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UMP40 Strategy Story Quotes


The official character setting states that UMP40 is a T-Doll with super sunny, cheery personality and feels superior over the others because of her UMP heritage, but she does possess a strong will and strong sense of team spirit. Most of her silly actions and speeches are purely for the purpose of gaining other's attention.

UMP40 address herself with "Atai (あたい)", typical self addressing pronoun used by younger girls. As evident from her secretary and logistic mission quotes, her hobby is sunbathing, which would explain why she appears more tanned than the other dolls. Other than sunbathing she also seems to enjoy partying. With her cheery personality she is good at making friends with other T-Dolls, perhaps the silly way she behaves merely serves to strengthen the relationship bonds between comrades.

UMP40's only story involvement is in the prologue to the Sangvis Ferri uprising, the "Butterfly event", which revealed her relationship and interaction with SMG UMP45Thumb button.pngUMP45 . Outside of the story, SMG MP5Thumb button.pngMP5  seems to be the T-Doll 40 hangs out with the most, despite saying that her franchise was made to replaced MP5 series from service. Several of 40's quotes made mentions of MP5, range from jokes to friendly comments, suggesting that the two dolls have frequent interactions when off duty.

Story Involvement


"This is classified information!"

This article contains unmarked spoilers. You have been warned.

UMP40 was directly involved in the Butterfly Incident and indirectly in the creation of Squad 404. Despite dying during the Butterfly Incident, her ideals and memory are motivating the actions of SMG UMP45Thumb button.pngUMP45  years after her death.

Before Butterfly

UMP40 was manufactured by Sangvis Ferri as a model DSI-8 Model SY T-Doll, serial number DSB1-0671. She disappeared from SF's records[1] as she was acquired by the perpetrators of the Butterfly Incident (either KCCO or 90WISH[2]) to be the "key" in their plan. They wiped all her neural cloud's records and installed a hidden command authorization before shipping her to Griffin and Kryuger.[3]

At G&K, UMP40's specialization for electronic warfare left her neural cloud with little room to be outfitted with a standard Fire Control Core and related combat software. Since her EW capacities were of little use to her commander, she was outfitted with the barest combat functions available and the most simple weapon compatible, a UMP40.[4] Despite these low expectations, UMP40 was still the target of her commander's wrath at her disastrous combat efficiency during training.[5] While training thousands of time to get a marginal combat efficiency improvement,[6] 40 felt ostracized due to her poor capacities and being the only model of her type.

40 comforts 45 during their first meeting.

40 briefly found a better outlook on life after SMG UMP45Thumb button.pngUMP45  joined her team.[7] Seeing how 45 was also struggling with low combat efficiency due to her body, 40 took the role of her elder sister and tried her best to cheer up 45's defeatist and submissive mindset. She argued that humans expected T-Dolls to act like them and make friends in their free time since they had installed them with emotion simulation modules, and that they were serving under a bad commander who only cared about results and didn't try to create bonds with his T-Dolls. 40 promised 45 that better days were ahead if they kept pushing forward.[8] 40 then proposed 45 to establish a cable connection so she could transfer her combat data to her and quicken her learning process while also sharing the pictures of scenery she collected, emphasizing that they didn't need their commander's approval for private and innocuous matters.[9] However, their neural cloud compatibility was so absurdly high that 40 came to realize that they actually came from the same source, meaning that 45 was a copy of her created as a backup in case 40 couldn't fulfill her mission. 40 was shocked that her and 45 were treated like pawns who did not even deserve to receive unique minds, and that should she fail, 45 would become their next sacrificial lamb. 40 decided that she would see her mission through at all cost so 45 could be free in her stead.[10] 40 also showed 45 the customized dorm room she had outfitted with large LCD screens used to display her scenery pictures, all mission rewards from her previous commander. Both promised they would one day accomplish enough feats in battle to be sent to exotic locations and see similar scenery for themselves.[6]

Having managed to get their firing accuracy over 60 % in training, 40 and 45 were at long last assigned to a combat squad. 45 was thrilled by the prospect to be destroyed and have her neural cloud backup transferred to a new and more efficient body, but 40 feared that their commander would not bother to do this and advised 45 against taking risks.[11] Later, both were reassigned to the Ministry of National Security for a special mission and ordered to install a confidential safeguard program and transfer their command authority to a new commander. Though both had to install the safeguard program that would enable their commander to destroy their neural cloud on command, 40 used a loophole to transfer only her own command authority to the new commander while having 45 assign her authorizations to her, making 45 her subordinate and a T-Doll without commander. 40 coaxed 45 in going with her plan by saying she would get the commander's authorization later.[12] To prepare for the mission, 40 taught 45 how to convert her system from Zener to OGAS protocol and use camouflage keys to infiltrate a network. 40 also tested 45's opinion on sacrificing herself for their commander, and was disappointed that 45 thought she was ready to be killed without backing up her neural cloud if she was ordered to, surrendering to the fate of all T-Dolls.[13] Prior to the mission, they met the assault teams they would support and were approached by AR M16A1Thumb button.pngM16A1  who praised their good reputation, and by another much less friendly T-Doll who belittled them (strongly hinted to be AR HK416Thumb button.pngHK416 ).[14] 40 was also scolded by her squad leader for disobeying orders and assaulting friendly units prior to the mission, saying her talks about freedom were delusional for a T-Doll.[15]

Butterfly Incident

40 forces 45 to choose life or death.

