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Tale of Intersecting Dimensional Interstice

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Tale of Intersecting Dimensional Interstice is a web story randomizer that was hosted at for the Project Neural Cloud Steins;Gate collab event, from 12 June to 31 July 2024. Each run, players distributed 20 points in Physique, Willpower, Intellect and Luck stats, then selected one of the randomized starting events offered. A sequence of semi-randomized events of varying length would then be generated, with some events adding or subtracting to the stats. Players could bind their account to receive in-game rewards for reaching completion milestones.

There were 25 endings depending on the final stats count (numbering based on their image number on the website):

Number Title Text Image
1 Endless 2063
  • It's late at night. You find that the blank message in the mailbox now has text in it. "If you want to become one of us, head to the location below and take the test!"
  • You head to the place described in the message.
  • You arrive at the Oasis' shopping street.
  • You encounter Mayuri, who's pacing around a gachapon machine.
  • You help Mayuri look for her wallet, but to no avail.
  • Seeing as Mayuri lost her wallet, you help her play the gachapon machine. "Ah! It's a Metal Upa~ You're so lucky, Professor~ Ehehe~"
  • You head to the next location listed on the text message.
  • You arrive at the Oasis Electronics Store.
  • Anna-tan... how many times have we battled so far... zzz...” “The score is 531 to 532... in my favor... zzz...”
  • You interrupt these two night owls' showdown and drag them off to the dorms to rest.
  • You head to the next location listed on the text message.
  • You arrive at Kurenoyume Shrine of the Oasis.
  • You arrived just in time, Professor. There is something I would like you to help me with. Kimie and Luka invite you into the Shrine.
  • You watch Luka and Kimie dance the kagura, their blessed steps a prayer for Magrasea's future.
  • You arrive at MayQueen+Nyan².
  • "Nyahahaha, do we have another challenger?" MayQueen+Nyan² is having a RaiNET AccessBattlers championship called the "Faris Cup".
  • You enter the Faris Cup and defeat a challenger.
  • You enter the Faris Cup and defeat a challenger.
  • You enter the Faris Cup and defeat a challenger.
  • You enter the Faris Cup and defeat a challenger.
  • You enter the Faris Cup and defeat Faris NyanNyan, becoming the champion.
  • You head to the next location listed on the text message.
  • You hear the sound of a keyboard in the lounge.
  • "Come back when you learn a little more, self-proclaimed Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma... Aaaaand sent... Aiiiieee?! Professor?!" Kurisu suddenly stands up and blocks the screen with her body.
  • You and Kurisu discuss a certain "Kurigohan and Kamehameha" on the anonymous boards. "Who's that? I have no idea who she is! Oh yes, Professor! What do you think about making AIs based on memories?
  • You and Kurisu have a simple discussion about AIs. Before she goes, Kurisu begs you not to reveal what you saw to anyone.
  • You suddenly realize that you've spent the entire night up. You head to the final location on the text message and arrive at the Future Gadgets Lab.
  • You meet Okabe. "Hehehe, my comrade. Looks like you've had a long night."
  • "Still, since you've reached this place, you must pass my test!"
  • You drink a can of Dk. P.
  • You drink a can of Dk. P.
  • You drink a can of Dk. P.
  • You drink a can of Dk. P.
  • Okabe collapses. "Well done, my comrade... From now on, you are a LabMem... urp."
  • Although you had a confusing day, you succeeded in forging bonds with the people of the Future Gadgets Lab. A new day officially begins, and the LabMems hold a new round table conference in MayQueen+Nyan² with their friends from the Oasis...
2 The Hacker Duo's Ultimate Punishment
  • You encounter Kuro, who claims that she was hacked during a livestream. "To think these hackers would try to trick and ambush me, the Oasis' great streamer! Hm? Oh, I was calling them out... uh, no, I wasn't! I didn't do nothing!"
  • You head to the Oasis' shopping street.
  • "Hehehe, well done, Anna-tan. That was a marvelous hack." "You were pretty good, too. Wait, you didn't leave any traces behind, did you?" "Not at all, so relax. Let's game, let's game."
  • Although Kuro did start it by calling them out, the "Oasis Terms of Network Civility" compel you to arrest the only two hackers in the Oasis as punishment.
