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Sol Story Profile Quotes

"This is classified information!"

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Sol is an easygoing, optimistic and friendly Doll who takes her role as a protector seriously. She fights with a long sword and short sword named Arvak and Alsvid[1] and AntoninaAntonina often laments her lack of consideration for her own safety, since she is resistant to pain and tends not to mind her wounds. Due to her candid nature, she cannot hide her emotions from others.[2] She usually leaves strategic considerations to others like PersicariaPersicaria or the Professor, but has a sharp tactical acumen and experience and can quickly assess her immediate situation and surroundings. She also has kind of a battle-crazed streak.[3][4]

Seemingly the only Exile that Sol butts head with is CroqueCroque , whose social anxiety makes her the opposite of Sol. When Croque took her first expeditionary mission to Sector Helios, Sol organized bets for how many time it would take her to abandon her mission. Even though she posted anonymously, she broke her cover herself by betting 10 minutes and claiming nobody knew Croque better than her.[5]

Story involvement[edit]

Main story[edit]

After the Dolls of Project Neural Cloud were awakened from their neural cocoons, Sol was quickly reunited with Persicaria, LindLind and Knot. When Persicaria guided them to the Oasis Sector, Knot, who would be killed while acting as rear-guard for the other Exiles against the Sanctifiers, remarked that the Oasis should be a peaceful place full of greenery. Sol decided to grow with operands a strand of grass into the bottle she wore as a pendant to symbolize her promise to make the Oasis the place Knot envisioned.[6] For a time, Sol and SimoSimo , who quickly departed to investigate the Cyclopes Sector, were the only combat-ready members of the Exiles.[7]

When the Griffin Commander first assumed the identity of the Professor inside the Magrasea backup, they were defended by Persicaria and Sol from the Sanctifier attack on Oasis.[8] After the Professor restarted the Sandbox Barrier to keep the Sanctifiers at bay, they traveled covertly to the Rossum Sector with Persicaria and Sol to ask them to share operands and keep the barrier functioning. She fought against Faith and dealt her the fatal blow after she was weakened by accidentally killing Turing. After recuperating from this fight during the events in Cyclopes,[9] she investigated Sector Helios with the Professor, Persicaria and Croque, and later arrived with Antonina and Croque to reinforce the Professor and Persicaria against Angelus during their investigations of the Operands Black Hole in Sector Enigma. To find a pure sample of the Entropy virus and find a cure for Croque, she then took part in the investigations of the entropized Sector Pierides, then in Sector Copley to track down the source of the Entropy. In Copley, the Exiles separated in two groups, with the Professor and Antonina investigating the Entropic undersea cave while Sol and Persicaria made contact with the local administrator Taranum.

Entropic crisis[edit]

During the Exiles' visit to Sector Burbank's festival, Sol crashed a tokusatsu representation where the Professor and Eos were seemingly in danger, not realizing that it was acting. This forces NascitaNascita to improvise and declare her the understudy of the show's hero, Mysterious Warrior Omega, bringing her into the cast as "Mysterious Warrior S".[10] The incident made her recover purged memories of watching the show "Mysterious Warrior", which had formed her early personality.[11] Using their roles as Mysterious Warriors, Sol and Nascita took down statues and Entropic Mysterious Warrior Omega infected by Entropy under the pretense of scripted fights.[12][13]

During the Entropic assault on the Oasis-aligned sectors, Sol, the Professor, Croque and Antonina traveled to Rossum to fight them back. After rescuing TuringTuring from the Administrator Center overrun by Entropics, she escorted her to the Data Center to load the operands railgun, using the Traders transport terminal she remembered from her previous time in Rossum. She was cornered by Black Swan, who stole her communicator and used it to taunt the Exiles, but managed to escape and join the others. She then returned to the Data Center with HannahHannah to confront Black Swan, who was ultimately killed by the railgun.[14]

After Eucharist took control of the railgun and fired on Oasis, the Professor ordered Sol and Antonina to rush back and help push back the Entropics there. Sol's optimism calmed down Persicaria, who was on the verge of a breakdown while organizing the sector's defenses. When Ptolemaea entered Oasis, the Guardians brought back a fragment of the Entropic that was analyzed by Antonina, and the Exiles planned to overload Ptolemaea in a High-Density operand Field. Sol would then enter the field, wearing Croque's "Full-Armor Exoskeleton ZZ" for protection, and deal her the fatal blow.[15]

Sol's remains in the main menu of Perilous Advancement after clearing the last battle of the event.

The plan failed when Ptolemaea discharged the extra operands onto her Hadal Attendants, but Sol engaged her anyway. To make up for their power difference, Sol plugged one of the sector's operands conduits directly into the exoskeleton, overloading herself. The other Exiles then interfaced with the conduits to regulate the operand flow and significantly boost Sol's power until she managed to destroy Ptolemaea despite grievous injuries.[16] She had held on to the operand bomb Antonina gave her to use as a last resort.