Acting as Support Team 14,[14] 40 and 45 provided electronic support to the assault teams during 2061's operation Butterfly at Sangvis Ferri's main labs, using their origin as SF T-Dolls to great effects on SF's security systems. Early in the mission, 40 asked 45 to relinquish control of her neural cloud to her, asking for her complete trust, which 45 hesitantly accepted.[16] As the assault teams secured the target, UMP40 received a command from a hidden communication channel to execute her order 61 and used a software that revealed the assault teams' position to SF's security systems and turned the assault teams against each other.[17]

40 guided a shocked 45 to the exit of the factory, eliminating one of the berserk assault teams and revealing that the operation was meant to end in chaos. With little time remaining as "she" would soon awake to the situation and cut their escape, 40 raised her weapon against 45 and revealed that both their neural clouds would be destroyed by the military's safeguard program if one of them didn't kill the other. When 40 asked her if she would rather die as expected of a puppet than live as a free person, 45 answered that she wanted to live.[18] Unknown to 45 until a while after, 40's threat was a lie since the commander had no authority over 45 due to 40's prior authorization loophole, but she feared 45 would still be too naive and wanted to force her to steel her mind and follow the ideal she would never be able to reach.[19] A relieved 40 passed her leg exoskeleton to 45 along with her dog-tags, containing messages for her. Placing 45's barrel on her forehead, she finally asked 45 to kill her herself, wanting to die in battle as a T-Doll and not suffering an insulting death by neural cloud incineration. Horrified and hopeless, 45 shot her before fleeing from the lab.[18]

40's messages asked 45 "to keep living on for her own sake, that her life still [had] value in itself even if she [had] to eke out an existence and others [held] her in contempt", and assured that "her death would be worthwhile as long as 45 lived and remembered her."[19] Outside the lab, 45 ran into HK416 who moved to kill her, declaring that her chances of survival were too weak, but 45 claimed she would fight for her life and nothing else.[18] Both survived the encounter. UMP40's body, along with all traces of the Butterfly Incident UMP40 had played her part in, was nowhere to be found when M16A1 came back to the site of the incident two years later.[20]

40 asks 45 to give her a warrior's death.


UMP45's personality changed deeply after killing UMP40, becoming distant and more decisive, and she kept the files containing her messages and memory in her neural cloud despite regular system prompts to destroy this outdated data.[21] At the time of Squad 404's mission to retrieve M16A1's drone in Area S15 in 2063, UMP45's memories of UMP40 started to resurface during consciousness level shifts despite being encrypted so strongly even she couldn't access them, not wanting to relive the Butterfly Incident.[22] After 45 was locked into consciousness Level II after surviving Dreamer's offensive firewall attacks, Squad 404 conducted electronic warfare inside her neural cloud to recover enough fragments of her conscience and enable Dier to remotely reboot her. During this mission, 404 members were able to access 40's memories, thinking they were 45's.[23]

...That's just mean... Why must you... why must you remind me of that moment...

During the events of KCCO's betrayal of G&K during their joint assault on Sangvis Ferri, UMP45 was hit by a tank shell while shielding HK416 and her mangled body was recovered by AR M4A1Thumb button.pngM4A1  and sent to be repaired by Dier. During her agony, 45 accessed more memories of UMP40 due to her self-diagnostic program stabilizing her neural cloud, but she couldn't remember her name and the significance of their common past.[6] Despite Sier and Dier's protests and the risk of repairing her body instead of transferring her neural cloud in a new one, 45 insisted to retain her body and her consciousness was sent to Level III for the repairs.[24] There, she met and remembered 40 who reminded her of their promises to get better bodies to survive, but 45 asked her not to make her waver in her determination to keep her body. 40 then embraced her, telling that she knew how hard she was working to keep a strong facade and shoulder her responsibilities, and that nobody but her could understand her deeply and know about her inner kindness. 40 encouraged her to let go of her mask for a while, and 45 gave in and let herself cry.

45 understood that she had killed 40 but wished deeply that she would remain at her side, and that this vision was due to her subconscious being able to create a convincing simulation of 40 from her personal memories due to how similar their neural cloud was. The virtual 40 explained that the earlier resurfacing memories were due to the weakening of the safeguard program leaking memories and data sealed at Level III. 45 then explained that she could not yet fulfill 40's promise to get a stronger body because these memories of her would not be transferred during the backup of her neural cloud, and that she needed to hold on to them until she avenged 40's death by killing the culprits behind the Butterfly Incident. In order to let free of the past, 45 promised 40 that she would bury her own body, and 40's last specks of existence, once her goal had been accomplished.[25] From there, 45's reconciliation with the world and herself would become the embodiment of 40's ideals. 45 considered this new outlook to be the first step in the change 40 wanted for her.[26]


  1. Deep Dive 3-2, Audio Files 11, 12 and 13
  2. Singularity 3 Last Resort I
  3. Deep Dive 2-1, Audio File 1
  4. Deep Dive 1-3, Audio File 2
  5. Deep Dive 3-1, Audio File 3
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 SMG UMP45Thumb button.pngUMP45  MOD Story 1
  7. Deep Dive 3-4, Audio File 16
  8. Deep Dive 2-4
  9. Deep Dive 2-2, Audio File 4
  10. Deep Dive 3-4, audio Files 17 and 18
  11. Deep Dive 3-1
  12. Deep Dive 2-3
  13. Deep Dive 3-3, Audio File 7
  14. 14.0 14.1 Deep Dive 3-1, Audio File 8
  15. Deep Dive 2-4, Audio File 9
  16. Deep Dive 3-3, Audio File 10
  17. Deep Dive 3-3
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Deep Dive 3-4
  19. 19.0 19.1 Deep Dive 3-4, Audio File 19
  20. Girls' Frontline Chapter 8-2E
  21. Deep Dive 1-1
  22. Deep Dive 1-2
  23. Deep Dive 3-1
  24. SMG UMP45Thumb button.pngUMP45  MOD Story 2
  25. SMG UMP45Thumb button.pngUMP45  MOD Story 3
  26. SMG UMP45Thumb button.pngUMP45  MOD Story 4