3 Kurisu NyanNyan's Special Set Meal
  • You head to the Oasis' commercial area.
  • You head to the most popular cafe in the Oasis.
  • "Master, welcome to MayQueen+Nyan²~" Faris NyanNyan and Kurisu NyanNyan welcome you.
  • You try a Natto Watermelon Salmon Steak and pass out...
4 Unenviable Fate of the Dress-Up Doll
  • You hear a cry for help in the dorms.
  • You follow the sound and find Mayuri trying to force Croque and Luka into new outfits.
  • "Professor, Professor! You came just in time! Here~ try this on, I'm sure you'll love it!"
  • Unable to resist Mayuri's invitation, you become her dress-up doll.
5 Mad Scientist and Eternal Order
  • There is a strange disturbance among the crowd in the Oasis' plaza.
  • You find Okabe in the plaza. He seems to have been waiting for a while. "O comrade, let us begin the experiment to take over the world..."
  • The Oasis' security forces surround the plaza. "Aieee? Wait, I'm innocent! Tasukete!"
  • Okabe is arrested by the Oasis' security for causing a disturbance. "Professor, as someone who was involved in the incident too, I would like you to come with us."
6 Karoshi and Soporific Tea
  • It's late at night. You find that the blank message in the mailbox now has text in it. "If you want to become one of us, head to the location below and take the test!"
  • You head to the place described in the message.
  • You arrive at the Oasis' shopping street.
  • You encounter Mayuri, who's pacing around a gachapon machine.
  • You help Mayuri look for her wallet, but to no avail.
  • Seeing as Mayuri lost her wallet, you help her play the gachapon machine. "Ah! It's a Metal Upa~ You're so lucky, Professor~ Ehehe~"
  • You head to the next location listed on the text message.
  • You arrive at the Oasis Electronics Store.
  • Anna-tan... how many times have we battled so far... zzz...” “The score is 531 to 532... in my favor... zzz...”
  • You interrupt these two night owls' showdown and drag them off to the dorms to rest.
  • You head to the next location listed on the text message.
  • You arrive at Kurenoyume Shrine of the Oasis.
  • You arrived just in time, Professor. There is something I would like you to help me with. Kimie and Luka invite you into the Shrine.
  • You watch Luka and Kimie dance the kagura, their blessed steps a prayer for Magrasea's future.
  • You head to the next location listed on the text message.
  • You arrive at MayQueen+Nyan².
  • "Nyahahaha, do we have another challenger?" MayQueen+Nyan² is having a RaiNET AccessBattlers championship called the "Faris Cup".
  • You enter the Faris Cup, but are defeated.
  • You are sent to the Medical Department from exhaustion, where Florence is your attending physician.
7 Diabetes and Soporific Tea
  • It's late at night. You find that the blank message in the mailbox now has text in it. "If you want to become one of us, head to the location below and take the test!"
  • You head to the place described in the message.
  • You arrive at the Oasis' shopping street.
  • You encounter Mayuri, who's pacing around a gachapon machine.
  • You help Mayuri look for her wallet, but to no avail.
  • Seeing as Mayuri lost her wallet, you help her play the gachapon machine. "Ah! It's a Metal Upa~ You're so lucky, Professor~ Ehehe~"
  • You head to the next location listed on the text message.
  • You arrive at the Oasis Electronics Store.
  • Anna-tan... how many times have we battled so far... zzz...” “The score is 531 to 532... in my favor... zzz...”
  • You interrupt these two night owls' showdown and drag them off to the dorms to rest.
  • You head to the next location listed on the text message.
  • You arrive at Kurenoyume Shrine of the Oasis.
  • You arrived just in time, Professor. There is something I would like you to help me with. Kimie and Luka invite you into the Shrine.
  • You watch Luka and Kimie dance the kagura, their blessed steps a prayer for Magrasea's future.
  • You arrive at MayQueen+Nyan².
  • "Nyahahaha, do we have another challenger?" MayQueen+Nyan² is having a RaiNET AccessBattlers championship called the "Faris Cup".
  • You enter the Faris Cup and defeat a challenger.
  • You enter the Faris Cup and defeat a challenger.
  • You enter the Faris Cup and defeat a challenger.
  • You enter the Faris Cup and defeat a challenger.
