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The original soundtrack of Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium is produced by Vanguard Sound.
As is tradition, the victory song reuses the victory theme from Codename: Bakery Girl. Tracks from Girls' Frontline are also remixed.
Main game
Track name |
File name |
Heard in |
Title |
BGM_Title |
Login Menu |
Sojourn[1] |
BGM_MainMenu |
Main Menu |
Your Story[1][Note 1] |
BGM_RestRoom |
Dormitory, Main Menu BGM option |
Shifting Lunar Phase[1] |
BGM_RestRoom |
Main Menu BGM option |
Whisper[1] |
BGM_RestRoom |
Main Menu BGM option |
BGM_MainMenu |
Refitting Room |
Time-Limited Events screen |
Dorm |
BGM_Dorm_A |
Dormitory (phased out) |
Shop Gacha |
BGM_ShopGacha |
Gacha screen |
Gacha |
BGM_Gacha |
Gacha pull |
404 |
BGM_AVG_404 |
Story |
Bloom As I Adore |
BGM_AVG_BloomAsIAdore |
Story |
Cafe[Note 2] |
BGM_AVG_Cafe |
Story |
Cafe (chords and percussions only)[Note 2] |
Story |
Camp Rest |
BGM_AVG_CampRest |
Story |
Desolate Ruins |
BGM_AVG_DesolateRuins |
Story |
Firm |
BGM_AVG_Firm |
Story |
BGM_AVG_JunGe_OrcVer |
Story |
Positive Hope |
BGM_AVG_PositiveHope |
Story |
Red Zone - Humanities |
BGM_AVG_RedClose_Humanities |
Story |
Red Zone - Nature |
BGM_AVG_RedClose_Nature |
Story |
Red Zone - Power Station |
BGM_AVG_RedPowerStation |
Story |
Rest |
BGM_AVG_RedRest |
Story |
Danger |
BGM_Danger |
Story |
Disturbed |
BGM_Disturbed |
Story |
Tension |
BGM_Tension |
Story |
Unknown |
BGM_Unknown |
Story |
Warm |
BGM_Warm |
Story |
Funny |
BGM_Funny |
Story |
Great Wall Train |
BGM_Greatwall_Train |
Story |
Humanity |
BGM_Humanity |
Story |
Memory |
BGM_Memory |
Story |
Naming |
BGM_Naming |
Story |
Nature |
BGM_Nature |
Story |
Paradeus[Note 3] |
BGM_Paradeus |
Story |
Paradeus (no voice track) |
BGM_Paradeus_Vo_Off |
Story |
Sad |
BGM_Sad |
Story |
Battle |
BGM_Battle |
In combat |
Abandoned Hospital |
BGM_Battle_AbandonedHospital |
In combat (Chapter 3) |
Purify General |
BGM_Battle_PurifyGeneral |
In combat |
Regret |
BGM_Battle_Regret |
In combat |
Satellite City Street |
BGM_Battle_SatelliteCitySteet |
In combat |
Simulate |
BGM_Battle_Simulate |
In combat |
Yellow Zone Dark Street |
BGM_Battle_YellowDarkStreet |
In combat |
Yellow Zone Field |
BGM_Battle_YellowField |
In combat |
Yellow Zone Plant |
BGM_Battle_YellowPlant |
In combat |
Yellow Zone Port |
BGM_Battle_YellowPort |
In combat |
Yellow Zone Town |
BGM_Battle_YellowTown |
In combat |
Black Eye (Part 1) |
BGM_Boss_BlackEye_Pt1 |
Boss battle |
Black Eye (Part 2) |
BGM_Boss_BlackEye_Pt2 |
Boss battle |
Flare Cerberus |
BGM_Boss_FlareCerberus |
Boss battle |
Sextans |
BGM_Boss_Sextans |
Boss battle |
Win |
BGM_Win |
Victory |
Lose |
BGM_Lose |
Defeat |
Prepare |
BGM_Prepare |
Satellite City Roof |
BGM_SateliteCityRoof |
Satellite City Lab |
BGM_SatelliteCityLab |
Satellite City |
BGM_Satellite_City |
Satellite City (old) |
BGM_Satellite_City_old |
Satellite City Suburbs |
BGM_Satellite_City_Suburbs |
Satellite Station |
BGM_Satellite_Station |
Sewage Factory |
BGM_SewageFactory |
Sham Battle |
BGM_ShamBattle |
Dark Zone |
Track name |
File name |
Heard in |
Battle |
BGM_Daiyan_Battle |
Daiyan event - Battle |
Boss |
BGM_Daiyan_Boss |
Daiyan event - Boss battle |
Main |
BGM_Daiyan_Main |
Daiyan event - Menu |
Monopoly |
BGM_Daiyan_MiniGame_Monopoly |
Daiyan event - Minigame |
Event_Cafe |
BGM_Event_Cafe |
Clukay's Theme |
BGM_ev_Clukay_Main |
Dushevnaya's Theme |
BGM_ev_Dusevnyj_Main |
Jiangyu's Theme |
BGM_ev_JiangYu_Main |
Jump |
BGM_ev_Jiangyu_MiniGame_Jump |
Jiangyu event - Minigame |
Lenna's Theme |
BGM_ev_Lenna_Main |
Minigame |
BGM_ev_Lenna_MiniGame |
Lenna event - Minigame 1 |
Monopoly |
BGM_ev_Lenna_MiniGame_Monopoly |
Lenna event - Minigame 2 |
Shoot |
BGM_ev_Lenna_MiniGame_Shoot |
Lenna event - Minigame 3 |
One Hit Kill |
BGM_ev_Maqiduo_Main |
Macqiato's Theme
Minigame |
BGM_ev_Maqiduo_minigame |
Macqiato event - Minigame |
Aurora In The Snow |
BGM_ev_Suomi_Main |
Suomi's Theme
- Composer: GhostFinal
- Guitarist: azusaTaxhi
- Lyricist & Vocal: Kinoko
- Production: Vanguard Sound
Ullrid's Theme |
BGM_ev_Ullrid_Main |
Sojourners of the Glass Island Main Menu |
Glass Island |
BGM_AVG_Bolidao |
Sojourners of the Glass Island Story |
Zhaohui's Theme |
BGM_ev_ZhaoHui_Main |
Vector |
BGM_AVG_Vector |
Reconnected |
Aphelion main theme
- Composer: GhostFinal
- Strings: Art of Loong Orchestra龙之艺交响乐团
- First Violin: 朱玥
- Second Violin: 张羽僮
- Viola: 茅异竹
- Cello: 陈小龙
- Recording Engineer: 顧林
- Video: PP
- Production: Vanguard Sound