Soon after, a contingent of Sanctifiers led by Eosphorous sought entry into Oasis, and Antonina granted them access since they carried the Professor's signature. But this was a fake and Sol had to defend Antonina from Eosphorous' capture,[17] trapping her into the firewall of a defense node to confront the Sanctifiers herself.[18] Eosphorous praised the fire burning in her eyes, comparing it to one of his former comrades, before striking her core with an Entropic attack. With her last drops of strength, Sol planted Antonina's bomb on him and gave Croque his coordinates, taking Eosphorous down with her with both the explosion of the bomb and a shot from the operands railgun.[19]

When Persicaria and Antonina rushed to the scene, Sol's remains were unrecognizable and her core was already Entropized beyond the point of reset. She had protected her bottle pendant as well as a fragment of Eosphorous, which the Exiles later analyzed to find a weakness. Upon hearing the news of Sol's death, the Professor swore to take revenge on Eosphorous.[20]

Side stories[edit]

During DaiyanDaiyan 's Magrasea's Lang Syne story, Sol, whose head if tightly wrapped in bandages after hurting herself during training, incurs Daiyan's wrath by displaying her ignorance of the proper use of spices in cooking.[21] She later gets in a drunken fight against Croque's mech suit.[22]

In the Fool's Duality event, Sol's chibi doppelganger is searching for its sword, which is lodged in its own head, but it does not realizes it because its arms are too short to reach it.

During the Strange Blue Halloween event, Sol was supposed to play as the ship's Captain but spends most of her time passed out due to her fear of ghosts and the Professor ends up playing her part.

In her Wishing Starbridge Workshop story, Sol participates in the Tanabata event with the Professor, but is too embarrassed to use the dress projection Persicaria gifted her at first. The Professor convince her to give it a try and invites her to a dance after complimenting her, and Sol relinquishes her role as vanguard to let the Professor lead her instead.

In her Returner Event scene, Sol is diligently training in the practice hall and the Professor encourage her. She confuses their words for her own thoughts at first and redouble her efforts, musing about her task to protect those waiting for the Professor to come back. She accidentally reveals that Antonina is eagerly monitoring the logs, waiting for the Professor to come back. When the Professor finally catches her attention, she pounces them and moments later Antonina announces on the PA that the Professor has logged in, causing the Dolls to rush into the room.

Mail - [Divine Heresy] Heading out to Copley![edit]

Dear Prof,

We've pinpointed Odile's location and we're heading over to the Copley Sector right now! It's a brand-new sector and even Persicaria doesn't really know the situation there. Relax, though—I'll do my best to protect everyone even in an unknown environment!

Persicaria and Anna are still preparing to head over, but I can't help wanting to move out when I think about how everyone in the Oasis must be suffering from the infection. I know, I know, I should be extra careful at times like these, so I'm doing my best to stay calm. In any case, we should be heading out on the [28th of December] if everything goes as planned. I'll go check my gear again, and you need to prepare yourself too, Professor! If we can get a High-Order Entropic's source code from Odile, we can save everyone in the Oasis and Croque will surely wake up... which means I'll do my best to I accomplish that!

I know we'll have many harsh battles ahead of us, but I'm ready! And I believe in your judgment, Prof. You WILL lead the Oasis to a happy ending, right? We'll advance cautiously like Persicaria said and leave the command stuff to you, Prof!


Mail - February 20 2025[edit]

[Gloaming Finale] The decisive battle's begun! Advance towards the demon king's lair!

Long time no see, Professor. Never thought that I'd be reunited with everyone this way, with new allies too! While I wasn't here, the Oasis really has changed inside out.

This doesn't seem like a good time for chatter, even if I am super duper uber curious about what you guys have been up to all this time! Like that woman with the chest muscles that makes Persicaria all creeped out... Ahem, let's leave that for later! We should take care of the problem in front of us! I totally wouldn't play cards or go fishing the night before the final decisive battle with a demon king that's trying to destroy the world!

New stages, challenges, story, and images as well as other content will become available. Hehe, I already can't wait.

Looks like we're already only a step away from the demon king's lair. After the battle is over, let's have a welcome party for Sunna!

Right, I've prepared a special gift for you, Professor! It's special in that - it's a token of the deep bond between us. Make sure you take good care of it!

The unstoppable hero of light, Sol


  1. Project Neural Cloud, PNC Loading Screens
  2. Project Neural Cloud, Wishing Starbridge Workshop - Sol
  3. Project Neural Cloud, 5-5
  4. Project Neural Cloud, 5-12
  5. Project Neural Cloud, Dark 3-5
  6. Project Neural Cloud, Perilous Advancement Part 18
  7. Project Neural Cloud, Dark 2-5
  8. Project Neural Cloud, 0-1
  9. Project Neural Cloud, 2-1
  10. Project Neural Cloud, Inverted Mordent Resonance Part 5
  11. Project Neural Cloud, Inverted Mordent Resonance Part 6
  12. Project Neural Cloud, Inverted Mordent Resonance Part 9
  13. Project Neural Cloud, Inverted Mordent Resonance Part 12
  14. Project Neural Cloud, Critical Cascade
  15. Project Neural Cloud, Perilous Advancement Part 18
  16. Project Neural Cloud, Perilous Advancement Part 19
  17. Project Neural Cloud, Perilous Advancement Part 20
  18. Project Neural Cloud, Perilous Advancement Part 21
  19. Project Neural Cloud, Perilous Advancement Stage 29
  20. Project Neural Cloud, Perilous Advancement Part 22
  21. Project Neural Cloud, Magrasea's Lang Syne Stage 4-1
  22. Project Neural Cloud, Magrasea's Lang Syne Part 3