  • You enter the Faris Cup and defeat Faris NyanNyan, becoming the champion.
  • You head to the next location listed on the text message.
  • You hear the sound of a keyboard in the lounge.
  • "Come back when you learn a little more, self-proclaimed Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma... Aaaaand sent... Aiiiieee?! Professor?!" Kurisu suddenly stands up and blocks the screen with her body.
  • You and Kurisu discuss a certain "Kurigohan and Kamehameha" on the anonymous boards. "Who's that? I have no idea who she is! Oh yes, Professor! What do you think about making AIs based on memories?
  • You and Kurisu have a simple discussion about AIs. Before she goes, Kurisu begs you not to reveal what you saw to anyone.
  • You suddenly realize that you've spent the entire night up. You head to the final location on the text message and arrive at the Future Gadgets Lab.
  • You meet Okabe. "Hehehe, my comrade. Looks like you've had a long night."
  • "Still, since you've reached this place, you must pass my test!"
  • You drink a can of Dk. P.
  • The intensity of the soda and the unique taste of Dk. P are unbearable, and thus you lose.
  • You are sent to the Medical Department, where Florence is your attending physician.
8 Pareto Principle of the Swimsuited Girls
  • You take part in a lucky draw at a shop and win the first prize, a seaside resort discount voucher.
  • After thinking about how hard everyone's been working recently, you invite the Dolls to enjoy the beachfront vacation with you. "So we don't need to crunch AND we get a paid vacation? This is great!"
9 The Secret Technique of Running The Hell Away
  • You encounter Nora digging a hole in the ground. She wants you to help out.
  • Zangyin falls into the trap Nora dug. "Curse you, Nora! Get back here! NORAAAAA!" You and Nora waste no time in fleeing.
10 I Was Once Deluded By Science?
  • You pass a little fortune-telling stall by the side of the road. The owner welcomes you warmly. "I speak the whole truth and nothing but. The brilliant predictionist Kuro the Divine is here! Accurate fortunes or your money back!"
  • "My, Professor, I see you are a most extraordinary individual who is beyond the petty concerns of the mortal world. With your radiant face and gleaming eyes... I see we are bound by fate, so I shall give you this good luck charm." You accept the charm but are quite curious about what will happen next.
  • You start up Neural Cloud and use a 10x Advanced Search Command. You end up rolling 6 3-star Dolls. "Holy cow, did I actually give the Professor good luck?"
  • Kuro tries to get her good luck charm back from you, leading to a thrilling chase between the two of you.
11 Re: Null - Starting Life In The Reverse Tower
  • You see Riko the merchant hawking her latest wares. "Behold, a mysterious item with marvelous powers! Want to give it a try, Professor?"
  • The box contains two small containers, each containing a different pill. You decide to take the blue pill.
  • You awaken from a dream and find yourself in a radiant hall that has a sacred feeling to it. "You're awake at last, Professor." "Professor, want some chocolate?" "Don't disturb the Professor's thoughts... We need their strength." "Leave the fighting to me!"
12 I Shall Go Forth As A Metal Suit!
  • You play the Oasis' latest game and vanquish all challengers.
  • Xinghuan and Croque bring you along to fight the last boss, but you end up having a hard fight. "Professor! Use this! CALL NAME: RX-990A!"
  • You summon a Metal Suit and lay waste to the enemies around you, but you end up being so engrossed in the game that you fail to notice the passage of time.
13 Professor, I Want To Learn This!
  • You meet De Lacey and help her treat several injured Dolls. "You're amazing, Professor!"
  • De Lacey follows you everywhere and you can't shake her off. "Professor! Wait for me! I'm curious about this!" And so begins a long chase until Persicaria finds the two of you.
14 Listen To my Song!
  • You accept a request from Nanaka, who wants to re-gather the members of 4You to put on a show for the upcoming celebration.
  • You only manage to find Clukay, who goes on stage as 4You's representative.
  • "It's alright. I'll sing on everyone else's behalf." From the audience seats, you watch as the white-clad Doll confidently goes on stage.
15 The Best Cure For Fear
16 The Radiance Of Unity
  • You accept a request from Nanaka, who wants to re-gather the members of 4You to put on a show for the upcoming celebration.
