000CZ2000CZ2000 x400 1x Per Doll
T-Doll RF SL8SL8SL8 x500 1x Per Doll
T-Doll AR VHSVHSVHS x500 1x Per Doll