  • You gather the members of 4You and help them rehearse.
  • 4You's rehearsal goes very well and the celebration is about to begin.
  • "Are you ready?!" "3, 2, 1—" The seats are packed, and you spend the rest of the day in the audience.
17 What A Lively Wind Today
    • You head to the amusement park.
  • You meet Erika, Antonina, Taisch and Persicaria. "This is wonderful, Professor! Come join us!"
  • Erika drags you all from one ride to the next and Antonina's screams fill the sector. "Why are you so familiar with thiiiiissssss!" You are forced to accompany them on their antics in the amusement park all day long.
18 Re-Encounter in 2063
  • You see Riko the merchant hawking her latest wares. "Behold, a mysterious item with marvelous powers! Want to give it a try, Professor?"
  • The box contains two small containers, each containing a different pill. You decide to take the red pill.
  • You awaken from your dream and discover that there is fighting all around you. "...Professor... Wake up!!" "Consciousness stabilized! Professor, are you alright?" As you look at that familiar face, take in the familiar scenery and smell the familiar gun smoke... You realize that you're back at the beginning.
19 Incomparable Elegance
  • Someone blindfolds you as you're walking down the street. "Don't worry, Professor, I just need you to come with us for a bit."
  • You've been kidnapped! The road is a bumpy one...
  • Everything is dark and you have no idea where you've been taken.
  • The blindfold is removed and light returns to your eyes. You find yourself in the Oasis' music hall. "All this time, our shows have been missing a key ingredient. Can you help us supply it, Professor~? The Wish Orchestra gives you puppy-dog eyes as they look at you.
  • You are forced to become Wish's conductor, but it's not a bad thing, no?
20 Griffin Rookie
  • You see Riko the merchant hawking her latest wares. "Behold, a mysterious item with marvelous powers! Want to give it a try, Professor?"
  • The box contains two small containers, each containing a different pill. Choosing is for children! As an adult... You take both pills.
  • You awaken from your dream and see a lively girl in front of you. "This must be your first time in the Griffin Ops Room, how do you find it?" "You're a full-fledged Commander now, so we'll have a little mission afterwards..." Are you going to start all over from this point?!
21 The Legend Of Arnina
  • You find a strange cabinet. It seems to lead to another world.
  • You are engulfed by a snowstorm in the otherworld and lose consciousness.
  • When you wake up, you find yourself surrounded by a bunch of cute kids. "Aw, I didn't get to prank them in time." "Don't prank the Hero! We need their help." "They're not a hero, they're a space pilot!" And so begins your isekai adventure.
22 Welcome To Taisch's Zoo
  • You take part in a lucky draw at a shop and win the third prize; tickets to a haunted zoo.
  • You enter "Taisch's Zoo".
  • "Welcome, Caretaker. Come, hold onto Taisch's hand and explore the zoo with Taisch... However, make sure you follow "Taisch's Zoo Regulations". When the bunnies spot you and start running toward you at high speed..."
  • You spend a long time learning "Taisch's Zoo Regulations" and spend a thrilling day at the zoo.
23 Its Name Is Computer Parts
  • After hearing that the Medical Department will be announcing their new drug, you head over to take a look.
  • "This serum... wait, what did you put into it?!" "You want to know? Just try it and you'll know, Pancake-dear~" A needle suddenly stabs into you and you pass out.
  • "Hehehe, sorry about that, Professor~ Since you've come all this way, do stay a while longer~" "Don't use the Professor as a lab rat!"
24 An Uneventful Day
  • You find Persicaria sound asleep in the Oasis Plaza.
  • Persicaria seems to be sleeping well. Since you haven't had a good rest recently, you decide to stay behind and protect Persicaria.
  • You fall asleep.
  • Professor?" You open your eyes and find yourself face to face with Persicaria. "Pfhahaha... Looks like we both needed a break. Why don't we just spend the day sleeping together, Professor~"
25 Can Cardboard Boxes Be Sneaking Tools?
  • You pass by the training hall and find a badly-wounded Aki. "P-Professor... help... help me..."
  • You enter the training hall and an axe falls from the skies. "Oh? Will you be joining us for training today, Professor?"
  • You're forced to undergo combat training. The first lesson is about how to sneak into a warehouse with a cardboard box.